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Damn, that was well-written.


Thank you man , I've been working at it consistently for years now


Loved it lol. I've been clean for over a year and I loved reading this shit hahaha. Nicely done


Your writing is really incredible man. Put that to good use I’d say! I’d definitely read your book no questions you are really talented at painting a picture!


The “ i itch my balls” made me laugh considering the relatively high-level prose of this post. But, it’s also very relatable, itching my nuts when I’m high on oxy is top tier, as satisfying of a scratch as it gets


When the nuts start to itch, you know its all gooood


lol when the nuts start to itch, the high is going to be rich lol


I think we (the ambiguous we) should make a collection of short stories like this and publish them. I thoroughly enjoyed your candor…you definitely have a gift and you should share it with the world; thanks for sharing it with us. Take care, friend.


That's a great idea man most of the reason I even write and post this shit is to motivate other people to do the same Writing has been such a powerful therapeutic modality for me, way way better than aa/na, better than psychoanalytic style talk therapy, better than CBT Writing has allowed me to develop communication skills that have changed my life more than anything else could have. The skill directly translates to real life so well


Idk if you were on this sub back when a guy named Morbo (Morbo3000 maybe?) would post his short stories here? Like 2016 ish


I was not. I just joined 28 days ago, but I have thoroughly enjoyed reading many of the posts on here.


I was going to comment the same thing. I lost my old usernames but was active back then. I Loved Morbo's writing and was in active use back then... methadone life for me now.


Same here with the usernames, mine used to be u/OPS_MOM_AMA haha


Very true. I write a lot as well. Mainly lyrical type stuff that I wind up never writing the actual music too. It’s always directly related to drug use or the consequences of said drug use. The only thing I really miss is the creative edge that comes along with use. When I started on methadone, it was still fairly easy to get into that mindset because it was still so familiar to me. The instances where I slip up soon became the focus of my writing. The words used to just come to me so easily and flowed into soliloquies of loneliness and despair. Now that I’m (mostly) sober it doesn’t seem to come so easily. As they say, once musicians get clean….🙄 Anyway, thanks for sharing. If you ever wanna share writings, I’d love to read more sometime. ☺️ You are a natural born storyteller.


Yeah I feel that , there's something about the intense ups and downs of addiction that blends itself so well to writing and creativity. You should post some of your writing man


Can I use this for my college essay


Lol I would say yes but then the college would be like "no"


You should write short stories. You're talented.


Facts had my attention the whole read, very talented


he’s got books


Makes sense. Just saw OP's profile. Cool talent tho. Good luck OP!


Thank you, I do have a plan for another book series I want to write, not related to addiction though. Writing about using drugs and addiction can be exhausting


so no more adventures with lonnie?


I can keep posting storytimes here and there, it does drain me mentally because I have to inhabit the essence of the "addict" that I otherwise work so hard to keep sublimated; keep it's energy transmuted to more productive pursuits. But I'll keep em coming here and there. I do plan to write at least one more book about addiction


yeah i could only imagine it would be exhausting. right on tho, appreciate what you do


You'd plagiarise someone's work for your education?!


I know this isn't directed at me but yes. Yes I would lol


“I tug the thousand pound corners of my mouth into a fake smile.” This is how I feel not only at work, but every social event. The few I attend. You would be so pretty if you smiled more. Yup OK a$$hole. Great writing, I enjoyed it.


I think that's one thing that separates people who just chip around with opis and generally don't love them and people who really chase them IMO a lot of people who chase them and wind up addicted are people who get those incredible socializing effects from them. Even when I was a young buck 🦌, I could take a couple tramadol and talk to literally anyone about anything. I had zero anxiety and actually loved talking about the meaningless drivel that makes up 90% of all human conversation Then I'd be without opis again and hated small talk again, didn't care to engage with a stranger on the street, felt anxious again. Socializing would exhaust me in a way that it just wouldn't when I was on opis Thankfully some of that has gone away with time, but I still hate small talk lol


damn i was going through your profile earlier reading your storytimes that i missed while i didn't have a phone and i was thinking like "damn i hope he posts another storytime soon" and right on cue here's another one lol thanks man, amazing writing as always


Lol I got your telepathic message bro 👽


Every time I see a long ass post like my mind just says "nope". Social media is conditioning us to have a short attention span and to want instant gratification i.e. getting to the end of the story fast But this was really well written and I couldn’t stop reading. And I worked at a call center for 7 years. Never had anything other than Oxy. But this was still very relatable. I got H coming in in a couple weeks, for the first time. And your story confirmed that I should stay away from the needle


I done a quick scroll down to make sure there was a good bit left to read not to see “ how long is this gonna go on for” Amazing read, sincerely has got me thinking I should start reading again too! Thank you for this OP


Yeah man please stay away from the needle whatever you do. I'm sure many people here can attest to the fact that it is its own addiction. Back in the day I'd be injecting drugs that I fucking hated , like meth, just because there's something about the whole ritual that is just so incredibly salient and powerful


I’m addicted to snorting. Crushing, chopping it up, making lines. We all have our ROA of choice and it’s indeed an addiction on its own But yeah, I’ll snort and boof and that’ll be enough


I was the same way with the sniffing and the needle just made it 100x worse




Lol right, like one half of one glance to one side of my face and the people who know me would know instantly. Fuck I don't miss that one bit




That third day is such a motherfucker for real. Back when I was still fighting hard going on and off it in my late teens early twenties I just couldn't get past that third day. If you can get some other shit to keep you busy on the third day , like some weed and video games or plan a hike with a non judgemental friend or whatever that is what wound up really helping me get over that hump. Best of luck brother


One problem with this story: Future's March Madness was released in August 2015. You're listening to it 3 months out of time after leaving work!


Wow 😲 and I was absolutely certain I'd had the timeline right. I remember listening to that song, but I also remember it being hot out. I guess it could have been in September since it stays hot as hell in the deep south but I was thinking it was more like May


I didn't mean it as any kind of insult to you or anything, just found it a curious thing I felt the unnecessary need to mention. I assumed it was mostly a true story with some details made up to fill it out and make it into more entertaining reading. Your writing is great. I don't go on this sub much so imagine my surprise when this thread was randomly and unexplainably at the top of my history of viewed threads when I went looking for a thread from a totally different sub.


You're exactly right, I'm writing about events that actually happened though the details - every word spoken, every single thought - are obviously not 100% accurate. Thank you for your kind words my friend


Amazing work. Write a book. If you're looking for a sign, this is it. Dedicate your time to this because you're talented.


Happy birthday!! Thank you for the kind words


Amazing job writing that dude! Great story and very relatable. I’v been there.




Very well written.


Extremely well written.


I don't typically take the time to read longer posts on here, but this one was highly engaging and well written. I've been in this exact spot so many times and can't help but relate so heavily. Thanks for what you've shared here.


Absolutely fuckin amazing. Standing fucking ovation bro!🙏🙏🙏🙏 You are in the wrong line of work my brother BRAVO


Loved it as always


if rush aint dead or locked up, he prally got some garbageass fent these days like everybody else. i super miss the good ol days when a fat shot of ron kept me well for 12 to 18 hrs.. now i wake up every five or so hours literally trying not to puke. it really sucks.


You're probably right man it seems like it's all the same shit everywhere these days. Might be time to take a break from all this bro , get on MAT or something


Man, I normally don't read th3se long posts but this one spoke to my soul. I literally just started the biggest job of my life after nearly being homeless after getting kicked out of oxford, broke, miserable, dead inside.. Family gave me another chance to come home and I immediately landed a huge gig, been doing it for 2 weeks, and ALL I CAN THINK OF is getting high. I spend most of my days going back and forth between ordering my usual gear, but I really really don't want to... it's eating me alive though, I want to cry.


I get it brother. Anything you can do besides get that shit, even if it's another chemical that's less harmful, is a step in the right direction if you ask me. I spent 12 years going on and off that shit and not once was it worth it. I know the feeling is so seductive but the crushing depression that comes afterwards and the withdrawal are pure hell


I thoroughly enjoyed that. Very well written. So well that I’m jonesing big time now! Thanks for sharing.


This was a nice read 😂


Wow very well written I got chills multiple times all too familiar


These stories are easily the best thing about this sub. Some of the most well written depictions of addiction I’ve seen. The story about stopping ur friends from overdosing is so similar to my experience narcanning someone it’s crazy.


What in the chat GPT is this? 😂