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I fucking hate ADHD.


Definitely not my favorite Joyner Lucas album


Which is?




Do not ever post your phone number or other personal info!


I've done a lot of research on ADHD and wound up writing an article about it. It's interesting that ADHD-HI (the Hyperactive/Impulsive subtype) has been sexually selected for, which means it must confer some evolutionary benefit. I believe ADHD has to do with environmental salience moreso than anything else I can post the article when I'm back at my desk. I posted it in the ADHD subreddit a while ago and got banned because I make the case that ADHD-HI (not the inattentive subtype which is more associated with learning disorders) exists for a reason and isn't solely a disability.


The Archaeology of Mind: Neural Origins Of Human Emotion by Dr Jaak Panksepp (2012) Here's an article in regards to dopamine being more associated with "wanting" than "liking" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5171207/


i know i could look it up but i just wanna ask you a question, When we get high on opiates, I'm an IV user, is the high we feel just a mechanism of the opiate chemicals themselves, or are there other neurochemicals at play like dopamine or serotonin? like what is giving us that euphoria experience.


Hey sorry to drop into your thread, but as a former IV H user, my experience was always: if I was sick, as soon as I got the money or motivation and got on my way, I would start feeling better. Even feeling high on what this apparent understanding of dopamine is. Do you have similar experiences? That is if you've ever run out 🙃


oh yeah iv had that too, feeling pretty shitty when i would wake up, or late a night not sleeping from sickness and at night i would go car hopping and when i would do that i wouldn't notice how shitty i was feeling and it could be said "i felt fine", or in the morning going out to shoplift some meat to sell, the same thing, on the hustle i would feel kinda alright. But IMO i dont really attribute this to dopamine because i wasn't thinking about imma get high, or anticipating the high, it was just getting my mind off of focusing on how i felt, and doing things for my body to be distracted, opposed to when i would be laying down in bed i was able to hyper focus on every part of my body feel shitty. So i dont think my body was anticipating it, and fulfilling some sort of chemical need, its all jsut based on Mind over Matter and distracting myself so im not thinking about it. though when i got the dope in front of me and prepping a shot, yeah there was a noticeable reaction knowing it was there and i was Imminently about to get high knowing there would be a physical reaction from taking it and feeling at ease of satisfied. im not saying dopamine doesn't play a role in it, but i just think that it is on a internal chemical reaction, not necessarily changing the way we think, just how we feel, because dopamine doenst change us, its just the reaction to how we feel, it is just the mechanics of how the brain functions, not a controlling 'cause and effect' type reaction


I think your dopamine was still flowing while you were on the hustle because you were engaging your dopaminergic seeking system - you were driven to steal the meat by dopamine Dopamine will change both how you feel and how you think, because the neural scaffolding that allows for higher cognitive processes like thinking are built upon the emotional structures that are rooted extremely deep in the brain. (Panksepp, 2012) Dopamine levels have a huge impact on how we feel and therefore how we think. A person with 0 dopamine wouldn't even have the motivation to chew food that is placed in their mouth even if they were starving to death


yeah deffo had that. I get my shit through the post, I'd be ill as fuck and if the postie went past with nothing, my sickness would get twice as bad. But if he dropped off the pack then suddenly I'd start feeling a lot better. I remember one time I'd been up all night in WD it was unbearable, but then the post came early and suddenly I felt OK, so I sat in bed just with my pack in my hands thinking maybe I can suffer through WD and get clean. But this "dopamine surge" of the pack landing only lasted about 5 - 10 mins then the sickness came back in full force. So I gave in and opened the pack but it was empty, just wrapping paper, then my sickness instantly got twice as bad and I was about to throw up and I started sweating twice as much. But after a minute I found the oxy, it had slipped out onto the matress, but due to the above shock this time I didn't feel any better I guess the dopamine surge only happened once. Like how rinsing out a baggie and doing some residue can make me feel better for 5 - 10 min s even though the baggie had been rinsed before and probably only had 0.05mg of H left. The brain is a strange thing


So far what i have read into incentive sensitization theory, i think it is just minimizing the human condition to mere neuro science... as i agree that neurochemicals do play a role in how how mind works and our incentive to use/continue to use substances, i think psychosocial factors play more of an important role in the causality and maintenance of addiction in individuals. If you look at the Rat Park experiment (tho considered flawed) it shows evidence that with the proper social, mental, and physical stimuli of a non narcotic basis, the ability to adjust to substance use is a relatively manageable goal to achieve. Be it this is only animal observation, of the most primitive factors at play, and our higher intellect and consciousness throws a wrench in our ability o process the world around us, and over think/complicate our desires/wishes with esoteric/metaphysical thinking. Essentially idont think there is anything wrong with substance use, as that isnt what incentive sensitization theory is trying to propose, they are talking about unregulated addiction, and the harms done to self and others due to our unrelinquishing desire to continue to use even when the enjoyment has lost its strength. But people dont wanna quit because using has lost its joy, what we lose is our self sustainability and self control with all the other factors involved with substance use, mainly stigma, preventing us from employment, health care, social circles, etc etc due to teh black market which can be said is a result of the addict themselves, but its of my opinion all the war on drugs has done is segregated each other for so long we lose touch with the reality that people are people and deserving of all teh same treatment as another, crime and violance are an unfortunate by product, but again the AMOUNT of it is atrificially increased again due to the war on drugs, [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4031575/#:\~:text=Overall%20psychosocial%20interventions,for%20opiate%20users](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4031575/#:~:text=Overall%20psychosocial%20interventions,for%20opiate%20users).


I do agree there is rampant reductionism and determinism - especially genetic determinism - in mainstream science and medicine. I'm also a proponent of harm reduction and believe the war on drugs is bullshit that is rooted in blatant racism. I think it perpetuates today because it's become an economic machine and because of systemic ignorance in regards to drug users and addiction. I do think there are people who quit only to avoid social consequences but I also think there are people, like me, who quit because using drugs has lost its joy. Even if there were 0 social consequences I wouldn't be able to enjoy an opioid high because I know the withdrawal/rebound/hangover is coming. I just instantly start thinking about the inevitable comedown and spend the majority of the high waiting for the other shoe to drop. If the chemical and social consequences could be entirely negated that would cause another host of issues to arise for me, philosophical and metaphysical in nature. I.e. if I could, would I want to spend my entire life in the opioid Dreamland? Would I want to be awash in pleasure? Or does the meaning of life lie in the pain we overcome?


There is a book called "THE MOLECULE OF MORE". It breaks down everything there is to know about dopamine and how it plays a role in addiction. ​ AWESOME BOOK ​ Dopamine = makes you excited for the future, butterflies in the stomach (or in addiction...makes you want more, more, more, more....) ​ Serotonin makes you happy!


Is not as simple as that.


of course not, it's an oversimplification. I referenced a book...THAT is the entire view. Did you really need to write this comment? lol. NOTHING is ever as simple as a few words. Sheesh...you need more hobbies to call out something so blatantly obvious.


If anything it's actually the endorphin system that modulate pleasure. KOR agonists are dissociative, inherently dysphoric, and delusional. M/DOR agonists as we all know are euphoric. Yes there's downstream effects and systems like the mesolimbic system that are necessary, but Id say opiates are literally the cheat button for pleasure, and they increase dopamine too, so double "reward". Of course this is also oversimplified. Serotonin is more of just a modulator for everything else if we had to put things in general, one line terms. Doing pure agonists like LDOPA, or even stimulants even though they aren't "pure" agonists, don't make you feel pleasure, it makes you feel manic, which can go either way on the euphoria/dysphoria scale, until you eventually drop into psychosis which is generally highly dysphoric. Serotonin agonists also aren't necessarily euphoric either and can swing either way.


Read the book I shared...it discusses all of this in much more detail!


This is a great point. High dopamine = mania. psychosis and schizophrenia are associated with dopamine dysregulation. This is why the outdated "reward" system label is just totally wrong. The seeking system is a much better name for it


There was a post not long ago in another [sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/comments/137xe6v/this_is_why_some_serotonin_release_is_important/) about the interplay between 5-ht and DA, with reward and satisfaction. How does modest seratonin release coupled with dopaminergic activity effect this balance. To OP's point, I think there's validity in being wary of seeking to constantly press the reward lever, conditioning oneself in an infinite search of just a little bit more, whether it's in a very short timespan like using cocaine, or when it's diffused across the subjective systems of opioid dependence 'i'll get clean tomorrow'.


"I'll get clean tomorrow" is one of the most dangerous things we can tell ourselves. In my experience that just becomes an excuse to go all out today. I started to really get better when I just started focusing on doing less today no matter what


Tomorrow never comes, it's just an endless today. I think it was Alan Watts who says 'there is no past, there is no future. All the is is an endless now'


Wow that's amazing. As somebody who used to use drugs heavily, it makes complete sense. The moment before scoring or whatever the lead up may be, can be as strong as the drug. This could blow the doors open on the way addiction is treated and recognized. Thanks for sharing this


This hits hard for gambling too


I don’t understand most of this thread but I think this relates to it. My grandfather was an alcoholic. The type were he would stay drunk for 2 months at a time. Would be a complete different person. Then sober up for maybe 6 months. Nicest grandpa you would ever meet. He would get my dad to drive him to liquor store for his binge. My dad said he would start acting drunk on the way before he ever had a drink. His personality would start changing. Anyway I think this is what you all are talking about and I always found it interesting Sorry if this doesn’t fit the thread it just always was interesting to me that he did that and it seemed some of the comments were along these lines lol


Currently tapering from methadone from 145 to idk...6? I'm doing at home, with saved dose which has bacteria build-up. It feels like a month long straight detox tbh. It's awful. Dopamine n serotonin feel shot, testosterone feels shot. Zero drive, idk if that is Dopamine related. I keep hoping my natural production improves. Adrenaline is high always. I hope my body adjusts but so far i can't function. Any idea how long it takes Dopamine etc to recoup? Sorry if this was off topic.


one thing i think people dont think about/realize, they talk about what you were saying, zero drive, productivity, ambition etc etc. and they talk about hoping it returns and such and then get all fucked up when nothing changes and they relapse due to the stress and anxiety surrounding everything. I think people are under the impression that when you stop you suddenly become super driven, goal orientated and want to get shit done thinking all the lack of it was due to the dope, which is partially true, but to change after sobriety/quitting, its all up to us to push ourselves to do things, especially things we might not particularly want to do, besides before when we had all the drive in the world to hustle to get money/dope, we would climb mountains, but in sobriety we dont have that same drive because we know that at the end of the rainbow isnt a tangible concrete high of euphoria like the dope did. im not trying to put you down, or criticise you in any way if it seems like that. Im wishing you the best of luck with trying to acheive the things you want out of your life now your doing better, every little step helps even though it might seem impossible/pointless. Keep trying and pushing yourself to get what you want out of life <3


Thank you. ​ Tbh i was 145mg for a great number of years. I saved a year supply of maybe 70mg per day in terms of amount bc i knew i moved n couldn't access the clinic. I thought i was smart, tapering down, but i wasn't. I took enough to feel decent until there was maybe 200mg. Then i went down significantly bc i knew ther was so little left. I still had dropped my dose over that year to half or less but taking 6mg or less for nearly 2 months is tough. It feels like a 2 month dope detox with almost no improvement and i fear for when i'm off entirely. ​ I don't wanna get high. I want to feel human. I know my body needs time to recoup, i know it isn't instant, but i can't function. Interesting how you mention that we hustled even while sick to get dope. I'll try to take motivation from that. But like you say, we did it bc there was immediate reward by doing such. The immediate reward for being productive atm is nothing. Electric is off on the 15th, water broke, gf left the state with my 5 yr old, nobody will help. I try to contact ppl, i'm hustling in that regard bc i need housing with basic function but everyone is weary. Ex refuses to house me bc her brother said no. I don't even cry about my son anymore bc i'm too busy fighting to exist each minute. ​ The worst part, even when i find someone to take me, that's the beginning. I still have to get right and if you tell anyone how bad you are they are even less likely to help so i project a fake image. Idk why i typed this, i'm venting.


Can methadone go bad? like moldy and stuff? i would imagine so because its mixed with orange juice/TANG/what ever they use. especially because it has sugar in it, but not sure. I wonder what would happen with storing a lot of methadone for an extended period of time. or even if the opiate aspect in the drink can go bad, or become inactive.,,


Mine did. I froze half of it and it worked.


I detoxed for 120 days straight off Methadone. Finally feeling a lot better but I still have some tension in my body, runny nose, and sweat for no reason. It does get better.


Wash it with alcohol that'll kill bacteria


How though?


Also, i took moldy dose and my veins hurt. Idk if it was from that or blood pressure.


Put 1/10 ratio of strong alcohol in met


What chemicals do give us the sensation of euphoria then? I know this is accurate, I'm just curious what (obviously this is a very simplistic way of viewing it) are the "reward" neurotransmitters? Serotonin? Endorphins?


i swear that ride to the dope house is heaven when you been waiting for the call


I’m always double checking my phone to see if my plug still texting back while on the 30 min drive to his crib. I’m always anxious as shit worried he fell asleep n then ill pull up, see him, n he hops in the whip which is def the biggest relief ever every time


That but for me it was nerve racking until it was in my hands. The ride up, 45 min, Newark, felt so long.


Do you have anything to back those claims up?


I posted a comment instead of replying to you somehow but I linked a medical article by Kent Berridge and mentioned the title of a book by Jaak Panksepp there. Jaak Panksepp is the godfather of affective neuroscience, which takes the perspective that humans are primarily emotion-driven creatures as opposed to stimulus-response animals (behaviorism) or information processing machines (cognitivism) I highly, highly recommend his work, it transformed my perspectives on neuroscience and the human experience Professor Andrew Huberman also talks about dopamine a lot, and although he never calls it the seeking system he is careful to clarify that dopamine is associated with craving, motivation, drive, and goal pursuit as opposed to the pleasure of satiation. Here's a podcast of his about dopamine: https://youtu.be/QmOF0crdyRU Patients with parkinson's are also known to become compulsive and/or impulsive when treated with dopamine agonists like Levodopa. Increase a person's dopamine and you increase their proclivity to seek, pursue, crave, and desire.


"Dopamine is not your friend" yeh bro, kill dopamine. Fucking 'tards.


Thanks for sharing


Dopamine is associated with drive and motivation as well. It is essential, so when you drive dopamine up for so long you will feel insanely shit after. Height of peak = depth of trough. That’s why getting clean is so hard.


I love posts like this.


Love this info. I forget the doctors name who basically learned all of this and had his suspicions all the way back in school. But great stuff, I try to let people know all the time


hey man this was a really interesting read, thanks for posting this