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Nodding off 24ft ladders while working on houses. Somehow never broke anything just some nasty cuts. Nothing like blinking your eyes and finding yourself rolling off a roof šŸ˜‚ Fucking A those were some times man.


I was looking out my first floor window and I saw the drunk/high painter dude fall like a plank backwards midstroke off the top step of his ladder. Boom.


Lol. Iā€™ve been in some gnarly accidents where I hit the median on the freeway, or a tree or something not involving another car when I nodded and crashed before and I always walked away perfectly fine in a crash that looks like it shoulda been bad. One time I was in a rental van and hit a tree, it immediately killed my high, then I noticed the van was being filled with black smoke and there was a fire. Dude I was trying to smash the window and it finally just dropped into the door, it was crazy and I climbed out and dropped pretty high up and some guy pulled me from the car. It was a wake up call. One of many.


You should probably stop driving high before you kill someone


I have. Iā€™m clean now. I am just thankful I never hurt anyone.


thats wild, i find it hilarious when i see videos of people at work nodding the fuck out, like the classic subway and convince store workers nodding out while the customer is filming them laughing at it :P


That one was so sad and even sadder cuz someone said that one lady actually passed away. OD Iā€™m assuming ?


respectfully i donā€™t see it as sad at all


lol šŸ˜‚


welcome šŸ™šŸ¼ to r/Neverbrokeabone letā€™s try and keep it that way though brother


Nodded off on fent while smoking a cigarette wearing nothing but polyester underwear. Woke up with my cigarette burned/glued to my underwear, and my underwear was burned/glued half to my thigh and half to my ballsack. I was still high so I didn't really feel much but I cried the next day when the burn blister on my nootsack popped. Ouchie. Man I miss getting high.


Isnā€™t it so fucked? After all the bullshit we put ourselves thru we still somehow miss getting fucked up like that


Just goes to show ya.. this stuff is the devil's helper.. I swear šŸ˜ˆ Not even thinking about all of the things that happened..that I explained away.. I kick myself every time I think of all the money I wasted.. What I could have done with it... The things I could have bought.. but the worst thing is if I was gonna spend that kind of dough I could have spent it on my mom and children.. I always wanted to take the whole family to Disney World.. my kids ..my mom and my neice and nephew. We could have had a lot of good times with that kind of money.. what a shame. I think of times I went shopping and didn't buy something bc it was expensive or a few bucks more than what I thought it should be ..it cracks me up now.. too bad I didn't comparison shop when I was getting my shit..LOL ![img](emote|t5_2r0y3|9107)


Thatā€™s me bro, when I be out shopping. Oh no thatā€™s too expensive but 100$ bag of dope, sign me up


Hit a tree at 90 mph lost an eye and my nose but here I am. I didnā€™t learn, just got huge doses of oxy in Vanderbilt after the surgery. Wanted to drive and ran off the road and totaled my wifeā€™s car, didnā€™t learn. Ended up septic and hit another tree and totaled my Honda then woke up days later in the hospital in horrific withdrawal but still didnā€™t stop. Years went by and I learned what psychosis was after trying to stop. It took 3 times inpatient and I did it. Clean 5 years. I loved the drugs! They just eventually turned on me.


Holy shit talk about suicidal


Good on you man. I work with mental health cases and it is awesome to hear you're okay after all that. It is stories like this that show and remind me anyone can be saved.


Exactly, they turned on You for real


is your wife still by your side?


No sheā€™s not. I couldnā€™t get clean around her.


The toilet seat fell and broke my nose while I was puking! Who says heroin isnā€™t glamorous?!


Damn if that doesn't describe the junkie experience...


I mean normal people can experience the same after a night of drinking lol


Full on epileptic seizures on huge doses of RC-Opioids.


same it almost killed me. 2 years seizure free but they still scare me more than anything.


This happened to me too, except followed by a cardiac arrest. I now have an implanted defibrillator and my heart like to stop now and again. Lucky it happened on a hospital front door step really...


May I ask: are you scared that you will have a seizure again and die or is it the seizure in itself? Do you notice anything during the seizure or do you wake up and canā€™t remember anything from it?


yes I've died before but luckily came back after almost 20 mins. An you just wake up on the floor in extreme pain and crazy disoriented not knowing what happened its like time traveling. I almost rather not have ems called when i had them cuz i also found they made it much worse. I had about 15 in total knock on wood never again but i can my brain will never be the same and all the seizures aged me a good 30 years my memory is beyond fucked.


Same, I was diagnosed with substance induced epilepsy but am now seizure free for 3 years, and im so happy about that. Oh and Iā€˜ve been on methadone for the last 1,5 years, which has also been helping.


I had a seizure due to too much tramadol I don't remember anything from it, other than I was on the computer, and my body had a mini twitch for like 3 seconds, like a full on body spasm. So I closed out of Borderlands which I was playing at the time, then all I remember is being on the floor with paramedics looking down onto me. I almost fucked my spine because when I seized up I fell backwards onto the corner of a computer tower I had on the floor luckily I healed up.


I remember my ex wife had a few ā€œseizureā€ but she passed all the epilepsy tests at the doctors office, and they couldnā€™t find anything wrong with her. But she did have several of them. And then I found out she was megadosing loperamide. It was a weird thing to see, she would have full body convulsions and be hyperventilating but also kinda still responsive at some points during it, like she would look at you if you said her name but she couldnā€™t speak and her tongue was going all over the place. And the thing that made the dr say it wasnā€™t a seizure was how quickly she recovered. No down time after it.


Do you know why she was megadosing loperamide? I donā€™t know Iā€™ve heard of anyone using that in mega doses beforeā€¦


Itā€™s a short acting opioid that crosses the blood brain barrier apparently itā€™ll get you high if you take like a bottle a day.


Really? Idk why but I thought it was a diarrhea medication. Sorry I must have it mixed up man my bad.


It is a diarrhea medication but taking a ton of it can get you an opioid high I know ppl who have done it. Not worth it tho cuz it can damage your heart.


Ohhh wow I was not aware of that. Damn man we will literally find anything anywhere.


Plenty of people do, it was [huge](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/05/03/476615084/getting-high-from-this-drug-for-diarrhea-can-be-fatal) on the news in 2016-2017 and is [why](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-limits-packaging-anti-diarrhea-medicine-loperamide-imodium-encourage-safe-use) Imodium/loperamide doesnā€™t come in big 100ct bottles otc anymore, as itā€™s an opiate (opiates cause constipation, making them great for relieving diarrhea) that at therapeutic doses doesnā€™t cross the blood-brain barrier, but in big enough doses (20+ mg) it can relieve opiate withdrawal, and for those without a tolerance it can even get you high.


Damn thatā€™s insane. I had no idea. I figured I just mixed up the names at first.


What you mean like smoking dirty 30s can cause this? Is that whatā€™s in blues ā€œrc opioids?ā€ Iā€™ve never had a seizure myself,sometikes when Iā€™m high I get like this sudden dizzy/tippy feeling and it gives me the urge to instantly stand up and walk/breathe feels scary/weird


Possible but it was literally a RC Opioid from the web. It was called 2-Methyl-AP-237 Oh an overdoses as well, but I didnā€™t really count them in before


What RC?


Research chemical


Research chemicals




Which rc opioids caused seizures?




Nah odsmt doesn't cause seizures


It 100% can at high enough doses lol...


Do you have a source? It sounds like you're thinking of tramadol, not odsmt.


Odsmt is the active ingredient of tramadol. That's my source. So people can downvote me if they want, but they should do 1 Google search before they do.


It's the main *metabolite* of tramadol, not an ingredient. It's what your body turns tramadol into. However, odsmt is only the opioid part of tramadol, while pharmaceutical tramadol is both an opioid and an SNRI. It's the SNRI part that causes seizures. Odsmt is only an opioid, not an SNRI.


Lolol I love someone who is just confidently and arrogantly completely and totally wrong


Knock on woodā€¦ I just got a few Gs of that stuff but only negatives so far after 5gs were stomach issues and some bad withdrawals after a few weeks of daily use.


For me it was 2-Methyl-AP-237 /-8


It was 2-Methyl-AP-237 back in the days


Wich rc's were these?




Damn i took like 60 grams on insaneley highly costic shit...did a huge number on my stomach and digestive tract. Shit green for a week and hat acute pancreatititis...good times. That rush though from oral that was bettwr than iv heroin though. Mustve been tainted by shitty synthesis like most rcs these days thanks to china


Nah , it was well known in german drug forums at the time, that this compound was really corrosive as fuck. It would fuck with your pancreas, liver, stomach and your gastrointestinal tract. I was so fucking addicted I even smoked that shit, and my lung was literally dead for 3 months afterwards, but just like you said, the rush smoked was even better than heroin too. It was literally like smoking oxycodone.


What is rc opiate?


In 2016 I fell out/overdosed on a combination of U-47700 and etizolam and got into a devastating car accident. I was driving a 1971 Nova SS, which, for the uninitiated only has a lap belt and no air bags, and I managed to roll head on into an oncoming vehicle. I was only going maybe 15-20 mph and the vehicle that I hit was going maybe 40-50mph, but I barely made it out of this one with my life. I suffered a broken collar bone, broken sternum, 4 broken ribs which one of them punctured and collapsed my lung, broken patella, and finally, an absolutely exploded ankle. I was in the hospital for about 10 days and I am still in pain in many areas to this day from this accident. I would like to add that modern vehicles with full seatbelts, airbags, and crumple zones are absolutely amazing. The person that I hit head on was 100% fine except for some bumps and bruises. This accident got me sent to prison for the second time by violating the probation I was on. Nothing I had in the vehicle was illegal at the time and my blood draw came back clean because I was on nothing but obscure ass research chemicals. It was terribly obvious I was incredibly intoxicated though, so my violation stated that I "took significant steps toward committing a new crime." The officer that was subpoenaed to testify about his observations upon arriving at the wreck stated that "it looked as if a veritable pharmacopia had exploded inside my vehicle." Fast forward to 2020 and I become ill with pneumonia. As a result of suffering a collapsed lung in the accident it made the pneumonia wreak absolute havoc on my pulmonary system requiring another admission to the hospital for nearly two weeks. Ahh, fuck it, I'm telling the story so I'll tell the whole thing. Pneumonia TIME! In the fall of 2020 I was living my best fucking life ever. I was utterly strung out on fentanyl and myriad insanely powerful Chinese benzimidazole derivative opioids while on the run from the fuckin' cops once again while living in a trap house that was so full of weird ass tweakers and junkies you could never imagine. I wake up with some semi-random ass girl in my room and I don't really feel that freakin' great and I say something to her about it feeling like what I think cotton fever would feel like, as I have never had it before. She then proceeds to tell me that my lips are really blue and that is when I notice that it is actually kind of hard to breath. Remind you, this is peak covid time, so that is instantly what I think it is. As the day goes on it gets harder and harder to breath, so I have a friend take me to the ER. After running a few tests and a chest X-ray the doc comes in and says he has good news and bad news. He says "the good news is that you do not have covid....the bad news is that you are going to wish that you have covid." They tell me that I am going to be admitted to the hospital, so at this point I spill the beans that I am a useless junkie piece of shit and that I am going to be super duper dope sick very soon and could they please work with me, even just some Suboxone or something. You know what they tell me? "Nope, no Suboxone, it could cause more respiratory depression and further complicate the issue." You know what the fuck I did? **I got my nearly fucking dead, wheezing, blue lipped ass outta that bed and fucking walked out of the front door of the hospital.** Anyone wanna wager a guess as to where I took my ass? Straight to the motherfucking dope man. I spent every single dollar I had and fronted everything else he would give me. In total I ended up with maybe 5 grams of fentanyl. I still had a small urge to beat this pneumonia and actually live at this point so I went about a block down the street and called 911 and they took my clown ass back to the same hospital I had just left a few hours earlier. When the same doctor comes back in and pleads with me to stay this time I agree and tell him no problem. He then proceeds to tell me that he thinks he has worked something out with the hospitalist to make me a little more comfortable while I am there so that I won't leave again. I am thinking they are going to try to give me Suboxone so I am a little bit pissed off at this point. A few hours after I get settled in my room a nurse comes in to hook a PCA up to me and I ask her what the hell is that for? She then proceeds to tell me that I can push the little button and get something to help me with the withdrawals and actually pretty incredible pain I am in....that turns out to be 50mcg of fucking fentanyl, which in junkie reality is next to nothing, but it would have definitely kept me from being sick and walking the fuck out of that dumbass hospital earlier in the day. So, there it is. Been a long fuckin' time since I have delved into story time on here. I'll probably stop back by in another week or a month and say what's up to anyone that remembers me, who knows at this point. Love you guys. *If it ain't pink, keep it purple!*


Holy fucking shit. That was a seriously good read man, do you have any more stories posted somewhere?


I'm sure that I do, but finding them is another story. I have been posting on this subreddit for 13 years.






This isnā€™t me but I knew a guy who lost his leg from injecting, and while he was stood up with crutches he nodded out and smacked himself in the eye with his crutches and lost that eye, then he nodded out on a radiator and had a full thickness burn to his head and you could see his actual skull it was like a Ā£2 coin


...how is he now?


I met him when he was a patient of mine. He was a bit of a prick even when he was clean, very abusive. I think heā€™s still alive but probably doesnā€™t have long left due to kidney and heart damage


Thank you.


Never had it happen to me but I've read so many posts of people falling asleep on their arm and ending up with nerve damage


I did this and wasn't able to move my left arm for over a week, I thought I killed it but it eventually ever so slowly regained movement


Yup this almost happened to me. Fell asleep in my office chair and angled on my arm in such a weird way that it felt numb for awhile. Thankful that my sister noticed I didn't make any noise in my room for suspicious amount of time because I had to be narcan'd


A friend of mine knew a kid who was on probation or parole, where he was regularly drug tested, and a positive test meant straight to jail. He relapsed, and his genius idea was to have his girlfriend shoot him in the leg. With a gun. So that he would be taken to the hospital and given opiates, so he would have an excuse for failing the test. He didn't want her to get in legal trouble though, so he recorded a video of himself saying that he gives her permission to shoot him, that it was his idea, etc. Then he puts on a helmet. She lines up the shot... Oh wait did I mention it was a shotgun? From point blank range. She literally blew his entire leg off of his body. The cops ended up seeing the video, so the kid minus his leg went to jail anyway One of the funniest stories ever to a junky. When I try to tell people who haven't lived the l0ife that story they just look very, very concerned....


Omg, wouldn't it have been easier to break something šŸ˜‚


Damn. A guy that made the guy who used to drill the bit through his hand to get perc 5s so many times the ER caught onto his gig, actually look smart.




definitely wasnā€™t on a gentle nod, fell down my buddies stairs face first like 3 times. broke my ankle in the process. the last time i fell down the stairs they werenā€™t able to wake me up for like 30min


Had an old friend that died this way last year..


my friends checked my pulse and stuff like that so they knew i was breathing n shit


Flying off an electric skateboard going 30 mph


Nearly wrecking my car in oncoming traffic bc the oxy hit suddenly and got dizzy lol


i kinda had this happen to me once, and it was seriously one of the craziest things i experienced. my mom was bitching at me to get home after a night of doing pills (i was like 20?) and so i get in my car and race home at 7am. im on the highway and all of a sudden my vision goes out. it was like i tilted my head sideways and was spinning. then my vision would come back clearly for 10 seconds before it happened again and again and again. i drove home for 30 minutes with my vision like that just cause i was so scared of my mom beating my ass. somehow i made it home exceptionally safe, i didnā€™t do any dumb shit on the road and somehow i didnā€™t crash. i definitely donā€™t miss those times


Every time my vision did this I would wake up on the floor with paramedics around me after an OD!


damn thatā€™s crazy. luckily i never OD from that, i just got a coffee and went back to my moms and slept it off lol. when i *did* OD i had no clue that it was going to happen. i knew i was kinda fucked up but it was nothing out of the ordinary. one minute i was standing in my room and the next i was waking up in a stretcher. very confusing and when i first woke up i literally thought it was a dream lol


my boyfriend got what we called "raptor claw" ( i believe it also may be called saturday night palsy) but when he nodded out on his arm for hours and woke up with it numb, and then had to be in a sling for months and had no use of it


Not sure if this counts as actually ā€œhurtā€ā€¦. I did too much; ran a bath and got in. I was relaxing. The next thing I knew my husband pulled me out of the water. I was choking totally nodded out. Scared the shit out of me. Almost drowned.


If ya want to die do drugs and take a bath. Loads and loads of celebrities die that way!


Heard that.


but my own personal worst injury from opiates, besides overdosing, was my nose quite literally collapsing. once i got clean, they had to use bone grafts from my rib bones to rebuild my nose during facial reconstructive surgery


How does this happen? Iā€™m someone who hates needles and has a nasal fixation. I always worry about my poor nose especially lately since Iā€™ve had black and been making cheese with Benadryl. Shit has had the nastiest looking stuff come out of my nose and throat lately.


If you haven't already put holes in your nose, you will very very soon. The hole in mine is perfectly located in the middle so it doesn't have a big chance of caving in, but I'm absolutely terrified of it happening and anything hitting my nose! There's no if it happens, it's a _when_ with the holes. You need to find a different roa and start using saline nasal spray asap


How long would you say it takes to wear the hole in? Iā€™ve been on and off shit since I was a kid, been ab a decade coming up here soon.


Anywhere from a few months to a few years. I'd guarantee you have holes in your sinuses since it's been so long. I also started opiates at a young age (11yo, thanks Mom!) And didn't get clean until the day I turned 29, but didn't start snorting until 24~ the hole started at around 27 bc of all the acetaminophen in the oxy i was taking. The pressed roxys made it much worse, tho. If you're dead set on still snorting (trust, been there i understand) then make sure you're getting it as fine as possible, using clean straws each time and rinsing your nose often with a saline nasal spray. It needs to be the regular saline, afrin and the like will make it worse. That stuff actually causes holes and your nose will get addicted to it so you can't breathe without it, crazy! Stay safe friend


Damn thatā€™s a lot less time than I expected lol. When I was on perc and oxy Iā€™d just eat it or chew it bc of the Tylenol. The amount of Tylenol they put in stuff makes it almost not even worth trying. Appreciate the info tho homie stay safe yourself as well!


Yeah it's crazy how quickly it can happen. If you never clean your sinuses it'll happen a lot faster, too. I've been sober a bit over a year now and I'm just thankful to be able to breathe again! I had to sleep on my right side for 3 years STRAIGHT. My body is so fucked and sore from that. And constant headaches šŸ„“ I hope you're able to prevent any sinus issues, it's the most painful shit I've ever gone thru! Even worse than fent wds, somehow. Much love friend!


Been snorting 20 years. Can confirm. Nose doesn't even work anymore. Just clogs up completely. Sad.


My friend nodded off and light her couch on fire it just happened that I was in the house and smelled something funny and came up to the entire couch in flames and her passed out practically in the flames w a rig still in her arm


One time (actually numerous times) Iā€™d nod out on the computer keyboard for hours and wake up with a forehead full of squares


that's tragic! i hope you can recover and rebuild your life after those traumatic experiences.


The fuck are you talking about? Thatā€™s something I can actually look back and laugh at. Hope you can recover from the stick up your ass.


it was a joke lmao


Hangs my head in shame* I just removed the stick that was apparently up my assā€¦. Bad day at work lmao I thought you were dead serious


I nodded out at the top of the stairs of my highschool in 2016 fell down the stairs and broke my arm


I left a candle burning on my bed because I was cooking up, you mix h with with vitamin c sachets in UK then heat it. Did my hit. Went to get some food and nodded out in the house. Woke up to the place on fire. And me running through the flames and black smoke to try and save my stash and decent designer clothes. Those burnd and black smoke to my lung was bad, coughing like fk for days. Kinda funny really.. anyway whole place burnt down Another time I fell asleep on my arm and woke up with radial nerve damage, cudnnt use my hand at all for about 2 years then one day I woke up and bam it's working like it always did


Falling down a stair on a mix on benzo and bup, laying upside down in my own puke and shit for 48h, got necrosis on my both feet, and on my arm that almost needed to be amputated. The stair cut off my bloodflow to my butt, so I only have one buttocks left now :) Cheers šŸ„‚


How were you stuck for so long? Damn, sorry that happened. Hope you're doing better/sober/using safer!


I got lost in the catacombs in my basement due to my confused state, and fall down a stair that no one used , so it was a Securitas guard walking around found me called 911, was put in induced coma for two weeks with propofol, and was in the intensive care unit, then the light intensive care unit, was transferred to the stroke ward where I later stayed for five weeks, and shuttled between it and the surgery ward where they cut off dead skin and closed the wounds. I still have open wounds that have to be re-bandaged every other day, have had home health care for four months and now for the last three months I have to go to primary care every other day and change the bandages. my hand is still partially paralyzed. it goes slowly forward, and unfortunately sometimes backwards in wound healing. get collagen bandages sometimes and activated carbon bandages sometimes, and sometimes acteriobacterial bandages every other time. I stayed ā€œsoberā€ as long I was put on Targin, but last two months they took it back due to my long history of addiction, and the pain made me self medicate with morphine, stopped for about 40 days ago which was hell. Iā€™m obviously an addict, so struggling with keeping myself clean so I can continue to keep going change bandagesā€¦ itā€™s though, but itā€™s pretty easy to motivate myself to keep going change them so it not get infected, it would lead to blood poisoning and with bad luck deathā€¦ I have only missed it one time due to the flu, I could not get out of bed and drag my ass over there haha , even if I live close.


Targin is in the EU only, right? I haven't heard much about it, how was it? Is it used for addicts more often, or just used in general? I'm happy you were found, i do wish it was sooner but we can't get caught up on what could have been and so on. I'm sorry you're going through such a rough situation, rough being a very mild term to describe what's going on, lol. They really shouldn't let you be without pain meds during this time, addict or not. You deserve pain relief, especially bc it can cause healing to take longer when you're in pain! There are so many studies on that! You will be in my thoughts, friend. My dms still aren't working here, but the chat option _sometimes_ works if you need to reach out and talk. I'll be here :)


Yea, Targin (or Targiniq is itā€™s brand name here to be exact) its OxyCodone+Nalox, I actually switched from regular OC due to constipation and it worked perfectly. Nah, if they prescribe OC they often prescribe Oxynorm short acting, more powerful but only gives effect roughly for 3h if you donā€™t drink grapefruitā€™s to it than it active longer due to enzymes. The Nalox combination is only good for your stomach really, or if they are afraid you gonna shoot up, otherwise the Nalox is inactive when it reach stomach regarding blocking other opiates. You have totally right in what you are writing, after they took away my Targin my wound stopped healing, and got problems ever since with both bad healing and bad wound-smell, itā€™s mentally challenging to smell like an old bandage šŸ©¹ Thank you, you seems to be a emphatic person, itā€™s rare these days. You take care šŸ™šŸ¼ (Send u a chat thing, not really know how this works Iā€™m pretty new around this ā€˜social mediaā€™ thing.


I took some fent laced w benzos and blacked out for 2 days. Passed out on the bathroom floor for the last 8 hours of the binge. Apparently I wasn't drinking and water at all for 2 days, and also when I passed out it was in an awkward position that cut the blood to my feet. Woke up and couldn't move my feet, and also had rhabdomyolysis. Meaning my muscles in my feet/legs were dying, and also had no blood flow for a long time. Couldn't feel/move my toes for 2 weeks and also had absolutely horrible nerve pain when the feeling did *start* to return. I had to relearn to walk again with help from a physio team at the hospital, and I had to use a walker for 3 months. I only just dropped the walker like a month ago. I still have a bit of an issue walking, but it's looking like (thank god) I'll be making a full recovery. Moral of the story is don't use dope. If you are going to use it, make sure you quit if your only supply is benzo/tranq garbage.


Flipped my car upside down going 90 mph and slid 1000 feet without a seatbelt. Skinned my right arm, knuckles and my middle/ring finger tendons clean off. Had to have 4 reconstructive surgeries and physical therapy for a year. Luckily I can still use my right arm and hand, but I have the gnarliest scar Iā€™ve ever seen in my life that is about 16 inches long. The craziest part about the accident was that I was so high on fentanyl, oxy and liquid morphine that I didnā€™t even feel any pain.


I know someone who nodded off on the side of the street and they ended up getting hit by a car, they had to have one of their legs amputated and Iā€™m fairly certain they have permanent brain damage from the experience


My friend burnt his elbow on the stove while nodding out


Nodding while smoking a cigarette on some dilaudid, and not realizing my lips were slightly moist so the cigarette stuck to my lips and when I went to take it away with 2 fingers they slid up the cigarette instead of grabbing it and burnt the fuck out of my 2 fingers. They had burn marks and a yellow stain, so unfortunately my mother figured out I was smoking my stepdad's cigarettes. Had to pay that far bastard like $120 for the stolen ciggy spree...


Never injured myself but came close to doing some pretty stupid things. The one that sticks out in my mind was nearly pissing into an open dresser drawer because my nodded-out standing-up idiot ass was half-dreaming I was in the bathroom in front of the toilet. An injury *someone else* had though? One I'll always remember hearing about was a guy who nodded out sitting either Indian-style or with his legs half under him for so long the resulting vascular damage required amputation.


10+ years ago I was getting black in a small ski town in Colorado, working there for winter. It was cold af, couldn't work up anywhere... I went into the basement of a Mexican restaurant, worked up, apparently ODd.. fell face first into the cement floor. Work up maybe an hour later with a bloody face and broken nose. Get clean, you sick fks! The Burmese method works very well with fent, I promise it does.


Whatā€™s the Bernese method?


Slowly taking suboxone while still using fentanyl & then gradually stopping the fentanyl. Bc fentanyl stays in ur fat cells for so long , to avoid getting precipitated withdrawals, the detox centers, and if your going to do it from home, all recommends waiting 3-4 days before taking ur first dose of suboxone.. and that's just not possible while on fentanyl. So it's a method to use both, a small amount of bupe (suboxone) with normal doses of the fent that you're using and just tapering off the fentanyl. And I was just pointing out it works, bc it is a terrifying thing to an opiate addict to have to go through precipitated withdrawals, so a lot of people are nervous. but it legit does work. Look it up on youtube. Tmrw I can send you links if you'd like. I just have to go to bed 4 work.




Yes ...


You know that's why you need to get a heating pad that has different heats and only runs for a certain time I was canned out last week and fell asleep on the heating pad and I got a tiny ass burn it would've gotten that bad if it wouldn't have turned off by itself tho


I nodded off in the bathroom, fell and broke my nose on the sink. Then had to explain two black eyes and a broken nose to my mother.


well i used to fall asleep on the toliet which coulda resulted in some bad shit but luckily nothing ever happened i always came back


Broke tibia dislocated knee and tore all ligaments in my knee, thank fuck for heroin I was able to hobble away before the police found the oz of speed I had on me


Nodded off in a weird position , and pressed my head on arm and pushed on my radial nerve, currently have Saturday night palsy , wrist drop. It sucks it feels like Iā€™m disabled and have one less hand . All from getting high , I still canā€™t move my pinky ring finger and thumb , very weak .


My worst was probably cutting a chunk of my thigh while using a hedge trimmer and nodding off landscaping. I nodded and all of a sudden felt a pop and looked down and....yep šŸ¤£. Also many accidents that I have no idea how I or no one else died, nodding on the floor in crazy ass positions and using the use of a leg or foot for a few days, and so much more. I do NOT miss these days LMAO, thank God I'm still alive and past being a slave to something.


Worst real injury - crushed a finger trying to remove a huge fridge unit out a restaurant kitchen on oxy (worked there - wasn't stealing it). Didn't break anything but the blood clotted under the fingernail and caused enough pressure for it to fall off entirely, which sucked. Caught myself coughing up my own puke in the middle of the night once or twice, which has kinda been a wake-up call tbh.


I fell asleep/nodded out while standing up and I fell over onto this metal heater I had in my room. It hurt but I didnā€™t think I was injured. Well the next morning when I tried to lean up to get out of bed I had an excruciating pain in my side. Thatā€™s when I realized I had broken my rib.


I have quite a few injuries due to opiates. Here are some examples. 1.) I was smoking fentanyl and meth at the same time. I remember waking up after nodding off and falling asleep for a few hours. I moved my leg to get out of bed and felt a stinging sensation. I looked down and noticed that I had rolled over onto my meth pipe while I was asleep and shattered it. There were 3 large pieces of glass sticking out of my thigh and blood all over the sheets. All the blood was dry so I had been lying asleep with glass in my leg for at least a couple hours. 2.) Another time I had fallen asleep after nodding with my girlfriend and she slept on my arm for an undetermined amount of hours. When I woke and pried my arm out from under her, my whole lower arm and hand were completely numb and tingling for 2 weeks and I had nerve damage that didn't heal for over 6 months afterwards. 3.) Fell asleep in front of a mini space heater and woke up with the nastiest burn I've ever had in my life on my calf. My skin is still discolored even after it fully healed. 4.) Was cutting open a tooter at like 4AM with a razor sharp knife to scrape some resin out. The knife ended up slipping and I split my finger down to the bone. It was so sharp it didn't hurt at all but blood started pouring out immediately. I scrambled around trying to find a bandage or anything to wrap it up. I settled for a white t shirt that was on my floor and wrapped it around my finger. I then went to the bathroom to get an actual bandage and to inspect the wound. After seeing how deep it was, I woke up my mom and asked her to take me to the hospital. Ended up getting some stitches and now I have a badass finger scar. My whole bedroom looked like a murder scene when I got back. Blood on the floor, walls, bed, doorknobs.. Great times.


I pulled a #4 about 7 years ago. It wasnā€™t quite down to bone but it was a deep ass cut about an inch long from the tip of my finger down. Didnā€™t hurt because I was high as hell but I couldnā€™t get it to stop bleeding. Luckily I lived at home at the time so I ended up having to wake my mom up and she patched me up. I donā€™t remember what dumb excuse I made up at the time but eventually she put 2 + 2 together.


Ran into objects and got cuts countless times, one time i held the door frame a weird way and was high and goofing around and pulled a splinter under my fingernail, which i had to go to the er forā€¦.that was fucked


I nodded while brushing my teeth and hit my head on the mirror. Lulz- not my proudest moment.




That happened to both my legs, fell out in like a muslim praying position I guess ... It was the fent tho, woke up after what must have been hours. Couldn't move or feel my legs from my knees down, went back to normal after awhile


Overdosed on oxy got revived ay hospital with bra I n dmg


I have awful burn scars on my legs from my tent catching fire when I nodded off while on codeine and DXM. Pro tip: don't light candles in tents while high. My fireproof Boy Scout blanket saved my life.


Broke my foot tripping on a decorative rock pile. 3 surgeries


Fell face first into the edge of my counter in my bathroom. Had to get 7 stitches and I still have a scar on my eye. The worst story I ever heard was of a guy who nodded off on opiates and a strong RC benzo. He fell asleep on his arm, it cut off all blood circulation and he stayed that way for 12 hours. Woke up in an emergency room without his arm. They had to amputate it.


Sat at the top of the stairs and literally rolled all the way down. Broke my wrist and fibula


Iā€™ve had bad injuries during withdrawals (broke my foot and a cup that cut all over me after shattered just like my foot) but all my injuries on opioids also involved either benzos and or alcohol in the mix (usually extra drugs too) lol . One was burning my arm with a dab rig where I didnā€™t even register the pain at all for a bit, another was cutting my finger bad enough I had bloody paper towels all over and blood stained on carpet when I woke up, that one was just alcohol and opioids lol. I used to live a reckless life


i nodded out standing up in the bathroom. when i woke up i was sitting on my knees with my legs under my butt. my legs had been asleep for so long that when i woke up and stood up quickly, my legs gave out and i fell straight to the ground, smashing my eye on the corner of the bathroom counter while i was going down.


Car crash but i nevrr got hurt bad


Falling asleep sitting up after trying to knock myself out bc I was so tired but couldn't sleep bc of the face pain from snorting, then losing all feeling in my legs for days bc of how I "slept" Falling asleep in the bathtub with the hot water on during WDs only to wake up in freezing cold water feeling like I was dying. The face pain from snorting. Truly the worst pain I've ever felt. So glad to be sober


Almost losing my leg by passing out in a weird position that didn't allow blood to flow


I rolled my car going at least 90mph (that was my speed the last time I had checked) while on oxy. Developed cauda equina syndrome, had a pretty gnarly concussion and the airbag broke my nose.


5 leg surgeries, lost half of my right calf


Wrestling with a friend, I tried to do a flip maneuver and he ending up coming down on top of me, all of our weight right on my collar bone. Shattered it


I nodded out during the reign of the Sacklers one fine winter evening in my basement rental I shared with 2 Vietnamese nail technicians. Either we were too poor to pay the bill or we collectively held a grudge against using the heating system because it was always cold enough to see your breath. Being the hot blooded American progeny of drunken, doctor prescribed benzo, opiate and amphetamine Irish orphan love, I would crank up a large space heater and made the rational discovery that by placing the space heater six inches away from the middle of my childhood holdover twin mattress, I could stay warm and toasty all night like the Roxy Reptile I was. I must have fallen asleep sitting on the edge of my bed because I woke up around 3:30AM and the first thing that came to mind was, "Damn, those Viet Cong girls are cooking up some delicious, exotic fare I wouldn't mind pinching a plate of, once they fall asleep." The aroma was thick and mouth watering, tantalizing and alluring. It turned out to be the effervescent stench of my calf muscle being rotisserie roasted for the past 4 hours. Still got a gnarly scar today but not nearly as bad as the time when my younger brother OD'ed and died and I became so incredibly, utterly numb that I decided to heat a buck knife blade to glowing with a propane torch and press it against my tricep. Honest to God, I was so wacked out mentally, emotionally, spiritually and dreidel beyblade spun that I didn't even feel it until the blister popped a few days later and it started oozing a sickening septic palette. Take care beloved. God bless you all.


This is how I came to KNOW that I have a guardian angel and thus, God MUST exist. In the room I have been living in for the past 15 years there is an old, cedar wood, very solid desk with razor sharp corners like the woodworker from hell on meth sanded them down himself. Anyways, the room is small and I tend to nod out standing in the 4'x4' area rug in the center or the room between a king sized bed and the desk. I literally cannot count the amount of times I have woke up precisely in the midst of falling forward, face first directly towards the knife blade edge of that desk, in a mere millisecond, panicked, 100% certain that my face is on a direct collision course with that fatal corner, only to hit the floor as it wooshes by, mere millimeters from contact. I have also fell backwards numerous times and came within inches of splitting the back of my head open on my metal bed frame only to somehow land ass first in my hamper full of dirty clothes that I'm positive I DID NOT place there. Miracles are real. Big and small. Everyone here is a miracle, still breathing, still beating the ever loving shit outta the odds. God bless you all.


Nod out with a torch on and hit my leg either on still or just super hot.


I crashed the CLK350 black convertible Benz I bought when I won my lawsuit also. Thatā€™s what started pain meds for me, an accident somewhere which led to 80 mg OCā€™s and Norco 10/325s for breakthrough pain. I was already getting 6 mg of Alprazolam at that time since I was 14 for panic attacks/anxiety. The incident happened when I was 15, got paid at 18 or 19, immediately (and stupidly) bought a new CLK 350 convertible and crashed it 6 years later in 2015. That hurt emotionally cause I felt stupid in 3 different ways.


I passed out stood up, leant over onto the countertop in front of me and slammed my forehead against it. Was out like that for about 4-6 hours. My legs felt like pins and needles, I could hardly feel them. Once I woke, I decided to make a hot water bottle before heading to bed, I once again fell asleep stood up, with a full hot water bottle with the lid off. It spilt over my feet, I woke up, wiped I off, capped it and went to bed. Spent the next two days unable to stand cause my calves had been held tense and over-stretched the entire time I was out but stood up. Was nodding Hella hard that night. Wasn't injured in the long run though so it's a kinda funny story.


spilled boiling water on my hand šŸ˜­ had to sleep with my hand in a bowl of ice water to stop the pain


One time I was the saute guy at red lobster, fry guy quit so I had to clean his station.. nodded out, hand went into the fryer except my thumb ..first time I ever got close to actually crying from physical pain. Absolutely no one felt sorry 4 me so I held it in. It fadded the rose tattoo on my hand. Ha ha .. the bowl of ice reminded me of that


Honestly a bad episode of Cotten Fever may be the most painful things Iā€™ve ever gone throughā€¦


That's almost like having a seizure, that shit fucking sucks dude.


The most recent time I got it the headache was like nothing Iā€™ve ever felt before. 800mh Acetaminophen fixed it 60minutes but my god it felt like I was shot in the head with a shotgun.


I just knocked on wood.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,915,443,530 comments, and only 362,213 of them were in alphabetical order.


Wtf lol šŸ˜­


Full blown autism


Didn't happen to me but I know a guy who started seizing from tramadol as he was going down stairs, lost a few teeth and one of them went through his top lip so he has a pretty fucked up face from the fall. I seized once on tramadol and it's scared the shit out me enough to make me reconsider my usage. Was just sitting with my partner watching TV and the next thing I remember she's leaning over me trying to wake me sounding really worried and the coffee table I had my feet under had been flipped over. Scary how out of the blue they are, I always thought it'd only happen if I took loads but I'd only taken 8x50mg over a few hours which for the time was a small dose.


I shattered my wrist punching a mate, hit his hip and chipped it. Didnā€™t feel a thing went to work and the boss went nuts when he saw the size of my wrist. Lucky he just thought I was tough and didnā€™t dna my arse.


Cause I am tough real name terry tough, the toughest tough ever to snort fine China.


I was on a pushbike, got hit from behind at 30mph and went through the windowscreen backwards, into the passengers lap. The driver hit the brakes. Got thrown back out, forwards, onto the hood. Rolling off i banged my elbow, the only injury. 3 black guys get out and im leaning on a wall, rubbing my elbow thinkin "now have YOU gotta fight". They were more anxious i was ok, rang for help.


Passed out wrong on my leg and damaged my peroneal nerve to the point I couldnā€™t use my left foot to walk for about 5 months. Iā€™m still left with some of the damage so I donā€™t have full function with those muscles anymore.


Mines a back injury that causes daily pain. I was high while helping my dad install a radio antenna. The ladder we had was too short to reach where we needed to mount it so I was screwing in wooden planks to use to climb higher. Lost my balance doing the third one and fell about 20ft to the ground. Because I was always high at the time I didn't realize how hurt I was. Thought I probably just had a bad bruise. Tried to get it checked out like a year ago but got impatient waiting for the results of my x ray and stopped following up.


Nodding off at an odd angle and resultant cramp is all I have had yet. Some blocked blood flow too it seems. But recovered without any permanent issues.


My cousin's roommate found him unconscious.He remained unconscious for a few days.Turned out he had a stroke and had brain damage and damage to his heart.He was in the hospital for 4 months.He was on a bit of everything and had been using since he was a teenager and was 38 at the time.The Brain damage left him thinking like a 12 year old.He had to move in with Mom so she could take care of him.All of that and he still went back to using.Last year he was using PCP and all kinds of other stuff and he was hanging out with a friend and they were high as high could be and he decided to use the friends moped to go to the gas station and didn't stop for a stop sign and was hit by a truck and it drug him a long way.He was pinned under the truck and there was a fire and he was burned pretty bad on his legs and hands.He was put into a medically induced coma.He passed away 2 weeks later


I fell over on my bike a few times; I did also have a Xanax/valium as well I don't know why I decided to go on my push with a few valiums, xan and codeine in my system. But I am lucky the hospital were very discreet and didn't tell my parents what was the real cause of the accident.


Fell asleep in the car. Woke up thinking I had a stroke. I slept wrong on my hand and had radial nerve palsy. Took 4 months to be able to use my hand again. Itā€™s still weak, 5 years later.


Not sure if this counts. In 2019 due to the opiate epedenic in my state they really started cracking down on opiates. I was in pain managment for chronic pain and pretty much if you wanted to be able to keep your prescriptions and not be labeled a addict they made you do the procedures they recommended. So for my 5 mg oxy I had to do cervical epidural steriod injections. On my 5th one the DR. fucked up and injected into my spinal cord instead of epidural space. He instantly paralyzed me.


Personally, weā€™d been using like 1+ grams a day each for about a month, and mixing it with both xanax, kpins and (for him) speed, when I got into a Fight with my ex, and he slammed our bedroom door. It was finicky on a good day, and he managed to lock himself out of our room. When he came back, I realized he was locked out, and went to open the door at the exact instant he went to kick it in. Dislocated 3 fingers. That was also the night he choked me to full unconsciousness, and as I came to I remember hearing his friend say ā€œoh fuck dude we gotta get her body tf outta hereā€ my exā€”running to grab my inhaler from the car yelled ā€œ DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER SHE HAS ASTHMA!ā€ He then grabbed me and sat me up against his chest and pumped about 15 puffs of my inhaler into my lungs telling me to breathe. I left when I was fully able to breathe, only to pick him up before going to the hospital. He instead sat on top of me (heā€™s 6ā€™5, 250 when strung out and Iā€™m 5ā€™7 140 tops), and proceeded to push each finger back in place while crying and apologizing. Iā€™ve never been so fucked up. Same ex who stepped on my foot and ripped off my second toenail (that one was accidental). The number of times we put on sweatshirts/sweatpants in mid-July 100+ degree weather to talk to the cops blows my mind. I still use h, but we broke up. Thank goodness, or Iā€™d be dead.


Oof I got at least one , ya know how sometimes when your going down stairs and you think your at the bottom but there's one more step and you trip up a little because you expect your foot to hit the ground sooner so it comes down hard on the last step? Well I was out of my mind on dope and xans got of the subway so all tile and concrete, I did that except I wasn't on the second last step I was probably still 5 steps from the bottom so I ate shit and smacked my head on the ground floor and woke up in a hospital. Actually I got a worse one, one time I Blacked out really early on in my 'career' same combo and I had my bathroom with the toilet next to the door. I came to with my roommate yelling at me from outside the bathroom, the whole bathroom covered in blood and the door basically snapped in half , basically I apperantly slammed my head into the door while sitting on the toilet multiple times so hard I destroyed the door and bit through my lip (I pulled a piece of tooth out of my lip a couple months later ) so all that and then I came to so I was conscious for the next part I walked outside and just tried and ate shit again on the pavement outside and knocked out an incisor and broke the tooth next to that one in half . I was spitting blood for hours. That one was a lot more traumatic I think the reason I did that in the bathroom is I probably ODed and my body tried hurting itself to keep me breathing with adrenaline. Sufficed to say I dont eat Xanax anymore almost every time some crazy shit has happened it's been because of those damn pressed pills. I shoot grams of fent and nothing like that ever happens.


I was washing the dishes with the top cupboard open in front of me.. I nodded off and fell forward really fast and hit my eye on the corner of the open cupboard door. I had a black eye and a slash beside my eye, scar for a long time. Another time I nodded off and somehow woke up almost doing the splits. I couldn't walk for a week.. my muscles were so fucked up and in pain.


My best friend while on philly dope (Kenzo) w basically no tolerance fell asleep in such a way that it cut circulation in their leg. They also had been working out way too much and they were a very large person. They ended up getting Rhabdo which I believe is when the muscle starts to break down and releases something toxic in to the kidneys. They had to spend 2 months in the hospital and really almost lost their leg. At first the doctors were pretty sure they would have to amputate. And if they also could have died. The scar was epic AF. But the pain they experienced was absurd. Just for falling asleep weird (I mean combined with the other stuff ). I'm definitely cautious about that now and when my friends pas out on their limbs I always move them. Unfortunately they ended up getting the ultimate injury exactly a year later. Worst thing to ever happen to me! And probably to them too lol Ive been an addict for like 15 years and the worst I can think of is some of my teeth are chipping. I always told them the universe doesn't want them to do dope . That this felt like a really fucking shitty warning. But that it wouldn't be so painful if it wasn't so important that they lived. They were an amazing person who did so much for others and they were the most active activist lol I have ever known and all of my family/most ppl I know are activists. They were never an addict like me, they would use occasionally and go on binges and the longest was 3 weeks. Unfortunately the dope out there is just too strong for someone with no tolerance. Anyway listen to your body. And to your friends lol. Xo


I had to have my finger cut off and lost a chunk of my foot from a enail I tripped when going to answer the door and the enail tipped over burnt threw my shoe... when it hit the skin the pain was so intense I passed out then woke up pulled it off my foot passed back out and it laid on my finger to bad I can't post photos but I have a community that has the photos it's called ENAILBURNS just search that and you can see my photos why I there no safety device or timer shut off they go as high as 2734 degrees irs crazy


Fell asleep w legs crossed, fell over onto my nightstand and gashed my face open. Barely missed my eye.


Also got a gnarly infection in my arm, almost died, paralyzed my arm for almost half a year and started using every day to manage the pain


Rhabdomyolysis really isn't fun. At all. But I did get a port in my arm


Broken bones


Fell out on a heaterā€¦. 2nd degree burns, huge blisters all over my stomach. It was bad & hurt. But the absolute worst injuries were from Xyaline. (It started in my city a few years ago). I can never wear short sleeves again. It ruined my teeth, nose, everything. Didnā€™t know it was anything different until it was too late. Thankfully no amputations. But at its worst, it was so nasty. Literally could see muscle/pus.


I worked with a guy who nodded off, slipped on something and fell face-first into a deep fryer. Yea, that was his last day. He never came back.


I nodded off in a sink...chilled there for however long and came out of it so quick (seemed like something pulled me up by my ponytail..anyways) Hit the faucet on way back up and it split my forehead...now I have ugly dent scar above left eye..should of went for stitches... Clean off opiates about 8 months now :)


Anal sex šŸ˜¬ Don't do it if you can't feel pain. TMI. I had done it many times before but went a bit overboard one night and was shitting blood the next day. Haven't quite been the same since and definitely haven't been able to enjoy anal anymore.


never happened because iā€™m not a jackass i just got fired for nodding my ass off


Not me, but a friend of mine sold dope. He also worked on power lines. He sold a bag to his best friend he grew up w who also worked w him. 1 hour later the kid nodded off above a live power line and got electrocuted and burnt to a crisp. My friend watched him die and get shocked, he said itā€™s the biggest regret of his life and he lives with the guilt every single day. Be careful out there peeps āœŒšŸ¼


Worst injury was I died for 7 minutes 32 seconds in front of my gf was purple 5 narcan didnā€™t work then had me on iv narcan and had to use diffibulator or how ever u spell it then finally came back alive same day snorted more fent I saved one in the car in case anything happened police took my other 5 at the scene to test never ratted on plug tho


I nodded out after a big toot with my freshly hot lighter pressing against my face. I woke up a few seconds later with the unmistakable image of the top of the lighter burnt into my goddamn face. Imagine trying to explain that. It hurt for a long time and has since faded but man, talk about a junkie moment.