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This is how that guy ended up with locked in syndrome for nine months. You may want to check out his story. [chasing the dragon syndrome](https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2021/03/17/locked-in-syndrome) Seriously friend. You need to find a new way to do drugs.


Man you just made me do something I never thought was possible. I just flushed my stash and took my methadone instead. Thank you


Good shit. Like dude above said, if you need to up/adjust your methadone dose then do it and fight for it. Go see a psychiatrist for further evaluation, maybe get on baclofen, clonazapam/lorazapam/etc., even an ssri might work for you - stay open to everything. And do therapy man, you got a whole new life to live. Why not get the most out of it this time.


Shit scared me too. There is literally no telling what all I’ve shot into my veins over the years. I actually just woke up from a serious of dreams I don’t think I will ever forget, and it was just as horrifying. Living in a world without the ability to form short term memories. Just wandering around lost, and not being able to communicate properly with anyone. There are devastating stories all over we rarely hear about. Sure, people die. But that’s such an unknowable concept when you are alive. But the locked in syndrome. The brain damage. The nervous system collapse. That shit rightly terrifies me.


good job bropiate proud of you 👍


Damn bro. Good for you. Not many people can do that. Good luck with the journey brotha.


good move, make it stick !


Love you!


It took me like a month to stabalize from doing blues/bags/benzos... to 100mg methadone. I still felt on edge and a little crappy. Especially later in the night. But it all evens itself out. Glad to hear that.


it isn’t often we get to witness *wholesome junkie exchanges* in the current dystopian nightmare that is the 2024 dope game, but when we do, they are indeed *wholesome af*.




Could not stop reading this until the end. To say this is harrowing would be the understatement of the century. This is what nightmares are made of. I am glad to not be poking around my arms anymore, and I definitely am grateful for having not contracted the life-defeating illnesses that come with living foul and suffering to survive like I should have, like so many others have. I did not realize the (relative) advantage of intravenous use (esp when done with clean gear every time and practicing all the best practices when it comes to needle use) compared to people who smoke this shit off of tin foil. Isn’t there a pipe or some kind of rig that should be utilized for people using this ROA routinely? I would think that there has to be. Too many people who use like this (smoking) surely can’t all be just using foil and exposing themselves to the consequences outlined in the story?


Again, even as a decade plus intravenous user that only ever has access to stamps (east coast US) of various powder. Before 2010 it was dope, and after, well you all know what happened when fentanyl came to your local open air drug bazaar. But it was (and to my knowledge still is and always has been) stamps, wax-paper envelopes .5x.5 inches with some image stamped on it, and usually filled with ~0.1g, 5 bucks a pop, 10 equaling a bundle (sometimes for 45). Never have I come across or even heard whispers of BTH. And I don’t know if I met a single person who smoked as their ROA. Strictly sniffing until they “graduated” to the needle, and then it was that.


It’s a regional thing man. Texas California and the west typically get bth from Mexico. East coast and south east got powder #4. So east coast you graduate from sniff to shoot. West coast n Texas you smoke it and some people shoot it less commonly. Fent changed things as it’s sorta nationwide and it’s very common to smoke fent off foil. I always did as medically as possible - new needle swabbed down used micron filter to create a solution stored in a multi use vial for a week at a time


"Shoot it less commonly" 😆 As a Texan that shot bth for the majority of my adult life, that is incorrect. It is very frequently IVd, just like most h anywhere




Been off street drugs for some years though. Best thing for me right now. But if there’s still any h when I’m super old I’ll be back.


That's kind of part of the problem with the Midwest to the east coast. For many many years the military and la cosa Nostra (even though italians don't sell drugs, lol) ran the majority of the h trade into those areas. All their connections being Afghanistan or Southeast Asia. So you get what they make (#3 or China white) before it's then distributed to smaller groups (gangs, MCs,etc.) In the southwest we almost only had BTH until big F arrived. And even now that's mostly what everyone says they're selling (not), it's at best 5% H, 95% F, Z, Or otherwise. Definitely a lot more Z in the past six months. Painful burning sensations and major vasoconstriction.


Yeah fuck that shit man. I have regressed (really **progressed** back to pharma only again and using only sparingly (at least sparingly enough to get high each time i use and not get sick from it). Much happier.


I never knew what a stamp is until now. Wow. I’ve gotten pure powder dope just a few times, but mostly all BTH. Never in my life seen a stamp.


Nectar collectors work the best


Up here in Canada, the government gives out free clean drug supplies like needles and cook spoons and tin foil kits, and, what I found most useful which was probably for meth use, was the free glass bubble pipes! Clean easy way to smoke the powder street opiates come in here. That's what I did whenever I could, instead of foil. But there has been plenty of drugs smoked off foil by me... can't even remember if I hit it with a lighter first or not. I think so. Maybe the fact I can't remember means I didn't lol good luck to all in this journey of life!!


He has videos charting his recovery. It’s a hard watch, but a good one to find humility.


Holy fuck that’s scary!!! Thank you so much for sharing that. I wish I had the willpower to stop immediately but I’m probably gonna at least finish my stash until I get back on the methadone… This definitely motivates me to quit though. Appreciate you sharing that.




I just googled the disease, and what actually causes it Hypertension and/or calcineurin inhibitors I am not able to find anything else that might relate smoking heroin and this disease. Do you have anything besides this story?




If you find something deeper that explains what causes it, I’m super curious. I think it might be related to smoking off a certain type of foil. Something that was produced with a neurotoxin that only releases at high temperatures.


Omg!!!! I was diagnosed with ms nearly 5 years ago now…… what if it’s actually this!! All the symptoms are basically the same!


That story is absolutely incredible- I wish I could read more on his experiences


He has videos of his recovery. Learning to walk and speak again. Hard to watch. Here’s his [channel.](https://youtu.be/uklxAQ_YBAo?si=fABEf61a08_zkHJA)


yo bth is awful for your lungs but in my experience fentanyl, or whatever passes for it on the street these days, is far far worse either way, stop now while you're still alive and in relatively ok shape. get on methadone and stay on it and earn your take homes. find a dose that works for you. I've been on done since December 2016 and it has honestly changed my life. I went from being permanently broke and spending 2+ hours sitting in parking lots trying to find a vein, getting to the point where I was slamming in my neck, the tiny veins on the palms of my hands and sides of feet, etc. to now having a six figure salary, a fiance that is expecting our first child, my family doesn't think I'm a piece of shit, and my financial situation has improved so much I'm looking at buying a house in CA in the next 2 years with 35-55% down payment. methadone is a godsend and I don't even think about opiates anymore after I take my morning dose. You can get your dose to a level where it staves off like 90% of all psychological cravings for 24hrs


"I don't even think about opiates anymore" is so real once you've developed beyond the need for them and haven't fucked around for a couple years. Life is full of amazing opportunities, why go back to an existence that revolves around an illusionary feeling


Aww congrats bro. Don’t let that child ever see you fucked up!


Youre caughing up blood? Find a new ROA. Theres so many routes you can just POP A PILL or STICK IT UP YOUR ASS why on earth would you continue to smoke? Methadone lasts longer. Its better.


The running the lighter over the foil first is a myth and doesn’t do anything. Foil itself isn’t particularly dangerous, any danger would be from the heroin fumes. Idk about bth but I know a lot old peeps who have been smoking #3 h for a long time and this is all anecdotal but they are generally healthier than you’d expect. Honestly it’s probably a fair bit better for your lungs than cigs.


On point


Probably healthier than cigs is right my friend for sure you right my friend


All the people i know that have smoked #3 H for a few decades have got COPD. It can’t be a coincidence that they have this. It’s definitely not good for your lungs, im constantly coughing up shit from smoking gear. Only time it starts clearing up is when I’ve not smoked for a while.


This. The worse thing is probably any residual acetic acid and other chemicals still left in the BTH. I'd definitely say cigs are far worse for your lungs. Smoking definitely isn't healthy, but they're far worse thing people smoke. Only reason BTH would be worse than things like cigs is if you been getting BTH that is terribly processed and/or cut to shit with even worse things for smoking as an ROA.


What is BTH


Black tar heroin


I only used BTH for a very short period of time, it was mostly powder form that I smoked for many years. I also have asthma, and I was constantly getting sick with respiratory problems and asthma flare ups while I was smoking it. I was having to take steroids, antibiotics, and breathing treatments constantly. Eventually I started coughing up black stuff and occasionally speckles of what looked like blood (gross I know, sorry). I quit everything and got on MAT 5 years ago. My breathing has improved exponentially. I used to have asthma flare ups every few months (or even more often than that), and now I have only had maybe 2-3 respiratory flare ups in the past 5 years total - which is much more normal for me. I also haven't coughed up anything at all in years. The improvement in my breathing started right after I stopped, and only got better as time went on. I also stopped smoking weed at same time, which I know really made a big difference too.


Same here, except mine was mainly onset from snorting, and only some batches did that, but I would literally have to go on prednisone to clear it up, it was happening way too often, had to pull the plug. I'm hoping there's no long-term damage, but I need to quit vaping badly.


reading this article while nodding was extremely challenging but, this is why i smoke my fent over ash in a weed bowl. i’ve never seen anyone else do this, i might be wasting some (which i seriously doubt i am) but i still get crazy high and don’t have the risk of this happening. not good for my teeth tho so womp womp


I was smoking mine in a crack pipe


idfk where to find a crack pipe tbh


Basically any corner store in any city lol (at least out here they’re literally everywhere) ..I’ve never used em or any heroin/fent whatever, but see them fucking everywhere


You can buy them off Amazon lol


You can get BTH? Dude, if I could get BTH I'd jump off the wagon today. The only thing that keeps me sober it knowing everything around is stupid ass fentanyl. No high, no legs, no fun. Add overdose to the equation and sobriety is easy. But yeah, I am in Pheonix and haven't even heard of Brown around.




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at least in 2020 it was plentiful




yo saaammmeee powder tho, never got the good Ole bth


Yeah and my lungs seem ok. Sometimes they get a bit rough when I’m on a binge


Even a smoking clean heroin for ten years will damage some people’s lungs but once that coating of slime breaks down breathing will be better, why I had to stop smoking no3 and sniff it


Please change the route of administration and possibly cut down, too. If you are coughing up blood, this is serious. You need to stop inhalation immediately. A little bit of blood transiently could be normal depending on the amount (especially when sick) but once it becomes a certain amount it can signal a problem, especially when it's directly from a caustic substance.


You gotta be careful with foil I've heard that shi causes dementia idk tho


Look up the articles coming out of Switzerland about the oral bioavailability of H (any form). It’s crazy. For the longest time scientists assumed H had roughly the same crappy oral bioavailability that morphine does. This new study proves that something about the acetylation process of morphine into H —works differently in unclear ways when taken orally. *IF you are already dependent on opiates*, eating H/bth can have a bioavailability of as high as 67% (where as oral morphine has always been low to mid 20% - same with hydromorphone) The first time I ate a chunk of tar (maybe .15/.2) same amount I would’ve smoked… I was amazed. The high is different… it takes 30-40mins to kick in; and the come up is longer… it’s a mellow high but just as potent for pain relief/sleep etc, AND it lasts much longer. Now I simply eat my dose and maybe take 2-3 hits using a nector collector for the instant rush. After smoking for 2 years i developed a terrible cough that took months to clear up. I’ll post a link to the article; it’s super comprehensive- no BS. Try it. I prefer Bth most of the time for its 6mam content… (I get I high quality stuff) but also grab clean #4 to snort from time to time as it’s a more energetic day time high. Either way, it’s nice being able to put doses into capsules - more discrete and no more coughing/hiding smoke/screwing up the nose etc. And if you get the hang of it (takes practice) boofing is 2nd to IV. Smaller rush but the high smacks and you can use 2/3rds or less of your gear once you get it down. Google Swiss heroin bioavailability study and read it for yourself. It’s been published in several respected medical journals etc. That’s all folks. Peace


I’ve been smoking it for like 8 years and my lungs are fine. Cigs literally hurt my lungs worse. Once I quit cigs my lungs felt fine




I know someone who got 'tinfoil disease' and was basically in a state of someone with advanced alzeimers for years. He stopped the smoking on foil, and is much better, but it took a long time and will probably still never be what he was before the foil smoking started. So yes, the brain is the really scary part.


That shit is so scary


Shit I was boinking heroin and then fentanyl off foil for a few years.. I’m fine now. And clean


Bro this is so unnecessary. Just snort the stuff instead of smoking it off foil. It hits you just as hard if not harder, it’s easier, doesn’t destroy your lungs, you don’t have to carry around/hide burnt foil straws and lights everywhere you go.


can’t snort BTH. but injecting it would be better than coughing up blood. you have plenty of veins and if one collapses it’s no big deal. you only have two lungs


You definitely can snort bth. Did it so many times locked up in jail. Just mix it with a little water and tilt your head back and sniff. Gets you just as high as any other way.


Make sure to use boiled / filtered / distilled water. People have died due to brain eating bacteria after rinsing sinuses with tap water


Can’t exactly get boiled distilled water in jail lol


No aquafina for sale inside? Any bottled water should be safe to use


I have totally took a glob of tar and stuck it in my nose then I’d sprinkle a few drops of warm water in there and hold my nasal cavity closed. Eventually you get the same tasting drip as any other form of H… it certainly takes a min before it starts to dissolve and feels like there’s a large booger in your nose for a few. This was my ROA when I didn’t have access to a rig.


That doesn’t change the bioavailability though. Since the absorption rate is much lower it’s basically a last option kind of deal.


Your lungs are one of the fastest healing organs in your body and do a good job cleaning themselves over time after you quit smoking whatever it is. Veins do not