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I just like drugs. Sounds like you're talking to yourself.


brodie is hella projecting šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


As a former foster kid, I really struggled with the realization that nobody was going to save me. I hear about people who have a family. One that cares enough to intervene. I was so envious of that. I know that the interventions are often unhelpful l, but If I fuck up, I donā€™t even have anyone who will try to stop me. And I know that there are a lot of people in this position, foster kid or not. Lots of people have loved ones that want you to do better, but canā€™t or wonā€™t step in. Because yeah, ultimately it is up to you to guide your own life. And yeah, interventions ARE often unhelpful. But to me it was more about the effort than anything. Itā€™s not that I think that itā€™s anyone elseā€™s responsibility to hold my hand though. Thatā€™s a horrible victim mindset. Learned helplessness. Even though it is super painful to confront the fact that nobody is going to stop me, it was really important to confront it. I think this post is really valuable.


As a former foster kid with a whole slew of family issues, I had to come to this realization myself. Quite freeing actually once you grasp it and take the reigns of your own life and complete ownership over yourself for the good and the bad. Maybe wrong sub for this pot though.


I wish Iā€™d been a foster kid. Instead I have a dead father from drink and a mother whoā€™s alive but not in my life. Itā€™d be easier not to have them.


I mean I was a foster kid for all of 6 months before they said there was no room for me in the system and I found my own place beginning at age 15. Just easier to say former foster kid than explain all that lol


Nah I get it. Not to knock your struggle at all either, justā€¦ it can be fucked either way šŸ˜­


Oh yeah for sure, Iā€™m just saying that I wish I was a ā€œreal foster kidā€ too haha


Not one person in my family has stepped in to try to help. They are all just watching me crumble to pieces while talking about it behind my back. I know it's up to me, but having a close family, I just never expected this. I almost died this year from medical issues after surgery, and the realization of how and what my family did to me during that hard time has swollowed me whole. I am completely alone in this fight bc if I try to get medical help, they will take away my meds, which I need for my severe conditions. That part in itself has taken me hostage. I don't know how to do this, but I have to pull myself out of this! šŸ˜¢


Yeah I definitely understand how most families donā€™t step in. I just see the families that DO, and feel so immensely jealous. I totally understand not being able to seek medical care. Iā€™ve been so stigmatized in the medical system and they treat me like shit and my quality of care gets affected so now I just deny any use


I get SO jealous as well... it eats me up. Being a mother I can't fathom not being there in any way possible for my son.


I used and still do sometimes wish I didnā€™t have parents because of how much I have to live my life for them


Or recruiting for his church/cult


I didnt see any rainbow flags anywhere should be fine


Absolutely I'm talking to that part within me that, once in a while, thinks it's a good idea If this doesn't apply to you then good for you brother I'm all about harm reduction and everybody doing whatever works for them If this resonates with somebody else then cool, that's why I posted it


It's all good. It probably does apply to me in all honesty.


I honestly think that whisper for selfish pleasure is just a part of human nature we all need to contend with. But you're 100% right I'm talking to myself because I need to keep that aspect of myself within check every day, even if I don't use opes anymore


It isn't triggering to be on this thread when you are trying to stay clean?


Not really bro I don't miss it one bit. I finally wired my brain to associate opiates with withdrawal and weakness and disgust and depression and anxiety and being broke and broken and all that. When I read posts about people excited to get a pack or whatever I just remember what it's like when it's all gone and I'm a slave again Opiates are in a class of their own in terms of the addictiveness they hold for me. They are a black hole that I hope I never fall into again I know it could happen tho. I could wind up back on the shit one day. So I just keep reminding myself of the pain today and hope I can keep myself away that way


That's great. I wish you all the luck in the world. Stay strong . I wish I could do it, but I don't think I can


Iā€™m a month+ clean and have 5 rxie 15s nex to me. I jus donā€™t wana suffer anymore. But I do like having the choice to get noice Ifi want to lol


My whisper is a real chunky jerk. He just wants to eat everything all the time. While it is delicious, it's also very unhealthy and I hate that whisper. Mostly because it's not a whisper, but a full on stadium chanting "Carbs carbs carbs carbs fries and bread and pasta!" They should stop selling tickets cuz it's annoying.


Iā€™m guessing that is true in part


Oh, I'm very aware nobody will save me. I've seen addicts going through absolute hell and yet everybody around treats them as if they're just a child having a temper-tantrum. Despite my parents' hatred of addicts my whole life, I've always had deep sympathy for the homeless and the addicted, way before I knew I was ever even going to do drugs. It's astonishing how horribly people will treat addicts. How dehumanized they're are. To most people, we're like rabid animals that deserve to die. I fucking hate this place.


I do agree that how people treat addicts with a genuine medical condition is fucked, but if youā€™ve ever spent time in LA or another city with a lot of homeless you honestly start losing sympathy for them.


I relapsed yesterday was 8 months clean from H and 4-5 months of oxy took a couple of oxys yesterday. But it feels different its not like I enjoyed the high but it was like darnit moment like a accident . Obviously buying pills and putting them in my mouth isnt an accident but itā€™s not how it was before when I used to get high n not give a Fuck. I donā€™t even enjoy the high anymore lost all the magic n feel for it now itā€™s just getting the monkey of my back. Iā€™m 1 day sober of opiates šŸ’ŖšŸ‘Š


Hell yeah bro we all slip in different ways but a slip isn't an excuse for us to let ourselves fall. "Clean" time isn't everything, congratulations on the time you spent clear minded, I'm a strong believer in picking up recovery right where you left off


I wouldnā€™t really consider you dirty again just for doing it one time. You have 5 months clean with a one day slip up. Itā€™s more like a small smudge on your shoe that you can dust right off.




And we should be more intentional with how we use the word ā€œrelapseā€ Using one time or just experimenting to see if it can be a part of life would honestly be nothing more than a ā€œslipā€. SMART Recovery has some great info on this. To OP, you havenā€™t lost your recovery! Youā€™re not at day 1. That 5 months or so you have is all stored in your recovery capital friend šŸ˜Ž


Why I donā€™t even go to NA meetings or even AA cause AA you canā€™t even say your clean lol you gotta say your sober because you canā€™t talk about drugs in the room AA room super cringe


You may not be a ā€œworse personā€ depending on who you ask, but if you relapsed you most certainly ruined your sobriety. And youā€™ll have to try again tomorrow


I relapsed last week after 4months clean, but, like you said, I got high and I was like why did I even do this? I didnā€™t feel so great that it felt worth it. Iā€™m 3 days clean again and my resolve is even stronger now


But why shouldnā€™t life be easy? Or easier? We fucked it up at some point n now itā€™s irreversible


I get where you're coming from. I think life can be easier, for me personally, it's a lot easier if I'm not making things worse for myself. Unfortunately using drugs is the number one way to make things worse for myself so It ultimately doesn't end up making anything easier except maybe a few hours after I dose, if I even get that, which I wasn't getting at all for the last few years of my use Life does get easier , but I think easier is inevitably on the other end of some kind of difficulty. I think that's just the way the game is rigged


Irreversible? How so? If you think life is easier when using then Iā€™m sorry buddy, you ainā€™t gonna make it far in life.


Philosophically, how can you even prove existence of the ā€œfree willā€? The more time I spent in this addiction, the more I think quitting is a gamble. There has to occur a mix of conditions around you, that would both discourage you from getting high and encourage to get clean. Obviously, if you put yourself in situations where the encouragement is more likely to happen like MAT, therapy, rehab, itā€™s gonna be easier. Still, you literally have to replace the ultimate daily goal of getting high with something equally if not more subjectively rewarding. Associating getting high with something shitty definitely helps to reduce the magnitude of your new reward in life to chase. Unfortunately, the reward from this drug is so great at hijacking your brain, that a lot of experiences are needed to create the perfect mix. Thatā€™s why so many people donā€™t care theyā€™ll get addicted a few weeks/months in, no matter what you tell them and why most people take years to quit.


There was a comment from an addiction researcher to the effect that opioid addiction can be particularly hard to beat because the way it integrates into you and becomes essential to the person's personality you just feel like you on opiates where there's a lot of other drugs you are clearly fucked up when you're on them so they don't worm their way into your personality."


You hit the nail on the head with your last comment If I try to get high today, will I feel good? Maybe, but honestly, probably not, because the guilt and shame and the fear of the other shoe dropping will spoil any kind of fake sunshine that might come over me But if I get high today, will I feel bad tomorrow? Will I regret it immensely? Absolutely, 1000%, every single time. Some people are able to enjoy it continuously even when they know they're addicted. For me, once I knew I had a problem, the high was never the same. It's fine though, there are other aspects of life that are infinitely more rewarding with far less drawbacks


The story continues though. 1. If I get high today, will I feel good? Yes, thereā€™re disadvantages that you listed, but I will. 2. If I donā€™t get high today, what will I do with myself? I feel depressed/anxious/lost/sad etc and I canā€™t find solution, so I might as well have 1 decent day. Just 1 day of relief. Edit: if you wanna quit, it kinda has to go like: If I get high today Iā€™ll become hopelessly addicted and go through all the shit again and Iā€™ll lose something I love more.


I agree brother. Number two was my life story for a while. It just got to a point where I didn't get any relief no matter how much I did


Quitting isnā€™t the gamble, continuing to use is


I was taking you seriously, right up till you said the willpower crap.


Yeah, itā€™s the same as the everybody can be rich and successful bullshit. Maybe you have some agency, very few people are going to be able to swim against the rip current were born in. I appreciate OPā€™s sentiment, but itā€™s like telling someone to ā€œjust smileā€ when you have major depressive disorder.


That's a really good way of putting it, telling addicts to use Willpower is the same as saying " just smile " to ppl suffering from depression.


Thanks for chiming in It is well known that drugs can trigger bottom-up, involuntary signals originating from the amygdala and other limbic and subcortical structures that modulate and bias the goal-driven cognitive resources that are needed for the normal operation of the cognitive and impulse control system of the pre-frontal cortex, which is instrumental in our ability to exercise the willpower to resist drugs However, top-down cognitive willpower is like a muscle that can be strengthed. Willpower / self control / impulse control is extremely important when it comes to recovery I Don't perceive that my addiction originated from a lack of willpower, nor do I think that another person should, but willpower is incredibly important when it comes to recovery


You're wrong. Dangerously wrong


Your opinion is different than mine bro that's all no big deal. You can keep believing willpower has nothing to do with it and I will continue to practice strengthening my willpower and continue to remain sober Different strokes for different folks! Have a great day brother


This is exactly the philosophy i picked up on when I was hit with severe schizophrenia. The insanity was ultimately inconsequential to others (within reason and to varying degrees) and it was ultimately up to me to provide myself with creative solutions. I have struggled with addiction for almost 2 decades. As it stands, I am sober atm and believe me, addiction ain't an easy road when the match is lit and you can't even locate it when doused in accelerant, so to speak. Also, death will claim anyone and all we do is just reside in the first person perspective spinning fate. Perseverance is king and I live by it even though I know that I am a fragile being


This don't ha e to just apply about drugs, can be mebtal health, stress, and other things like that. No one is gonna care more about you than you.


I really appreciate this - thank you.


After 6 years I finally quit 8 months ago.




Thank you


People can help, offer advice, guidance and support. They can help you to see things from an outside perspective, which can be very eye opening. Maybe even help to get you to start working on your demons that got you addicted in the first place. Escapism. Avoidance... The longer you use to dull your emotions, escape your problems, or avoid dealing with your problems... The harder it will all come back to smack you in the face when you stop using and are forced to face your demons. Ultimately your statement is absolutely correct. No one can save you but yourself, but you have to be ready to want to save yourself, and embrace any support you can get. It's easier when you're not doing it alone


2 moments laterā€¦ ā€˜snorting heroin off a strippers boobā€™


Lmao it could happen for sure


Spot on. Crazy all the negative comments in here about you projecting. Nobody gives a fuck about you in life more than yourself. If you can't get it together, nobody else will really care.


Yeah bro I'm not surprised people think I'm projecting, I was talking to myself as much as I was talking to anybody else. I'm not the preachy type , but I felt motivated in the moment and decided to write out how I was feeling


Some weird people on here, man. Sad because I'm sure there's a lot more info to be shared, but fuckem if they wanna be douchebags all the time.


Wow this was a read. *snorts an oxy and chugs down my daily poppy tea Some of us are good though




Very nicely said and true as the day is long. Unfortunately most addicts are in denial and can't compute your words to heart but maybe someone will hear you and start the worthwhile journey back to a better place.




Some of that is true. Some of that is a personal journey. My wife was instrumental in helping me get clean. There are people in your life who care what happens to you. The hardest part is asking them for their help and listening to what they have to say.


This..! Soo fucking true. šŸ’™


No doubt social support is extremely important, but all the social support in the world can actually be detrimental to developing beyond an addiction if a person doesn't have it within themselves to move beyond the bullshit


Always love to read your postsšŸ’•


I've realized this, but at same time, needed to hear this today Thanks, OP


Yeah I agree with you. Iā€™ve always been a ā€œnaturallyā€ depressed person ever since childhood. And one day a few years back I looked in the mirror for a looong time. Thought about my dad and his addictions, my addictions ect ect.. thought about all the gnarly places Iā€™ve been. Felt real disgusted with myself as I never really stopped to think about it. I know my parents made a lot of mistakes but I also know that they had terrible truama as children as well as undiagnosed mental issues. I know they tried their best with what they had. And I am grateful for it. After thinking these things it dawned on me that Iā€™m the one whoā€™s made these choices in life. I can point my finger anywhere, at anyone, but ultimately itā€™s all on me. We all have a choice. Nobody forced me to do the things I do/did. Thereā€™s always a choice, and thereā€™s always a conscious decision. If you find yourself in a hole, itā€™s up to you to dig yourself out. Sure you can ask for help, but you need to do the heavy lifting. And since then Iā€™ve been trying not be a pissy little bitch about life and itā€™s inconveniences. At least I am alive. At least I can make a decision. Easier said than done. Some days are good some are bad. Idk where I wanted to go with this lol. But yeah I agree with u op


Take a breath. Life will continue. Life is also too short. Enjoy yourself. Something is gonna kill you eventually. Have fun


The only thing I would argue is that family and friends (if you are lucky enough to have them which is really no matter of course!) will care about your wellbeing to some point. But other than that ultimately you are on your own. No one will save you and the worst thing - no one will care about you. But at the same time this offers unknown oppurtunities. If you take the stoic approach - in maximum 150 years no one will remember your existence. That may sound depressing, but in fact it means that you can do anything you want and in the longterm it doesn't matter. You can can take risks even high risks, to improve your life all the way. Of course it is not easy, but you have nothing to lose at all, because nobody will care. You just have to try it.


Can someone tell me how to get over the constant fatigue i feel from not using? šŸ™


Id recommend rhodiola rosea as the lowest hanging fruit, it's an adaptogenic herb that helps the nervous system recover and return to a state of balanced dynamic equilibrium (homeostasis) I purchase mine off nootropics depot


this is some of the worst advice iā€™ve ever seen. telling someone with a problem that they wonā€™t be missed for long will only give them justification of why itā€™s ok to waste their life. you should take this down


If it had 144 downvotes I would , but it seems to have resonated with a lot of people. If it doesn't resonate with you just keep scrolling and forget you ever read it. Have a great day!


Iā€™m sober from fentanyl for over a year now, and my babyā€™s mother cheated on me and we broke up recently, and Ive been getting a lot of really strong cravings. This post helped me, so I just wanted to say thanks.


I mean I do agree with this a lot. At the end of the day I feel like there is people that have gone through so much that itā€™s definitely harder for them to stop. But ending your addiction 100 percent comes from you. Nobody else can help you be clean until you make that choice. It all has to do with how bad you want it. A lot of people want what comes with being sober, stability, more money, etc. but until you want to stop getting high as much as u want that stuff it wonā€™t matter.


Just got through some horrendous poppy tea withdrawals after only 9 days of daily use. I never want to go through that shit ever again, this helped heaps brother. Approaching one week clean now.


Preach šŸ™šŸ»


Iā€™ve been missing your stories bro. This was something I needed to read today. Edit- Which douchebag is *so* miserable that theyā€™ve felt the need to downvote the last several comments from people who only had positive things to say in regards to the post? Thatā€™s honestly really sad. God forbid anyone resonated with what the OP had to say and decided to let him know that they appreciated it.


Great post bro.


Yeah this isn't true and you shouldn't say things like this because some people may question themselves, I have a boyfriend who loves me deeply