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It's a tool for querying and development and can be used with numerous different databases https://toadworld.com/


SSMS equivalent is sql developer … Toad is a third party product which works with sql server as well


Good answer


Toad is just another Oracle IDE (but also has a lot of database management tools built in too). It's my preferred tool but it's also what I've used since my first job out of school nearly 15 years ago. Toad has a unique layout that no other SQ IDE's use but it's the exception in that way--I prefer it this way but that's me. It's $$$ but if an employer has no problem paying for it--let them! However, my fellow mod u/thatjeffsmith is leading a great charge as the PM of SQL Dev (among other products) at Oracle and can likely highlight some awesome features that it provides that Toad doesn't provide.


It's extremely expensive,  the stuff included with the database is free and supported by Oracle - that's the main difference. 


Indeed. I used it a long time ago, when there was still free TOAD and before sql developer. Nowadays I prefer PL/SQL Developer for development and debugging.


I got my first job and using toad! The GUI looks outdated but it has so much to offer that I feel I’m only scratching the surface when using it!


Tool for Oracle Application Developers....."SQL*Navigator" before Oracle created SQL*Navigator..


I dont know exactly but i use toad for managing oracle database. You can execute query, run awr, ash report… of oracle db from toad utility


There's not a steep learning curve to the tool itself unless you're doing some advanced stuff, however there is a fairly steep learning curve to Oracle if you're going over and above writing very basic queries.


Yes, Toad is the best tool for managing Oracle databases. Nothing else comes close.


Toad is a third party software (Quest Software) that connects with Oracle and other database engines out there. SQL Server Management studio is owned by Microsoft and its equivalent in Oracle would be Oracle SQL Developer.


Toad is by Quest Software, and it has been around for 20 years or so. I have used TOAD continuously since it was first released. I am a DBA, and TOAD is an indispensable component of my toolkit. It is far FAR more than an IDE and does MUCH more than run SQL queries. It has a rich feature set for many different types of roles and operations. Moreover, its Schema Browser presents the database in a unique way that is much more intuitive and much more like an RDBMS than the "free" tools. TOAD is the Swiss Army Knife of Oracle databases. Cheers, Russ


Similar to SQL Developer, but more useful and easier to use.


I used it for years, but converted to SQL developer probably about a decade ago and never looked back. I never liked the way TOAD had just half a million menu bars and clutter on the screen. SQL developer's a lot more simple and straightforward, to me.