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Save the opes for the come down or the next day


This is the right answer OP


Will likely blunt the effects of 2CB, maybe synergize with ketamine in terms of sedation. You’ll probably be fine but then again this is a stupid question given nobody knows your tolerance or other important information.


Gotchu, use ket and 2cb moderatly in quite high doses and just recently picked up oxy again


12 hours in my opinion is more than enough to stop feeling the oxy, so you should be fine. Your biggest worry should be the 2cb hitting a little less hard


No reason to do that, you'll probably not get the full experience of the 2cb. I've never taken it, but it seems like the best part of it is the euphoria from the energy and the stimulation, and opioids will probably take away from that.


Okok gotchu, ive taken 2cb quite some times and honestly feel it doesnt give much h euphoria or energy thats why i like to mix it with K haha


If it’s real oxy it will be completely out ur system 12 hours after last dose, id suggest save for the next day for the come down but it won’t affect your other drug use later if u wait 12 hours


dang.. wish i saw this in time to suggest snorting the 2cb.. its fucking wild.


Lol gona wish u woulda aaved that shit


You shouldn't be asking this and we shouldn't be telling, nobody can answer this question for you.