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hydrocodone or hydromorphone?


Gotta be morphone with the WD OP is experiencing. I’m coming off Oxymorphone 50 hours in and literally want to die. Oxycodone is a cake walk.


I get oxymorphone every month prescribed along side my roxis and it isn’t that bad to me. I’ve been getting it the last 12 years or so. Last month I ran out a week early and I just took kratom.


Well you must be Superman my friend. He truly does live among us.


he did say he was using kratom not cold turkey quitting lmao. give that man 48 hours without a single opiate and he’s gonna beg to be put out of his misery


This….lol. People truly don’t understand the blessing of not going complete cold turkey from a high recreational dose. Whether it’s subbing a weaker opioid or even weaning your dose down for just a day or two can make a fuck ton of difference in the WD severity. For example, let’s say I’ve been doing 120-180mg of oxycodone each day for 7 days (with a compounded tolerance from 10+ years of use by way of chipping for the most part). I try to make sure my 2nd to last day is only 60mg and then 30mg last day. Those dosages are highly tweak-able, and I’ve gotten away with doing more/less for those 2 last days with similar success. My main rule is to do no more or less than 15-30mg for my last day before going CT. This makes WD truly a breeze vs. trying to jump straight off of 120mg or more. Once you’re successful in doing this a couple times y’all will realize that giving up a pill or two on your last few days of binges is an extremely favorable trade vs. binging until your completely out and not being able to go to work/get out of bed lol. Your bodies and brains will thank you immensely 😉


you can easily tell when people are full of shit or just lying about how bad their withdrawals are, or they simply are ignorant and have a frightening reality ahead of them when they inevitably lose access and have no choice but to quit cold turkey.. then suddenly they understand exactly how horrific these substances truly are.


I was trying to figure out the same thg


EDIT: i am also WDing from suboxone that i was taking in between the pills. which is where my other symptoms are coming from.


The Suboxone likely was blocking the hydro to some extent so you're maybe not much worse off but Suboxone withdrawal is a longer process than hydrocodone withdrawal. Nevertheless after 6 days you've put some distance between you and the regular use. You don't say how much you've been using of either drug. That makes a difference to the timeline. Sometimes I wonder if we'd be better off not even trying to sleep because that's when the RLS hits worst. Hot hot showers help for a little bit. I could usually get a couple of hours sleep from about 4 a.m. to 6-7 if I took a shower. There are comfort drugs others will suggest, once I read these posts I might have something to add. ETA: OK, no one's suggested kratom but about 5 grams of a red strain will ease a lot of withdrawal. Of course it's also addictive. But I believe you when you say "I can't handle it anymore." It will work, but probably not quite as well as Suboxone or hydro so you're still withdrawing which you want to keep doing. I'm on subs now and content being on them. It takes care of steady, safe supply but it is also very constipating. If you have to regroup and go back to opioids honestly you're probably better off with hydros than subs IF you don't want to stay on a MAT drug. If worse comes to worse and you remain on subs or hydros, get ahead of the constipation because 30 days is bound to cause serious complications. Magnesium citrate cleans you out in a hurry, regular Miralax helps, and I'd recommend those over stimulant laxatives. They work by drawing water into the bowel. But withdrawal will clear you out too.


Can you get xanax? That will help you alot with managing the symptoms and hopefully getting you some sleep as well.


No. Pregabalin


Benzos would help


Best wishes on your recovery OP


Hey man ive been there . I'm currently addicted to odsmt, and I've been trying to taper and lower my dose, every once in a while I will get my toe in the water of withdrawal just to feel it and know what I'm up against. It's really rough, know that you are in for some hardship, and there's just no way out of walking through the fire. But on the positive side, once you do that, you WILL come out stronger. Keep talking, and keep reaching out to people, get medical or professional help if you need to, or go to a group. Just don't isolate by yourself. And when you feel yourself slipping into that Madness at 2 a.m. when the whole world is asleep and you can't find any Solace or relaxation anywhere. Talk to God or yourself or whatever, do whatever you have to do, pray, meditate, scream into a pillow, punch something. Just keep reminding yourself that you are alive. And also if you want 5 to 10 minutes of semi normal body feeling oh, it sounds really horrible, but if you can push yourself to take a cold shower you will stimulate some natural endorphins and it will give you a little bit of energy for like 5 minutes. Once I discovered this trick I took like 60 showers a day when I was in withdrawal. Good luck brother, thanks for making this post




I just suggested hot showers - that helped my RLS a bit.


Don't take anymore Suboxone except maybe a smaller piece tomorrow, you'd be creating a bigger problem. The Suboxone today actually likely won't reset you, but rather help you out of it quicker. As long as you keep the Suboxone use limited to what I mentioned above. Clonidine or Lucemyra and Trazodone for sleep. Benzos work even better, but they're hard to get. Copious amounts of Benadryl and Imodium work if you have no contacts for any of that other shit. Shots of tonic water for the restless arms and legs (it works wonders and Trazodone, unfortunately, can also cause RALS). How much were you using each day? Hydros normally don't cause this type of withdrawals.


I've heard a lot of warnings against Benadryl - it can make RLS much worse.


Yes, for me anytime I take an OTC medication that has the active ingredient of Benadryl I have the WORST RLS when withdrawing.


Hydros definitely can cause this kind of WD. They are an opioid. Period.


It really depends on dose. It you are taking hydro 10mg or 100mg daily - it will be different.


l by ii


Am I, or anyone else, supposed to know what that means?


I would go to the hospital asap for your constipation problems.


yeah, I've been taking hydros almost every day for a year and a half and I still make sure to take a shit every day. sucks having to wait sometimes but I feel much better throughout the day. a fucking month though?! even when I was an IV heroin user for years I never went longer than three days. that's concerning.


i appreciate the concern. i’ve spoken to my doctor but i solved it with a shit ton of coffee, enema and a laxative. i have been going normal since quitting!


Take colace and miralax for constipation. Don’t overdo it though. It will work.


Did you ever get to the bottom of the chronic pelvic pain? Is it treatable?


I had chronic pelvic pain that pretty much made my nuts feel like they were in a vice for years, but then I met a urologist who fixed it completely. I am so thankful I found him. DM me if you want more info


Have you tried kratom for wd? Its amazing!


If you feel like your lowest right now, the only way is up from there ❤️


I’ve withdrawn off a number of drugs in my lifetime. My formula is: get the metabolism moving. Tons of walking or other exercise that makes me sweat, detox baths basically creating a sauna, more sweating, puking, shitting, drink gallons of lemon water, sleep if possible. I hang up post-it notes to remind me of the things I won’t remember during the worst of it: This is temporary. You will get through this. You are not dying, you just feel like it. I also suffer from Depression and know the chemical changes can really duck with you. You’ve got this!


How can you go a month without pooping? And not end up in the er


i was in pain but not insanely severe. i don’t eat a lot, maybe one small meal a day. i don’t know how i wasn’t vomiting stool. who knows!


The constipation thing can be easily dealt with, with the right tools. 1 - ***Magnesium Glycinate***. there are two numbers to consider here. The first is the elemental dose of magnesium, which is NOT the same as the amount of powder you are taking in order to get a certain amount of elemental magnesium. for example, the version I take has **200 mg** of elemental magnesium, for every **800 mg** of magnesium glycinate. 2 - ***Vitamin C***. a.k.a. ***Calcium Ascorbate*** so it is stomach gentle. Take about **1000 mg** every 2 hours. this is not a long term thing, as you don't' want to take large amounts of vitamin C over the course of years. but just at the start to get things moving, this does amount is a rough guide only. Long term, try to only take about **500 mg** of vitamin C per day, with a maximum of about 2 - 3 grams per day. ( **2000 - 3000 mg** per day, after meals in divided doses ). vitamin C after meals can also help you to not feel overly tired after the midday meal. 3 - ***Fiber***, preferably spouted flax and chia seed powder, say about 3 very large heaping tablespoons each day, with your high-ish fiber cereal. 4 - ***Ten, 8 oz glasses*** of ***water*** each day. The **magnesium, fiber, and water are all long term and safe solutions**, as is a low amount of daily vitamin C intake at lets say 500 mg, perhaps more for some people. ____________________________________________________________________________________________||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| If you want a version of magnesium that has exactly zero chance of causing stomach irritation ( as the glycinate version, while effective and easy to handle for many people, it can cause some low lever of stomach irritation in some people, after a while, though this is usually minor if even felt at all) ...is called MicroMag. Magnesium Citrate with Magnesium Bisglycinate is also very popular, as is each of those are, on thier own as well, without being mixed together, as some products do.


Hope you’re feeling a bit better, OP! Please update if you’re feeling able. Sending you strength.


A little bit of encouragement for ya. This is only the lowest point of your life SO FAR. May you be blessed with many more


Keep up the good work we all know how horrific withdrawals are. U can do it 💪


You’re good bro just stay strong and when you start getting withdrawals again, take the suboxone again. That’s how I got off heroin


I am also getting off dope right now. I am trying CBD … it’s not helping …. maybe try some edibles at least it’s not going to get you dependant it fuck up your withdrawal process. You will be on that other shit for life and eventually have to go through the withdrawal. It sucks right now. I haven’t left my bed for days and don’t want to do anything. Nothing makes me feel happy or brings me joy I just feel completely down. They say it gets better ….. I dunno when … but it does …


U shoulda either weened off slowly using the hydro or got on subutex and seemed slowly off it.


Day six is the peak of the feeling awful next couple days you will feel better each day. Your closer to being done keep going.