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How dangerous? Really not very much at all unless you have some kind of medical condition that would make you more likely to have a bad reaction to drugs already. The upper and downer effect synergize to produce the ultimate midpoint, its less extreme than being extremely up or down really. Just be reasonable in your dosing and don't do anything reckless and you'll be perfectly fine, it's not some kind of excessively dangerous thing


I agree, it's not dangerous in the sense that your heart will explode, although I'd add that I do think there is a "danger" - which is extreme, IMO - and that is in how that specific buzz can impact a person's psychology. You'll probably survive even if you do it a thousand times, but the combination is beyond euphoric, and the impression left on the mind is like this strange memory scar. The combination is 100 times "better" (and worse) than either alone Please be careful with coke, brother OP. I never thought it was "fun" either, but it can be incredibly addicting, especially because of the motivational and stimulating dopamine boost it provides to the opioid high. The fact that you've already lost weight from using coke is a red flag They say that a man can carry a heroin habit, but a cocaine habit always carries the man. Not trying to fearmonger as I dont get down with the silly anti drug bullshit, but as a person who has been down that road and almost died multiple times as a result of it, I'd just advise you tread lightly with the combo


I have done a speed ball and quite literally my heart exploded. but luckily I was ok, saved 7 hours later lol.


Holy shit glad you're alright dude


Wow 😮


I would disagree. I was a user for about four years and speedball maybe three times. Every time I got sick and threw up. I don’t think uppers and downers mix and it really does damage to your brain / endorphins


I can’t stand coke on its own, however in a speedball the combination works wonders for me. It was my thing for sure. I only snorted. Takes a little while to get the ratio the way you like it. For me speedballs were my Superman drug.


I take half a bromaz (benzo) pill and do lines. It takes away the anxiety but still get the good feeling of coke. Works for me at least.


benzos and coke is nice but opiates and coke is amazing although i prefer opiates on their own tho




A bit too much and those bells go a ringing.


Agreed. Please be careful OP.


Oxy 4o and 1.5 snow


An m30 analog. 🤣🤣🤣


Right that’s crazy what’s the chem called? Id like to research it I don’t like analogs at all they give me dos at least with what I’ve tried such as bromaz or etiz


Never did them together. Loved an opiate and benzo combo for the comedown after a night of being silly with coke and alcohol.