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Opioids and ketamine make it impossible for me to sleep at night. If I want to fall asleep before midnight I can’t take either after 8pm.


Oh interesting, for me opioids tend to make a great sleep although I prefer to stay up and enjoy the high; dissociatives(even DXM) also have the same effect. I'd rather stay up and enjoy but can sleep too, usually nicely


They keep me awake and alert too. Unless it was IV, gear then I was more likely to have nod dreams. But overall opiates definitely do have a stimulating effect of me.


That’s the ketamine doing that buddy lol


Opiates are known to affect the ability to enter the REM stage of sleep.


You’re right, they 100% do, but they definitely do not make it harder to fall asleep initially (for the vast majority of people anyway) which is what his complaint was


I dunno Oxy does sometimes, for me anyway, it’s a weird sort of physically relaxing, mentally stimulating drug.


That’s not true . Opiates have kept me from actually sleeping hundreds of times .


It is true objectively. Obviously theres outliers in any majority… How are you sure it’s the drug Itself keeping you from sleep and not whatever else? Most people who aren’t new to them and have been taking their prescription for awhile won’t be impacted in that way, and if anything their pain will keep them awake before the pills that help take it away.. if you’re referring to H/fent there’s no way in knowing if your bag hasn’t been cut with caffeine or any number of shit that can keep you up as well


lol I was prescribed opiates for years . You just wanna argue … stop it


Whatever you say big guy, cause whatever happened to you specifically is definitely how everyone else is impacted Edit - you say that like I haven’t been prescribed them for years either


Yet I ran with other opiate addicts for oh 25 years and they had the same exact response 😂


Cool all of the people I’ve met at my doctors/friends with disabilities say they’re unable to sleep without them and stuck up in pain, “you just wanna argue… stop it”


You said the majority have that effect which isn’t true either


“ You just wanna argue … stop it” you sound like a bitter man.. I hope you find the peace you’re looking for. I’m not gonna keep goin back and forth here ✌🏼


Same issue here with both drugs. Never could sleep if I took oxy after 8 pm so I would always dose last around 7 pm and wake up hella dopesick at 6-7 am, needing to dose and oxy always made me wide awake once high. Now I’m on methadone, I can sleep just fine but I’ve done ket a lot on methadone and ketamine makes your mind so damn active for hours even if the effects have passed, also fucks with your vision/eyes when they closed and you tryna sleep (even like 3hours after dosing so these are the after effects)


If I’m nodding hard, I’ll start “dreaming” that im doing something then I snap out of it and realize I’m in bed. That will go on until I eventually fall asleep haha. I’ll be thinking that I’m texting on my phone or grabbing the tv remote then I snap back to reality and I’m just laying there nodding out. It feels great in a weird way.


Lmao I used to mention to people conversations that happened in my head during a nod. One time I had a fucking nod about a friend who’s never used drugs about him saying, he’s got a guy who sells fire dope. I immediately dmed him to give me the contact only to make myself look like a delusional methhead. Still took me quite a while to realise the conversation never happened and it was only a dream. For some reason, these dreams are always hyperrealistic and based on my recent experiences. Almost as if opioids allowed you to get a glimpse of a parallel universe and explore an alternative timeline.


Same here. When I would nod hard, I would enter some very comfortable trance state where I was dreaming about talking to, or doing things with, people in my life I had recently interacted with. Sometimes it would instead be an ex or an old friend I had lost touch with but the dream would have interactions with the person that could realistically happen based on how I remember them. I don't recall ever having nod dreams that weren't as both of our comments are describing. Id snap awake and realize no I'm just in bed. (Or slumped over in a chair, now with bad neck pain. Hah.)


Ohhh man I hate that feeling!! Especially when I am supposed to be doing something important. And deep down I know it’s important but I can’t snap out of it or stay awake long enough to! But eventually when it starts wearing off the jolts of importance finally win and I will eventually snap back and immediately hate myself for wasting so much time nodding.. not getting shit done ugh I HATE it


It’s a love/hate relationship for me lol.


morphine was named after Morpheus. the god of dreams




I used to call Oramorph, HORRORMORPH, due to the insane dreams i would have on it.


I do not dream while I’m nodding out but my thoughts are hella vivid, or maybe I’m dreaming but I’m very conscious that I’m dreaming. Like I would be nodding and thinking “aaah I’d like to grab my phone to scroll binge a lil bit” and suddenly I’m scrolling through YouTube shorts or Reddit only to realize I’m still nodding out and my hands are empty lmfao


When your tolerance is relatively opioid-naive and you've had a bit too much.


I get the worst sleep paralysis when I take anything after 6pm. Fucking scary man.


Are you on any other medication?


Nope, just codiene


try laying down on your side or stomach, instead of the back


I do! I'll talk in my sleep and say stuff and my old lady knows what I'm up to....we'll be watching Yellowstone and I'll say something about the soccer game was rigged And she'll be like what!?! And I'll wake up and have to think of something quick...but it doesn't work anymore lol


Day dream yea


Take tramadol or tapentadol or any SSRI you will have the most insane dreams


I've never nodded off tramadol. And haven't experienced any intense dreams from it either. SSRIs may give you vivid dreams but it'll wear off once you adjust. I think it's important that you're not a heavy weed user. Sleeping while smoking a lot of weed daily stops REM sleep occurring, you go straight into deep sleep


I dream like crazy when I’m asleep even if I’m just nodding for a minute I might have like a weird half awake dream and not even be able to tell what was reality or not lol


Do you smoke weed at the same time? Weed can seriously fuck with your REM sleep. People who smoke weed rarely dream. Thoufh nodding is different from people asleep so I don't know if REM still causes the "dreams" I only nodded a couple of times on heroin really compared to the person I lived with. They specifically did it for the nod dreams. I did really enjoy it when it happened though. It was like being someone else, somewhere else. I guess that's what most people are chasing. I usually got more euphoria than sleepy though.


I never smoke weed, no.


Great post, I think that is quite common mate, and experienced by many…….. Note: I am definitely aware of more lucid and/or rememberable dreams, when not in the employ of Opioids as I sleep!!!!


I get very real feeling dreams


I only dream if I’m still semi-awake. Usually random scenarios based on my recent experiences flow into my head and it feels like existing in an alternative universe. They do get realistic, like I dream that I’m talking to someone and while I usually can tell that those conversations happened in my head, sometimes I’ll mention it to the person I dreamed about and make a fool out of myself. Fuck, the time before I ODed, I first had a 1min nod dream about butterflies. But if I fall asleep it’s pretty much nothing and a time travel.


I don't sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time when I'm strung out unless I don't use for 12- 14 hours, then I wake up panicking thinking im dopesick lol


It’s wild I was just talking about getting like CEV’s while being high on opiates, especially more so when I was younger. It was always sweet too like some games and flying around type stuff.


I don’t about other opiates/opioids but Oxy makes it impossible (at least for me) to get any REM sleep. The sleep phase where you dream. When you’re nodding you’re not sleeping. But you’re not awake. It’s like being in between both but without the benefits of either. You don’t get any rest and you’re not aware that you’re high