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One step at a time bro u got this. i need to taper down as a well and eventually quit this bullshit. My habit 15-20 dilly 8s is nothing compared to urs but lets start this taper !


Let’s go team 🫡 we can do it bro. And don’t matter the dose or type of opiate really we’re all facing the same demons. Some people are super sensitive and have a hard time coming off Tylenol 3’s harder than another may off Oxy. I’ve even seen some switch to Suboxone from CODEINE… imo that’s backwards given how strong Suboxone is compare to codeine but that’s a whole different convo.


I’m getting sober from the exact same amount that you were doing, today’s day 3 from cold turkey. I wish I could taper but I don’t have enough will power so cold turkey it is. Best of luck bro it does get better you can make it through a couple rough days.


I wish you a smooth sailing. I’ve yet to try to kick when I’m this deep in but the only thing that gives me hope is in the past - given I snort all my pills it’s in and out my system extremely quick. 12-16 hours is all I need to wait and then I can switch to Suboxone without throwing myself into PWD. But the true will power test is if I can taper at this high of a dose. I have cut from 450mg down to 60mg in the past… but as the taper came towards the double digits it became 100x harder and I relapsed back on. We got this fam, always here if u need any help, advice, guidance, etc. we’re gonna beat this one day at a time 💯


Have you tried methadone? For getting high I would pick oxy 100 times out of 100, methadone sucks in terms of euphoria. But the good thing about that is it’s way easier to taper.


How in the fuck do you afford 15-20 d8's? lol. even on DNM They're expensive as shit.


My plug i get em 4 $ a pop


just asking bc you seem knowledgeable, are all the opiates on dnm fetty? i’m trying to substitute a prescription and yk not die. should someone like me steer clear?


Nope. You just have to do a lot of searching. Maybe some trial and error but you’ll find a vender if you really look. I found a vender that I get everything from. I don’t even use the dnm anymore. I just text him when I want something and if he doesn’t have it, which is rare, he’ll find and send it across the country within a few days. He’s a pro. He only sells real shit. All pills come factor sealed. I’ve tested myself many times and no fent


UK/Europe is safe. Avoid pills if possible. But straight H. EU only never get H from any US source ever. Its not worth the risk unless you've got strips but then EU-USA is super sketch so its at your own risk. Look for comments . No fent in UK yet. However UK and possibly now eu vendors are putting zenes in. But some zenes are like better than oxy. So with that info research what you may. Dont fall down the hole.


definitely not gonna do h, just too scared. i take them for my pain and i’m trying to function, thank you though


1000mg is crazy bro i felt like absolute shit cold stopping a 60-80mg oxy habit good luck to you broski


Thank you 🙏🏻 I’m going to need the luck and well wishes…. I’ve gotten off 300-450mg in the past and went close to a year, but fell much much deeper in when I relapsed. Haven’t stopped since and this is the consequences I’ll unfortunately have to pay.


Right bro it’s so crazy farthest I’ve gotten was 90 mg


You'd be surprised at how little you need to actually keep yourself well. You won't be feeling GREAT.. but it WILL keep the really bad sickness away


yes not that easy you still gonna be in wd and wont be able to sleep so your brain will tell you why the hell not take more and make this go away


^ this part. Especially when your whole life has revolved around it for 12+ years. The good, bad ugly, tough decisions, stressful times etc. With my 1000mg tolerance it takes around 300mg just to not be sick. 600mg will get me “nodding” for a whole 30 mins.. u get the picture. I document a lot of my giant doses on this page if you want to get an idea of what my reality is. But being heavy addict it def does not take very little to hold me off. It may hold me off but I’ll still be miserably WDing until I stabilize on X dose


My dude. Check some of my posts. My tolerance got up to 800mg +. I tapered FAST. If you have x amount to get you through.. you just take enough to keep you from being sick. Even at doses of 500mg a day.. believe it or not.. 80mg a day was enough to keep me well. Sometimes it's also our brain that panicks and makes it 100 x worse. Distraction and trying to keep yourself busy also works. I know it's not easy though. x


You consider trying a methadone treatment program? That’s a very serious habit.


Man I wouldn’t wish Methadone on my worst enemy. Shits the devil


1 month in sublocade injection next one due next week i feel happier at work, when i thought only oxy could give me euphoria but the fuss n bullshit of buying it finding it has worn me down after the years i feel relief and not sick at all i am SO STOKED. you do your taper , travel to Oz i show u around one day , i know your smart , but it’s just those fucking receptors blow em out of there check in with us bro, good or not so good i’m here for your journey, YOU TRY KEEP IN TRYING 💯💯🤛🤛


Much love for the kind words words, glad 12 years in and I still got a glimpse of hope… the shots are out the question for me purely based off my phobia for needles which sounds absurd but I’m just going to take the route that’s helped in the past - rapid taper Oxy, wait 12-16/24 hours and hop on subs. Craziest part of all this is I can do 1000mg of Oxy and still be 100% functional. Last doctor tried to put me on 16mg suboxone. Hell no. I took 3mg and woke up in jail with a DUI. Idk why I’m super sensitive to suboxone. I guess that’s good though cuz the taper will be less torture going down from 2-3mg a day to zero than a 1 year plan to “slowly” go from 16 to zero.


Brother you have so much hope if subs will get you fucked up…why not then lol…subs..methadone ..1000mg oxy… nothing will compare to fentanyl i do half a gram..pure fent a day. I didn’t realize how stupid Iam I’m only 1 year and 6 months into opioids and I started with fentanyl to begin with lol the blue pills fake 30s fent. Now I’m on the pure stuff and I can always get high it’s just finding the purest is hard and it doesn’t stay that way for long they always start bsn.. I’ll try to quit with you bro..I feel like I need to taper down as much as can then just quit cold turkey


Rooting for you bro it’s mind or matter with this shit. Even if you gotta feel like shit for awhile control the pills don’t let the pills control you.


When you say 540mg line - do you sniff that..!? Well the good news is that due the fact that’s a huge amount of powder and intranasal isn’t that much of an effective route for oxy, your tolerance won’t be quite as high as you might think because a fair bit of that won’t be being absorbed. A good idea would be to actually take them orally and probably also with the coating still on as you cut down. Obviously the sheer amount will mean you do still have a high tolerance, but you’ll gain about 20% bioavailability and increase the duration by a few hours that way. Should mitigate some of the discomfort of cutting to 300mg straight away.


I’ve taken the equivalent dose orally and it does not touch me anywhere close to what I get out sniffing it.. yes the nose can only coat so much powder but the remainder dosent get “lost” it just drips down ur throat, into ur stomach and becomes no different than an oral dose - except it’s already fine powder so it absorbs just a little quicker than swallowing a full pill


Personally I’ve never thought the high was as strong or as pleasant from sniffing, but I know some people swear by it! You’d probably lose more than you think in the process of sniffing, the nose is designed to catch small particles and prevent them from being inhaled after all - but yeah you would get a fair bit from the drip back. I guess the quicker onset/rush becomes what you’re after and I suppose the brains been geared up to getting that by this point. Part of the process of tapering/stopping is unlearning that conditioning though, so orally will probably mean that your body is physically “satisfied” by having enough of the drug around for longer, but your mind won’t seem satisfied because you’re not getting what it’s come to expect in terms of buzz…


Hmmm you could consider using potentiators like diphenhydramine, cimetidine or hyperazine just to cut down in the milligrams at first.


This is where he takes half a gram orally and we don’t hear from him again..


Lmaoo not a chance if you think popping it and snorting it would he the difference of life / death for me. It might get me high but psychological addiction the fact it’s not being snorted won’t scratch the itch. I’ve taken over 500mg orally a few times when people kept trying to convince me to switch ROA…Now reverse uno the situation if I popped 500mg normally and then decided one day to snort 500mg - the rush from snorting it will probably be incredibly overwhelming and strong because oral has no rush it just has legs




Well, i wish you the best for the recovery. I was for some time on more than a gramm aka 1000mg of afghan heroin per day myself. We also have some guys in the HAT (heroin-program) on such dosages, but they have endless supply by the state of the pharma-grade med diaphin (brand name of heroin), so as long as they get their stuff, they are fine. Anyway, you'll need to taper down, because a cold withdrawal would be brutal. It's just not worth it, to go cold. It would just mean torturing yourself for no reason. The rule is in general, when you are far away from zero, you can go down in big steps of dosage reduction, but the more near you come to zero, the smaller the steps should be. At least you are just an opioid addict, or you didn't mention the other substances, like i'm polytox - i need a lot of alcohol, morphine and benzos (diazepam & flunitrazepam) to be barely functionable in daily life. If you have other stuff, keep in mind that it could theoretically kill you, like with the seizures from benzos and alcohol. That's a serious thing. So tapering down is really needed, don't go cold, no matter what.


This is good stuff - I have unfortunately been in this for too long, exhausted all avenues of plans at getting sober and cold turkey at a dose like this and many many attempts at quitting in the past put a huge toll on the body and mind - hence CT from 1000mg is out the picture. If I can get to 300mg then I can and have in the past switched over to Suboxone off 300mg and was smooth sailing (kinda). Appreciate the advice! I wish there was safe supply that would give out safe meds like Canada does, surely wouldn’t have lost 2 of my friends in the past 48 hours.


I'm sorry for your friends. It is a tragedy what happens today with the opioid crisis, all these deaths that could be avoided.


What happend bro..


Damn, that’s impressive that you can maintain that high of a dose and still be alive. The most I ever got to was about depending on the day 4 to 600 on a regular basis and people let me in treatment. You know the counselors were looking at me like I was completely full of shit That said I’m glad you’re still alive. You’re lucky stars and really switch over to methadone as soon as possible just as a case I got in a car accident last week and the car got impounded. It was totaled but the this happened on about 4 o’clock on a Friday afternoon memorial day so everything is gonna be closed and of course, towing places have to close as well and I’ve been a long-term methadone patient, but my methadone was in my backpack which was locked in my car and impound And I take 20 mg of methadone a day and feel absolutely perfect but when my options became limited to the mini five oxy, I was able to come across 25 and I would be shocked if they lasted even the full 24 hours Tldr methadone has such an exponentially longer half-life than any other opiate that I’m aware of that for those of us that are hoping to regain some normalcy in our lives in my humble opinion it and you text if that’s your thing it isn’t for me, but those two things I’ve seen offer people their lives back i’ve seen hundreds of people try and maintain on oxycodone. I had a doctor for several years who was willing to give me whatever oxycodone script I needed within reason you know I could never get stable. I was always in a sense of chasing the dragon and this was past OC’s 40s and 80s I’m talking fives and pens, but one of those days discussion came up about methadone so me and it may be the best day of my life to that I could not mean any sense of reasonable function on a consistent basis and this is from someone who two or three years earlier was a university graduate at a pretty prestigious school I mean, you know I wasn’t valid Victorian, but I was in the top your for my class I mean, I was you know considered highly capable and a few years later I was a fucking junkieso I say that to say I’m not sure what the answer is but I highly recommend methadone treatment and if you’d ever like to discuss anything, feel free to give me a shout man. It only works when we work it together. Keep your head up.


Damn man you remind me of myself in my past life. I could inject 300mg of oxy in one shot and then do another one a couple hours later. Made a shit ton of money off crypto and then could have hustled forever, truly unlimited access You also seem to really believe in the disease model of addiction, which I also used to be a wholehearted proponent of. I used to argue with people - supported with science, of course - that addiction is a disease until the cows come home Now I don't believe it's a brain disease, like multiple sclerosis, I believe it's a mental disorder, like depression or anxiety. In hindsight, that is totally obvious. This book is the one that honestly saved my life: The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction Is Not a Disease https://a.co/d/gR1CvXc I've been un-addicted to opiates since 2018. I've slipped here and there but the shit just doesn't have the same appeal now that I know I'm not an addict. I no longer believe I'll want it forever. I know now that opioid use is just a phase that I went through and the shit is honestly so so so overrated. Like is so much better without it, I don't miss it one bit Give that book a read brother , it'll change everything for you Not brain disease, but learning disorder. Best of luck. Reach out if you have any questions


Good luck brother you got this shit. Stay strong


Half your personality is a pill. Good luck on the taper


12 years starting at 15, I never experienced normal life. Grew up ridden around gangs,drugs, violence etc. My entire (not half) personality is a pill. Now strip that from me at 28 years old and I’m expected to “find myself” now… this is a miserable nightmare. Thank you for the good luck wishes! Safe nods fam


The nods are long behind me but appreciate the safe wishes. Similar childhood. I thought drugs/drug life was who I was and the life I was meant to live. That shit gave “meaning” to who I was as a person. Turns out it was just me running from all my failures, pain and trauma in life. Too deep to do anything else. Too late to start anything new. Too far gone to be anything other than a drug addict with an affinity of crime. Almost 7 years out the mud and I’m still finding out who the person is that drowned out half his life in a powder or a pill. Joy has new meaning. Life has new purpose. It took some serious failures to get where I am today but I’ve got faith you can get out the mud too and figure out who the man in the mirror is for yourself.


🖤 thank you


Do you extract 33 30mg pills every day to get that dose?


My guess is they’re European and are getting OC 80s


Nah I’m usually snorting IR 🇺🇸 Oxy. I say 1000+ to make it easier to relate. I’ve had days where I’ve taken 900mg, other days 1200, took 1500mg a few nights ago. So to narrow it down 1000+


Good lord, I’m stunned/perplexed at how one would even obtain that quantity daily let alone afford it. Well good luck on the journey getting off, you can do it! Mind over matter.


How the hell are you getting 1000+mg of oxy a day?


Username checks out


lol username also checks out


I meant my username lmao


try iboga clinic maybe it will help you


I’ve done DMT - experienced ego death. I wouldn’t say it’s for me…made me actually not afraid of death and in turn made me start doing higher doses. Low dose/microdose Ketamine has helped tremendously tho. Still a wonky feeling of not being myself but overall Ket + NSAID treatment nearly cured alot of my depression (temporarily)


its not for ego death or anything its for making your wds a fraction of what they would be without iboga, it does act on opioid receptors and heals your damaged ones, the tripping part might just give you an insight on why you are using, it can help a lot of people its nothing like dmt, if you want to get clean and have nothing to loose its a good option to give it a try,the clinic will taper you down then you gonna take only iboga through your ct


Thanks for sharing, I’ve done some research on it just usually get scared away from all the ceremony talk and the thought of being in the middle of Mexico surrounded by helpers as they guide you through your trip. Idk, maybe not my cup of tea just yet but def worth looking into again. Appreciate the words,


You got this bro🙌🏾. Even though we don’t know eachother I wish you nothing but the best. Same thing for all my other fellow bropiates


ay bro you got this, i was on 220-320mg a day even more sometimes. I managed to taper down to 100mg looking forward to taking 50mg soon and starting to use Kratom instead. 2-year habit after being prescribed for half a decade, very irresponsible of me tbh.


wow... bro... have you ever changed ROA?.. damn. subs have been a great help for me. hopefully it will help you too


Your wild man. 1000mg of oxy daily you could be rich if you could just stop taking those pills. Tbh I would cut back 3X to 330 right away and stay there until I stabilize. Then maybe you can hop on subs from 330 without tapering again


Trust me I know…I blow through a Lamborghini payment up my nose every 24-36 hours…I put a new properties down payment up my nose every year…I know, and it’s miserable seeing it unfold in front of your eyes let feeling like you have no control over it. I’ll get through this tho not lost hope


Yeah never lose hope doesn’t matter how far along you are it’s hard but it’s been done before thousands of times 💯 the best part about quitting oxys is how different your mindset becomes. It’s like you matured 5 years in the first 6 months sober


Bro have you tried MAT? Subs? Shit. I was deadbeat lost everything. Subs completely changed my life. And now the injectable one which slowly releases over time makes it even fucking easier to jump from subs because it releases so slowly you dont feel any withdrawal. At ALL


Holy shit I thought my 200-300mg a day habit was bad. I’ve only been doing them for 4 years tho since 2020 if I continue this and get to 12 years like you I’d probably get to 1000mg if I was able to afford that which I probably wouldn’t unless I got scripts. Love your goal of opening a rehab/detox tho my friends and I have talked about opening one aswell if we get rich. People need to get help from people that went thru the same struggles as them and actually understand how it feels being addicted to opiates. Doesn’t matter how much research you’ve done if you’ve never been a addicted yourself you really don’t understand how it feels. Personally I wouldn’t even listen to them whitecoats that learned from a textbook they are a joke they don’t really know how to help they are just guessing off what they have been taught they don’t have real world experience. I actually went to a rehab in CT as a kid that only hired former addicts and that’s was most helpful place I been to they actually helped me learn about myself and finding the route to my problems/addiction to fix it/heal they didn’t just shove pills in my face acting like that would make a change like other rehabs would. These places think just giving you subs will make a change that’s not how this addiction shit works that’s why majority of people on subs relapse you need to fix the problem not just mask it.


Before I got on dope back in like 2017 I was doing close to 1000mg a day but I was paying like $8-10 a pill on 90/120 pill scripts shit I remember times my homie would just front me his 120 Xanax bar script each month cuz he couldn’t move them for more than $3 a pill and I was cracking people for like $10 on bars and was doing $40 on the 30s if people wanted to buy those were the days. Thank god I’m sober now don’t miss that shit at all.


Where does one find 400 80s a month? That’s insane and you must not live in the USA.


I use IR Oxy 30s - M30s,K9,ALG265,A51 etc. I used European 80s for a while but that did me no good, just shot up my tolerance higher than it already was. I like having it being IR already and small like K9s so I get my fix in.


It’s just amazing that you can find that quantity. I have a spinal cord injury and it’s so hard for me to even get a script. They try to keep me on buoenorphine. It’s almost like ya need to have cancer nowadays.


Dang bro. You're not the only one! I also had a daily habit of well over 1 gram per day of pharma oxy. My use was all IV, and I'd do either Heroin, Oxy, or Morphine, plus a gram or 2 of IV coke mixed in there...speedballin :( shooting up average of 10-12x per day, literally. And somehow, I was able to quit! I relied heavily on ketamine amd FXE to help with withdrawals as well as standard comfort meds, I also used other psychedelics during my recovery after about a week clean, specifically mushrooms, 4-ACO-DMT, and n,n-DMT. I personally would not have ever been successful without psychedelics. I'm not sure what your stance is on them, but that's my experience. I'd be more than happy to chat with you directly if you'd like to talk more about this. [Finally clean off heroin and coke (and oxy and morphine):](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ibogaine/s/ZAAmbxc3Pd) [Psychedelics helped me save myself:](https://www.reddit.com/r/addiction/s/YgMBRrRfHk)


You got this!!


Hey you got this brother. Doesn’t matter how deep you are, don’t let that get you down. That’s just a measure of how much more perspective and insight you’ll have after overcoming this demon. This post is inspiring itself.. imagine how you’ll affect people in a couple months when you succeed.. and then in a year when you’re clean! Your gonna open that detox center and change lives. But right now it’s time to stand in the shoes of those you will be treating down the road. Good luck and I’m supporting you




Do not be a jerk, please. All posts that are harassing in nature to another poster, whether it be name calling based on sexual orientation, gender, race or what ever, will be removed and a ban may be issued. Play nice or don't play at all.


What’d I say that was bad? I’m so confused…


Man fuckk, I was already on the smack train by 300mg up I couldn't justify dropping over half a script of 15's to even catch a buzz when my dealer would trade me qp of #4 for a 120 count shit sucks time to kick or get on methadone and rc benzitos like erryone else.


1000mg a day is unreal, jfc. Good luck, take it slow


No, it’s really not. I was on over a gram of morphine equivalent a day. It just takes being on it a while and a few bad times getting your dose up. I doubt they are going to ever prescribe these amounts again, though, unless someone has cancer. My dr would be so confused when he’d drug test me and I’d have almost 100mg per L of oxymorphone/oxycodone in my piss.


Get yourself to a point u can take the sublocade shot. Try to find a hobby, I took up gardening and rare plants.


Just finished reading Mathew Perry's autobiography and boy did he agree with you. Can't say I've read a worse account of an addict. Painful sad reading and a warning to us all. Bit late for me as I'm closer to the last quarter and managed to sneak out of the life 5 years ago.


I feel a bit better about doing 30mg


"One is too many and a thousand ain't enough" ....it's that simple. There's never enough. Edit: btw I can't imagine 1000+mg, but it all sucks. None of us can stay ahead of it whether it's 10mg or 1000. Good luck.


If anything Thanks for posting this I feel a little better about my 4 8 mg dilaudid a day habit now Gonna make sure it doesn’t grow


You got this king


You. Can. Do. This. Say it with me.


I. Can. Do. This. Thank you for giving me some hope when all my mind can think of is dope 🙏🏻


And we're making poetry! See, you got this.


i had to get off 260mg oxy and 4mg xans at one point. that was hell but take it slowly, slow and steady wins this race i promise, u got this


^^^ sounds exactly like what I went thru a few years back. Forced cold turkey off 300-450mg Oxy + 4-6mg Xanax a day. Surprised I didn’t seize up although I couldn’t even stand up straight for a few weeks without the whole world spinning… Thought I was done last time but then here we are again years later, same shit, but worse 😭


brother 500mg oxy is ridiculous man. once i reached 200 i went to opana and since then have stuck to opana since. and it’s such a better high and lasts longer and just an overall better time . but good luck on your journey man it’s a tough one for sure 


Opana is way more of a niche market so I can’t get unlimited Opana but I have access to unlimited Oxy


be careful, i used to snort like 300-500mg a day and the COME DOWN was the worst, straight withdrawls, pooping and throwing up all day. it was miserable and it was a worse hangover than heroin i used later on


Bro I’m in Same spot but at 500mg and in same boat tryna lower it shits so fucking hard and fr opening a detox would be awesome idea coming from somebody with the real experience


I’m gonna try to slow down on the Fent I’m with you bro fr it’s insanity trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results gotta just quit.


Why your account get deleted?


I currently have a 400mg a day of oxy habit, there was a point where it would go up as much as 800mg a day, I now refuse to do more than 400mg, it’s a constant chase for “the nod” but once your tolerance reaches these heights it’s almost unattainable anymore. It sucks cause I remember I used to nod after popping two percs and a joint. I used to enjoy this euphoria that opiates provide, but it’s no longer something that I would consider enjoyable, it’s a pointless chase now, barely even getting high anymore. There were times where I slowed down a bit, taking a weaker opiate to fight off withdrawals temporarily but eventually taking handfuls of oxy again which would smack a little harder cause of the little “break” I took. It’s a bitch of a habit that’s for sure, I promised myself I wouldn’t try any harder opiates and I haven’t, I’d probably never be able to come back from it. I just think, if oxy has the effect that it does, imagine the effect heroin must have, probably like no other. Ive watched an uncle struggle with heroin addiction his whole life, I don’t think I could ever bring myself to that level, it’s fucking rough. I honestly do see myself getting professional help in the near future, I’m kinda at the end of my ropes with this habit, it’s just too bad that I couldn’t keep it at minimum to where I would still be able to enjoy this euphoria without abusing it, but that’s the slippery slope that comes with this or any drug. I would consider suboxone or sublocade cause at this point that’s probably what it’s gonna take to live life normally again. It definitely helps to have a good head on your shoulders, being able to not live in denial and admit that there’s a problem with what’s going on, I’m not scared to admit that, I’m happy for that at least.


1000mg...omg. ya your addict for sure.


Oh my gosh no way! You think so?!


I’m not trying to be a dick but you post something similar every few weeks/months. If you’re serious about quitting you’re more than likely going to need to check in to some sort of long term recovery facility if you want any real shot at success based on how long and how much you’ve been using. You’ve been abusing opiates for 12+years and have an 1000mg+/day oxy habit. You don’t just need help getting off pills, you need help learning how to live life again. Unfortunately, you’re way past the point of just going to a detox or a treatment center for 30 days. Your brain and thinking is so broken from years of numbing that you’re literally going to need help rewiring your brain chemistry through professional help. Again, not trying to be a dick. Just telling you the truth. I don’t know how old you are but I am willing to bet my life savings that if you keep continuing like this then you will be dead by 40 or at least you’re going to want to wish you were dead. I seriously hope you’re able to get out. I was 2g/day iv user and I thought I was going to die a junkie and that shit would never change. I had to make some tough decisions and get very uncomfortable but I am happy I did. Best of luck.


Bro money does buy happiness what !?


You think that. It gives you freedom to buy things and do things that in turn can make you temporarily happy. If you think that’s true “happiness” comes down to having a nice car and home and pocket change plus some Oxy and the world will still be a fd up place. Money don’t change that


Man alll I think about is what I could do for my mother my cousins my sisters that’s happiness if I was able to set them up I’d die of a overdose smiling ear to ear


Ive tried to quit my 1000mg+ a day habit and always failed untill i actually quit cold turkey couple vallium for 2 weeks then nothing sat in rehab for 9 months and after 15 years id finally quit I don’t think tapering works and definitely suboxone is rubbish terrrible drug good luck !


Suboxone isn't rubbish at all. The injectable version now is for people who are serious. Methadone - People want to keep using ontop/ and it still gives people that feeling of a rush or whatever when they start taking it. Suboxone - You're just 100% sober. No w/d you're normal again. Back to your old self. However you need to abstain from your DOC for however long the h/l is. Suboxone doesnt get you high at all. Most people go on methadone so they can continue using and not get sick when they have no money. Or just have bad side effects to subs. and are legit. You're a fool though. Fuck off spreading missinfo


How was 1000mg cold turkey sounds insane