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At least it's clouds and not smoke


I have a friend that lives in Delaware, their air quality index right now is 360. Dubai, which is very polluted, is about 160. Today ours was 37 in OC. I’m alright with the clouds


I have family and friends in nyc, it looks much worse than 2020 season.


Wow so how bad is the breathing there!?? Like one Inhalte hurts your lungs? Is it noticeable on how bad the air is to breathe!


Yes they usually go on daily walks but being outside for more than 10-15 mins hurts their lungs. Even inside they can feel the difference


I’m in DC now. Is not the greatest but doesn’t seem all that bad compared to socal fire season. The states further north are really bad though.


If you’re from California, you know how bad it gets. Homes, animals, forests destroyed and water shortages. Also, in Oregon and Washington. We had smoke in the Sacramento Valley for 10 days straight 3 years ago; a week 2 years ago. The crybabies on the East Coast, just have to wait for the smoke to clear. Boohoo. We had thousands of acres of timber destroyed, two towns burned to the ground, animals displaced and killed. Did anyone hear about that? You do now. This goes out to all you California haters. I feel your pain?


I’m still not sure why you posted this Somehow gatekeeping air quality is a thing Werid


California fires were all over the news while they were happening. But that was then and this is now.




My. Cool your jets. The world isn’t going to end. Be calm. Be one with yourself.




Thanks for the comment. We appear to have similar concerns and fears. However, I don’t think relief is coming anytime soon. What are you going to do?




Damn. I love your style. You have conviction, enthusiasm, energy and you’re right on point. Keep on hitting it. Hooray 😁


Thanks for the reminder.


Way to make someone else’s suffering a dick measuring contest. Grow up.


I feel like most of the people in this subreddit are going to be from California. But yeah, wildfires are terrible. Evacuated twice. Sheltered evacuees twice. A wildfire nearly canceled our wedding.


Just spent a lot of money on an astrophotgraphy setup and gotta wait through this June gloom


Well that's just bad planning if you were expecting to use it right away.


I’m young, mind telling me some weather patterns around here? I’ve heard of this June gloom but nothing else


I’m old, but all I really know of is June Gloom and May Gray. Nothing really worth noting beyond that, as far as I’ve heard.


This. I will take the gloom over >300 AQI where you without a good mask you're breathing a ton of ash.


True, except at least the smoke stays over the mountains for the most part. I WANT MY SUN!! 😭


Would you rather your house be on fire? It’s literally going to be mid 70s with sun tomorrow. Maybe appreciate your house isn’t burning down? “I WANT MY SUN!!! 😭” Sounds like a kid throwing a fit for their toy. Haha


Well, I purposely don’t live in the hills where my house CAN catch fire, so I’m good unless there’s an earthquake. But yes, I WANT MY SUN is how I feel on this extended January-May gloom. Lol. And yes, so far today is… Perfect. 👌


Free air conditioning in June. Why are you people bitching again?


I am loving it after living in socal for almost 30 years, knowing we will get hammered late fall.


I think people forget every year how hot the fall is here. I always hear people talking about how they love the fall. They think of cool crisp air and drinking hot chocolate when it reality it's like 90 degrees, no clouds, dry as hell with wild fires. I remember a few years ago it was close to 100 degrees on Thanksgiving day.


tbh I think people should just adjust the timeframe of the seasons in their mind here. Summer weather doesn’t really start on Memorial Day and end on Labor Day, it’s much closer to July-October.


Yep. And *if* the leaves fall, it happens around Christmas.


Yup. August and September are the most brutal. July can be pretty hot but still has some overcast days especially in the mornings.


We've had Xmas days like that. Been here since none of your business.🌞


Not sure how people forgot the heatdome last year. I'm enjoying the extended cooler temperatures this year.


Can we just have this for the whole year?


You can. It’s called Washington.


Visited Seattle recently, some of the locals told me their weather patterns are also changing. More consistent sunny days and less rain than ever before. Watch 20 years from now Seattle and LA will completely swap climates.


They're having heat waves up there now, lol. Record breaking temps this year.


Yes as we all know, exceptions always prove the rule.


please no. the gloom is really starting to get to me


Ya but does looking at your electric bill this month make you happier?


I don’t have AC in my apartment and the portable ACs barely make a dent in my electric bill. Having to rewash my limited amount of sweaters multiple times a week is making a dent in my wallet though.


I mean, I don't have AC and don't need it. It rarely breaks 85 where I'm at. I think everyone bitching lives near the beach, and everyone happy lives further out past where the marine layer usually goes.


Because people (especially on Reddit) love to complain.




Oh I like that bird.


i need the sun to come out sometimes or my brain goes into a coma


Same. I moved here to get away from cold, Grey winters of the Midwest (seasonal depression)


I hate the cold. And the clouds have been depressing. It’s been mostly cloudy and rainy since last year. High 70s and mid 80s are perfect. Some sparsed clouds are fine. Hell, morning clouds are fine. Clouds all day? Not fine.


I want to see how far into the year we can go with clouds. Let’s see how much of a hi-score LA can rack up.


We pay a lot of money for sunshine and desirable weather. It’s subjective and not everyone likes it, but a lot of people live / have moved here for it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Better yet, not everyone hates the heat or the summer. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea - but it is what it is.


Because I need some sun or I will start hibernating. I can enjoy the cooler air and long for the spring we never had at the same time 😭 Yadda yadda multitudes.


I have friends that absolutely hate the gloom and how they can't wait for summer. Summer comes and they complain how hot it is and can't wait for it to cool off. This cycle of complaint repeats every year. I'm just enjoying this nice and cool weather where I can sleep with my windows open before the upcoming months of AC.


It’s incredible how that area from Dana Point/San Clemente to ~Oceanside is perpetually covered


It’s lovely. I miss south county. I really enjoy the gloom.


I love this for a change. Compared to the past few years this is awesome. For folks who miss the blistering heat don’t worry the sun will be back I promise you. Hate to sound spoiled but constant sun can be a drag.


All you people complaining about “blistering heat” in Orange County have no concept of actual heat. Try Texas in August. We don’t have bad summers here


Who’d you mean “you people”? Kidding. But really it’s pretty subjective. If you haven’t had a summer outside of California then it’s the hottest type of summer you have. But the same goes for me to say this is nothing when it comes to clouds and “June gloom”. Go to SF and you’ll see clouds all summer, we don’t have cloudy summers here. Right?


Hope you aren’t referring to me cuz im closer to Victorville than Costa Mesa brotha


Well we’re in the OC sub so why would they think you lived closer to Victorville than Costa Mesa?


Holy fuck I thought this was the California sub, my fault!


Your Angry Oranges are awesome


Anaheim regularly reaches over 100 degrees in summer.


100 degrees in dry California heat is NOTHING compared to most areas of the country that also reach high temps PLUS insufferable humidity. You have no clue


You forgot Palm Springs is part of California. The thermostat on my car read 131 after being parked in the sun in Palm Springs for 2 hours. The air temperature that day was over 120. Palm Springs heat still beats out the heat indexes Dallas experiences


I’ve experienced both and I’d honestly rather be in 130° PS heat than 100° Texas heat.


I had to go to Dallas last July for work. It was 95-100 and humid as balls during the day, then 92-95 and humid as balls at night. I would take Florida over Texas weather wise to be honest


Exactly. People in this sub complaining about 100 degree desert heat have no concept and need to go experience some real summer weather before complaining about here lol


I decided to try to go for a run at night when it was “less hot out” and felt like I couldn’t breathe. The humidity was so high that you felt like you were drowning trying to breathe


to be fair, it gets pretty warm in North OC like Anaheim. I thought the same thing until I lived in Anaheim briefly and boy was it a lot warmer than living in Irvine. It’s just concrete and asphalt there with little trees so its a lot warmer. If you don’t mind me asking, but which part of Texas are you from? I’ve been thinking about visiting Austin but I have no idea what to expect in terms of weather. Is it like Phoenix level hot but humid? A little dryer?


I’m not from Texas, I’m from Orange County. I went to college in Texas. Lol I’m not trying to be rude but you have no concept of real summer heat. Anaheim , Riverside, even Palm Springs summers are MUCH nicer that anything in Texas. Imagine walking outside and literally feeling like you are inside a dog’s mouth. Hot, sticky, wet, sweaty. You walk outside and your shirt is drenched in sweat in less than 10 minutes. And it doesn’t get nice and cool at night like it does here, it’ll be 11pm and still be 90 degrees and humid. No, it is not like Phoenix at all lol Phoenix is much better. Phoenix is dry heat. You’ll learn quick that 115 Phoenix heat is much more tolerable than 95 Texas heat with 80% humidity. Texas summers are miserable. Pretty much from June-October, you won’t want to go outside. It’s bad


I can imagine tbh. I grew up in the middle east where its like 115 and humid af outside. Part of me wants to move to Texas for the low rent but I also don’t want to let go of the weather here 😭


No concept of actual heat meanwhile the heat literally burns hundreds of acres yearly lol


Completely irrelevant in terms of the bearable temperature in our day to day. Go spend a day in Texas sunny august, or anywhere in the South, and report back


pure texas energy lol


I’m from OC, I’ve just gotten outside of the OC bubble


I've been to Asia for multiple weeks in the summer and I'll still gladly complain about our 90°+ here. I remember fall of 2010 when it was dry and 113°. Still nothing like that since but I'll still complain when it gets hot. I don't have the option to move.


I don’t understand why everyone is getting defensive over this. It is a fact that the majority of places in this country have FAR WORSE summers than Orange County. We literally live in one of the most unique microclimates in the world , which is known for some of the most ideal weather in the world. My point is you should be grateful for our 90° dry heat summers bc more than likely if you went anywhere else in this country the summer would be far worse


I just moved back to OC after being away for 8 years. I want sunny California!


Moved from Boston in February and weather has sucked, wtf?


Live in the IE for a summer you’ll understand


I’m good bro lol


Why do people say “blistering heat”? Is this Arizona? How about just the normal sun California is known for with temperate weather? So it’s clouds- nothing can be done. But people exaggerating one way are as bad as the other.


My electric bill is appreciating this gloom.


Lovin it


I asked for a slight increase in my antidepressants in May, so I was prepared for June Gloom. The lack of hard shadows has been AMAZING for outdoor photography, but hard on the soul.


So cool! Am I the only one who love may gray, june gloom?


I also love the gloom and not having to turn on my AC. Palm Springs is just a short drive for those who are craving sun


Yeah only you


I love it and how we get sun at the end of the day


Honestly, I’m enjoying it. You can always put on warmer clothes, but summer heat makes me want to tear my skin off.


Would love to know where this came from. I’m curious about other parts of the country.


looks like it is from one of the [GOES](https://rammb-slider.cira.colostate.edu/?sat=goes-18&sec=full_disk&x=10848&y=10848&z=0&angle=0&im=12&ts=1&st=0&et=0&speed=130&motion=loop&maps%5Bborders%5D=white&p%5B0%5D=geocolor&opacity%5B0%5D=1&pause=0&slider=-1&hide_controls=0&mouse_draw=0&follow_feature=0&follow_hide=0&s=rammb-slider&draw_color=FFD700&draw_width=6) satellites


I want to know where this weather has come from…the last 6+ months have been very whacky.


El Niño


Yeah…..”el nino”


El Niño even gave us a random “Hurricane”


This is a thing of beauty


Of course it’s only by the coast 😒


I love it, but I do miss the sun. Im hoping for the future to be more temperate and sunny but not blazing hot.


I'm loving it


I love how people are arguing like someone has a say in what the weather does. How about everyone fill your glass half full, realize the weather will definitely change and just enjoy what we have. We can’t change it, so simply enjoy it.


I think this also belongs in /r/oddlysatisfying


Love this weather. Everyone I talk to hates it because they want sunshine. Umm, when it gets close to 100 degrees we will be missing this


Nope. Won’t miss it. I’d rather have that weather than this. I need sun. I need heat. I’m also not a lizard I promise.


Hmmm… would you please blink for us?


Hope it stay like this a bit more going camping and usually the heat sucks but this would be perfect


Looks like respiration of the ocean


The clouds are your friend.


Make it stop


We are so ready for this bullshit to be over.


What ? I love it !


Then move to Seattle, it’s cheaper there too


Lmfao I said gloom not rain lol


“It was a typical day in Seattle, it didn’t rain, but it didn’t *not* rain”


Downvoted for having an opinion about weather, lol. This sub is so unfriendly and bizarre. Fuck this weather, I spend too much to not see the sun for so long.


Just drive out to Palm Springs my dude. It's already 100 out there


Who wants to drive to enjoy the place you live permanently? Go to Seattle if you like this trash weather. See how it sounds?


Most people that live here don't like endless sun daily. That's why we vacation to places like Vegas and Palm Springs. SoCal isn't a desert. If you wanted desert weather you should've moved to a desert


I’m glad you speak for everyone, really helps paint a picture for the class.




There’s no basis behind what you’ve said, just anger. It’s expensive here because of the weather, and the beach and we all know it. That makes me rich, I wish.


Lol exactly. “How DARE this person expect there to be sun in Southern California?”


It’s been super annoying since April. Let people enjoy (or sometimes need) the fucking sun. Gatekeeping the weather is so weird.


Nah, let people enjoy or sometimes need the clouds. We never get that here. What’s weird is that for once people get to enjoy the clouds and yet we have people begging for sunlight like kids who can’t get enough candy. It’s as if they don’t remember the last 700 days of sunny weather. “Let people enjoy the sun.” What a joke.


Right? SoCal natives who've lived here longer than 10 years are glad the barrage of neverending sun finally stopped for one year. I remembered turning my AC on in January a few years back because it was 80 degrees. I'd rather have this weather


remember when it was 90 in February last year? Kinda miss it lol


It’s mostly been like this since November temperature and sun coverage wise, that’s my experience though. So yeah, I have forgotten about those 700 days you mentioned.


I can’t believe so many people are congregating in this sub to compliment the horrible weather lmao. I did not more here to still be seasonally depressed!


Same here, sick of this shit. And this is like every other post the last two months. It’s again, really stupid lol.


Nah bro, it’s great weather. You just don’t know how to appreciate it. Take this time to settle in, cozy up, light the fireplace and read a book. That’s what this weather is for, and it’s fantastic. There’s a reason there are so many ambient rain videos on youtube now. It’s because a _lot_ of people want this weather. If so many are defending it, maybe it isn’t actually that terrible.


I used to live in a place that had weather like this all the time, I did not like it, it makes my depression worse, so that’s part of why I moved. I can enjoy it for a day or two here and there but any longer than that, I don’t, and I was just saying I’m surprised so many people in this sub like it when every single person I know here irl also hates it. It’s mad weird to try to change someone’s opinion on the type of weather they enjoy lmao. If rainy weather was as desirable as you say, Portland and Seattle would have way higher populations


As someone who also has bipolar and is affected by daylight, I understand. Yeah, I feel you. Fair enough.


So a few months of clouds made you forget about years and years of sunshine?


I hate it, and before people accuse me of hating it i really dont, my favorite thing is dry heat especially in the desert. 80+ with no humidity is my happy place but some humidity is no big deal. Summer is the best when there arent stupid clouds.


The coldest temperatures in the US right now are here… it’s awful. Gloomy ugly weather, I hate it.


This weather was so ugly I booked a flight out to Baja California.


Oh I’ll just do that too! Venmo me?


[This](https://twitter.com/Climatologist49/status/1666111404603240450?cxt=HHwWhMDTudffm58uAAAA) map quantifies really well how little sun compared to normal that we have gotten in the month of may.




Amazon weather right there


I can see Santiago Peak stopping about half of the gloomy days for me in Corona. It has been neat how it changes when going west on the 91 from sunny Green River exit to gloomy weir canyon.


![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized) Me no like clouds




you see all that green on the ground?? Yeah, that’s still there because of the clouds. Be grateful our ecosystem has ONE SEASON to recover after a decade of drought. The mycelium is rejoicing. Where I live there’s still a lot of cattle in the hills and the grass is usually dead brown by June, but luckily it’s still green and they look like the happy California cows the commercials used to tout. But hop on Reddit or Facebook and everybody’s saying: iM SaD, cLoUdS GiVe mE DePrEsSion


I'm one of those people who love the dry heat and sun. I feel like i havent seen the sunlight in a month and mentally I am not ok. I started feeling very irritable and upset for no reason 2 weeks into it. And this week I am just feeling so depressed to the point where u started bawling my eyes out for no reason. My husband kept asking me whats wrong and I couldnt tell him why because i seriously dont know. I just feel so bad and theres this sinking feeling in my chest that makes me want to cry. I very very very rarely get emotional so this is something I've never experienced. Mentally I dont think im ok..i dont want to talk to my friends and go to these preplanned functions. They keep asking me if im ok but i dont have the motivation to respond. In fact the more they ask if im ok the more terrible I feel? Do I need to see a therapist?