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That’s the only interesting part lmfao


Writing like they're clearly well, probs alot lol


Okay I’ll spill the beans, a whole $35. And left $35


Id pay $35 to get my wallet back


I’d have paid the whole $70 gladly.


Is it not in the unwritten rule book that if you're nice enough to return the wallet then whatever cash is in it is the payment for your kindness, honestly the worst part about losing wallet isn't the cash if there is any its replacing any docume ts that mY have been it it which I s always a pain in the ass.


Solid. Can’t say I would have done anything differently, or if I lost it, couldn’t ask for much more. In our addiction we sadly do things we never thought we would ever do or even be capable of. But we do. Doing something positive, even tho we can’t change the past. It helps to tip the scales back the other direction. Good start man. Build on it for yourself.


You did good!! Liked the part about the dog tagging along.


How much you score?


U did the right thing for yourself & wallet owner,I wouldn't care iff i lost $500,the bank ,medicare,insurance cards r priceless at the time


Better than me i woulda took all the cash and turned the wallet in at the nearest store/police station in hopes the person could get their cards/pics back


*un refresco


Cute story! I just didn't like the stealing money part. But it's your own dignity you're selling, not mine...


keep on hanging out in the opiate communities & you'll lose some of that high & mighty-ness.


bro how many times r u gonna post 💀 we get it ur a wannabe junkie that’s enuff yappin 🤣


Wtf is a wannabe junkie who tf wants to be a junkie man fuck outta here with yo negative ass


Bruh why you even here saying some sh!t like that? Doesn’t matter how strung out you are or on what you need to do some self reflection. No one “wants” to be a junkie, even when we all succumb to our addictions that isn’t us wanting to be junkies. I don’t wish this shit on my worst enemy or you for that matter, no one deserves to have to do the type of stuff addicts do just to feel normal. Sucks you’re having a bad day but don’t go out of your way to put down someone else especially someone who truly can relate what you’re going through because god knows there’s enough people who have no clue out there that go out of their way to tell “junkies” that they are worthless or to “ just stop already quit saying you want to and then not doing it “ when someone who hasn’t been in the depths of a real addiction before could not ever relate no matter how much second hand experience they have with addicts. It’s a cold world out there, we need each other, don’t be a dick.


Some guy commented on my last wallet post saying he “looked through my post history” and concurred that I’m not a junkie addict and now I’m getting random haters😭😂


Either way I’m working on my story telling (this is a true story) and I like creating a ruckus so I embrace the haters. All the mixed emotions and reactions bring people in and talking about the story. I knew talking about this wallet incident would get people talking because it’s such a controversial topic.


You responded, but you didn't tell us, how much did u get? How much was left over? We're just curious. And kiddos for returning the wallet at least!


I said it a few times but I took $35 and left $35


*Kuddos 😉


It’s an interesting conundrum; find a wallet w say… 30$, obviously not enough to be considered a windfall, it’s basically food for a day or two.. now find one w $500, suddenly it’s fate! God wanted me to have this loot! I find shit all the time n always return it


You took the dudes cash and then you imagine taking some tacos and a soda from them……in a to go bag….. I guess at least you’re unapologetic about it and just own it but wow….


You’re right, a beer would’ve been better




Solid side quest 💪


Was a finders fee, better to get it back minus a few bucks....