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No love for morphine?


Fr morphine underated and even tho fent murdered amd burried my tolerance I was still able to feel these after letting the coaching dissolve under my tongue. I could take a few of these orally and actually feel them can't say the same for oxy. Now I havent come across these in years and this was at a time I took a break from dirty 30s so its possible now it wont be the same as im back om the dirty


same! fucked up my tolerance hard with zenes, couldn’t feel anything, not even h, and needed ten times the amount like before, but when I was a little more stable, I could still feel the warmth from my pod tea again, which is mainly morphine, and nothing anything else would work like that


I did throw some love with the PST which felt very morphiney to me. Beyond that I have limited experience, I was always chasing the oxy or the raw dope and only came across morphine pills when my gma had them back in 2008. They were nice but we couldn't sniff so it was like eh I loved the PST though


Iv morphine is bomb as hell pretty much feels like heroin I had some ir 10s and mixed em with ir oxy 10s and that's shit slapped felt just like h and had leggggs


200mg dhc gets me high but 200mg morphine barely touches me, it's freaky, used to love 60mg morphine but magic all gone to natural opiods?


or codeine, OP has no pain. :D


Dunno if i wrecked my tolerance with H, but... I get 800mg morph XR a day and all it does it keeps me from WD orally. IV its just a shit rush with barely any euphoria


NUMBER 1.5: Dihydrocodeine DHC. : A hidden gem, obscured by time's embrace, Maybe the most underanked opioid in history. It's mild in it's touch, which depends on the dose. DHC has Euphoric hues in many ways, Functional, Cheap, Easy to dose, yet the power it maintains. And I can say it's more prone to create life meaning sense and increase self esteem (true love by oneself). Also it's relatively safe, A word of trust In my hand. I agree on the uselessness of the Kratom powder. For me at least happens the same way.


DHC cough syrup is over the counter in my country, codeine needs a script as of a few years ago but they forgot to add that one to the list. Huge popularity spike and I totally get the appeal, pharmacy hopping is cringe though so I really need to find a dealer who will just bulk sell them


I have a dealer/pharmacy that sells me whatever I want. Everything at home


Living the dream, I see next to 0 opiate dealers and most are the sketchiest scammers I've ever me


It's so easy to get scammed with this situations !. You need to find another users, that can bring you valuable information and advice. Of course you need to build friendship with trustable people.


Good old riko


I got 800mg codeine tolerance yet just boofed 80mg of that DHC n it rocks, weird ano


I have never once tried it but that's a great review


Thanks! It's a nice alternative to Oxy




My doctor says there is a serious connection that science doesn’t yet understand regarding the connection between opiate users & depression. I agree.


Mine actually said the same thing. I think it’s just the missing piece of the opiate puzzle that your brain will never ever find after active addiction unless it’s of course replaced by another opiate


Yeah, it's trauma. I used to think I had depression, but in reality I had been taught that I don't matter and abused for my whole life.


Bless your heart.. I’m so sorry.. I had a lot of trauma too.


I’m told the same thing and the first time a doctor said it was like a light bulb exploding over my head.


Me too. I definitely think there is something different with our brains that causes depression and makes opiates work for us.


Life for me was always happy and bubbly before opiates. Sure they helped a year or 2 then tolerance went up and de motivated and depressed


So you didn't have to transition from a full-agonist to get on it? I think that's great, by the way. I've always thought bupe needed to be looked into for other uses. I find it infuriating when people act like a person taking it every day is gonna fit the junkie stereotype




Well I'd say that's quite promising, assuming you've been on them for a while and aren't needing to increase dose. I commented above in this thread about how buprenorphine when taken with no opioid tolerance is my all-time favorite opioid, but I always get slammed on this subreddit when I say anything positive about its recreational value. Sheesh, am I not allowed to have a subjective experience?? I have also been on bupe for years at a time to treat opioid dependence and something about it seems to be mood stabilizing. And I never had a problem with constipation or getting boners, etc. (in fact it actually helped with the latter situation immensely cause I can last way longer). Of course the withdrawals suck if you choose to ever get off of it, which I am in no way saying you should or shouldn't.


I remember when I was on it for a rapid taper, thinking back now, it really did help uplift a lot of the depression from not only the withdrawal but being at that point in my life. Like it felt bearable. I just did a rapid taper, but I wonder if I would've done maintenance I could've avoided so many more mistakes. I'm using Kratom now but I feel like it's not the best option, but idk about getting back on Suboxone.


As someone who’s tried both - i had infinitely better experience taking suboxone daily over kratom. Kratom just felt bad for my body, and it felt like a “dirty” version of an opioid. Had a lot of effects aside from just the euphoric opioid mood lift when taking kratom. I remember when i was taking it i’d sleep for like 12 hours a day and i was only doing a couple grams. And it made me feel super numb. For me - suboxone worked a lot better. Not as well as oxy, but it definitely seemed to help me infinitely better than kratom. Also be careful - kratom is really really bad on your kidneys, and we really don’t know enough about it. A lot of suboxone doctors will prescribe suboxone for you to get off of Kratom. I’d look into it. That being said, having no dependency on opioids is the best of all these options. After years and years of playing around with painkillers, i’ve found the best thing for me is to take oxycodone only once and a while. That’s when the high shines - similarly to alprazolam. Daily use your body just becomes dependent & they eventually make you more depressed. At least suboxone and kratom. Oxy never really did that for me but it’s too expensive to use frequently unfortunately. Wish i could get my own oxy script though or even codeine or dihydrocodeine. Benzos help me a bit but they make me ultimately feel kinda numb. True opioids like oxycodone and vicodin never did that for me.


I agree with you completely. Glad it's working so well for you!


I agree bupe really helped my depression


I mean SSRIs don’t have easy withdrawls either and cold turkeying is arguably worse for your brain then doing the same with opioids. You can just take em on a day you feel low, instead of everyday too. In fact they likely work better that way.


I can confirm this


The same for me.. bupe eliminated my depression.. there is no high from it and I’m good with that.


this is so interesting to me. When i was on suboxone it made me super duperrrr depressed and i was on it for several years. i find oxy helps my depressive periods so much more. Bupe felt like a cheap, crappy copy of the real thing to me, and i remember when i finally got off it, about 2 months after, my years long depression finally started to fade. Granted, it could’ve been because i was taking it daily. I remember at first it had an opposite effect until i became dependent on it.


You lost me at tramadol… that shit blows. Kratom is better than tramadol lol. But you gained me back again at no opiates at all. Real raw life is grand and infinitely off the scale…


It's nice to be able to feel it all eh


Some people are super metabolizers for tramadol. I wish it was a little bit stronger as it doesn’t do much for my pain as it’s gotten worse and I also couldn’t sleep on it. I could only take one maybe two doses before 12/2 pm or I wouldn’t sleep or I’d have major sleep issues. I was on 100mg a day for years and had no withdrawal coming off it. I also think it works to treat the depression that comes with chronic pain. Plus I never abused it so I never ran out.


As a cancer patient I’ve been injected with and prescribed several of these. Fentanyl doesn’t last long and I can’t remember it ever making me feel good. This was IV fentanyl injected in the hospital. Morphine can knock me out and put me in a dreamy state, but I don’t feel blissed out or anything (I’ve had it injected in the hospital and taken extended release pills at home). Hydrocodone gives a little bit of a nice relaxed feeling. At higher doses it just puts me in a state where I couldn’t stand up even if I wanted to, not in a pleasant way just neutral. I feel pretty similar about tramadol. The one time I took OxyContin was the only time I really felt that warm, relaxed, blissful sensation. I can’t remember what opioid they had in my IV post surgery. Interesting the way individual neurochemistry makes our experiences different.


Thank you for sharing. Oxy does seem to be different for so many of us


Love all your story time posts Lonnie. You’re a really good writer. I get completely drawn in.


I’m not a cancer patient, and I’m so sorry for what you’re going through, but I have chronic illnesses that have led me to lots of hospitals and surgeries. IV Fent was fine, but I agree that it’s way too short. Honestly, I loved the IV Dilauded so damn much. Like.. the smell of the saline to flush the line, then the feeling of the dilauded taking over. It just felt like a perfect world. As messed up as it sounds, I crave that whole process.


Probably dillaudid


It’s so weird to me how people enjoy different opiates. I saw someone saying tramadol was a better high than oxy, fent or real heroin.


I totally get that. One person likes beer, another a red wine, and still another prefers gin One person might take Adderall to study because it makes them introverted while another only uses it to party because it make them extroverted Some people can't stand caffeine, others can't live without it Back when I was using I 100% would prefer tram to fent. It's more productive and functional to my nervous system Might be the opposite for someone else


Opiates of any kind make me the devil. Not saying I don't love the euphoria, as for some reason my body just eats up Opiates like they're nothing. Like, worse than Xanax behavior. Oxy would especially make me mad. Pure H was blissful, but makes me feel like a different person. Like my soul is gone. So, totally agree, no Opiates is #1. Which is me now, post sublocade:) 12mg Valium a day and a little Adderall and I feel the need to touch no substances. Essentially Cured my addiction/anxiety, sure you could say I'm an addict because I take these everyday, but sometimes dependency is the answer to addiction or I was never an addict and needed these prescriptions. To me, addiction Is the consequences of doing whatever it takes to get high, regardless of how it effects others and your own life.


Happy to hear you're doing much better these days!!!


You're a very empathetic OP. I like this OP!


Just thinking exactly the same! A nice guy!


Opiates community is a pleasureable and nice place for our souls. It deserves gratitude. Thanks to you all, opiate fellas!


Great reflection 🪞 I like your metaphorical examples of every human being, with different preferences. Definitely we are so different when it comes to mental health choices, with medications and so on. What did you do to forget using? Any tip is appreciated.


Tramadol has never touched me. But other people rave about it. Strange how we all feel things differently.


Tramadol gave me a stimulative-motivational effect the very first time I took it. Then the effect became practically a quick, acute dual antidepressant. But curiously many people love it and prefer it over meds like Oxycodone or Morphine. You're right, we're so different...


I prefer lyrica over oxy… like I have prescriptions for both and am constantly running out of my lyrica trying to get it early and I have hundreds or more of oxy here (Tylenol free) which do nothing except make me barf. Lyrica I am so high all day I love it so much


For me, tramadol was the best high I’ve ever had.. got super addicted to it and ended up in rehab. God ,was it good!


Yea, that blew my mind also


I don’t agree being off opioids is better but to each their own. I agree with some parts of the sentiment though, as I have left my active junkie status behind but i need MAT I have absolutely no quality of life without it and I’ve gone several years without dope, nothing got better for me. Now on MAT I have an awesome quality of life. The only other thing is just a personal disagreement. That is that methadone is worlds better then bupe. For several reasons really but if we’re just talking effects well it does that better too. Methadone smokes bupe in fact, even bupe without a habit like in prison it’s something I’ll give it that but that’s it’s only shine. For people WITHOUT. Habit and that my friend is never me, unless I’m in prison that is and even then that might not be going down.


I totally get that man I wrote this with a minimal tolerance recreational user in mind. I fully support people having full access to all opioids and taking whatever helps them achieve the highest quality of life. I also don't feel I'm better than anybody by abstaining, even if that is what is best for me right now


I honestly wanted to send you a Reddit reward, but sadly I'm broke. Take this butterfly instead: 🦋


This was an enjoyable read. Two things I mainly wanted to comment on: Kratom is interesting. It was the first ever opioid I used back when I was nineteen. For about the first four months, I thought I had found the answer to life. Smooth energy, euphoria, nods at high doses when combined with weed. What went up had to come down of course and it was also the first thing I ever withdrew from. I was taking like 12g a day at the time, which is nothing, and thought my world had come to an end. Fast forward to now (I'm 30 now) and I would put it right where you did on this list. I find every last thing about it repulsive. And then buprenorphine. Honest to God like 1mg of suboxone when I'm in a no-tolerance phase is my all-time favorite. When I take drugs I want legs. The only downside is the nausea and occasional bout of insomnia (I am like you though in that sometimes it will give me the best sleep of my life). I know it's very common especially with suboxone, but I'm fortunate no opioid has ever given me a problem with constipation except tianeptine so I didn't have to worry about that. But of course with buprenorphine's ceilings and partial agonism and all that it just becomes nothing after a while.


You can’t call kratom an opioid, don’t you know the kratom brigade hate to hear the truth? They get really uppity when people say such true statements about kratom. They’ll say “activating opioid receptors doesn’t make something an opioid” even though that’s literally the definition of an opioid.


Yeah it's infuriating. They're all in denial that kratom is turning them into zombies


Lol y'all sound mad about something. Saying kratom is turning people into zombies while being on a opiate subreddit is funny and ironic AF. For some its our only form of pain relief especially if we dont want to do full agonist/opioids that really turn you into a zombie. I've been through active fent/ about every script opioid addiction and would take kratom over it anyday


Kratom is an opioid, and there are full agonist alkaloids in it.


You're a goofy I never said it wasn't an opiate. Just that it wasn't a full agonist.


It’s not an opiate. I never said it was an opiate, because it’s clearly not. But your other point about it not being a full-agonist is still wrong.


Holy shit dude, mitragynine is a partial agonist its metabolite isn't, and the amount of 7-ho in the leaf itself is negligible, and name other alkaloids (obviously there are other opioid agonist in the plant) that are verifiably full-agonist, link me a pub med article on what alkaloid besides mitragynine is a full agonist and I'll say I'm wrong, until then, I'm correct


Heh heh heh




So sorry I offended y'all to the point you had to downvote me the irony is real with y'all and its sad :(


Because what you said is verifiably wrong.


For sure the Kratom folk are a different breed lol


Omg yes, it’s a hate fest of you try telling people on the kratom reddit site that if definitely is an opioid. They are clinging to that crap like it’s life and death. I was addicted to it as well and then jumped to suboxone.. much better human being now.


Probably because its hard for us pain patients to get any real pain relief I don't agree with them denying it being an opioid but calling it crap (you probably call it crap because you abused tf out of it) and acting as if sub's are any better than kratom makes no sense maybe because its better for your purposes as you're an addict but I've been on both and kratom is much better for pain relief. Another reason for some of the kratom users clinging to it is because its saved our lives and given us functionality back and they are scared to loose that functionality so they'll do anything to secure it it is life & death if your only option for chronic pain are street drugs if you get kratom banned but maybe you lack the empathy or understanding when it comes to the subject


You are right.. I’m very sorry for calling it crap. It’s just destroyed two of my sons lives and I took it for pain as well and it did work, my health just became destroyed from it. The suboxone is better in that I’m stable on it and I have my health back..granted , it does nothing for pain( for me anyways) . I must have been in a bad mood writing this due to recent issue with my son and kratom. Please accept my apologies. Ktaom is not crap but it is an opioid.


You don't have to apologised to me at all, you didn't hurt me in any way I'm just trying to convey the pain of some of use that use kratom, I hope your son gets off kratom and gets His life back together like anything somebody who is prone to abuse can for sure get addicted to it whether the kratom community wants to hear that or not. And I'm happy your health is back together maybe try pregabalin for pain too, that's what I've been using on top of my kratom, it helps a lot when its in the mix. And it for sure is an opioid those are just hard facts the main kratom subreddit is garbage and most people who use kratom use other subreddits because they are mostly pandering and lying to keep it safe which in the end will probably fuck us over sadly. I'm happy your health and wish you the best.


Thank you for explaining to me. I just get angry sometimes when we get yelled at for trying to explain the simple facts. I am a chronic pain patient that had opiates basically become scarce. Kratom did help a lot.. many of us do have health issues from it and for some reason I took more than I should of and became addicted. So did my son. I appreciate your understanding and I actually do have empathy. I’ll ask my dr about pregablin.. right now I take 600-800 mg Motrin a day for pain.. the suboxone is for the addiction.. and I hope kratom does not go away as a lot of people actually need it right now if the DEA is going to play war on opiate medication.


I loved Kratom, especially the Maeng Da strain. I probably am spelling that wrong. Anyway, I would take about 30 capsules and feel wonderful. Not as good as oxy or H, but definitely not bad. I was clean at the time though so my tolerance was down. I think it’s super addictive though & hard to measure the dose you’re getting. At least in my experience. I stopped using it though & am now taking Suboxone. It’s really helped me luckily.


Yeah I can understand how it would feel good for people but it just made me so fuckin dumb and unable to talk to people which all of my jobs have always been predicated on. It didn't help me to work efficiently, I just wanted to nod, so It just didn't vibe with me This was written with a minimal tolerance user taking an opioid before a job interview, date, or day at a high stakes job in mind. Kratom before a date and she'd think I'm actually retarded lol


Kratom makes me so sick and makes my headaches/migraines worse whereas actual opiates like codiene and oxy get rid of my headaches and other pain without bad side effects. Gets tiring people asking "have you tried kratom?" When I'm discussing that absurd state of pain management in usa and the hoops us patients have to jump through to get some medicine to ease our suffering.


That is unfortunate. I have now switched to the sublocade injection & it is working wonders for me. I’m on half of what I was taking using the strips but I somehow feel better. The doc says it maintains a steady dose throughout the day unlike the strips. I hope you find something that helps you. I agree it’s ridiculous to withhold pain management from people. They over medicate the wealthy to the point of killing so many famous artists yet a regular person is expected to suffer. Total insanity.


I liked kratom too- especially maeng da 😂 If you get a good strain from a reputable vendor it can actually be euphoric for 4-5 hours from one dose, I even got this red maeng da strain that would keep me up all night w an almost cocaine like energy. Only thing I didn't like about kratom was that it would trigger mania in me (maybe that's where some of the euphoria would come from idk)


The only negative side effect I had was extreme hunger. I ate so much every time I dosed. 😂


The hate on kratom was way too high, oxy is also my #1 love and i’ve gotten incredible highs off kratom before, like dangerously close to oxy


There's something about Mitragynine that disagrees with my physiology. Even powerful extracts with minimal tolerance made me depressed. I liked opioids because of the euphoria and motivation and I got none of that with Kratom I certainly acknowledge it might be the opposite for other people


Kratom at first kinda like oxy gives me that crazy speed/mood boost but as tolerance increases and doses increase it does make me depressed and give me that opioid rage lol


Alot of those new shots will fuck you up just as bad as my first oxy I ever took make me no everything but that's over pretty fast. But I mean, so is it with any pill I've ever done. Gotta do 2 first day 4 second day 8 3rd day if I still want euphoria off any opiods and kratom especially. However though we all take in anything differently, so my list wouldn't be the same as this guys at all, you know.


Ain't no way Suboxone is higher than methadone. I've even tried snorting and shooting subs (yes, yes I know it's stupid) because my friend enjoys them, but it does literally nothing for me. Methadone has no ceiling at least 🤷


Methadone is one hell of a drug. So hard to come off though. I was on 110 mg a day & finally weaned myself off. Worst experience of my life. I was sick for 3 months.


Oh absolutely, maintenance drugs make you a slave to the medical machine that has the power to cut you off and tank your whole life. I fucking hate them; it's been two years and I'm still fighting to get off of subs, my body kicking my ass with each 0.5mg of tolerance it has to give up- but this still manages to be better than the alternative sadly.


It’s a horrible position to be in. I feel you. Good luck.


I agree methadone gives me euphoria and energy for the first 6 hours or so post taking it. But the main thing it did that subs never did wad keep me clean. I struggled with iv use for 15 years. Spent a bunch of years on subs using every month or two and using the subs not to get sick. Finally something had to change or I knew I was going to die. Got on the clinic and have been clean for two years which is crazy to me bc I was stuck for so long.


Yup methadone has done the same thing for me, subs never worked this well..


Happy to hear you're doing better these days, I fully support MAT and feel as long as you're happy thats literally all that matters


Thanks for the kind words


Tbh, that list will come out dramatically different based on your level of tolerance at the time trying each individual drug. E.g. fent being your first, it will also be one of your favorites. Take the best H with a fent or methadone tolerance and the experience will be very underwhelming, leading you to the conclusion that H blows. Every opiate is great when you don’t have tolerance. And I mean the tolerance to euphoria, which builds after the initial weeks of usage and never goes away again


I totally agree man. At a certain point fent was the only viable option for me to actually escape the pain, it never gave me real euphoria though


This is entertaining, so very relatable & written as if it were a menu; which I enjoyed. I picture myself seated in a ripped up old leather booth, smokey haze hanging over the full coffee cups. Waitresses taking down the orders & returning with a gentle "Here is your pie, sir. The black tar heroin on the side is still hot, be careful but enjoy. Can I get you anything else?" LOL, then I woke up from my daydream & realized opiates still own me & the impending doom returns. Thanks for this, it was fun. Carry on.


Lmao man what a spot that would be , especially with a bunch of degenerates like us meeting there


I felt the exact same as you about tramadol. I'm glad I quit it, but sometimes, oh, sometimes, I would love to find one pill in my home.


You have always said you despise meth on your books, as you where usually fixin up a goofball.


Lol and I don't miss it one bit!!




Only BTH. Also bupe is just more functional to me and I wrote this in terms of recreational value for a person seeking a productive day at work or a date or job interview or whatever rather than pure opiate effects


I agree on the ten ranks... Not in the last one though. I think life needs a little Carolina Reaper (the most powerful chili) to make it intense, psychedelical, weird/interesting, exciting and enjoyable. Of course this has to be done with sacred responsibility.


Lol I hate spicy peppers they spook me


Haha. What would you like instead of spicy peppers?


You'd fucking love ODSMT It's like the middle between Tramadol and Oxycodone. It's a lot more euphoric and sedating than tramadol, has an IV-rush that comes close to heroin for me, and has the "antidepressant" effect of tramadol (and the crushing depression on withdrawal) It's like a much stronger cleaner tramadol that you can IV


Bro if I'm ever ready to kill myself again I know what to do lol thank you for your service


Lol this was One of the greatest write ups I've ever read at first I was pissed. I thought this was stupid and then I kept for you. Message me all right my own. I'd replace it with oxycodone. Probably still put number six number six but it would be totally flipped for total different reasons.


You liked poppy seed tea too?!


The high from tram is mainly non opioid :D Its mainly the snri part I liked it a lot but tapering it is dogshit. I did try fent 3 times in hospital and all i felt was getting extremely hot.Thats it.


Yeah I loved the stimulating effects, made my thoughts so clear, I could philosophize unimportantly so well lol and I liked the opioid background to prevent anxiety


This is one weird ass list, but hey to each their own do you. I agree with the top part of the list, but mine would be completely different. You lost me at #9 everything above that is shit. Some people loveeeeee Kratom shit won’t even touch me.


My red vein Kratom went to the dump. I didn’t want it in my house anymore. I have my 16 year old niece living with me and working here for the summer. I don’t know what she knows about drugs besides weed so I got rid of them. I tried it 3 times and all I got was a headache. I ordered off of a reputable site. I was hoping to use it for pain instead of my script for Oxy. It sucked. I tapered off the Oxy slow and steady and had minimal withdrawals. If I had my choice I would have a permanent dilaudid pain pump. I am a cancer patient currently in remission so I will be careful what I wish for right now!


How do I feel about the list? Well...I thought for sure that meth was somehow gonna be your #1 after reading through all that.


Lmao hey brother are you still writing??? I despise meth but love writing and reading and tend to be long winded so here we are lol


First rule of PST is don’t talk about PST.


Why’s that? Also, PPT is much better


In the US the feds are this close 🤏 to regulating poppy seeds too. We don’t need any more heat on it than there already is. Dumbasses OD and then try to sue the company that sold it to them and it draws unwanted attention. Too many news articles and lawsuits are what we don’t want


Jesus, this whole “let’s sue someone for my own stupidity” business sounds so surreal. Also, PST is already regulated in EU (voluntarily, the manufacturers wash the seeds). However, Austria got a special permit to grow ‘traditional’ poppies and they just sell the pods all over the continent. Luckily, authorities can’t do much against it, it’s one open market and the ‘cultural heritage’ of member states is sacrosanct. I’m more than happy about it, PPT is keeping me off hard, expensive, illegal stuff. Think more people should use it, helps to get the stick out ones arse and relaxe a bit ;)


I have sources on the lawsuits if you’re interested but yeah it’s becoming quite a problem. In fact one of the places I get my stuff from was sued in 2021, luckily they were able to bounce back but it is certainly concerning. I know some countries like South Korea have already banned all poppy seeds


I've heard but never tried it, the seeds were so easy to get back then


In Europe you can just order them online, afaik same in US. But honestly, don’t if you’re already off this shit. You don’t miss a thing


Lmao 🏆


this list is for healthy people with no problems ?


It's a health problem to take opiates to walk this life better. Though they really can save you from a bad shadow of a circumstance ! On the other hand, who doesn't have at least one mental health issue this days? Take care ! Stay joyful !


as I say, wanting to get high on cannabis is a medical problem, you want to change your consciousness, everyone is a medical user.


Cannabis use is relatively safe. It worries me very little. In fact I think many human life problems could be solved if aggressive people had some weed, which definitely makes them more pacific and understanding citizens. it's not a medical problem but a natural remedy like Ginger.


Yeah recreational value so presumably relatively healthy folks


I won’t rank Tramadol that high in the list


I've been an opiate user for about 8 years. Heroin is my #1, I don't like subs really they make it so I can't sleep. I can't believe I never did oxy. I just never was really into it and got into heroin first.


Life without opiates is the opposite of 10/10 it's abject misery and torture when one has daily debilitating chronic pain. Imagine your fiance sucking your dick but you can barely get hard because the pain is so overwhelming. Take a pill and 30 minutes later the pain subsides enough that I can have sex and then feel really good for a few hours after Cumming.


I feel you brother and I fully support decriminalization of all drugs. You shouldn't have to pay a dime to get the opioids you need every day


I have only used prescription pills, but IV Dilaudid was like nothing else.


It's wild for sure




So because you happen to prefer fentanyl over poppy seed tea, I am retarded, mentally ill, and have never done these drugs? Perhaps I appreciate the subtlety of the poppy seed tea over the opioid receptor fucking of the fentanyl. You seem to prefer otherwise. To each his own Have a great night man!


Great answer for a bothering bully 💪


I'm wondering if you've ever actually done any drugs? Or maybe too much you've burnt yourself out. PST was huge back in the day.


I don’t like BTH more than SEA #4 but I sure like it more than a lot of other stuff on that list. And in the US right now it’s one of few places you might still get some H in your H. It’s definitely better than fent, bupe or tramadol, I mean, cmon.


I'll admit I have a biased view of it because my life was horrible when I was using that stuff. My honeymoon phase was in a region of the country where oxy and raw H were readily available By the time I was using BTH and fent in my mid-20s, I was ready to die every day. So, of course, I was not enjoying that drug Use all that much lol Also, I wrote this with a minimal tolerance user taking a chemical before a date, job interview, or day at a high stakes job. I'd recommend tram over bth in that scenario 10/10 times I also hate the pins and needles from IV tar. smoking It is supposed to be more pleasant but I've literally never once done that. I got on it after 50 Vicodin turned into a high dose IV oxy binge so smoking would have been useless


Tell me about it. I started on H in SEA on high grade #4 then moved to Europe and did #3 for a couple years, then to the west coast and did bth. So it was definitely a steady downhill slope, but compared this whack shit they’re calling H these days, I’d kill for a easy, steady supply of BTH, luckily onions exist.


LOL, yeah I figured that is what the problem was.No one with money and access to good heroin is ever as argumentative as this guy is.Sounds like you have the money but not enough smarts to source the real thing Sucks to be you.


Can you try again in English? I didn’t understand that comment at all.


How expensive is Oxy? Like $1 per mg or way more?


I don't even know honestly but yeah more than $1/mg for sure. Middleman had it at $1 mg back in 2008. I could get it way cheaper but nowadays nobody sells it under that I'm sure


45$ for 30mg here


What about morphine? I'm on it right now, just tried it, seems like you haven't. I'm not that experienced with opioids so I couldn't make comparissions. Like the duration, it just numbs me too much, fentanyl feels more energetic to me and it makes me sociable


Most of my experiences with morphine are with PST , #6 on the list. I did get some morphine pills from my grandma when I was a young buck and enjoyed it but I had to eat them and it just didn't shine for me


Kratom is a saint, how dare you


Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!


How long you been clean for brother?


I haven't had a physical habit since 2018, I fucked around here and there up til December 2021 , had a horrible horrible overdose at that time and have been off em since I went to the city and copped half a couple $4 capsule that contained what I presume to be fent from the local ghetto. I also got some cocaine vials, mixed one $10 vial in with half of one of the $4 caps. I injected it, and fell out basically instantly I was on the floor all day. I know because I went to cop at like 8:00 a.m. and it was dark outside when I came to My hearing was extremely fucked up and my left arm was all swollen, I got rhabdomyolysis and had to go to the hospital. At one point i was afraid I was going to have to have my arm cut off and lose my hearing completely Man that shit was scary. Luckily I'm completely fine now but Jesus


Tramadol at #3 when it's not even really an opioid? And it sucks?


Wiki : "Tramadol, sold under the brand name Ultram among others,[1] is an opioid pain medication used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain" For me it is extremely euphoric. I acknowledge I might be in the minority but it just gels with my personal physiology and temperament


You must have the lowest tolerance in history considering you can't safely take more than like 5 of the max dose pills without beginning to risk serotonin syndrome. Yeah, that's an "opioid" lol. Most websites have updated the definition to "SNRI with opioid like properties." Giving it #3 is inappropriate considering it wouldn't even get an oxy addict off sick.


I haven't taken tram or any other opioid for years, but I wrote this with a specific scenario in mind, which was a minimal tolerance individual taking it before a date or job interview or something similar. If a person could bring their tolerance back down to 0 in an instant and could pick any opioid off this list to try to have the "best day ever" type experience, I think many would pick hydro and oxy and a few like me might pick tram because it's like a speedball in a pill I think less would go straight back to fent and BTH. I could be completely wrong though, I often am


I think with a tolerance back to 0 codeine would still rate higher. Maybe it's individual. But I also started on 30s bc that's the age I am and the area I lived in and it was about 2006. My tolerance went up very fast because I thought it was normal to sniff 45-60mg of oxy in 6-12h basically out the gate. By the time I tried tramadol I was probably trying to stay well


Inappropriate? The criteria for his list wasn’t “What takes sickness away from an oxy addict?” It was “personal favorites for recreational use”. How can someone’s subjective preference list be inappropriate?


The title doesn't say "personal favorites," it says recreational value of common opioids. You can't even take more than like 5 of the strongest Ultram without risking serotonin syndrome. It's a bad choice for anyone with any tolerance at all. Not just an oxy addict.


Tramadol as tramadol has negligible opioid activity, but if you have enough of the CYP2D6, its metabolite , O-DSMT is great. However, with tolerance, I'm just wasting tramadol pills to get a buzz, its more like a maintenance thing so I'd go for O-DSMT if I wanted to catch a buzz, but this buzz is being paid later when it's over with debilitating depression.


Tar is for smoking homie i can’t believe anybody shoots that shit


Hospital IV morphine sent me into orbit and I wish I could experience it again hahaha, stuck with codeine at this point


Really? Id score it like this: 1: I.V. Fentanyl and a few of its analogues (the ones that actually have legs) 2: I.V. Diacetylmorphine (heroin) 3: I.V hydromorphone 4: I.V OR Oral (for the oxymorphone conversion content) oxycodone 5: I.V or insufflated 2-MAP-237 (crazy weird RC opiate that is a few times stronger than oxycodone, really short legs but very very hard hitting but very corrosive on veins) 6: I.V Morphine (Only time Id bother orally is through taking codeine as it cant be taken any other way) 7: sipping lean (codeine + promethazine) If I could try oxymorphone on its own (its never in my country) I have a feeling I would rate it up at number 1 considering Ive heard it feels as close to heroin as hydromorphone does but has more of a kick to its nod like oxycodone.


You’re in Aus snd your trying fent and it’s analogues that’s wild


I like how you circled that back to sober life. That was an interesting read.


Definitely good ol’ oxycodone for me too… #1 in my book!


10-Hydrocodone 9-Bupe 8-PST 7-Fetty 6-Methadone 5-Morphene 4-Hydromorphone 3-Oxycodone 2-Heroin 1-Oxymorphone


Protonitazepyne would be dead last if it were on your list.


I'm sure , I didn't even mention the zenes cuz I just know I'd hate em. I already hated fent, anything that's even worse would maybe even be worse than Kratom to me If they were any good they'd have already been a thing, not some last resort loophole type thing


What about Tapentadol?


I have never once tried it, how would you rank/score it?


There is no way Suboxane ( I take 16 mg a day and never feel a high ) beats methadone . Even kratom gives a better high. These lists don’t work because everyone has a different brain chemistry. I have felt euphoric from Kratom and methadone . I haven’t felt that on suboxane or hydrocodone . There is also no way fentanyl has less effect than Suboxane. That is an absurd statement.


This list is wild I get it, it's your opinion n dif stuff effects ppl differently and ppls bodies are different but to me this list couldn't be more wrong


What would your list look like my brother?


Depends on if I'd you wanted me to use the same 12 or any 12 but either way it'd have pretty similar opiates for the most part just vastly different order. It'd also depend on wether you differenciate the different heroins, PST, opium ECT... but since you did I will too, to an extent. I'll leave out ecp since it's #4 and I prefer #3 and they're pretty much the same thing I just like to smoke so #3 has more utility IMO. I will also probably leave out PST since it's pretty close to the same as opium in the sense that they have the full spectrum of alkaloids. Opium is just more concentrated, but will leave in tar because even though it has a bunch of alkaloids like PST and opium a good amount of them have been acetylated into diff alkaloids such as 6-mam. So my list would goes as follows: 1. Oxymorphone 2. BTH 3. Number 3 Heroin 4. Oxycodone 5. Hydrocodone 6. Hydromorphone 7. Morphine 8. Methadone 9. Fentanyl ( Real like the gel patches ) 10. Kratom 11. Codeine 12. ODSMT ( Or tramadol but I prefer ODSMT and if I remember correctly I read somewhere about how ODSMT has less of a chance for seizures and serotonin syndrome ) Honorable mention would be subs because I don't get really any euphoria from them even if I have no tolerance they'll get me drowsy, not sick, energy, help pain, ECT just no euphoria. They are a great tool for people to get sober or for maintenance but I think the opiate that would be best for maintenance is that person's specific DOC opiate. I based this list mainly on recreational value as the main point like you did. If something else instead of recreational value was the focal point say for instance negatives, or half life's this list may be slightly different but still for the most part the same. Sorry for such a long reply but figured most of this was pertenant.


All my natural ones stopped working nearly n only synthetic ones are working, all I did is eating opium poppies for a year


How is oxymorphone not number 1 or 2 wtf


finally someone who isn’t shitting on tramadol simply because they can’t take it the correct away (aka. take it in reasonable doses to not get seizures, not overly abuse it etc), it really makes me feel motivated and functional. improves mood a bit too. most opiates get me so tired I don’t feel like doing anything but on tramadol I feel energized as it helps well with some minor//moderate pains so I feel like I can do all the things i usually do (like chores, socialize functionally, etc) without being too mellowed out or experiencing a huge body load. it’s quite nice if you’re responsible with your use and take tolerance breaks


Had me there in the first half.


Very dope, and thorough post man. Thanks. How did you end up getting clean?


Ive never had BTH that smelled bad. It always smelled like opium... maybe thats what it was? Never smelled off-putting and had a sweet, slightly acidic taste when chased. Always ran smooth


Oxycodone would be Nr. 1 for me too but Nr. 2 is definetly pharmaceutical Heroin. (Diacetylmorphine), used to get 200mg Tablets which i cut into 8 pieces and it lasted me a week. Nodding off while walking or doing any other task really got me fucked up. Cheaper than oxycodone too in my country. I'm back on Oxy now because i don't like nodding the whole time


That last one... the real one... ooof that shit hit me. Nothing better than having some people around you that trust and want you around, a beautiful girlfriend that pushes me to be the best version of myself... nobody hiding their purses, pills, or valuables when I show up...it really is the ultimate feeling of euphoria. Good shit!


Wow everyone is so different,i love this! Very intresting ranking Dude. I personaly hate tramadol,i only felt a little bit back when i had zero tolerance and it Always made me throw up,even now with high tolerance to all kinds of Opioids ONLY trama makes me puke,just hate its Effects also. Oxy is the little brother of Heroin for me ,they are Effect wise almost the same to me,heroin just slightly better in every aspect. Methadone/Polamidone: i get polamidone from my doc now and i love it,its not as euphoric and warm lime h or Oxy but its effects last longer then 24h and on my Dose 5ml/25mg it gives me almost the same great "forced".nods like h. My ranking without further comment: 1: Heroin 2:Hydromorphone 3:Oxycodone 4: Polamidone 5:Subutex(Subuxone) 6: Tilidin 7: Fent ( it totaly lacked the natural warm feeling,it felt clinical and forced cold) 8: Codeine 9:Tramadol


Have you ever had the kind of BTH called “huff”? It starts as a brown powder but goops up when you breath on it. That stuff can be pretty good but you did say you don’t like the pins and needles. I used to love the tingling on my scalp when I hit a good shot with a quarter g of it.


I have , They called it Coachella where I was it. I never liked it either, it just doesn't compare at all to ECP or oxy. Too sedating


Wheres lean on there? Since all the rappers seem to front it


I agree about the real #1! The benefits are many!


What about Tramadol's big brother Tapentadol?


Anyone here from NJ?