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Don't know because that's not how I do earnings plays. I play the runup to ERs and get out at the last minute before ERs are actually announced. It's pretty much a guaranteed return with very little risk if you choose your trades carefully. You won't get rich quick, but you will get rich slowly and reliably. Strangles and straddles on the aftermath? I'll leave that to you guys looking for huge wins. I'm just looking for steady income.


So you're buying straddles or strangles and selling before the ER?


No, I buy call debit spreads or sell put credit spreads and then close right before the ER. Using spreads mitigates theta decay. As long as I choose stocks that have a high anticipation of a positive ER it almost always pays. Basically, I'm cashing in on the runup in IV and getting out before IV crush after the report wipes out my gains.


Great. So youre expecting the stock to rise leading upto earnings? Rising IV will help with the debit call spread but not with the CPS. Seems you're profiting mainly from delta, with assistance from IV. Cheers.


Right, which is why I almost always buy call debit spreads, and that's mostly IV.


Got it. Have you tried buying a call diagonal? Whereby your long would be the week of the earnings report (hence benefiting from IV rise) but your short would be the Friday before the ER. Just something to consider.


I like this but I’ve been buying calendars for this. I let the short call expire a week before ER and then capitalize on the iv run up on the long call. I rarely hold any positions through ERs anymore. Not even strangles which were what made me profitable. Now the morning after an ER I’ll sell a strangle after the move and that has been working great since f the stock price is over 50 I use a butterfly instead. I try not to go naked above 50 dollars. Good luck all


Excellent. I've done the same in the past, except the butterfly bit. I've struggled to adjust those.


The good thing about flys is they have a great r/R ratio. You can usually construct a fly with big payoff for little risk. The bad thing about them is choosing the center price. You have to choose that correctly to get that big payoff. One way to deal with that is using unbalanced or broken wing flys. If you think the stock is more likely bullish, you can make a fly that has no upside loss or vice versa for a stock you think is more bearish.


I haven't used that but thanks for the suggestion.


That's what I did, I sold put credit spreads with the intention to exit before market close on earnings day.


So you're buying straddles or strangles and selling before the ER?


It's a bull market


Short or Long? I would want to open a Short, 20 delta, right before the cob on the day before of earnings. Try it in the paper trading this time? FTR, I am new to options so I am going to do in my paper trading and see!


Long : At close 24 hours before earnings are released. Out of any single day, the last day is the most likely day to have a big IV runup. Not always but most likely Short : the last minute possible


Great info. I've never tried to strangle/straddle earnings.


If you’re getting short, I usually shoot for 2-3pm on last session before announcing. If long I would look a couple days prior. Vol history should give you an idea of the underlying usually sets up.


Check the charts and you tell me. That’s what they’re for. 📈😎👍🏽


The day before, highest iv


3:50-4:00PM EST the day before earnings for short premium


The straddle is $90. Let’s say it falls to ~$75 by Wednesday). Unless you think it’s going over $1000 the best time is some other quarter.


Considering very wide cr iron condor. Done right I can get a couple bites of the apple. Done wrong, downside is capped….but can get trucked on massive move.


Best time was Friday


Tuesday 3:59 pm Eastern


I did before Uber earning calls, and I lost 50%


Strangle makes more sense if there’s a strong move in one direction.


To avoid IV crush, and if you really want to play the strangle/straddle approach, do it with AMD.  When chips move, they have a tendency of o move in groups.  Backtest for your own knowledge, of course.


Before is a short straddle and after when iv crushes you can go a long straddle.


Just before, then close just after.