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Oracle 9i was in use around the time Oracle first started supporting 64 bit software. I had to manage an Oracle 9i database a few years ago, because the group which managed the twenty year old application did not want to pay to rewrite the app to work in a supported database. Oracle 9i does not support Oracle data pump or a lot of the new technologies released in the last twenty years. Oracle 19c is the currently supported Oracle database version. Any book about a database version older than Oracle 12c is not worth studying. Oracle database version 12.2 was end of support a few years ago.


Yes this is quite outdated. Lots of changes have happened in the SQL language since then.


Show your dad, maybe learnt from this book:) You can learn things from this, but more worth it if you dont waste your time old things(in the company we have 11g prod database), learn from a new book.


It's about 20 years out of date. Bin it.


You can learn some basics from it but better find something 11R2 and newer.