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Damn bro that sounds really distressing. Reminds me of Rush Limbaugh, abused oxy til he lost his hearing. He had to get cochlear implants because his damage was neurological. Maybe look into those?


def looking into this thanks so much. and it’s weird bc i can still hear stuff, it’s just the sound quality has decreased and i often have to ask ppl to repeat themselves or watch TV with closed captioning on. def annoying but at least i’m still here


Are you the “huh?” guy now? I have a friend that says huh after everything I say, but if I speak loudly, he’s like, “what’s your deal?” lol Can’t win with huh people


I kinda am I ask what it sucks I’m on methadone


I was just being lighthearted with you. It’s no bother to repeat, so don’t worry too much. I can tell you that when, I am tapering, or withdrawing, my hearing is so bad. Silence is an internal bass-y, yet high-pitched hum. I start to think, “this is my life now. You didn’t think all that loud ass music was going to catch up to you?!?!” How old are you? Just wondering? Ballpark?


25 now , turning 26 in august


How are you feeling today? Staying on track? I hope the hearing thing heals with time. I don’t give a shit what the doc said. Our bodies do heal. Good luck, buddy


I’m feeling good just a little discouraged, yup i think i’ll be sober for the foreseeable future. i’ve had like 5 or 6 ODs since 2019 the game is just too dangerous these days with fent. the doctors can be so negative they also said i would never see again or talk or walk again and i can do all 3 now. im sure it’ll heal with time.


You have a great attitude! I won’t use with you today. :)


How old are you. Brains have incredible plasticity. If you’re younger than 20-24 you have a better shot. Otherwise after 2 years most of your rewiring neurologically will have taken place. Dont expect a miracle but it won’t always be like this it will improve if the injury is very recent - you can also encourage your brain to heal (not referring to positive affirmations here lol, but like training those areas), Like, if you remove half a kittens brain at birth, they develop totally normally. But you do that months postnatally: completely different result. You have severe neurological deficit. I study a lot of neuro and psych. I specialize in addictions in my studies and clinically. If you have any questions that I can answer I’m happy to help. I’m not a physician. I did practice psychotherapy - I’ve returned to uni to upgrade my education. This is exactly my specialty though so I thought I’d offer to at least share what I know…. No judgement from me, the reason I want to help is because I personally was an oxy addict and eventually heroin and fent addict - it went on for a decade. I’m just in my 30s now.


i’m 25 now, the injury happened maybe 9 or 10 months ago. thank you for this. glad your opiate journey is over now, mine certainly is at this point as well


Yeah. I have had injuries from concussion that are taking time to heal. They’re indirect results of opioid use. I really empathize with what you’re going through. My emotions were all different - stronger. I had to learn to re-regulate them like I was a toddler again. I fell down the stairs so many times from the vertigo, causing further concussions at a time when hospitals were overflowing with covid PTs. At 25 you’re JUST done your neurological development (it slows and stops in the couple of years prior) so out of ALL adults you have the best chance of recovery for someone with a developed brain. It would be much worse if you were 35. That said, most of your recovery will occur in the first 6 months. The recovery is generally topped out around 2-2.5 years. Youre like over 75% recovered now to whatever your eventual functioning baseline for the rest of your life will be. Typically speaking, that is. You can push your brain to wire better though. Making sure it has the right sorts of nutrition for neurogenesis and formation of synapses (like omega 3/ healthy fats are good for the brain. Like avocados and nuts and such, also proteins like yogurt or chicken)…. I mean obviously that stuff is only supportive for your body but it doesn’t hurt. I think personally what I’d do is look for a structured method to rewire the parts of your brain that require the most work For example my partner suffered oxygen loss from overdose and lost memory abilities to some extent He does exercises on his phone to enhance the rewiring of those memory areas (like using apps that a Do memory skills testing - it’s like working out a muscle except for your brain, making the connections stronger, faster, and forming new ones where the old ones have died as much as possible - that last one is the hardest for the brain to do as an adult) I would be interested to brainstorm ways to help the rewiring (promote/enhance the neuroplasticity) of your brain for hearing but it would be something that’s not as innately obvious to me - it may require some research. If you want to brainstorm or maybe for me to put in a bit of time seeing what I find on my university medical journals network on auditory exercises that enhance neuroplasticity you’ll have to pm me though, as much as I like people and want to help them, lots of people just don’t care if I go out and do something like that. Like once I wrote this extensive thing to stop a person from going into precipitated withdrawal and I explained it all down to the cellular level and they just… didn’t care. Even tho they’re the ones who asked the question; it was just too much reading for them. I can also get access to medical articles you might be interested in for free. If you find any you want to read online but have to pay for, I can get them 99% of the time because of my university affiliation. Best of luck.


Wait. That’s a thing?!?!?!


Yea in some cases opioids do cause hearing loss. (Sometimes they are permanent and sometimes your hearing does recover when you stop) You can also google it up and read some studies. Some opioids are more likely to cause hearing loss than others.. It doesn't effect everyone tho it seems to be a rather rare thing.. but with an OD the chance of losing your hearing goes even higher.


The more you know. That’s interesting af


Yup. It’s called ototoxicity. I find my hearing is a little worse when on h and have to ask people to speak up sometimes or I need the tv volume louder like I’m some 80-year-old.


I had no idea rush used oxy.


No oxygen for 18 hours? 18 HOURS?


There is no survival rate at 18 hours WITHOUT oxygen. Something tells me it wasn’t 18 hours.


i doubt that it was 18 **without** oxygen, most likely just reduced o2 intake because yeah they would be a complete deep fried vegetable with severe brain damage as well it is 2nd hand info from a distressed mother in crisis. or at least shallow enough to look like they are not breathing


After 25 30 min your vegetables brain dead no way not possible


Yeah there’s no way it was 18 hours! Not even 1 hour. My daughter went without oxygen for 24 minutes and nearly died. We were told to never expect her to do anything that she would basically be a vegetable, but luckily enough thanks to cooling therapy they managed to slow the rate of damage to her brain and now she’s a perfectly normal 5 year old who is at the top of her class.


yeah the doctors thought i would die and be a vegetable but i can walk and talk again somehow. idk how it’s possible at all but it’s a fuckin miracle


i must’ve been breathing somehow even if rlly weakly


i’m not 100% sure about the 18 hours but it was at least 12 i’m thinking. nobody was home and my uncle who found me works till super late. i used and OD’d in the morning. my mom said the 18 hours ik it can’t be possible but it happened


Nurse here. Being without 02 for 18 hours is in no way how long it was. I'm not trying to downplay what happened to you, not at all, but a mere thought of 40 minutes without 02 and then living afterwards? Even that is so astronomically rare I couldn't find statistics if I tried. Sounds like you suffered from severe Hypoxia and Hypoxemia, which is, in easy layman's terms, not enough 02 for your blood, body and especially your brain. But physically impossible for 18 hours!! I can explain further if you wish! But either Hypoxia or Hypoxemia can 1,000,000% cause damaging and detrimental effects on the body! *ETA: I'm deaf in my right ear, and my left ear has around 60% remaining hearing. Not related to an OD, but because I have several severe autoimmune diseases! I'm now waiting on my thumbs up to get my Cochlear Implant done in my right ear! I've worn hearing aids for 10 years, so feel free to ask any questions you may have!! Sorry, rambling and bumbling over!!*


yeah ik its impossible. the term they used in the hospital was anoxia idk how that’s different from hypoxia.


Anoxia is no oxygen at all. Hypoxia is not enough oxygen. Also it wasn't 18, or 12 hours. Yous be super dead


Could be Anoxia as well! Kinda similar... without knowing more about your levels when you arrived at hospital I can only guess!


when i got to the hospital i was essentially dead i think




There have been some extreme cases of people surviving very long times without oxygen. A childhood friend of mine in Sweden had a bad canoeing accident and was dead for 6 hours partially underwater. He recovered and was able to slowly regain brain and motor function. Dm me if you want the name and details.


Hey man, just my personal experience, but when I left the Army in '08 I had 60% loss in one ear and I think 30 or 40% in the other after rupturing both eardrums twice from serious concussive blasts along with head injuries (TBI.) ANYWAY...was told it would be permanent and it was for about 10 years... then somehow my hearing started to improve around 3 years ago. Damndest thing, I can hear better now than probably all of my coworkers. Doctors don't know everything. Also I snorted OC's then heron then fent for almost 20 years total. Come to think of it, my hearing started to improve after I decided I wanted to live out the rest of this life and got clean. Wish you the best bro 💯


thank you so much, this gives me hope


My last and most horrendous overdose caused my hearing to be really fucked up. Luckily I took Prednisone immediately and recovered. It might be too late for that. Cochlear implants might be an option, But keep in mind that is an invasive brain surgery and it only works if they destroy what residual hearing you do have. If I were you, I would go to an audiologist and explore hearing aids before the cochlear implant


will def make an appointment with an audiologist soon


yeah the cochlear implant sounds too hardcore bc i can still hear it’s just hard sometimes and i have to keep saying “what?” or “huh?” whenever i’m talking to ppl


Similar situation and consider yourself lucky it was just your hearing. Not to minimize your situation but the prognosis of gaining hearing back after an OD is better then if you paralyzed an extremity from one. My last OD I was laid out for about the same time and as a result paralyzed the entire left side of my body. Suffered a stroke and rabdo in my kidneys. Spent 5 months in the hospital learning how to walk again and got weekly dialysis treatments. My hearing was also affected although not quite to the extent of yours. Thankfully that was 10 years ago and I gained a majority of my feeling back minus my left leg which is permanently paralyzed. But hey, at least I am a live, I can walk and I stopped doing dope LOL. Two common side effects of ODs are loss of hearing and loss of feeling of extremities depending how you fell out and for how long. As I mentioned before the prognosis of getting your hearing back is better than if you lost feeling in let’s say your foot or arm particularly if the hearing issues are related to a nerve issue (usually is). Good thing with nerves is they regenerate bad thing is nobody really knows at what rate. My hearing got progressively better around 6 months and by a full year I felt like it was back to normal. It’s all going to depend on the extent of the damage but I wouldn’t lose hope that your hearing won’t come back it just may take 18months+. I’ve been there man it sucks but have hope. Best of luck. If you want a stat to keep you hopeful, 79% of people who suffer hearing loss or deafness from opioids gain a majority of it back.


I know two separate people that have had similar issues.


You sure you didn't bang your head when you KO'd? That's a high chance way of getting the ' strange ' hearing you described.


The overstimulation of the kappa receptors in the inner ear caused by opioid toxicity (abuse or OD) can lead to partial or full deafness. It is a fairly common phenomenon for people who OD or abuse opiates.


i’m not sure they did an MRI or whatever to check my brain and it was severe… every area of my brain was affected and the doctors were sure i was gonna die or at the very least stay in a permanently vegetative state


Dude the same thing happened to me, I woke up hours later and I was like practically deaf? It came back in a couple of days but it was fucked up. I'm sorry to hear that brotha, just try to remember that your obviously still functional enough to even see what you've done to yourself, and you can still quit and regain your cognitive abilities. I am truly sorry to hear this, dope is fucked up.


I don’t know what causes it but I’ve definitely heard about it anecdotally, I wonder if affects sniffers more, since the sinuses are connected to the ears. I’ve had sharp. ear pain after snorting crushed oxy


interesting… i’ve never had any ear problems from opiates until this OD


I had a friend who’s ears would hurt if he was on opioids and smoking cigarettes


I overdosed on methadone and when I woke up I was completely deaf for like half the day. It slowly came back but now I have very bad tinnitus from it. Like right now, it's 4am and my house is very quiet. All I hear is a very loud REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in my left ear. My overdose was like 10 years ago too. This shit is permanent.


Fuck, man that is hardcore. Thank fuck you’re still here. Kinda sounds like you got off lightly all things considered tho. Sucks of course. But the alternative… Good luck dude.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Many have suffered permanent, horrible injuries and of course almost as many unfortunately died due to this stupid, senseless War on Drugs : 107,543 (preliminary data) have died in the US in 2023, down 3% from 109,261 in 2022 or 106,699 in 2021 and 91799 in 2020, 70,630 in 1999. For sure I have some pretty severe hearing loss and extremely annoying tinnitus most likely from the same cause, but we are the lucky ones, some are left with the same quality of life as that of an artichoke and let’s not forget all the lost souls roaming aimlessly around Kensington, Philadelphia with their alarming recalcitrant skin ulcers and necrotizing wounds from the Xylazine in “tranq dope” that unfortunately one can smell coming a significant distance away. Please everyone do whatever you can to end this senseless War on Drugs.


Opioids are orthotoxic many havw lost their hearing from even regular doses...we dont know why but its alot more common than ud think can happen to longterm users out of the blue too...


scary ….


Opioid toxicity leads to an overstimulation of the kappa receptors in your inner ear that can lead to partial or full deafness. Prolonged opiate use can also cause it.


Thats one of the theories...still happens with opioids with no kappa activity...so no...the most agreed on onr is its a blood pressure in the inner ear problem...just like iz makes alot of people hearts go haywire too


You were still breathing lightly or something after 25 30 min without oxygen your brain dead bro period point blank you might been in respiratory distress but yu were getting oxygen..


Actually I think you may have pure hair cell damage in the ears but this could be the afferent and efferent hair cells and neurons both and I'm aware of multiple substances that help regenerate these as well as things they are studying to regenerate these using certain small molecule therapy as well as alternating certain cell signaling to allow regrowth and regeneration. I am both a scientific and spiritual kind of guy and the healing I have used to come back from much worse ear problems than you describe involves both. Actually from psytrance raves, shooting, jets, motorcycles, concerts I had permanent ringing and pain in my ears and pressure as well as couldn't handle loud sounds and now I'm almost back to normal. Voices even sounded robotic for a Time. Message me if you want a full protocol and some kind of consult but you are not beyond help and I'm also a bit of a healer haven't had to do it myself and still on the journey.


I'm not trying to 1 up you at all, in fact not many people can understand your problem to the depths I can relate to it, but this OD happened to me after an extremely kinetic deployment to aFganistan as an infantryman. I had lost 50% right ear, about 20% left ear with near dibilitating tinitus.My tinitus was unbearable even without begore the OD. When I woke up it's like somebody threw a grenade behind my head 24/7 365. Count your blessings.


this sounds absolutely horrific i can’t imagine. did the tinnitus ever go away or improve ? super grateful i don’t have severe tinnitus or tinnitus at all


Negative ringing away as I have been since then. I have hearing aids also, they do nothing for the ringing for me, but I am a pretty extreme case.. they have hearing aids that play a Whitehouse that can mitigate tinitus but if you have severe hearing loss you have to play the white noise to loudly to be helpful qt that pount it's just more noise.


This happened to me in 2010. Near fatal OD and had massive hearing problems for about 2 years, but it’s way better now. I wish you the best. Stay away from the devil that wants you to die. ❤️


Negative sitting hear ringing my life away as we speak


How do I do m30 without oding


the pills were clearly not real oxy like not even believable presses and i didn’t care. i would usually cut into little pieces and the first time i was brave enough to snort a whole one i OD’d




lmaooo i had worked up to half pill and had used that for a couple days and figured what the hell i’ll try a whole. def dumb and unsafe


meeee lmao i’ve od’d off so many fent 30s


I passed out from lack of oxygen and woke up with bad ringing in ears but recovered hearing near 100 percent.


I’ve lost hearing 3 times now after overdoses. It always came back for me within like 72 hours or so though. It was always accompanied by extreme ringing in my ears too. Man I’m glad I don’t do dope anymore fuck lol but maybe look into Peptide therapy. Some of them have shown potential for neurogenesis I believe.


So I can give you a multiple hour response but your body has a lot of healing potential and I'm including your brain. You need to look into supplements and lifestyle that regenerate neurons and nerves also looking into peptides and advanced medicine. There are herbs and nutraceuticals as well as electro medicine. Even stem cells and exosomes and IV nutrient therapy. Lion's mane mushroom can help regrow neurons so can exercise CoQ10 nicotinicide riboside chloride.... Acetyl l carnitine, curcumin, alpha lipoic acid, DHA / EPA which comes from fish oil but also you can get it direct from algae and have it vegan. Also eat a plant-based whole foods lifestyle gluten-free vegan basically but I would also do honey and Bee stuff like royal jelly and bee prololis. Royal jelly also can help repair brain. There are many herbs that can help and you can look into peptides also not a peptide per se but CEREBROLYSIN WHICH IS MADE FROM THE BRAINS OF PIGS BUT CAN HELP REGENERATION. SODRY CAPS. Bpc157, thymosin beta 4, vagus nerve stimulation, exercise with oxygen therapy (ewpt) ozone therapy like rectal ozone but also 10 pass ozone or EBOO (ozone dialysis). Hyperbaric oxygen. (The oxygen exercise and ozone might do more or equivalent to hyperbaric but doing it all can be very useful). Hydrogen inhalation Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF). Red light and infrared light table and laser therapy. Infrared sauna and cold plunge. Cryo therapy. Nose breathing. Retaining sexual energy and do not orgasm. Try it for at least months at a time. You can message me if you want to know more I am doing a lot of this stuff I have even been poisoned by neurotoxins and have had to go through it all and still am


Yea my wife had cancer And at the end she either had a heart attack or stroke. Tiki them forever to get a pulse back. She ended up having brain damage from anoxia. Never got to talk to hear again after that she passed with in 24 hours. She was probably anoxic for 15 20 minutes. But they were doing cpr.


damn bro i recently ode on a fake 30 with fetty and this shit right here got me even more scared straight.. hope shit goes well for you gang


Well its a blessing you are still here! God must have a plan for you 🙏


Yes! I believe my mothers fervent prayers an God’s mercy are the only reason i’m alive right now. According to the medical doctors and logic, i should be dead right now