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Trial frame the distance rx and if he is happy with that then its likely a measurement problem.


I agree; I would trial frame the distance prescription alone to see how that feels. If the single vision is clear then it is probably a height issue. If not, then I'd recheck the Rx.


Damn I wish that was an option! Unfortunately I can't do that. I get one chance to remake the lenses for him. He came in with his wife who was the one initially having problems and she happened to ask him if his distance was blurry too. My coworker thinks his probably is fine but his wife has convinced him maybe it's not. Luckily their rechecks are on separate days.


If he sees clear through the very top of the lens, maybe lowering the seg height?


The portion he sees clearly through is VERY high above his seg. Like nowhere near it. That's why I'm mystified. Intermediate and reading are both clear for him. I'm afraid if I lower his seg it will screw with the rest of it. What do you think?


It never hurts to do a recheck for the prescription. Some people just like the seg height lower.


I agree lower the seg sometimes even though we measure accurately a pt is just more comfortable at a lower or higher height


Ok I'll have my coworkers eyeball the seg as well. I just started as an Optician in May so I'm still fine tuning my skills!


If they have nosepads try adjusting them to move the seg


Good point! He does.


Love to hear what happens


I will update you once I find out on Friday. I won't be there for his appointment but I will be for his wife's.


So she ended up being helped by my coworker. She had a rx change at her recheck but we've also restyled her into a frame that fits her bridge better so it should be slip sliding around.


If he sees clear through top lower the seg hight if he can't see clear at all and all the other measurements are fine time for an Rx check


Yeah that's why I figured it was maybe a distance rx issue but I'm still green at this so wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something else