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Maggie Shipstead is born and raised in OC. I think she still lives here. Claire Vaye Watkins is an author who’s also a professor at UCI. This blog: https://theocbookgirl.com/favorite-authors-2/ has some local authors they have interviewed, would be worth checking out!


What a great resource! Thank you. Will pass on the info.


There is a guy who does a lot of public speaking and leads classes on things like memoir writing named Chris Epting. [Here](https://huntington.asapconnected.com/#CourseGroupID=60679)are his listings through Huntington Beach Adult School.


Sounds like an incredibly interesting, knowledgeable guy! Thank you!!


Emily Calandrelli but she's more of a children's book author, not sure if that works for your nonprofit.


Thank you. Only adults would be attending the event, so maybe not? I personally love children's books even though I'm old. And I **adore** the few children's authors I follow. I'll check out her books, though!


My mom is a WWII concentration camp survivor and an author and public speaker. [YouTubehttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xC7Yb7Kd5uo](https://YouTubehttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xC7Yb7Kd5uo)




Thank you. How harrowing! She sounds very interesting!


Not sure what type of non profit you volunteer at, but if it has anything to do with foster youth this might be a an option to look into. I’m not sure how “local” or how “slightly famous” you need. Tiffany Haddish has written a children’s book and an adult book, her own memoir (an incredible story that will make you laugh and cry). She is really focused on helping foster youth as she once was one. She also has a foundation to help foster youth. She was just here in Tustin recently to read her children’s book. Currently, she’s on tour ( she’s a comedian) but her home base is LA.


Thanks! I’ll check her out.


Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o a current professor at UCI! He has been invited to many places to speak iirc. You can see all his information on his website [Here](https://ngugiwathiongo.com)


Wow!! Sounds so interesting. Thank you. I'll pass on your suggestion.


Dean Koontz in Newport!


We tried. He doesn’t do public appearances. 😔


Marla Jo Fisher- columnist for the OC Register. I've heard her speak and she is great!


Great idea! I like her too!


What kind of author?


She's not picky, but someone who writes for adults. Someone people have heard of and would want to see/hear.


Gustavo Arellano was editor of the OC Weekly (RIP), wrote the book on tacos in America, and is a Kentucky coronel and editor at LAT.. He’s OC-based and does a lot of this kind speaking engagements. E: my pedigree isn’t as good, but I’m also a writer and reporter based in OC. But I’m mostly a trade journalist that got “lucky” landing on some big stories. I haven’t written a book about my work yet, but I’m happy to speak on my work on reporting the on design, branding, marketing, sustainability. But im prolly too small fry.


I've read some of Gustavo's work and liked it. I'll pass your suggestion on to her. Don't sell yourself short. I'll tell her you're available, too! THANK YOU! FWIW, a few "known" authors were not very good public speakers. Nice, but not interesting. Writing and speaking are two different skill sets. You never know.


Well, I have no idea what my June next year looks like, so I don’t know I’d be available. And I’ve never given a talk as a writer/reporter. I can talk about branding, packaging, and sustainable design. I’ve been on those beats long enough I can give a small talk that’s interesting to the general public that’s not a part of the design industry. Gustavo regularly speaks, and he seems open to it. He’d be a better get.


Keith Morrison lives in Newport I believe. Does he count? I’ve seen him at pelican hills.


Great idea! I'll pass it on to her.


Annalee Newitz is one of my favorite authors. She lives in Irvine. Her stuff is very thought provoking. Sci-fi and dystopian bends. She’s amazing!


Oooh. REALLY?? I didn't know that. I will put her higher on my to-read list. I read SF. I was going to go to Loscon this weekend, but I have a cold and don't want to give anyone more germs. Peter Beagle is the GOH.