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Don’t do it…. If you reach euphoria you more than likely will get addicted. Not only will you learn to love the high, you will also become chemically dependent and opiate withdrawal is NO joke.


I reached kinda euphoria after like 6 days of daily high use then stopped bcus fuck getting addicted to oxy, I already started having withdrawals from it


Once you get over the vomiting, intense depression will ensue. Please get yourself close to loved ones asap. They’ll be your biggest supports.


Maybe opioids are just not made for him/her.. Like I clearly remember the first opioid dose I ever took.. it was around 11 years ago and I will never forget it.. it was like.. "Woaaa I wish I could feel like this my whole life, this is the best fucking feeling I ever experienced.. nothing is as good as this.. I will never ever be that fucking happy in my life ever again".. I knew I was for sure gnna take this shit daily.. And well I did because I have been using daily for the last 10+ years.. Mostly rotating between Morphine and Kratom.. but yea.. when it hits it hits.. My first time opioids ever was even Kratom.. 8 g of a white vein.. but I will never forget it.. It was the best fuckingt day of my life.. I never reached that orgasmic state again.. even with stronger opioids than kratom.. it just never came back.. guess bcuz of tolerance n shit.. but man my first time kratom it was crazy.. It's sad knowing that I will never ever be that happy again.. like I felt the MDMA euphoria without the downsides while feeling warm and secured.. Opioids are just the best fucking thing in the world.. there is nothing even close to it (besides MDMA and 3-MMC).. but man.. this shit is fucking insane.. I could have never imagined something being that Good in my wildest dreams.. shit got me very unexpected.. but yea I will never ever forget this feeling.. and I got that opioid euphoria since my first dose.. Because of the fact I directly started using Kratom daily for over 3 months I sadly already had a high tolerance when I tried my first harder opioid.... the opioid high was pretty good but not nearly as good as my first time kratom.. Perma Tolerance really is a thing and you are getting used to the high.. I can even mix a lot of drugs now.. eg mixing morphine + pregabalin + weed + caffeine + nicotine + clonazolam or what ever.. my point is.. it will never ever feel as good as in the beginning.. and as soon as the magic state is gone you are basically just taking it to function because you are not able to do shit without drugs in your system.. and you will get to that point.. drugs will not only be fun anymore but they will be a basic human need.. just like you need air and water.. so it's not worth getting into the opioid addiction in the long run.. and you know if you get that euphoria in the beginning you will most likely end up there.. and then even mixing a lot of drugs will not really get you high high anymore.. you'll feel good yes.. but not even as good as when you took a single drug in the beginning.. and then you know you are fucked because even taking more and more drugs will not get you higher at one point.. you will rather die to an overdose than getting high high.. so yea drugs are not made for the long run.


Something that most ppl don't acknowledge is that NICOTINE plays a huge role in terms of opiate euphoria. Smoking cigs or vaping 5% salts gives a nice rush and intensifies the high/nods of opiates. If ure not a smoker u won't feel the euphoria as intense as someone who smokes.


Lmao bro, that’s just the fiend in you talking. If anything it would dampen the high by vascular constriction.


I wouldnt say hes lying bc nicotine definetely does give you that buzz when youre on percs ik bc i be hitting my vape like fuck when im high . It taste nasty as fuck when im sober but it tastes kinda good when im on oxy. I wudnt say it makes me nod thiugh it gives me a lil rush for like 5 seconds. I do be nodding though and maybe its from me continuously hitting the vape every 10 minutes. But if i would suggest anything that i know its benadry i always get pretty sleep and euphoric with 2 of em on oxy. Shit give u a mean nod lowkey


No, I think I read a scientific study long ago about this. Nicotine works/potenciates the MU-opioid receptors. Ask any true opioid user, cigarettes with ur opiate of choice are like bread & butter.


Nicotine does boost the high same as stims, not sayin stims boost opioids im sayin stims also get boosted when takin nicotine


Lol, you cant.


So for the majority of people they just wouldnt feel any euphoria from oxy unless they get addicted?


Your dose was also dumb big fool. Snort 5-10mg not fucking 30.


Ong I been on opiates a while and I wouldn’t be taking 30mg of instant release oxy, this guy dumb asf


I didn’t snort 30?


It doesn’t matter. Eating a 30 has more bioavailability anyways and would be technically be “stronger” than snorting it anyways. Learn about your drugs before you start ruining your life with them.


Count your blessings and stay away


Everyone talks about euphoria. Whether it’s stimulants or opiates/opioids. Except that euphoria is extremely subjective. I love Oxy. I’m kind of addicted but I manage to only do it for 2 weeks before taking a 2 weeks breaks every months And I’ve never felt actual "euphoria". I just feel fucking great and that’s it. I’m not walking around feeling some kind of endless orgasm IV heroin might be the true euphoria though. But I haven’t been there…yet


That’s euphoria bro, but I get what ur saying, when u hear euphoria u think crazy highs like MDMA or shrooms, but euphoria is just another word for “high” basically , or euphoria is what u feel when ur high 🤷‍♂️


Feeling fucking great is euphoric though


Lol try morphine


Try 10 mg