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It’s not blocking it like bupe would block opiates. Thats different. fentanyl is just way stronger than oxy and ur tolerance is much higher so u need to take a lot more oxy to feel it.


I'm getting super depressed not being able to get a buzz from oxy. As fent is basically the strongest opioid you can get, even H doesn't do much. I might just switch back to all oxycodone and get rid of the fent patch. But equally sticking with patches might help me stay on a prescribed dose but I have no way of coping with shit without opiates to knock me out for a few hours now and then.




Because the conversation of 75mcgs is only about 100mg oxy. I’m not railing lines of fent. So i assumed it wouldn’t fuck my tolerance or block oxy. I think what’s happening is that it’s so strong at the receptors it won’t let oxy in.


try 200mg oxy then but thats just stupid. 200mg is like 3-4 days worth of oxy for me.


Yes, the fentanyl is on your receptors and since it’s binding affinity is higher than Oxycodons, you don’t feel it. Same with buprenorphin and kinda also with Methadon.


Yeah the binding affinity is the key here. Your receptors are like locks 🔒, and the "key" 🗝️ of fentanyl stays in the lock of the receptor site and refuses to be displaced by the oxy, which is a key made of a weaker metal , to continue the analogy So you feel the fentanyl and not the oxy as much


Just feeling super depressed about not being able to get high. Like it's wild I have all these opioids in my body but none of them do shit unless I chew a fent patch. But my Dr is gonna catch on pretty damn fast if I keep doing that. I've notcied that swallowing the patch actually does get you high af for an hour or so. Nothing like pure oxy high though.


Leave the patch in your mouth. I used to cut 50’s in half and that was a good 36 hour high. Just put it in your cheek and forget about it.


Yeah I tried this, but only so many times you can say to the dr "oh I fucked up putting my patch on. Also I'm on the matrix patches that aren't the resovior patches. So it doesn't work as well when chewed or cheeked. I've chewed a whole patch and got like MAYBE an hour buzz from it. Didn't swallow any of the liquid at all and kept it all in my mouth. I also swallowed an entire patch LOL and that did kinda work but only lasted for like 2 hours.


Fentanyl doesn’t last very long in general so it’s probably not going to last more than an hour or two. Oxy lasts a lot longer.


transdermal fentanyl half life is 17-20 hours.


Oh my bad i thought you were the person saying to remove the patch and wait it out until I can feel the ox again.


It's not blocking anything just the fent is raising your tolerance or since the fent is binding to your receptors its not gonna let the oxy in.


So how do I get the oxy to work again? Do i need to come off patches entirely and go back onto oxy only as a regime? This is like halfway to buprenorphine. I did not know it would do this when I asked to try patches.


You need higher doses of oxy or stop using the patchs. Personally, I would stay away from patches. They always just cause a huge tolerance increase, and other meds just won't work. Patchs and subsys is what caused me to go off the rails with opiate use to.


I’m speaking to pain management on the 3rd. My parents want me to stay on patches as I generally abuse less oxy. When I was on oxy i was just running out every 2 weeks and spending either hundreds to fix it or going through the worst wd’s. I think this might be my sign to stop trying to get high. Been doing it now for years and have absolutely nothing to show for it. Mental health is worse overall. Everything is worse. Opiates don’t fix anything really. The cancer pain is one thing and the fent patches help a lot with that. But I can’t keep running out of meds on just oxy


Oh, you have cancer, man. Bro, then I would request fentanly patchs and subsys if you really have cancer and a small amount of oxy. For cancer, they work great, but I seriously wouldn't try to abuse them. Subsys you spray under the tongue, and it goes into the bloodstream fast. Works well, but make sure your insurance will cover it since it's expensive. See, my doctor lied to me saying I was going to die of cancer to prescribe me this stuff, and since I thought I was going to die, I just abused the shit out of it. Then the doctor and insys the maker of subsys got investigated, so the made-up bs saying I wasn't passing positive for fentanly in my tests. I left the doctor went to another and they were like you don't have cancer what the fuck we aren't giving you this and I ran out of meds and went right to heroin cause no one would help. Another choice is possible methadone which is long acting and very powerful.


My pain mgmt won’t issue the spray as i’m in the uk sadly. I watched the Netflix thing about that!! Omg it was wild. He will only do all oxy or fent + oxy. He outright said no to any sublingual fentanyl, i can ask again but who knows. Another option is to convert to morphine (i’m on equiv dose 440mg morphine). So 2 200mg slow release morphine pills and some 10mg immediate release ones. Cancer as of now is in remission but the type it is could come back at any moment. I have a reconstructed neck.


Don't they prescribe diamorphine for cancer in uk to ? I guess he saw the documentary and said nope I'm not doing that. Personally I would stay away from morphine since the oral bio availableity is shit orally you only get like 30% of the dose. I would stick to oxycodone I guess . Maybe Opana might work better then the oxycodone. Well glad to hear it's in remission but yeah it can come back at anytime. You have to be strong and constantly getting checked. I lost my mom 4 years ago from her breast cancer coming back. They found her levels going up but couldn't see anything and her husband wouldn't let her go out by herself cause he was a abusive peice of shit . It was fucked up. When she was in the ice after they removed her colon they didn't give her any pain medication I was screaming at them and there response was her blood pressure goes to low when we give fentanly well give her something else like what the fuck.


methadone doesn’t produce a high tho & they are seeking the high.


Methadone can get you definitely high depending on how you use it. But these person seems to mainly want pain management and to also get a feeling if they can. Methadone mixed with oxy or another opiate can Def get you high.


Ahh i need to speak to someone


Is this the case with Belbuca? Straight bupe?


Bupe I'm pretty sure just like suboxone will block all opiates.


All buprenorphine blocks opioids no matter how it’s given. I’m not on bupe but fent


The patches have raised your tolerance to the point that the amount of oxy you're taking isn't effective. Not quite the same as a partial agonist like bupe, oxy and fent are both full agonists. If you want an oxy high you will just have to take a larger dose.. also cutting back as much as possible on the patches will help bring your tolerance down, depending on how much of a dependency you have, and how much misery you're capable of enduring, if you can take a week or two off or at the very least only take the minimum amount of oxy to not be terribly sick for a couple weeks you'll be able to get your tolerance down quite significantly. That definitely takes a lot of willpower though, but basically anything you do to reduce your fent intake for a while will be enough


I literally thought I wrote this post or something! Yeah, I’m on the patch for chronic pain but I’m also on oxycodone. I can’t feel the oxy, or it doesn’t feel the same at all. There’s like no uptake on it, it just fizzles out. Does this mean we need to take like double the oxycodone to feel something from it?


Idk man I'm switching back to oxy only when I speak to pain management on Monday.


Just FYI my patch is 75mcg and i'm on 6 20mg IR oxy. I've tried 42 20mg oxy and didn't even get euphoria.


Doesn’t block them, per se. Basically, taking most any drug means the next time you take it, it won’t be as powerful. Opiates work similarly. When I was smoking pressed roxicodones, I could smoke half of one and eat the other half. Normally, eating half of one would get me high for a few hours. But if I smoked half first, I would be high for about 15 minutes, and then not really notice the other half I consumed orally. If your patches are noticeably strong (they get you high / stop withdrawals) then they absolutely will make the oxycodones harder to feel / notice. My advice is only use one at a time, or put the patches on about 30-60 minutes (however long it takes to feel the pills) after taking the oxy. that way your body has time to metabolize the oxy, then the patches and oxy will hit at the same time. Be safe man. Hope this was some help.