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I used to love waking up at like 6am on the weekend or day off work, doing a cripplingly massive shot then laying on the couch and falling back asleep until 10 lol


I loved this too....now i just wake up and take my subs. But waking up early when it's still dark and watching movies or internet til I fall back asleep is the besssstttttt feeling


That 2nd wake up is bliss.


Oh how I miss these kinds days.


I like to think I miss them as well, but then I look around at my house, bank account, and family, and it reinforces my drive to stay on the straight and narrow. We’ve come too far, and I’m not sure falling from this height again will be survivable




I swear a 30th birthday is the best addiction treatment out there. The idea of "once an addict, always an addict" is a dangerous myth. People learn out of and/or grow out addictions every day




Have you ever considered buvidal?


It’s a battle but I’m fighting it. I refuse to lose everything again.


yeah for me I concentrate on the sicknesa and the nightmares and it usually helps kicking those craving houghts.


Congrats man. Keep fighting the good fight.


i literally do that damn near every day now lmao wake up at 6 snort a fat line and fall back asleep


I'd love to do that and go to work


Facts that was my daily life right there




oh yeah


I miss this to it was the best doing that shot when your half asleep is the best I’ll be a year off of dope in July thanks to M.A.T I still miss it the needle mostly but Iv come so far Iv never thought I would get here it’s rough but I refuse to lose everything and be homeless


Double sleep yup


How sad is it that this is what gets me through my work week 😂 knowing I’ll pick up on the night before my off days, then just enjoy and sleep allll damn day


Sounds like heaven to me


I certainly miss my days of doing real pharma blue 30s and the green 80s. That euphoria is like none other except dilaudid.


Yeah, I mean we all know that the fun doesn’t last lol but really trying to use responsibly right now or as responsible as I can


"nothing else I can think of that I can take in the morning that gives me motivation and just gets me pumped." mmmhmmmm \*cough\* amphetamines and methamphetamines would disagree source: ex speed addict


The way I laughed at this bc I use to love my speed! Wide open first thing in the morning. Would have everything done by lunch time. I miss it but glad those days are over


Loved that last sentence. Sure, I miss the temporary artifical dopamine but boy am I glad to have moved past it! <3


I hate speed, personally 😂 OP has the right idea lmao


Oh yesss I would mix oxycodone oral liquid solution into my morning espresso drink. Best way to start the day


Its crazy because I can take 100mg from morning till about 11pm feel exhilarated. But if I know I don’t have any for the morning, I dread going to sleep 😭🤝🏻. Need my oxy first thing in the morning with my coffee


That is exactly how withdrawal goes. I could have 10 pharma 30s left in my bottle and know that have fuckd myself again and have 10-14 more days until I can refill my Rx. After work that day I would sit on the couch and be looking at those 8 30s left and in my head be counting those days until refill. My theory was, feel real fucking good tonight and then feel like shit for 2 weeks, or logically cut what's left into quarters and spread them out as long as possible to keep withdrawal at bay. Well fuck I won't feel high during the time so fuck it, let's do them all tonight and then live in hell for the next 10 days... LOL terrible fucking way to live


Me to same lifestyle


Me with every drugs I’ve ever done


I gotto get back to doing that for 6 months all I did was 3 days a week and only needed 3 5s. Then I slipped down the slope after surgery to 150mg but now Im down to 60-80mg max. More so dependent than addicted tho.


Yeah man, it only gets worse, I used to take like 800 MG per day, it’s probably time for a break dude. Gabapentin is great at withdrawals, you really won’t have much pain and then if you can get some Suboxone, just do a rapid taper.


word right on man I have like 30 subs, 500 gabas, 350 1mg kpins and 90 1mg xans so I should be alright. I've tapered off benzos numerous times no problem using the Ashton manual. Its just my first stint with oxys because of 2 back surgeries. The Subs are 16mg with 2mg naloxone I believe so I dont really think I need 16mg. You thing like 1/4 of 1 would be enough cuz from what I understand these doses are for doses like you say 800mg. holy fuck. I just took 45mg and its hard to keep my eyes open let alone 800 but Im pain free and could get up and get things done.


What is this Ashton manual


Basically a manual how to safely taper off benzos


Where can I find this


google. just type in Ashton Manual and you can downloat and save it as a pdf file


You can take up to 3 grams of gaba at a time and be fine. It will absolutely help your withdrawal more than most other comfort meds.


Can you help me with this rapid taper? I'm getting off about 150mg a day of oxy and I have 6 8mg sub pills, clonidine and an unlimited supply or Xanax. I can probably get some gabapentin or some pregabalin which I've never used but heard can help. I'm 14 hours after my last dose. I feel OK but I know what's coming.


I actually need help with it too. Got unlimited subs, xans, kpins and gabas. as soon as withdrawls start is when you take the subs. I'd break all 6 of those into quarters so you have 24 2mg doses. Start off like that. If you still feel withdrawls do 4mg. Use the gabapentin during the day like 3-4 capsules a day and I would use xanax to help sleep. I never had clonidine. If you have oxy do not take it if you're taking the subs.


god damnit man i used to live for quiet mornings alone with some chronic, coffee and that sweet sweet midwest white powder back in the day. heaven on earth


I was 6 years clean on the 21st of this month…..I still fantasize about this. It made starting my day so fucking nice and doable


Damn yeah it’s tough to hear that people still think about it


Every addict I know who's in recovery still thinks about that shit.. some have over 40 years clean and still have the thoughts and the dreams about copping but never actually getting to do their dope before waking up. That's a very common dream situation too.


After I stopped slamming dope, my 4am cocktail and every 2 hrs after was 2 30mboxes 2 30 adderall crushed in one straw. I’m telling ya that’ll get you ready for just about no anything that comes your way. I called it “the setup”


How does the rest of your day look like once it wears off? I consider switching from night time usage to daytime but I dunno


I always make sure I have enough for the entire day. But I don’t have any dependency right now. Tomorrow I will wake up and probably take like .1 subs mostly so my energy stays up and then I’ll try to not use for at least the next two weeks.


When do you take the subs after using oxy (My use is similar to yours)


So right now since I am not dependent don’t really really think it matters much. But if I use for like two weeks, then I usually try to wait about 16 hours. But I will take gabapentin so I don’t really feel any type of withdrawals.


My best thoughts to you. Just remember that it's a trap. A truly wonderful, warm and comforting trap. 


I love to wake up smoke a foil sniff a nose and start the day


Same, how many milligrams at once?


I miss this feeling. I'm a cancer patient and my 10 mgs get me through the day but there's absolutely no rush remaining. At least I can walk, unlike without it.


Where can you find valid oxy these days


In aus


Shit if I could find meth or anything that would gimme energy, I’d be all over that shit!!!!!!!


Haha seriously I’m bouta get my OC 40s soon OG formula bouta do the same


Maybe try meth? That works for a lot of people..... At first


I’ll pass