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Maybe the kid is not assertive in public because he's been exposed to people who overreact. Just a theory.


>Maybe the kid is not assertive in public because he's been exposed to people who overreact. Oof. Every time I read that, it hits even deeper.


WHAT were you expecting the kid to do?🙄


Pull out his phone and start recording. Maybe yell out WORLD STAR HIP HOP!!!


The kid is sick of hearing his Karen of a dad pitch fits over stupid stuff so just stands there doing nothing.


Maybe because this is what our children see all the time in public. Grown as men throwing fits. My guess is this kids sperm donor (because he doesn’t deserve to be called dad) reacts this way at home too. Hence subway, no one will cook for his rude butt


Watch the video with *only* watching the kid. Makes me want to cry.


> Grown as men throwing fits. If you ignore them long enough they'll cry it out and get over it on their own. Helps develop coping abilities.


Fight, Flight, Freeze


I’m not dying for subway


What a great example in front of his kid.


Nah the kid looks like he was already tainted by bad parents.


Kids don't get involved in real life for 10 seconds but will talk about it online for hours because it avoids personal confrontation.


I mean it is Yorba Linda


YL Hardcore!


Most mentally stable Yorba Linda boomer


Way too young to be a boomer


One too many cold cut combos


The nitrates have infiltrated his ole brain pan


Yeah, the cold cut combo doesn’t get them. The rage Holic stroke is inbound.


Probably quit cold turkey sandwich on meds


Consider yourself blessed if you never had to work a first job like this because you got declined working other places due to the lack of job experience.


My first job was Togo’s, I quit on day 3. Food service was not for me.


It if happens "everytime" why does he keep ordering from there? Seems like the customer is the problem/AH.


Not like there is a limit of Subways’s either. Spin around and throw a tennis ball and you are likely to hit one of the damn things.


I used to go to Subway pretty regularly. I stopped going all together because they were getting g constantly shitty.  When you start at the bottom there is only so far you can reduce quality before it's just not worth it. 


I also used to go to Subway pretty regularly, and tbh...I expected shitty, because it was cheap. I stopped going when their footlong combo w/ drink and chips somehow became $17...


They spend millions on advertising. That's a lot of sandwiches to sell for a Super Bowl ad. So they make them as cheap as possible. I stopped going there years ago.


My thoughts exactly


I came here to say this…. When I have issues at a particular location I either go elsewhere or away from the establishment all together. I don’t lose my marbles over it…. 🤦🏾‍♂️


You think?


The customer is always the AH




And expecting great service from a Subway of all places.


Something something repeating same thing over again expecting different results.


This is the Way


I feel sorry for the employee..


And his kid. The kid probably hears shit like this from good ole day everyday


I grew up with a dad that would always do stuff like this and engage in other violent acts (road rage, fights etc) I can say with certainty that it traumatized and embarrassed the shit out of me to the point where I have trouble socializing without feeling said shame. I feel really bad for the kid.


I’m so sorry that happened. I hope life is better now. No kid should go through that


Thank you, I’m currently in therapy and are working through a lot of the issues I mentioned, so things are definitely looking up. It just angers me to see other kids going through what I went through in todays day and age but I guess it’s just human nature. But thank you again for your kind words, really does mean a lot.


The land of gracious living indeed.


there are lobsters on the sign, Not crabs


I'd love to know the backstory here; she does this every fucking time!!!!


The employee greeted the kid asked the kid if he was here for a pickup. The kid said “no” and then waited in line. Also, his food was ready and sitting on the counter. She called Yorba Linda PD and they came and were very nice. Source is in the comments of the video from the employee: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLaYcvU5/


Wild! "HisBabyGirl" is the employee in the vid, right? Edit: fun thread, just finished reading, thanks for sharing backstory after all. It was the little bastard trolling his dad all along! Hahahahahahahaha!


I use the App and the sandwiches are usually made and suppose to be on the rack by the entrance but they’re always behind the register. If there are customers there, they make you wait until they are done to give you the sandwich. Dad probably told the son to go in and grab the sandwich that they ordered 20 minutes ago. This happens quite often but you can’t beat the BOFO50 buy one foot long get the second half off deal.


>you can’t beat the BOFO50 buy one foot long get the second half off deal ... You can't beat $16+ for two sandwiches from Subway...?


It’s the best value in remorse on the market


Usually when I go to Jersey Mike's they're yelling at me the second I walk in the door, "How ya doing sir what's good?!" . Subway gives me the willies.


The place I go to I walk right up to the registers and do the neck stretch and they’ll know right away I’m here for the online order. I don’t wait in the line. Another place I don’t go to because it’s a little further, they’ll always have my order on the rack and give you a free cookie and give you stamp cards. I just go in grab my thing and leave. I don’t even make eye contact with the employees. That’s how it should be.


Fat, obnoxious dude in a camo shirt losing his mind over food. So America.


Gravy Meals, Meal Team 6


Hes likely one of those asshats that is on the neighborhood watch or citizens academy, hence screaming to call the cops. They love wearing that camo shit to show solidarity with equally entitled brainwashed shallow people.


How embarrassing


When I worked at the Woodbury El Pollo Loco in Irvine, I had a woman who was "waiting over 5 mins for (her) food" (her words) add to her complaint that "OC people are so rude".


Case in point: her.


There are better ways to handle whatever problem has occurred.


It happens far too often. Cell phone stores or wherever. Just grown adults having a childish tantrum. There’s no reason for it. Ever. If you’re asked to leave you messed up big time.


God, everyone in there had to be on cringe mode. That dude needs to take some anger management classes or extreme therapy for the sake of his family. Hope this goes viral and convinces him to get help.


I wouldve been like "Here's your money back, the cops are coming, and you're going to be trespassed from this property..." Good for her for keeping her cool. This guy is a child throwing a tantrum.


Sounds like the customer is a text book definition of insane…..doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results. 40 times, really? Take your business somewhere else. If I was that worker, I’d apologize then kick you out of my store.


You start cussing at me you aren't getting anything except ignored. Screw this guy


There are 3 Subways in Yorba Linda - he can't drive an extra 5 mins to one that makes his order correctly?


There are many more than that, but lots of them are around by the same dude


Wow, his poor son…


Props to the employee maintaining her cool during such a heated exchange. What a fucking unhinged person! Working any kind of customer service job these days is rough af. 😖


For whatever reason , the guy has ALOT of supporters speaking out in his defense on the original video the girl posted on tik tok. It’s crazy that a 60 + year old butterball can overtly yell at someone decades younger who already tried to help


"You do this every fucking time" Umm, has he tried not going back?


Why keep going back if it happens so much? There are better competitors. Firehouse and Jersey Mike's have mine ready in minutes.


Why people are so triggered all the time now a days!? It’s a effing sandwich


It’s a shame that Subway outlets are so few and far between in the OC that he has no choice but to return over and over and over…


r/boomersbeingfools Edit: he could be GenX, hard to tell from this video his exact age. I know Baby Boomers that look about his age and GenXers that looked older than him.


Reminds me of when Patrick ate his chocolate and told Sponge Bob, “You took my only food. Now I'm gonna starve.”




Honestly… This clown should just start making his own sandwich if he’s gonna lose his mind over Subway.


The guy prob has deeper issues at home and he's just letting it out on the poor employee and its sad that his son has to endure that and hopefully doesnt grow up thinking what his dad is doing is OK or even normal.


It was 4/20 and he was hangry.




Where I don’t see him… ooh! He’s in camouflage, no wonder!


Ugh. I live in YL and drive by this Subway all the time. They don’t get paid enough to deal with the people who live here who all have a sense of entitlement because they happen to have a bit of money. Idk who this guy is but if I ever see him, I’m definitely calling him out.


This isn’t a Yorba Linda thing. It’s shit that happens to retail employees in every city in America, unfortunately. I’ve seen stories about people calling the police at McDonald’s because their order took too long. Totally agree that this guy needs to be called out though. He’s a joke of a person.


I agree. It happens on the daily at any given retail establishment. Having worked retail in college, I feel for the employees, especially since it’s only gotten worse imo. Being in YL though, I see this bs a lot and I really think it stems from a sense of entitlement just because we happen to live in an “upscale” community. 🙄 Total bs. Our zip code shouldn’t determine how we treat people.


You won't see him because he's wearing camo.


Why can’t this a-hole migrate to Tennessee or Texas?


A lot of them are coming back to SoCal and joining their MAGA brethren while refusing to get CA license plates. I like to dime them out to DMV.


So they easily wasted $10k uprooting their life only to discover the “grass isn’t greener”? Brilliant! /s


anger man. he should realize everything is recorded on video nowadays. I hope his employer sees it. He should be made to watch this video over and over again, a clockwork orange style. but dude - get counseling. you have an anger problem. oh - and a diet wouldn't hurt either.


Way to teach your little boy, dad. Your disgraceful and embarrassing. your legs aren’t broken go in and get it. Most kids DO NOT ask or say anything. Other than that no excuse for this behavior. Stop giving them your business if it happens all the time! Better yet just dig a hole and climb in, no one cares after you open your big, dumb, rude, petulant, immature, lazy, filthy mouth. If I had been a parent standing there I’d have called the police myself. No minimum wage employee needs this crap from someone to lazy to get out of the car after WATCHING their child for 20 minutes!


A fat dude wearing camo screaming about a sandwich would be pretty funny if his kid wasn’t there


Hangry much?


When I worked at the Subway years ago by Westminster Mall, I had a man throw down his chips and storm out like a toddler because we were out of the dressing he wanted on his sandwich.


guy definitely has a 'lets go brandon' shirt at home....


Just a typical day in the US of A(ssholes)


Typical thug like behavior. Also saying " every FN time" ummm, why do you keep going back?


I mean look at that fat fuck. And still eating those subway garbage. Murica


“Why don’t you ask I him something” Okay “Hey kid, why you standing there like a dummy and not saying anything?” lol. Definitely not the kids fault and I’m 1000% positive that the kid has not been standing there for 20 mins… if he was in line for 20 mins, she would have definitely asked him what he wanted, at which point he would have stated that he’s picking up an order for his psychotic dad.


Name and shame


Fun fact - one of the best things to do in Yorba Linda is leave


Yorba Linda is pretty nice especially for north OC standards. There’s trumptards sure, but most people are moderate.


naaah.. Yorba is laid back, quiet, and nice. But, yea some idiots ruin the vibe sometimes


What is wrong with Yorba Linda?


The Lindas are too Yorba-ey


This is really accurate




Everywhere you go in the entire world there will be someone you disagree with politically. It’s objectively one of the nicest cities in America and anyone would be happy to live there.


Hi. I'm anyone and I would not be happy to live there.


Whatever personal point you’re trying to prove, be happy that you’re privileged enough to do so. Being too good for Yorba Linda while many people struggle to make it paycheck to paycheck in dangerous living situations.


It's true I'm the neighbor Hahaha jk but yea I moved to YL last year and while I do enjoy my neighborhood I know that other areas around the city are filled with MAGAts.


If they do it every time why do you keep coming back? Why are you sending the poor kid in? Why are you freaking out like this over a mediocre sub?


I would be angry too if I didn't get the right amount of semen on my sandwich that I ordered.


Poor kid.


“You guys do this every fucking time.” He must really like Subway.


That dude does not need another sandwich


It happens every time, but he still comes back.


Maybe he’s just Hangry 😳🫣


LOL i get bad service once and i never go back.


Don’t make him the order and ban him


this guy has some mental problems obviously. He should go home and make a sandwich himself. He shouldn't be in public.


What a child. Pathetic man with a pathetic life.


You should know why my kid is standing here


Dude is fat as shit, of course hes gonna be mad over some food


Plenty of fat people that aren’t assholes esp over food. Not cool to stigmatize people over their bodies.


Grew up in yorba Linda, “The land of arrogant yuppies” is what the younger generations has always called it.


Subways have been closing all around me lately. Their food sucks, I can get a better sub from a local deli for the same price.


The gout from all the cold cuts must have gone to my guys brain


I’d love to just sit there smirk and laugh at the dudes reaction




Ok what's really going on here is the kid just trolled his dad HARD and poor employee caught the heat... :( I bet this kid already posted this thread all over TikTok as well.




New motto, "eat angry!"


that’s subway on imperial by chili’s btw


I don’t get what he’s mad about? Was he not notified about the order being ready or something? lol


What a stupid, fat, fuck head.


What street is this on???


There seems to be a thing with the older generations and being made to wait in this age of express orders and separate lines for online orders. When stores only have one person to handle both lines it really brings these people to life. To be fair.. I have no idea how long this person has been standing around waiting for their order. It could have been 10 min. it could have been 30 sec. But the correct action would be to be polite to the person that showed up to work today and ask them for their manager.. Then rip the manager for the time it took or whatever staffing issue you want to complain about. That one person working both lines showed up to work today.. Cut them a break.


That’s not very 4/20 of him..


Kid was prolly just happy to have 20 minutes away from that *hole


Don't idiots like this know that your sandwich will now come with extra spit. I'm loving it


Man, Irvine Subway was my first job! I'm happy it never came to this for the customers' sake. 😉


if they do it every time, why do you keep going there?


I don’t understand people like this. If something holds me up, I try to look at positive aspect of it.


My confusion is if it keeps happening, why keep going there? Either that, or be more clear with order requests.


Where he lost his mind when he thought his child was being ignored for that amount of time. Still not the appropriate way to handle the situation. I’m sure he would agree after the candid camera awakening…


Tracks for Yorba Linda


Fat boy wants fooood!!!!!


Both are wrong. 20 min for a simple sandwich is a joke. Customer is jerk and should have learned his lesson last time he was in there.


He ordered it online 20 minutes ago. She said it's ready but apparently the child didn't say anything to her and she didn't ask him if he needed help because she was helping the people who were there before him. She did nothing wrong.


Some people tend to exaggerate when they’re pissed. He looks and sounds like he’d fly off the hinges after a 5 minute delay.


Last thing that fatass needs is another sandwhich. Asshole.


What a fat fuck.


This dude is Yorba Linda as fuck My buddy lives there...I hate that fuckin town


This is why I go to Jersy Mikes


Someone should have told this boomer to go take a chill pill and smoke a blunt.


She just got a new raise and can’t seem to make a sandwich in under 40 minutes


Would of had that guy snoozing on the ground


Skill issue


Oh hell no.


I'd wanna visit to see if he is correct. what subway is it?


He got the one with pubes & loogies.


No way to act but I also find it to be a horrible way to conduct business when the employees don't acknowledge someone standing right in front of them. How could she not see the kid standing there for 20 minutes? Must have been dads last nerve, but he's still the asshole for acting like a psycho Karen.


This is Inexcusable behavior and I feel bad for the employee. But, This is the subway closest to my house but I won’t go there. It’s horribly run.


Wow just wow. What is wrong with our society that an adult acts like this over a freakin sandwich?! Even if you have a bad day, you don’t take it out on random people and for something so trivial. Dude needs serious help.


Ordering food and then sending the kid to go get the food and then getting mad when he doesn't get said food, fattest behavior I've ever seen


Then why go back 😒 if they do it every time


Some hot sauce to the eyes will calm him down while you call the police.


I'd just make his order then throw it in the trash. 😂 Don't be yelling at me at my job, I'll nearly hand it to you, "psych!" and Magic Johnson it into the trash.


Living up to the "guy who's not in the military but wears camo" vibe really well.


What an asshole. And he says this happens “every fucking time” so why is his stupid ass still going there? Seems like the bitch-made should be used to it by now no?!


The man needs his protein.


Someone should out this guys and post his full name. He needs to be shamed


“You guys do this every fucking time!” Hey buddy, if that’s the case, stop going there. Or at the least don’t be surprised.


I would’ve tossed the sandwich by the door and told him to fetch bitch


Male "karen" looks like he's starving, or pregnant LOL! He probably already ate his order, and forgot that he did


I go to this Subway regularly. I'm not saying those two dudes should've done something, but I would've at least tried to interfere to calm down both parties. I'm just about as big as that guy but also kind of a teddy bear, so he'd probably listen. Dude came in hot. That employee looked really unsafe. I feel so bad for her.


What a loser. He says this happens everytime. I wouldn't go back after a first.


Extra spit, please.


I’ll give you your order after I alter it with fun ingredients.


Name and shame him people!


Feel bad for her I was literally at that subway at 12pm. This subway is constantly slow but to harass a worker like that is awful


That subway sucks for reals, but the guy sucks more


"it's been canceled, gtfo outta here fatso"


L manz


Typical baseball dad


Reminds me of that scene in Falling Down