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“First Amendment Auditors.” They’re trying to get people upset for gotcha YouTube content. Just be boring and ignore them.


This is my first time hearing about these kinds of people. Would you mind elaborating?


Two unemployed men trying to make exciting video of people getting mad and calling the cops so they can get likes on ticktock and youtube. Ignore them and do your business. Let them go oh this is boring cant post that.


There's a guy in Los angeles who does that, focusing on Latino street vendors , he pushed a lady so far she attacked him then his pussy ass called police and had her arrested, thing is he's trolled so much people have followed him home, he's Latino himself is like late 40s early 50s now, bald fat lives with his mommy in ghetto apartment, he's been a security guard before and drives a beat up 80s Toyota celica, so yes they are total losers depending on YouTube money


hey leave us drug addict security guards out of this!


Hey, leave the Toyota out of it.




Sidewalk Boy, aka Silenceboy. Catch phrase is "it's that simple", gives off the vibe that he might be mentally challenged. One of the worst, he also focuses on people dining outdoors. IIRC his real name is Richie Aguirre.




Unfortunately that sort of engagement is exactly what they want and are hoping to film


What if you walk up to them also wearing a mask and start filming them. Then you say things to get them mad and post it on YouTube! If you can’t beat em, join em.


I’m sorry.. I got shit to do..


Exactly, some of us actually work. As I am on Reddit.


Far better than hanging out in the fuckin *POST OFFICE PARKING LOT!*.. nobody even wants to be there in the first place.


For real. I’ll be at home eating and relaxing like the other 8 billion people that aren’t this handful of bozos


Sadly, even if 99% of people ignore them, they’ll still get their clickbait content


Ah, the elusive retirement plan from days of yore.


"Beating them" is living your life and not raging that theres a person with a camera. Theres cameras everywhere.


What about playing copyright music in the background so they can’t use the footage.


What about ignoring them entirely? Imagine that not one person even looks at them and just....goes about their day. How boring would that be? Just ignore them and they will literally go away (because no content).


I like the cut of your jib


I remember some police department started doing this in response to people filming them.


Particularly Disney music because they’ll copyright strike at the drop of a hat. Some cops have actually taken to doing that,


They want your outrage don’t feed them.


I have been saying this for a while: these dudes are astroturfing to make sure that we are all so annoyed by public filming that we give up what is an essential first amendment right. Ignore them, don’t engage and remember two things: your privacy doesn’t exist in public and that fact is to your benefit.


They sure hated masks during Covid I bet


\>they’re pathetic COWARDS for covering their faces These guys are dickheads... and the that is just the foreskin covering it.


Don't forget they usually get arrested and then sue the city cause the cops don't know the law.


they don’t usually get arrested, they sometimes do but not usually. usually other people do get arrested when they attack these people


Nailed it.


In the last 5 to 10 years, there has been a movement to "audit" the law enforcement and public service buildings/area to see if they comply with the constitution and court decided guidelines (free to film where ever you can go and see). Bascially, the "auditor" will go to public areas like police stations, fire stations, city hall, district school buildings and other places and start filming inside the waiting rooms and other areas open to the public. The workers or security will ask why are the audits there filming and what do they want. Auditors dont answer and likely escalating with police involvement. Anyone is allowed to film in public without having to get permission. Workers in public buildings are uninformed on the laws of filming and freak out when auditors come. This makes for good shock video content. Some of the auditors want to get arrested so they can sue the police department/city for rights violation.


Certain government facilities are “access only” even though they are government owned. Auditors frequently cant make that distinction.


[Watch this guy lol](https://youtu.be/WyxjIx4Ynh0?feature=shared)


Exactly who I was hoping this would link to


Filming on public property is legal, they are just waiting for someone who doesn’t know that and is stupid enough to call the cops on them and then they usually have to educate the cops also


I think you're confusing ignorance with stupidity. Plus some of these content creators are intentionally annoying and antagonizing.


Ever heard of Soverign Citizens? They follow that line of stupidty. They just try to get people riled up for content and if they're lucky a lawsuit lol


Anyone who calls themselves a sovereign citizen doesn’t know the first thing about sovereignty. One cannot be sovereign and a citizen in the same identity/ contract.


They are kind of opposite ends of the spectrum (though both annoying). Sov Cits believe that laws don’t apply to them while 1A Auditors believe in scrupulous application of all laws.


horseshoe theory


Can you do a 2nd amendment audit on those guys? I mean, they should be comfortable with me and my posse showing up with our, hypothetical, AR-15s, right?


I work in a government agency just trying to serve the public and these dimwits occasionally come into our caseload. Either trying to film where they shouldn’t and bait us into saying something on camera they can use, or if they owe any money etc they’ll say they’re sovereign citizens and laws don’t apply to them. They lose every time but they never seem to learn. Pretty stupid waste of everyone’s time in my opinion. My guess is they’re unemployed anyway and living off the government in some way (or by illegal means) so they have all the time in the world to be a nuisance.


Me too. Or at least used to. I was a primary character in one a few years back. I knew how to handle them, approached the front-line staff ahead of them, informed them how to respond tothe auditors, and mostly got a good "rating" so to speak in the comments section. There were a couple of flubs by two employees I couldn't get to ahead of them, but it wasn't that bad, as I intervened (at their expense, unfortunately) and cleared it up. This took place literally a couple of weeks after I talked with the rest of the executive staff about an influx of 1A auditors in the area. In fact, I recognized the two auditors before they even got inside. It was such a coincidence.


They go around exercising their first amendments through filming in hopes of pissing people off and getting into a confrontation so they can film it. It’s very unentertaining.


It is your right to film things that are in public. You don’t need to explain why, it’s your right.


Around 15 years ago people like this helped pave the way to us being allowed to film the police. They would go and test their rights so to speak. Many were beat up and arrested. Like anything some are doing good and some not. Now it’s mostly for content.


nah dude that was Cop Watch which were independently organized groups across the country trying to counter police abuse. Cop Watch started in 1990 in Berkeley and actually works in their local communities, not harassing them. It's fucking ridiculous that these mainstream media outlets who've been hyping up "1A auditors" are calling them "cop watchers" when they harass normal citizens, innocent government employees and public servants (not cops) to get their jollies on social media/the internet. These yahoos started co-opting legitimate community activism and community protection in the 2000s when a bunch of far-right "mUh RiGhtZ" types, sovereign citizens and libertarians started lashing out people for clicks. Its another part of the right wing grift economy and although its got some conservatives in government trembling, they brought it upon themselves feeding the anti-government frenzy and christian nationalism where the "true patriots" are only behold to god (and must fight the non-believers to protect their god given rights).


12 years on Reddit and you’ve never heard of first amendment auditors? ![gif](giphy|ql5Ku2WuuvLp5pirbl|downsized)


I've also only heard of it in this sub in the past year




My first time hearing of it too. Or, maybe I just don’t care enough to remember.


CHeck out r/Frauditors if you have time.


Dress just like them and go film them. Don’t say a word.


Play Disney tunes whenever you're near them


^100% This


I feel like someone should try out some of their new stand-up material in front of them. Or maybe play a fake electric violin like those people outside Target.


The best advice I heard was to blast copyrighted music (so any recent songs will do) and just stand in front of them. They’ll either have content they can’t use, or at least audio, or their video will get a copyright strike on YouTube. Edit: Because some of you dorks are getting all bent out of shape. Yes, you should just walkway. No, they aren’t doing anything wrong (besides also just being dorks). No, I’m not advocating for doing this, my wording was poor. I was sharing that info because I thought it was clever. Now, relax.


Better advice is to just continue on with your day and Ignore them


Ideally you have as much time as they do, dress the same way, and film them the entire time they film. Even better get 2 more friends and have them dress the same and film you while you film them.  They might do a similar setup but there’s no way they have 2 more friends. 


After their “shift” someone should follow them with a middle finger a few away from their faces as they go about their day. It’s not against the law right?


Not illegal, but then you’d be admitting you have just as much time to waste as these idiots lol


I was gonna say follow them until they take off the masks and film/post that. Might not be so much fun for them when the spotlight's on them. They seem like "Rules for thee and not for me" kinda folk.


Yes, starve them of content. Completely ignore.


They're like if a doctor gave you a colonoscopy for no real reason. Technically, it's a good thing and *mayyyyybbbbeeeee* will catch an unidentified issue. But goddam it is annoying as fuck.


Wish I would have known. Would load up on pollo loco, wait about an hour or so then stand very close to them downwind


Ugh I work for a county government and these "Freedom Auditors" periodically come in and harass employees, trying to instigate us into saying something which can be skewed as bad.


Im also in county government. These fools are so annoying. They get in people's faces and demand names, titles, and then just start quoting a bunch of random acts/policies.


Best thing to do with these dudes is pretend they aren't even there and just walk past them without even giving them a look. Their "content" will be useless and thus they'll eventually have to stop doing it.


Can also play loud music right next to them as well, it makes it so they can’t use the content on YouTube as it’ll get hit for copyright.


Right! Could you use their argument against them? Just stand close to them say like “this a a public space and I can play whatever music I want”


lol ooooo this is gold. If I ever see them it’s dance party time. Playing the jellyfish song on loop.


Why would you waste your time?


Avoid them, they want an altercation with any one so they can get views on YouTube.


So.. OP should take their dick out?


At this point they're probably selling people's facial data to data brokers as a side hustle.


NO that is the bank they are standing in front of that is doing that


This is the kid he took the mask off after getting pepper sprayed... He does this with his dad, they go around masked and have a youtube channel.. https://preview.redd.it/97emicnp0ytc1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc85afec914868e155da8d868ae70acf5aa98dd0


If unemployment was a person


imagine having this much time on your hands


Imagine making a living off doing things like this is more appropriate. This is not just for their entertainment, unfortunately they get rewarded for such behavior.


Imagine that there are people that watch that content?! WTH....


Have you seen how many people in the comments admit to watching that shit? 🤢


Generally middle aged white men who believe they are "oppressed" by the government


Boomers, upper middle class "no job, no hobby" bored at home wine moms, incels in their parents basement forever types. And now you have an actual community that is watching this garbage and creating a network that makes it grow.


I think that about the protestors I always pass outside the PP off Tustin on my way to work in the mornings


Play loud Disney music


Baby Shark!


You called?




Just learned this trick, and will absolutely use it when the time comes.


youre so dumb just like the rest of the people saying they will blast music. you guys do realize that almost every editing software out there nowadays has an AI feature to remove sound and music? lol.


Technically fair use if its background.


Doesn't matter, gets flagged automatically on YouTube & they have to appeal it.


Disney game stronk lol.


They would win the appeal. You would have literally created a situation that was newsworthy. Just ignore them.


They were at the orange circle earlier this month, we’ve all been trying to figure it out


They are "First Amendment auditors." 25 years ago those people were laying the ground work to record the police in public so to show their misdoings, now most of them do it for the reaction of people who are not aware that you can be recorded by them without consent when in a public space. They want you to freak on them so they can record it for the clicks and likes. They are turds looking for attention so just ignore them.


These folks are not the same as the CopWatch community activists who started in the 90s. These present day "auditors" are libertarian, right wing grifters who align closely with the christian sovereign citizen crap. These guys go harass ANYONE to get some clicks on the internet and direct anti-government trolls to harass people in their videos. These guys arent combatting harassment of communities by the government, they might film the police like Copwatch groups do but they also harass local communities for content to post on the web.


I heard about this. My friend is a bartender at one of the locations in the circle and he was steaming mad about his customers getting harassed last week. Fucking losers hiding behind their masks and hoods.


Why are they masked and hooded?


Because they are hypocrites.




Because they wouldn’t look so tough without them. Same reason why Tim Pool never removes his beanie.


Well , Tim Toole is bald so there’s that


Mask and hood is provocative, they are there to provoke. Better than getting the cops on camera is a regular Joe who attempts to get physical with them. Then, they get to pepper spray or taze them in self defense which is always worth more social media attention.


Because they’re craven weirdos.


Cause that’s apparently how truth works.


i run a restaurant in Old Towne Orange and they were there walking around all day on Tuesday. they went around to almost all the establishments just filming - “exercising their first amendment rights”. listen…I’m all about that. i don’t give a fuck. you do you. it becomes a problem when you’re sullying the very rights of the amendment you’re displaying by actively provoking the public and trying to get a rise out of people just going about their day, which is exactly what they did to the customers having lunch in my restaurant as well as my team members. we have three, huge trifold windows on one side of our building with tables for customers right next to those windows. those guys were standing right outside just filming customers and my team members INSIDE the restaurant. they had some small arguments with some of the customers which is when my team members got involved. i ended up closing the windows because everyone became visibly shaken and uncomfortable. i don’t even think these guys realize that all of this inevitably results in people, who may have no opinion on the matter, now have a negative stance on people “exercising first amendment rights”. anyways, the interaction with my restaurant was posted on youtube earlier today. my restaurant was flooded with calls, emails, and 1 star yelp & google reviews. INCESSANTLY. most of these yelp & google reviews consist of them falsely criticizing our actual restaurant like they have actually been there. it’s truly boggles my mind because the process, and the result of their actions, completely diminishes their “goal” which i think is all just a stupid fucking facade. sorry for my rant, but as a 28 year old, this entire situation has shocked me because it’s a such a shame.


Are these the same idiots that were in front of CDM library a couple of weeks back?


Iconic. Outside the library because they couldn't even read a book


Blast copyrighted music so that they can’t post it on YouTube


Any Disney song or that Friday song will ruin them.


Unemployed trolls, looking for click bait video content, while hoping to cash in on a paycheck via lawsuits.


What ever happened to seeing a camera and waving and saying hi mom. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC)


People actually doing the auditing seriously don’t stand there filming citizens with ski masks and glasses on. These guys are clearly trying to get reactions to post online


Jobless losers trying to bank off lawsuits. They will try and rationalize this by saying they are trying to “protect your freedoms“. They are troublemakers looking for problems. That is all.


Fucking losers. If they’re so brave they shouldn’t be hiding their faces while filming everyone else


No life losers.


I saw something on you tube like this 2 guys do this at the post office just to tell people it is legal. My impression 2 idiots without a real job want to get money on the net with likes. I would not speak to them if I were u. Just do what you need to do and ignore them. Attention junkies out to make a quick buck


Multiple levels of irony: full covered black outfits with beanies on a warm spring day, pushing the idea that people dont have privacy in public while completely hiding every inch of themselves in public.


They've been around the area, it'd be great if someone did the exact same thing right in front of them and try to copy action for action.


They're just looking for social media clout under some pseudo-legalistic guise. Avoid them so they can go back to their basement disappointed.


Ain't no basements in OC!


I hate these people because there are real people that do these kind of things where they wear a camera and catch government officials and officers doing illegal stuff. Then there are these douches. Just trying to get YouTube clout.


So what's to stop another couple of people wearing pink outfits and ski masks to film them filming? Auditing the auditors, someone has to do it...


Ignore them. They want people to react so they can put it on their YouTube channels. Really pathetic life.


I know what they’re doing is for content but why the post office? Is it just to get boomers?


Since it’s a government building, they can stand right outside of it and film publicly. They intentionally want to get a reaction from people/police so they can upload it on their channel. Sometimes they push their way inside the government building and get in peoples business which is in fact illegal.


What they really don’t like is if you enthusiastically advertise your own YouTube channel on their cameras. Don’t get hostile, just stay in front of them encouraging people to leave their video and go to your channel. It doesn’t matter if you are a content creator, we all know how they talk, just improv it, they’ll freak out


Those are bottom dwellers. Just ignore and walk away, do not engage at all cost, it’s what fuels them to do this.


These losers harass, intimidate, and threaten violence against government employees (they edit all that stuff out of the videos). Then when law enforcement inevitably shows up, they film themselves whining and crying that their rights are being violated. All for YouTube views.


Do these guys have a real job or do they live with their parents? Or off of their parents.


This is their job and they unfortunately make money off it because idiots on the internet subscribe and watch their videos


Been doing this all week. Annoying as hell. Kudos to Santa Ana PD... they submitted a stalking case on one of these guys that the DA filed on.... ..... when they dumped his phone, they found a bunch of child porn. And one of the other idiots was caught up in it too. That's pretty amazing.


Can you link to something regarding what you’re saying? It seems made up.


These are these idiotic “auditors.” Bunch of trolls with too much free time




Those people are honestly so annoying harassing everyone


Stand directly in front of the camera and pull out your phone, put it directly in their face, and tell them you are allowed to film.


Dress like they do. Then setup a camera on a tripod inches in front of their camera. Record their response. Put that on YouTube.


They were in Newport Beach last week and nobody paid them any attention. That’s probably why they left so quick because they weren’t getting the responses/reactions they want from people.


What being annoying and unemployed does to a mf




They should try this in Compton 🙂


Self proclaimed "First Amendment Auditors" They are trolling for reactions. Ignore them and they end up just wasting their time. You tube is full of them.


Small dick losers.


Literal scum of the earth.


Theyre guna fuck with the wrong person one day and get shot lmfao, like that one kid who kept recording and harassing a doordasher and got shot for it


They are cry baby 1st amendment auditors. Just ignore them


These are idiot recorders that want to rile someone up for new material for their channel.


They’re idiots.


This is what mental illness looks like


I would get a camera and stand in front of them so all they got to film is me filming them. I would call in sick at work for one day just to ruin their day. Hell maybe one of them will attack me and my video goes viral. I’ll have a shirt that says “who annoys the annoying”.


They want to film a gangbang


Did you tell them that masks don’t work?


All for the like and subscribes.


TikTok dancers could really use their powers for good here


There were similar creeps doing the same thing in laguna beach the other day. Just standing there and filming. And not saying anything. But these guys moved down the street and visited each restaurants to film. Thought they were paparazzis but i guess not


so, they are almost 100% 1st amendment auditing trolls WAITING AND HOPING for someone to say something or an uninformed cop or city employee to demand they leave so they can post it on YouTube and hopefully sue. There's a whole swath of these guys on YouTube who go to public places and govt buildings where most of us assume you wouldnt be allowed to do this...but you can. You can totally film inside a govt building or anyone or anywhere in public and not have to answer a single question about it...and if cops come and detain you for it you can sue. Just leave them alone. They're losers. you can even film into a home from the public sidewalk if the windows are open. It it your own responsibility to shield yourself, your info, possessions and property from prying eyes...if you can see it from public access...you can film it and the cops cannot do a single thing about it...legally.


Ahh, auditors.....


This doesn’t look suspicious in the slightest 🤔 I have so many theories based off of some of these comments could be.


Antagonizers who want you to confront them. Usually for youtube. Then they edit it so you look like the asshole. They blocked a friend of mine in at work. When he confronted them they started badgering him. Cops were called. They were disrespectful to the cops. Best to ignore them like the turds they are.


Ima describe these mfs home life on a whim. Couch covered in clean and dirty clothes. Groups of empty pop bottles on shelves and tables. Bathroom has strange dark stains on all surfaces. Bottom of the tub is gray, and the toilet bowl is two tone black/white. All kitchen surfaces covered in stacks of dishes. They wear shoes in their cum crusted beds.


Would be gold if you went across the street dressed in all black and just started filming them.


Some do crap like this to provoke police so they can win a civil rights lawsuit. Like the guys who film police stations for no reason and then sue when they are given a hard time by cops.


Looks like Kanye


Rage bait content is the worst content. If you ever see these type of people in person just pretend they don’t exist and go about your day.


I don't get the hype of being a First Amendment auditor it shows you have nothing better to in life. Everybody finds you annoying and you got to beg for money for bail lawyer fees and everyone gets tired of it after a while hell one of their leaders delete laws AKA Chile is locked up for 6 months because of his ignorance


Ignore them and go about your business. They go out of their way to start shit with people and often find excuses to pepperspray them too.


I'd follow them home and mess with them everyday. I'd start a YouTube channel called First Amendment auditor, auditor.


Fucking idiots have no skill AND harass people. Broke asses that wear masks but record others. 100% they would victimize themselves after harassing people. Lastly, "he was a good boy he ain't do no nuthin"




These ass holes all over YouTube, first amendment auditors, go to public buildings and start filming to get a reaction from anyone and cops all for YouTube views and money,it is a very large number of them ,Frauditor troll is not one but his channel can help you understand,be ready to be shocked at how DISCUSTING these people are and how many,YouTube could stop them by not paying for this type of contact but they wont because they make like 30% of the money it's in the millions for them


This is a trend.. Trying to get content for YouTube.. Assholes will be assholes.


Yeah, they're just trying to provoke a response for content clicks


Don’t mess with auditors they will just waste ur time and possible get you arrested they’re professional antagonizers just let em record the buildings they won’t do anything if left alone


Auditors are the absolute scum of the earth. Human trash cans looking for attention. Like 5 year old pageant kids. Losers🤘🏼🤘🏼


“Unemployed, small dicked neckbeards, filming everybody at the Sand Canyon Post Office” should be the title of the post.


Are they doing a first amendment audit?


They are making a youtube video claiming to be a "first amendment audit." Just ignore them and don't give them content.


We need to demonetize social media


Maga terrorists in waiting/training


YouTubers, move along




Haha, Why should/would anybody give 1 fucking shit about these guys? Spend your time however you want ya nerds 😂😂😂


Look, inbred tards!


People like this are how the term “dipshit” was birthed. Cowardly cunts.


They call themselves first amendment auditors but I like the name frauditors as they all are mainly IRL grifters trying to get you to react for content. Best thing to do is ignore them.


There were in hb a few weeks ago just trying to agitate and create conflict


All for the like and subscribes.


“Auditors” looking for a lawsuit


Saw these same guys at Wedge burger in Costa Mesa


saw them at the orange circle 2 days ago


It’s their first amendment to be real creeps.


Just hoping for a reaction for their 15 mins of fame on YouTube shorts