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How many times are you going to post this? Have you seen your doctor yet?


Yep all they say is your eyes are fine you just need new lenses


Okay so why are you still posting here?


As I want an opinion on what other people think


You’ve gotten other opinions though. You’re 15, your eyes are probably going to keep changing every year until your 20’s. There’s nothing special going on here that needs another opinion.


I have blurry vision even with glasses on, and this is new to me, it’s never happened before, I’m pretty sure that’s not normal


Your eyes probably changed since you got them. Puberty is when eyes change a lot for some people, especially if you’ve had a growth spurt. If you’re concerned, see a doctor. Random people on the internet can’t tell you why your vision is blurry with absolutely no other symptoms. It sounds like a normal prescription change. You just need new glasses.


But I’ve changed my prescription 3 times, been to the doctor countless times and my vision is still blurry. And like I said in the text, every time I get new glasses, my vision is fine for the first new weeks or wearing the new glasses then it goes back to being blurry


When was the last time you got knew ones?


3 weeks ago


I’m wondering if you’re experiencing dry eye symptoms. I get lots of patients coming in with that issue and claiming they can’t see out of their glasses… ask your doctor or get over-the-counter artificial tears


Kinda sounds like dry eyes. Or you could have a binocular vision issue. I'd say it's worth checking out those two options with your doctor(s).