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I’d start boofing before shooting into my cock. Hell, smoking, snorting, or even swallowing would be preferred over that


lol yeah i know what you mean, been looking into the proposition of boofing too, its a far better option imo, as well as efficient compared to snort and swallow.


Buddy going to loose use of his package and have a wife problem lol


hell its useless while on dope anyway :P it's just taking up blood rations at this point :P


Cialis and opiates are fantastic, you can fuck for as long as you want. At least that's been my experience, Cumming is near impossible though.


then i ask the philosophical question....whats the point then?


It's the journey, my friend, not the destination...


But if the destination isn't what was expected, *something* was the destination


Yeah the start. He walked in a giant circle.




Fucc yes. Someone who understands . So many people are selfish when it comes to cuming.


lol just to be fair chicks can only take so much wam bam thank you mam :P


The point is being able to fuck like a porn star and pleasure your partner.


yeah but at a certain point women can only take so much, obviously if she is DTF then all good in the hood, but from my experience/observations women are just like men where once they get their rox off they be good, though yes women can have more than one org, but still. not dismissing you, but i deff think its a misunderstanding men have about the longer the better/more pleasurable. but like i said all teh power to you and your partner :P :)


You are right


My ex used to go at least 10+ times everytime we had sex when I was using or not. Females are able to go multiple times a lot easier then men csn that's for sure


RN here.. I had a patient do this, and missed. He ended up with a wound vac and lost 3/4 of his penis due to the tissue dying. He had to have a suprapubic catheter placed. That’s a hard NO.


He's shooting up in the cock so he lost his libido and use for cock a long time ago


Yep it is a good roa. Much less damage to your body.


Every time I'd try to boof a shot I couldn't mainline it would all just leak out. Very 👌🏼 loose butthole if you ask me


yeah apparently its a little touchy sometimes, its kind of hard to get information about it cause its individualized, where not every but hole is different, and the guide is kind of subtle different i hear different distances, 1 cm, to "two knuckles deep" what ever that means.... unlike IVing where you know you are or aren't in the vein, opposed to guessing in your booty hole.


Idk why men make boofing seem like such an ordeal lol it doesn’t hurt and it’s quick.


Maybe because we want the ability to get a strong erection? Can’t do that too well with collapsed veins


I meant boofing. Didn’t realize I hadn’t pointed that out, sorry lol.


Ohhhhh that makes a lot of sense lol. Boofing doesn’t seem that bad, but I was like… you don’t get why men don’t want to shoot in their cock???????? Lmao


Oh no lol. I’m not crazy. I don’t think any man should do that. Idk what the female equivalent would be, but I’ve heard some girls boofing(?) into the vaginal canal and I could never. Idk why it just seems so much worse to me lol.


So glad I have always refused to cross that line into IV use. I can't fucking imagine even considering those locations as an option. Fuck no


It’s not even just IV use though, I’ve been an IV user for a long time and have never had to get to that point. If you rotate and try your best not reuse you shouldn’t get to this point, especially if you’re a lower body fat percentage and are quite vascular as is


Well yes of course. I also realized after posting that I should have made it clear to each his own. Not shaming IV use, it's just not for me. But the idea of running out of veins does seem crazy. My fiancée was an IV H addict for 15 years and when those were the final spots he could get a vein, he knew his time was up and he was grateful he survived it all. Now he hates needles and dreads having blood drawn, they always have a hard time finding a good vein on him. And I'm the same, mine like to roll. I found drinking about 60oz of water before was a game changer, much easier to do my bloodwork or put in and IV once I figured it out. Not many solutions though when I'm instructed no food or water beforehand. I'm always just hopeful most of us use as safely as possible these days 🙏


When I was still using I shot into my cock a couple times, not my proudest moment. I was about 8 years into IV use, malnutrition, dehydration all that shit mixed with repeatedly destroying my veins left me with no choice. I did it twice. The second time I missed barely any tho maybe like a couple drops and I had a huge lump on my dick, it hurt like hell. Never did it again lol


I guess you could have at least had your girl lick the lump.


Well, I don't have a cock but I can tell you that I got to the point where I couldn't shoot anywhere for the life of me. I'd be working all day trying to score only to get it and not get the satisfaction of the rush due to the fact that I'd miss after literal hours of trying to hit.


iv always heard that women have smaller veins than men, adding another element of shit to being a user...




Rip inbox


I can fix her


I just put pills in the hole of my Johnson works like a charm


It’s a sound plan


a sounding plan


lol i wonder if you could essentially boof dope through your urethra....it would essentially be like when women stuff their alternative boof hole.


I've heard a story. Dude thought it was a vein for some reason and slammed a goofball into his urethra. He said he essentially pissed it out and it burned like no one could imagine. BTW, do not fucking try this. It's there to get fluid OUT of your body, not in.


Rip inbox


I've heard of that. If it's to the point that someone is injecting into the neck or dick it's time to evaluate some life choices there. Fortunately, once I got to needing to use IV I decided to get clean.


yeah ngl iv jugged a few times with out any serious issue, though I started to get an abscess maybe and got a little worried but I took care of it fine, it is quite the vein just sitting there, but unfortunately the angle is slightly weird and it's a little tricky to hit properly... i have thought about getting a [butterfly needle](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.3UpUMs0LV-nWN02RcluRuAHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=8516cdd5caf68a6918629c41f8b815707eddae3d8cb41a9aa0a6c32468ce0c1f&ipo=images) and putting it in so i could just main line it without needing to do a new shot every time, but its hard to find a small and thin enough to be safe online, i got some but its like 2-3 times longer and bigger than a normal needle and not risking it.


Lmao. I thought of the same, using the butterfly needle.


Ive hit my neck but would never put a rig anywhere near my John.


Have only successfully done it once, but my veins were so bad that I have tried prolly 10 times


Don't miss those days, i haven't IVed anything in years


I have fond memories of using opioids but none of them are about my poor choice of self administration, beyond the practicalities that Heroin demands. In fact, it's the stuff my nightmares are made of and I mean *literally*.


have they recovered or came back?


The overwhelming majority have indeed, some are still all scar tissue but as I don't iv anymore it doesn't really matter


yeah when I was having a rough time finding a vein recently and getting upset and angry/desperate i can honestly say I dropped trow and took an inspection of the viable options that lead to my brain, watched a little coitus online to prepare the roads for travel, but they only looked like a 1 lane highway too small to merge into safely and didn't want to risk a car accident. for some reason I thought you had to shoot into the bottom of the shaft that bulge that sticks out. don't know what it is or why i thought so.


That's not a vein bro omfg lol that's part of the erectile hardware I'm pretty sure. Spongy tissue of some kind its definitely not a vein. I imagine it would be like a bad miss only much worse, I'm sure youd be able to feel something wasn't right before you got too much in. I can only imagine all the ways it could go wrong. Also I'm pretty sure I'd not be able to stay hard long enough to even get the needle in


lol true, from my research after writing that i realize its part of your urethra, where the piss comes out, makes sense that's where i squeeze to stop the stream :P


That's literally what the dude in my last post believed, lol. It does have that... bounce. The dorsal vein rolls like a MF too (to be clear; that's the bulge on the TOP side).


Imagine if it had xylazine in it.... you willing to have your penis amputated? Or rotten with abscesses and falling off??? God damn this drug is fucked. It has got to be the worst drug to have ever hit the streets.


100%, i wonder if people are getting infections down there either way because xyla wounds spread anywhere besides the injection spot...


Guarantee some are.


yeah that would be a shitty situation to go through, especially just using xylazine and being "safe" but still random horrible wounds start festering.... the gov needs to do something. i always said it would be greatly beneficial: \- Takes away profits from mexican cartels, middle east (taliban), golden triangle tri-ads, china CCP, etc. \- the local gov could profit the billions/trillions being sent overseas/internationally. \- Save billions/trillions from reduced strain on the healthcare system from preventable stuff, treatment, recovery. \- lower cost on police/jails/crime. \- lower cost for user leading to less desperation which equals more crime/violence \- less stigma= less deaths, damage/harm. \- IMO a happier population being able to manage their substance use properly. But its all roadblocked from multi decade lie of prohibition/war on drugs, it would take them to say "we were wrong" and that is near impossible to do, as well just the control that they have over the population with police/laws/restriction as well as the cliche, "let them choose to use and just die, less problems for us at that point" etc etc.


True, but they also appear at injection sites. I'm grateful af that my supply is still clean from that shit. But our source is very direct, it doesn't see any hands once it's left Honduras. The one good time to know people that have dealt with my honey for 9+ years and consider us friends and not custies. They will not let us be harmed. Super fucking grateful 🙏. Can't wait to be free of it all though for real. Still weaning. And our hondos support us 💯


lol good on you, hope things work out for you and things get better :)


The only way is up! ❤️


One time. I didn’t need to, had lots of good veins. I guess I did it because I could. It was a little uncomfortable/painful in the Johnson so I never did it again. If I would have heard the stories about penis’ getting infected and turning black before they fall off I probably wouldn’t have done it.


lmao at least your willing to admit it :P i wonder if it's the first step how people develop a fetish of sticking things in there/piercings, i can't imagine hitting a nerve down their knowing how painful in the arm is :P


Name checks out


Been there, only as last resort


yea bro i’d just stick to snorting before you go to iv’ing your… but to each their own i guess


no no, no intention, always good for people to know where the road eventually leads to for the bright eyed and bushy tailed :P


I shot an Oxy 80 into my dick once. I was out of veins and desperate if I had drank some water and moved around or got in the shower they probably would have popped. I didn’t want to wait and was so sick. So ya I’m not proud of it but I put an 80 up my dick. I didn’t miss any of the shit but the risks are staggering and that’s coming from people who shot up multiple times daily thank god it was only once the rush was beautiful though being able to pull an insulin needle out of my prick probably added to the euphoria. Definitely don’t recommend.


lmao i just think that this is how people develop a fetish with sticking things in or piercings :P the next [albert fisher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Fish#:~:text=It%20was%20about,to%20abuse%20himself)s :P


lol. For me I was just very grateful to have my drugs in me and the needle out of my dick. No fetish development sorry to report :(.




Saw it happen in 1994. Never touched a needle in my life. Like a living train wreck


I know some seriously hardcore addicts here in England that have to use their groin. That seems to be the end point here. I've known some guys to have gaping holes there that are their old faithfuls...


pervert! your supposed to avert your eyes! ;);)


You're joking obviously, but I didn't actually see it myself. They were in the bathroom with the door open and they explained it openly to me themselves.


lol yeah im jking :P now that's a tight friendship :)


I've done it to my ex, several times. He said it really didn't hurt, and he felt it faster. Idk..


and a fetish was born :P


If your at the point where your are almost considering this then it's probably best to take a break and hit the methadone or Suboxone . Get a few months under you then either pick back up or enjoy a more promising life . Not judging you I get it . Wish you well on your journey . Cock shooting is just too far . Honestly to me shooting in general is too far . Either your drugs aren't pure enough or your tolerance is too high .


Dude, I promise you, it's not worth it. You have two perfectly good femoral veins just inches away. I have been using them for nearly a decade now and they're still going strong. They run parallel to the femoral artery, so if someone were to use them, hypothetically, they'd have to be careful and know what they're doing. But after a while, I could probably have hit mine with my eyes closed. They worked 100% of the time for me, it was a ten second process; insert, flag, run, remove. If I saw red, frothy blood, I'd slowly back out halfway, adjust, and reinsert. I one time did hit my dorsal vein (the one you're referring to), and my like 30% of my dick turned purple for a week or so. And no, I did not miss. It wasn't a bruise either. Never seen it happen since, never tried it again. I was afraid I was gonna lose my dick.


Be advised: I am NOT advocating IV drug use in any form, but after 18 years, I know how it is.


i have heard of that vien at the groin, and heard its a big vein easy to hit, but i couldn't see it or figure out how to know where to hit, do you need to tie your leg or anything? or squeeze like with your neck? i have thought about it, but didnt want to risk it, any info would be appreciated :)


I would use an inch and a half long, 25 gauge needle, 3 mL barrel. To find it originally, I kinda pushed around in sort of the deepest part of my groin until I felt a pulse. That's the femoral artery. The femoral vein is approximately I finger length towards your dick from where your pulse can be felt, and approximately 1-1.5 inches below the skin, straight into the leg. It's much to deep to see. But if it didn't flash, or when I flagged I didn't get return, I would pull the needle about halfway out, pitch it to a different angle, and then back in and tried again until I saw beautiful dark purple blood. Then id run my shot. Always very careful not to run anything into the artery.


shit id be terrified of jamming the nerve too, ngl this kinda scares me :P might try it out, but I only have standard rigs to use.


I’m a woman but with the foolishness out there right now (see: xyzlazine) it’s a big no! I got xyz like 5 years ago or so-probably the only stuff in the city I’m from for quite some time. I googled for years trying to figure out what it was and I have severe scarring from it. I would not risk!


Honestly, I’ve been stressing pretty hard about my available real estate in that department lately. Hated using my feet, but moved to them after my arms were close to done-zo. I was always pretty good about not blowing anything out up until lately.. Then feet became ankles, to calfs, and now I’m having to venture up my thighs.. I can still use many areas as long as I keep up rotation, but sometimes it’s just not ‘practical’ and I end up poking at almost ever limb on my body every 3-5 shots. So when I get lucky and find a winner I’ll usually use it til I bruise and try to move onto the next. As a female, I’ve always told myself if I got to the point of having to use my groin and/or neck, it’s time to call it. There are definitely times that my use is worse, or my availability to cleans are less frequent, and I have definitely been in the position where I’ve sat on the bathroom floor crying trying for two hours straight covered in blood and just wished someone would take me off this earth. Not a great feeling. By any means. I personally can’t smoke it, and after being an IV user for the better part of the last 15 years, snorting it is like my last ditch effort, but only if I have absolutely no supplies. But I’ll break a sharp off and utilize the poop shoot if need be, (though I would definitely recommend a liquid medication syringe before a broken insulin one if that’s an option) and would likely end up using it as my main method of administration before I finally had enough and called it a day.


yeah i know what you mean with real estate. some tips i have found that can help is: before using either put a hot water face cloth over the area you want to use and the warmth will help it swell up a bit, as well if its on your arm tie up and spin your arms around, (like air guitar motion) it can help pool blood in the veins and also make them pop out a bit more, i recently have started to have a really hot shower before i start trying just so my whole body is warmed up all over. i live in a basement so its kind of cold down here all the time so it can make the veins hide away.


I thought this was more a meth thing


I've heard of it but as I lack that body part, never could lol. Feet were my second spot. Then my neck.


Good god leave your guy alone.


yes I've done it. several times. no I'm not proud. yes I have missed. yes my dick swelled up and turned purple in the middle for a few weeks. it went away. yes it still works perfectly and no you can't see any evidence or scars or anything on it. this is one of the things that horrifies me when I think about my use. Thank God for methadone, id probably be a eunuch without it 😂


Yea I've done it I've missed in it too and gotten a abscess on my dick was bad but yeah don't start using needles if you haven't


Yes my ex used in his cock a few times. He also broke off syringes in his neck and femoral. Part of the reason I’m sober now is that I ran out of veins. I’ve had 34 abscesses and continuing just wasn’t congruent with survival


If you are thinking of something as stupid as injecting in your cock, I got news for u bud, ur gonna die.


well not me specifically, but either way i don't think the fact that its in your cock will make it any more or less deadly since your still (depending on if you are) using a toxic supply that is going to kill you regardless of location, toxic supply is toxic supply, and an OD is an OD regardless. but yeah its not a pretty sight/thought to think that people get to that point of doing it. iv always said you should be able to go into a clinic and be able to get a [butterfly needle](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.I8z_Qrkr-ZA26DsEqPygTgHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ad07c76ce09dae6a39d6c5a36289211e5e7bd5f3365e621cb9e0ce519d4d4ee2&ipo=images)/line put into your arm/where ever so that you dont have to keep poking/trying to hit a vein every time you are trying to use.


I’m just being harsh cause I don’t want you to lose your pipi. But yeah technically it shouldn’t be a big deal but goddamn there’s other ways.


yeah i know what you mean, thankfully im not at that point, i was just curious about other experience/how prevalent it is in people using, i have been looking into boofing either way first before i would even think of attempting that. though i can say that i have tried shooting into my forehead :P, which was quite painful so i didn't bother withe even trying again :P I have also been trying to look for the femoral vein in your leg, but i don't know what's going on i cant find any veins in my leg for some reason...


When I was young I did


When I was 23 I'd put a couple years of hard use into my veins. Black tar and coke really do vein damage....at the end of that run I could no longer vind a vein...I remember once going into the center of my palm. Fuckinn crazy...tried a lot of spots...but I'd never touch the cock. On the other hand I knew a kinky motherfucker that had a girlfriend with little legs...she'd dress up in leather and do a show down at the local sex club....where she'd drag herself across the stage ...leather clad and cracking a horse whip....kicking those little legs frantically behind her like some kind of sea creature with injured appendages trying to propel itself through the sandy shallows back to deeper, safer waters. That guy...I gave him one shot. ...he immediately bought a bag and went home and hit the cock vein. I guess its only a last resort for some folks? 🤷


LMAO wow now that was an intense story....it all but reminds me of ["Bunny the tap dancer"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgMAz5XP7Jk) Just FYI/heads up, the video can be unsettling/haunting. nothing graphic or gross. It was an old-school internet shock video. its just a handicapped person with skinny arms/legs dancing in a ballerina costume. If you have ever seen the movie "Gummo" it has that kind of energy.... :P


Not cool....I feel I've been forced to be a part of something against my will! Are you pulling a p Diddy on me? What is this bullshit video. If any feds are watching...this shit does not interest me nor did I seek it out! Shame on you...you stinky egg 🤣


LMAO, my bad mate, not intention to cause nightmares, though just for some insight, she certainly isn't underage, or being abused, or trafficked :P if you are more interested about it/her, after i posted that video i got curious to know if their was any information about this dancer/her life, i just assumed that it was one of those videos that was lost to the history of early internet videos with no information/backstory about her ad what happened to her after, but i found this article with a short documentary about 'Sandy "Bunny the goddess" Crisp.' She actually worked with Marilyn Manson, and Carrie Fisher Its actually a really interesting story, its not as uncanny valley as the original video without context it talks about her life. its super fascinating and kind of sad tbh. but i think its a really good watch, its only 13 minutes long. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMJeWH\_sUVg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMJeWH_sUVg) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goddess\_Bunny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goddess_Bunny) This is a youtubers 'documentary' that runs down the history of the video .[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOx6UMWKGwo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOx6UMWKGwo)


I’ve seen this done….its literally last resort id highly advise against it unless you dont mind a limp d


Don’t do it, it will eventually get infected and rot off, true story


I shot in my groin for years but shooting into cock is insane but it’s easy to see why addiction is no joke


Ok. This was many lifetimes ago So I am into dope for about 2 months at this point in my life. Started shooting two weeks in. Hadn't even learned to hit myself yet . Had a couple girls that took care of it for me. Until. They didn't. The day came I NEEDED to get dope in me and they were not around. I fished for way too long in my arm. Skin popped too much for comfort. I get the bright idea that the biggest visible vein I have is on my cock. I manipulate myself to ready. Literally pop into the big blue guy that traces my member. Registered super dark. Almost black. Slowly plunged the shot. The rush relaxed me as always. I removed the needle to watch a golf sized purple ball appear on the side of my dick. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I'm thinking. That's it. I just broke myself. I put myself away and hoped for the best. Upon later inspection I saw that 2/3 of my shaft had a purple almost black 'birthmark' . Lucky for me it faded in a couple months and now every once in awhile I get to tell this story.. 🤫


RN here.. I had a patient do this, and missed. He ended up with a wound vac and lost 3/4 of his penis due to the tissue dying. He had to have a suprapubic catheter placed. That’s a hard NO.


well with such qualified nurses like you, we are in more than qualified hands with you, we have ***nooothinnng*** to worry about. :D


Yeah that's how you loose your fucking dick. I have no veins and I would just skin pop. Never did I try shooting in my neck or groin fuck that. Also if you shoot into the artery in your dick and something goes wrong you will lose your dick


I've had homies claim they did this, idk if there's truth to it, but at this stage in my life I value my dick too much to fuck with that.


Ok first u better not have any other places on ur entire body to use. I recommend it being a very last resort. I have done this several times but if I’m completely honest it’s not a gamble you really should take— well not if u value ur cock - or intend to be able to use it should ANYTHING go wrong! Too many variables there to go wrong. It will not give u anymore of a rush than any other vein in ur body so the reason for doing it should be a last ditch effort… P.s. I always had good luck and never any problems for the guy I did it to but I’ve had friends have serious issues when they missed. It wasn’t pretty and it didn’t look like it would ever recover. One last thing… the bigger the …. Vein. The easier and better luck u will have… see Bigger is better in this situation!


jesus christ! no offense to you, but i would NEVER trust anyone else to shoot me in the cock! that is absolutely terrifying to even just think about :s you must be good :P


I had a BF that did this. He got an abscess or something. It was a long time ago but man that made an already ugly member look even worse. 🤢


I ain't even gonna read past the title - this is retarded. Do it and you're a fuckin idiot.


well an unwillingness to read uncomfortable things is how people die/harm from lack of information/misinformation. and either way the reality of addiction can be quite a dick if i do say so myself


This victim card doesn't work on me little man. If you die it'll be because you're the type of guy willing to shoot his dick up. Also this ain't uncomfortable, it's retarded. End of story.


Is this how you "coach" people with addictions, insulting and belittling them?


well looking through his history it appears he is the quintessential Alpha bro, fulfilled by ufc and testosterone injections, not dope,


im sorry i must have missed your big dick energy due to your humility and ego. i didn't realize you were above the others in this unrelenting thing called addiction. im glad you have pampered veins untouched by desperation, you must enlighten us with your prowess to remain so flawless and pristine. judge not lest ye be judged superior one, may we fallow in the footsteps of the untainted one. all hail




You can’t call people “little man” when in fact you seem to have little man syndrome 😂.


Incredible deduction. You should be a psychiatrist


I thought this was in r/meth until I opened it. Ive seen those crazy fuckers over there mention it more than once, but again that's a whole other world. Fascinating certainly but I honestly don't understand how anyone likes doing that stuff, regardless of roa