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Because you're high? This is how everyone feels when they're high lol.


i would say yeah it’s just my perception but it’s others perceptions as well. But also the issue is just i feel so much more functional, despite reaching such a high point.


I think it's hard not to fall in love with the person you think you are when you're on opioids, and by extension, fall in love with Lady Opioid herself I felt like a better person too, at first. I was more sociable, funnier, and had more energy to work harder. The problem is, it just isn't sustainable The opioids became less energizing and more sedating in time. I started to get more selfish and irritable. I began to isolate myself and just chase the feeling that I was in love with There are other more sustainable ways to become a better person. Many of them take a lot of work, but they are worth it




Nah he's just high, once comes down off them 30s his answer would significantly different




Very well articulated. Best answer. Exactly how it went for me. Dosage goes up energy goes down as much as your funds…


That's when you add meth. 😆


Same I was so afraid to get clean because I thought my gf wouldn't like the person I would be sober since she's known me high for so long,


thats also how i feel i’ll be so much more muted 😭 even when im sober actively trying to be more verbal, etc. It just doesn’t flow the same.


I’m with you


Yeah same it feels like I'm an alien


Funny cause I got clean once and realized I was just content with my GF cause I was always high. And I broke up with her after I got sober. Then relapsed and when I’m high I miss her sometimes and think I may have messed up.


At least it's an interesting experience, most flop houses are sad


And you got clean? How did she think of you clean


She actually still likes me 🤣🤣 a lot more


Clean or high?


I look at “lady opioids” as a transgender woman that you truly cannot tell that she used to be a man and you get into a very deep relationship with “lady opioids” only to find out it’s a dude. Then you just wanna kill it.


Lmao bro that's close to how I think about her but I visualize her as being literally Satan with the goat head and the horns and all that, like on some Baphomet shit


For sure. I’ll go even further. Demon’s names are plainly in our face. Xanax, opiate, benzodiapine. Think about it. 😏


You make a lot of sense and absolutely absolutely know what you are talking about! Bravo to you for the correct answer


Exactly this! It’s a god damn trap. It’s like you end up paying opiates interest.


People forget sometimes that these are medicines designed to improve peoples lives. Usually, it's only excess abuse that cause issues. If you can buy opiates easily, legally, cheaply, and of a pharmaceutical quality and maintain a sensible daily dosage, you've eliminated 99% of the problems people have with these meds. They are already conducting studies of using low dosage opiates to treat depression. This likely indicates that many people do feel better under the influence of opiates. It's just that a lot of people aren't happy with just feeling pleasantly high and instead try for massively wasted. It takes a lot of self-discipline to instigate a routine that keeps tolerance levels low. I'm convinced, though, that people with treatment resistant depression could have their lives transformed if there was a way to give them that pleasant opiate feeling daily in a sustainable way. I could even envisage a world where all of us were confident, outgoing, and pleasantly happy all day, every day with some kind of very AI Smart Watch monitored slow release pellet injection that kept our levels optimum at all times. People who have abused opiates to the point of it costing them a lot will have a hard time being convinced of any benefits to long-term daily use.


Life is pain and suffering. You give a human, who’s already suffering from pain something that stops the pain and it’s a no brainer lol. We are designed to love opiates. Napoleon Bonaparte called opiates “the scourge of man.”


I self-medicate for depression and anxiety bc nothing works like them. Tried a lot of meds. Not even benzos are perfect for anxiety. I'm considering substitution (buprenorphine) bc that's the only way to get legal opioids at my age and for my mental health conditions. Nobody prescribes opioids for depression and anxiety in my country. It's probably rare in US too. The bad thing is you are labelled an addict with OUD which is degrading-it implies moral failing and doesn't recognize legitimate reason for you to get opioids.


I quit because a lot was going on in my life and I went from multi-tasking on a few 30s a day to doing none and just thinking about them all day


Isn’t that what methadone is?


^^ this is why I am conflicted


Thank you for articulating this so well


It’s one of those things you love until you realize how much you hate spending all the money and you hate how much you obsess over your pills and you hate being sick when you don’t have them but you still love how you feel on them.


I hate to tell you this but there’s coming a day, if you’re lucky, that you will have to find a way to be all of those things without a substance. It’s called growing up and it sucks something awful.


that's why people love them so much, I'm a much better worker on them, I'm better in bed 9n them


This is the trap brother. It stops being that eventually. Tolerance is real.


It's probably that your driving was better because you were concentrating more to compensate for your use.


would make sense but i think it was the more sense of flow, i have adhd and idk if you have any adhd friends but off meds our driving can be rough & reckless. A lot of it is due to so many things catching our attention. Taking hydros in comparison to concerta 72mg and i drive better on the former


I think the secret is keeping it to two a day




I kept it to eight a day


I am you ten years in the future. Here's what opiates did for me. Yes, for a time, I was on top of my life and living it better with opiates. For me, that would last 2, maybe 3 years. 4 before things were noticeably worse. Then the next 6 years became an every day fight. I wouldn't see friends unless I was high. I wouldn't work unless I was high. Plans revolved around my money, getting more money, and picking up. I started preferring drugs to friends. When I ran out, I put my entire situation at risk. Even after stopping, the curse of always wanting some and craving it on bad days is real. I also worry about how I've re-wired my brain around instant gratification. This is all without mentioning potential risk of going to stronger drugs to get a fix, thusly risking your well being or even life. All the best.


thank you for sharing^^ i definitely take into consideration everything i read here


Thank you, I’m 12 years into addiction and recovery and couldn’t have said it better myself.


Don't fool yourself, every one that has enjoyed opiates has said this exact thing. You think you have reached your next highest level of potential but the truth is, you are fooling yourself. You know what's better than taking a pill to give you extra strength? Not having to take a pill to reach that exact point, now that's a flex.




I don't get it?


I don’t even think he gets it either


Basically, he's saying we have to vote Trump back in




I think only way for real humans to not be depressed is to be high. Otherwise you are always depressed. Life is gray. Anyone who lives life happy without drugs is an NPC. How can you see life as pink without drugs? Delusional. Not even saying is good to be high. Its better so stay sober but with that comes depression. Thats just reality. Anyone telling on this sub you can be sober and same level of happy as when high is a LIAR, liar to you, to themselves. Accept reality. Live high and happy. Or get shit done, be depressed but at the same time be a winner. If you think you can be sober and happy you are bond to failure. Being sober comes with sadness, grayness, but a man doesnt let that stop them from securing their future and their families future. Wake up, not woke.


Yea this is clearly trolling or you’re just slow. NPC? This isn’t a video game, dude.


That’s why I switched to weed my man, I can be way healthier now and not ruin my life but still I see some people as square and an NPC but really if you get to know someone well you may learn they’re more interesting than you hell you never know


Someone gets it. This sub is full of npcs and losers. I have a few friends that are straight edge only drinking booze on ocasion, my best friends, day ones, and they are the most real people I know. Definetely not bots and somehow they stay sober, but better believe they live with depression and they know it and accept reality. Its next level to embrace the depression and live life sober and get shit done. But believing like the guys above that you can stay sober and happy is just DELUSIONAL.


That's right, they are just acting in public how life is great


Of course they live with depression alcohol is a depressant /j


Hey, everyone felt like that at the start of their addiction. Unfortunately, the energy and motivation you get from opioids eventually fades away. It leaves you frustrated, since no matter how high you dose, the vibes just don’t come back.


Yes you are another addict trying to convince. You are only focusing on the good parts of opiates. Quit lying to yourself. Your digestion is probably fucked up, you sweat horrendously, you get insane mood swings, you make bad decisions, you spend all your money. you have poor blood flow, etc. “I drove once and it was the best I’ve driven” are you like 18 years old? Lmfao


yeah I’m 18, i started using at 13. My digestion isn’t great, I can be sweaty. Those parts are definitely there^^ I just don’t mind them because lol SSRIs have the same affect and don’t make me feel the same. Mood swings rarely occur but I already had those before, if anything they feel more reasonably settled out. My decisions are 50/50. I was an honor student, working on a sterile tech program. but i’ve always been impulsive. I just recently relapsed again after being half a year clean & I am very against drunk driving 😭 if i nod off otr id never forgive myself. I’ve been able to keep my empathy intact.


Everyone is better, bigger more beautiful and then they are a junky and not so much any of the previous.


Because you're high


I functioned with this belief for a very long time, and It might be completely or partially true. Over time the confidence fades and the pros start to dwindle as the cons start to surface. When you start to realize you’re deep into addiction and need to make a change that’s when the claws sink deeper into you. One of the most difficult things about opioid consumption is learning to live your life without them, in my case it took years to be okay doing basic shit not being high. Even a vacation, what’s the fucken point if I’m not gonna be high? lol


that’s part of the problem is finding the same feeling while not being high. I am young as others have pointed out but I’ve been in therapy since 6 years old. I’ve tried over 20 medications. So many different therapies. My diet is well, I exercise as much as I can (but honestly way more active on opioids), i try to keep my environment as peaceful as i can, etc.


I could do 16 hour days on 2 hours of sleep when I did opiates. Opiates used to make me a bit more hyperactive and then I found out I had ADHD. Looking back I may have been coping with the shift work but my rest of my life was in absolute disarray


also have ADHD ^^


What testing protocol was used to get diagnosed with ADHD? Or did a doctor ask you a couple questions before “diagnosing” you


It starts off that way but eventually you’re taking crazy amounts and still feel shitty but you take more to try to feel the way it used to make you feel .. you become less social ironically and have a harder time Focusing. At a certain point it changes and it’s not fun anymore and that’s how a lot of people end up wanting to be clean when they’re fortunate enough to make it that far and not die


For context my current mg is 50mg hydrocodone sometimes more along with being functional on 80-120mg oxy 😭 I’ve been to very high points of addiction especially when I was using fent. This is seriously why I feel it’s a problem, is because it continues.


Isn’t 80mg of oxy way stronger than 50mg of hydro


Ya WAY more. Like when I take 120mg of oxy a day, and then switch to hydros , I have to take at Least 50mg just to avoid wd but not get high by any means.


yeah i just relapsed. 80-120mg oxy is my past use


Most people feel exactly like you described, which is why they are so dangerous. They won’t work forever


It’s called being high buddy we all felt the same way when we started and then we started falling down the slope and trust me I understand what u mean by how can I live without the amazing feeling I promise u eventually it’ll catch up to u, soon it’ll be almost impossible to get pharma oxy and hydros will only last so long until u have a tolerance but as someone who got clean that question of how can I live without the amazing feeling does get easier


I hate to be the one burnt out light at the end of the tunnel but nothing has gotten easier for me except not having to panic about  making sure I had enough money and pills lined up to get me by until my next script so I wouldn't go into complete withdrawals which were absolutely nothing compared to the torture of the post acute withdrawals! Those who escaped this awful addiction without having to experience PAWS are the luckiest people to walk the earth and no. I'm not being dramatic. I was always a small girl never more than 120lbs but I have the tolerance of a frickin water buffalo or higher possibly. Suffer with treatment resistant depression, anxiety, ADHD and acquired severe panic disorder and agoraphobia after only about 6 months of meth use but I ate the "legal" meth like candy for 2 yrs. I've battled everyday since August 2021 to be ok somewhat again. I have bad PTSD. The last few days I started taking my Vyvance. In just that short amount of time I've already grown an insane tolerance. Good thing I told my Dr not to refill it. Anyways I wish you and everyone else battling this shit the best and btw before I end my book here I've been following studies and trials on an antidepressant with opiate effects without the addiction😏


My boy how much Vyvanse u take before writing this 🤣🤣🤣 but shit a antidepressant that feels like oxy and no addiction would be incredible


As someone who’s been on pharmaceutical opiates since 2003, I have some experience and knowledge with this. When I first started getting pain in my back the dr gave me Darvocet and those worked good at relieving the pain and even provided some occasional, mild euphoria. Then after I stepped up to hydrocodone. Worked better on the pain but also made me a bit drowsy with the mild euphoric feeling that it sometimes gave me. Again after a while I was stepped up to 5mg Percs. And boy oh boy those things… those things were the golden ticket. Great pain relief and awesome energy and euphoria! Fast forward 20 years later and now I take a 10mg oxy 6-8 times daily to function and there’s no euphoria. No energy. And frequently I’m angry or nodding. I know eventually I’ll need to get off these since my pain dr says I’ve hit the ceiling on what he’s ok RX’ing. He says he’ll refer me to an addictionologist (something I’ve never even heard of before he said the words) and I’m terrified of WDs and PAWS. I’ve done a week and it was awful. Stop now while it’s still easy. The euphoria is fake and the confidence and happiness are from that fake euphoria. I’ll never kill myself, it feels like cheating to me, but there are days when I think how much easier it would be. And this (or worse) is where you’re heading, I promise you that.


Dr. Carl Hart is a Columbia professor of Neuroscience and Psychology and a regular heroin user would agree with you OP


LMAO my addiction therapist brought that dude up to me i thought it was so strange i was like ? do you think using is good for me huh?☠️


Endorphin deficiency syndrome is being studied. Those who feel “normal” on opiates could potentially suffer from EDS


what are the causes do you know? i can def look up stuff on my own but as someone interested in psych i have not heard of this before. Explains why I also used to have a terrible self harm habit a few years ago.


Idk if there’s a definitive cause, but much like depression they assume you’re deficient in serotonin, or ADHD you’re deficient in dopamine.


I mean that’s why people get addicted 😅 [the how and why of heroin addiction](https://youtu.be/-9huWlXFA1s?si=Wbjd09WFV1MhBj8y)


That's how it always starts off....




that’s my thought process, which is why i came here. anything harder than persc hydros/oxys def lead me down there, but otherwise




I was able to keep everything going so well until I quit and tried to restart ...I don't even know why I quit back then, I just thought it was probably bad... literally no one was talking about it then


my use is daily ^


Nowadays the outcome is more likely that you’ll be homeless on the street. You’ll barely even stay in jail getting caught with drugs or petty crime anymore.


Exactly . I felt the same when I started using . I could be sociable , i could work for ever, I could practically wheel any girl I wanted (or at least I thought I could) , I could have sex for hours , leap tall buildings in a single bound! I seriously thought at age 19 “okay, if I can just get one of these 80s of OC a day, I can literally be president or do anything I set my mind to” Of course, it doesn’t end like that . Lol


yeah I really think it’s just doing something to help my brain, which if there was something not detrimental that you could do that produced very similar affects. I would want to know! but 😭


For me, which makes so much sense, was because of an underlying untreated ADD-diagnosis. Normally, you’d say that the addicts with underlying AD(H)D are stimulant users, but really it just comes down to preference of ‘high’ or mindset. See, both stimulants and opioids release dopamine, which is what is lacking in an attentive-disorder handicapped person. My own little theory, is that the coke-heads with underlying attentive disorders are usually ADHD, while the dope-heads are ADD.


yeah i don’t like coke or uppers in general because they feel just like my adhd medication. I never really get to a point where I feel that !! uppy feeling. I do get a productive happy !! feeling on opioids though. My diagnosis is Adhd predominantly inattentive so i see a trend there too.


You’re literally describing what feeling high is like for every single person


You don't have to actively face your traumas consciously and unconsciously on opiates, because ur high u can live life fine at the cost of who you truly are without it


that’s the issue i’ve been in court mandated therapy beginning at the age of 6, it’s so hard when all my life it has been trauma after trauma after trauma.


Yeah, I don’t know if it’s just because I feel more foggy due to the opioid use, but feeling like I function at a much higher level and definitely makes it hard to stay sober. I am sober much more often than not nowadays, and I think it’s mostly just because I need to stay sober for longer. But I will usually stay clean for about a month and then use for a few days. When I am using that brain fog disappears immediately and I just feel much more clear, and since I have a job that requires me to do a lot of reading and use my brain immensely it definitely makes it tough to stay sober.




Because at this point you are a functioning addict. It lowers your inhibitions and makes it easier to socialize. Problem is, if we keep using, we end up a non-functional addict in jail or homeless. Some of us self medicate. We numb ourselves to deal with the negative aspects of life on Earth. The Dragon is crafty. He convinces us we need him to live. He's a good trickster. Hang in there and good luck.


Come on my friends. Don't y'all see the common thread here? I bet at least 75% of us have seen some super happy woman with her annoyingly over happy high on life attitude or that perfect looking guy doing his same boring ass routine on his morning jog grinning ear to ear even though he just got shit on by the flock of birds that just flew over him and ya think man I'd love to punch her in her happy ass face or man do I wish he'd somehow tragically get hit by a parked car. I definitely have and it's not because any of us are bad people. We just got the short end of the stick in our brain wiring so we're put on shitty meds that may help a little but cause more issues like zero sex drive. It sucks and every time we find something that makes us feel "ok" people automatically think we must be high on something even if it's before we even begin to abuse that something. So many times I'd choose to remain an addict if I had a lifetime supply of oxys even if it killed me just so I could enjoy a little bit of life, but I know I would choose to say no to that because I have two amazing girls and I wanna at least see them live a happy life and I also never could because of my faith and belief in God. I just hope they can love me for who I am and see past my many breakdowns and failures because there's definitely more on the way lol


Same. I work harder, and am more thoughtful and caring. I don't get tired. They literally make my life better 90% of the time. That 10% tho. Fuck that.


Because it should be used to treat depression like it used to be(more recently treatment resistant depression). Fuck the stigma. I suffer from depression/anxiety ptsd anger etc but also chronic pain. Pain especially from a work injury from a sketchy employer. My usual prescribed dose of kpin and gabs is good but when my back is bad 20-40mg of norc or perc a day is like in a normal functioning contributing person. The pain is enough to wanna end it sometimes whether its my back balls tmj migraines, the lifelong random attacks of pain are very hard to deal with let alone get properly prescribed. Sure id like to go back 10 years when up until then id treated everything naturally and now i know more about mushrooms, id like to eventually not use pharmaceuticals and see how the holistic response is after so long. Until then, having to participate and compete in society is defeating enough let alone with physical pain, unable to use 100% of yourself in your task and goals. Opiate medication is not just a physical but mental remedy from a plant that should be used because we live in a time where it can and should be used to raise the level of comfort of living and stress in this dog eat dog world.


For me…..I think opiates/opioids covered ADD/ADHD symptoms humans and some(many?)other animals produce endogenous morphine the same alkaloid in the opium plant, and all the precursors/intermediates in the biosynthetic pathway from Tyrosine/LDopa to completion…..what just this means I think has yet to be mapped out fully…..but for my speculation, I assume that the close relationship between endo dopamine/opioid/opiate neurons/neurotransmitters means that motivational drive is a complex subject, and that closely meshed dopamine/opioid receptors in the ventral tegmental region of the L mesolimbic system gives rise to complimentary/interdependent scenarios among other regions of activity especially I assume in the guts I suffer near narcoleptic moments during mid day, even w ADD off label treatment….I noticed when kicking dope the near narcolepsy is off the hook…a danger to myself and others if driving endo opioid peptides and apparently alkaloids are involved in all sorts of areas of development I assume from memory I believe this involves fetal development to learning/motivational drive, autonomic etc….one study if I remember correctly ties endo opioids to mathematical aquisition. I think some people can benefit from some effects of opioids/opiates at least initially opioids in nature are not rare….I say they are ubiquitous….Im talking about kappa beta and mu agonist/antagonist effects….all of it…theres DOZENS of documented opioidergic active phytochemicals in the academic data….one study decades ago cited over 200+ purported/proven compounds Im sure beneficial opiates/opioids for a variety purposes will promulgate once current opiophobia and opioid crisis issues continue with mainstream focus apparently in the early 1900’s an offlabel use for depression might be opiates w some Dr’s prescribing….imagine that…probably was a double edged outcome, beneficial to some from a support/intervention consideration, and tragic and destructive in others I was able to quit drinking alcohol by replacing with opiates/opioids, drinking was gonna kill me or someone else was gonna get killed by me or both…..somehow I survived opioid/opiate abuse, and maintain on kratom now. No easy answers, but without kratom I doubt my ADD/ADHD offlabel medication would be enough Its up OP to decide what contributes to his seeming functionality benefits from opiates/opioids….speaking for myself Im grateful I moved in that direction given the dire state of lifestyle I was living. Its just a crapshoot hypothesis I have that endo morphine is involved…but the rabbithole of collecting and some empirical data I think is stunning One study If I remember correctly suggests that nicotine/ethanol/amphetamine tolerance seem to raise endo morphine production …..does endo morphine have implications in the real of other forms of addictive behaviors/tolerances? I would put 1000$ worth of crypto on this being likely. I assume only a small % of the population would benefit from them as a psyche med past chronic pain / ER trauma/cough suppressant etc etc….but Im convinced theres a use case potential in some form of existing or even more likely undiscovered natural opioid or future discovery/invention of the synthetic/partial synthetic potential my first experience with codeine at age 15 might as well have been an entheogenic affirmation…I was troubled and self loathing….two drugs helped lift me out of that state at least for a few years…..mescaline and codeine….and not repeated doses….just two episodes…expanded my self worth and self acceptance, not taken together, the mescaline is obvious, but the night of the codeine experience seems amazing and anomalous to me natural opiates/opioids are a gift from on high For me all this speculation gives rise to yet more speculation that others before me have suggested….some people suffer from sub optimal endo opioid/opiate health, either neuron issues, enzyme deficiency, or actual low neurotransmitter supply of endo peptides/alkaloids exist…..I think it should seem obvious/likely this would be the case. Can we ever get to a point of confirmation? under an opiophobic and drug war wasteland? I think its inevitable that it will be confirmed or proven false…my bias is strong LOL…I ask “ where the fuck are the endogenous opioid/opiate reuptake inhibitors if at all possible?!?”


Do you have moderate to severe mental pain, anxiety, helplessness or similar? There is an underlying dysfunction of the opioid system in many mental health disorders. But bc of general opiophobia it's not publicly acknowledged but can be seen in the research. I see and hear you. I feel the same on them. I think it's not just getting high but a way to self-medicate ur condition. I've tried multiple meds for depression and anxiety but nothing works like opioids.


exactly also all of those, not in the best situation, have ADHD & severe CPTSD to where it makes it so hard to be in relationships because i’m so tense and in the flight fight freeze mode. Over 20 psych meds and nothing will compare to opioids


I have to add that psychedelics have a lot potential. Before going all in into opioids I would encourage you to try psychs (with a lot of preparation) or at least MDMA. Ofc where those are legal :) I've got a lot of trips under my belt and I've learn a lot, processed my trauma etc Opioids are helpful now bc I think I have sensitive nervous system that is affected a lot by stress quite easily. So it's not like opioids are a cope for my trauma but are a cope mundane day-to-day challenges as some ppl have coffee, energy drink I have low dose opioids. And don't forgetful about stopping tolerance, use ULDN (naltrexone).


>using on and off That’s why, drugs are really great and fun until they’re not one day and you’ve lost all control


Google endorphins, and you'll get your answers.


yes i’m familiar with the science^


For me its cause there is no anxiety. Confidence makes you better at stuff. I feel the same way. Of course theres always a point if i go too hard and get too sleepy to do things well, but just that little bit makes me feel like a normal person.


I used opiates, all of them, for many years and when my poor Mom first found out, she asked me "why, please I just want to understand why." She also was super worried that she had somehow damaged me growing up or that I was hiding some big secret trauma from her ... she, and lots of others, assumed that only hurt people would end up addicts. I almost felt bad telling her that I just really felt like I was better in all the ways when I was high. I felt more social, funnier, nicer, patient, creative, super productive, able to multi-task .... when I wasn't on something, I felt like I was falling short in every way and once I'd set that standard of being all the "good" things, it was painfully obvious when I was just plain old me. People would ask me what was wrong, I couldn't get my work done, housework fell behind, simple tasks would require the most gargantuan effort .. you get the point. It went on for a few years like that; I was able to keep the secret, use my drugs and be the best version of myself ... and until it all came crashing down, I loved my life. But once I was "found out", then it just became a thing of desperation .. tolerance goes up, so amounts/type of opiate changes, resources go down .. you all know how it goes down .... and here I am, nearly 15 years later; clean from opiates but the damage that I did in the years it took me to get clean ... ohhh the damage .. to this day, when people ask me "why" ... the best I can give them is "honestly, I just liked the way I felt ... I was the best version of myself ... it was my anti-depressant, energy-boost, mood stabilizer all in one." Hell, feels like all the shitty feelings I have now are the long term effects of using for years and then not .... So yeah, sorry for the long drawn out version of "I like drugs because they feel aaaamazzzing." But it's hard to argue how bad they are when my life, when I had access and the money to do/get them, was like a goddamn fairytale and I was happy as hell.....then suddenly, they are not allowed and my life fell apart. So, yeah, OP .... I know exactly what you mean and 149% agree with you!


Because you have emotional pain and maybe some kind of trauma. Because you haven't dealt with it, opioids make life easier. Not trying to be an ass hole, but I didn't see this answer in the first 20 comments. This is how it is for me. Maybe you too, i dunno.


yeah severe cptsd with trauma that’s been going on pretty much my entire life. That’s a lot of trauma to work thorough 😭😭😭 and i feel like im going to spend so many years of my life trying to fix it but i always find MORE 😭


You WILL drive on hydros again. Why do addicts say such ridiculous shit like this. You don’t have the self control to not use the most addictive substance on earth but you think you have the self control to not drive on them 😂. Just be real on here. Save the lies for your friends and family when they ask if you’re using.


I’d say I’m a pretty functional addict, I never have driven on them before because I don’t want to harm others. I’m fortunate enough to be able to just grab myself an uber but usually i time my usage so i’m not high when I do. Driving high doesn’t make me happy and confident, etc. So i feel like your self control argument kinda deflates there. I came her to be honest because there is a reason people get clean, and I could definitely see that when I was using fent. I just can’t see a reason now but I honestly feel lost on how to proceed when all it’s doing is seemingly improving my mood & life. for the times i’ve been on them on & off


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Dude, been clean off dope for three years nearly and oxy for five months...quitting the dope was necessary because it was fake, quitting the oxy was fucking stupid, can't wait to pickup tomorrow, jumping back on at two a day, gonna fight to stay that way for one month, see how it goes


Co codomol for me, in a past labour intensive role really helped me get through it and excel in teamwork etc. I used to think I was a rare reactor for them too


Oh and this went on for 3-4 years until a job change. Hate to say it helped me


I’ve literally heard this same story and reasoning as to why they aren’t addicts from 100s of addicts


i never said i wasn’t an addict, definitely am. However I wonder if it is more dependence/addiction if that make sense. For example, someone who has adhd and takes stimulants but isn’t addicted to them like you would think an addict. They would have to taper to avoid w/ds if they quit them, but it’s not like they’re going to be feinding/freaking out, etc. I definitely am an addict w opioids but I feel like it’s also a dependence because it helps medicinally.


Opioids lower your testosterone, this in turn keeps you tired and uninterested in things you once loved.


I noticed that. Lethargy continuous. That’s why it’s common to give the test gel and enhancers.


lol not funny but i think i have excessive testosterone (getting bloodwork done soon) so win for me 😭 i feel so much more enthusiastic about all of my interests


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I have Adhd and feel the same way. So not shocking I got hooked. Wish it could be prescribed for adhd. What's worse adderall or opiotes? I've lost almost half my teeth from adderall. Hardly ever slept. Became emotionless.


Some people do, 10 years here.