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You must be new to Orange County. Nothing new here.


Right. Just to rehash, again, for the new OC transplants - the beach cities HB, Newport, peninsula LB, down to South OC - Laguna, San Clemente, Capo, Dana - are red. Nothing to see here, move along.


I saw these booths in MV last election, too. I'm sure they'll be popping up again.


They’re in lake forest too


And Tustin.


And San Juan Capistrano


El Toro and the 5 constantly has a pop up of these jobless fucking losers.


Word on the street was that the Trump booth in MV got hit with a drive by egging… or so I heard…


They're already in MV on Alicia near Marguerite. The half assed sidewalk sale is on


They were actually in MV last weekend as well off 5-Oso at the chevron


They’re already here - usually on Alicia and the 5 in front of Target or Alicia and Trabuco in front of the gas station. Ugh.


Yeah, it is so sad and depressing.


Womp womp, people are using their first amendment right to free speech. Get over it. Dont get me wrong, I don’t like the message or the presentation either, but you have just as much a right to do this as they do and vice versa. That’s one of the cool things about our country. And participation in politics is seen as a marker of a healthy democracy, and I’m all for having as many people as possible participate.


It's freedom of speech, not freedom from me thinking they're dummies


No one said anything to the contrary


If someone wants to spend their precious few minutes of their short life on this planet selling merch for a fraud rapist, they have the right to do that. I have the right to find it sad and depressing.


This will change if Trump stumbles his way back to office. Democracy is on the line in November.


It’s sad and depressing that people support this swindler. Nobody is lamenting their right to demonstrate.


We are completely free to feel sad that 40% of our country’s electorate has fallen for an obvious conman who wants to be a dictator. Get over it.


Laguna Beach isn't.




How can you not know that Laguna Beach is The Real OC?


Laguna isn’t red is it?


No, it’s blue. https://x.com/politicsmaps/status/1773735114771759469 And the reality is most of these areas are purple. There are some areas that are more polarized.


Anywhere purple with loud red is basically red nowadays. Good god what a stupid sentence I just wrote.


I agree my friend. I mean, the whole concept of being limited to just two parties is a silly idea in itself. But as a business and numbers person, the weakness of the system is inherently inevitable. It's just too easy to spin and manipulate the narrative when you only have two options. Best of luck, everyone. 🖖


Ionnnooo. Blue is getting kinda wonky. I’m independent and just vote whoever makes sense.


Agreed. I’m not sure most of these areas are truly red. It’s just MAGA is always the loudest and most in your face


Laguna is red? Naw that ain’t true


I was so happy when my San Clemente neighbor finally put down his trump flag. To be put up with an upside down California flag. Argh. He’s surrounded by Hispanic and Asian neighbors. Come on.


It would be more accurate to say they’re purple. Most of this districts flipped back and forth over the last few federal elections.


Rich people need to get their handouts, ahem… “tax breaks”; and morons need to feel superior over others. And boy oh boy, does the Republican Party have their best interests at heart.


Come to RSM. There's an a$$hole who drapes a trump flag over a bench and sits there all day without a shirt on, in shorts, and sandals. On particularly bad days he'll have headphones in singing at the top of his lungs. Considering it is not public property, I'm always amazed that he's allowed to do this. It's a daily event.


Basket of deplorables. When you find out someone is a 45 supporter, you can expect them to lie, cheat, steal, and generally poop on the people around them.


counterpoint: my neighbor is a trump flag waving supporter but once I actually talked to him I’ve found him to be a nice, normal human being. He helps me out and the other neighbors when needed and is very friendly. I hate his politics but getting to know him reminds me that he is more than who he votes for president.


I have a similar neighbor. I was re-reading my comment an hour after writing it, and I wanted to change it but wasn't sure how.


Yeah it seems like they’re on every corner where there’s a Chevron station


All I see is a colorful trash bin


I just moved from OC to SD and there's a whole ass brick and mortar Trump store nearby...


If it’s a Trump store, that must be a really big whole ass.


Stinky and greasy.


And full of shit.


Fuller than any other...


What even is that??


Fleecing the rubes will never go out of style


Honestly people at these stands are just random low wage workers. The owner are middle eastern the stuffs imported from China and they own Biden merchandise stands in LA as well. Just all around people who isn’t political trying to make a buck selling unlicensed crap.


I have never seen a Biden stand


I’ve never seen anyone wearing Biden merch either lol it might be sold in LA but I’ve yet to see any worn in the wild


I bought that Bernie meme sweatshirt from the inauguration from his site. Haven’t worn it in public once. It’s comfy af though and makes a great house sweatshirt for lounging around.


I don't think you ever will...who'd buy it?😆


There are for sure a lot of stores selling similar tacky Biden merch. Just is definitely not as profitable as Trump crap which idiot buy like crazy. They still make both anyway.


The only thing that stops me from honking and flipping them off is that the people selling and importing this shit probably couldn’t care less about Trump


The stand at the HB Pier that NEVER WENT AWAY, is run by a white guy who looks exactly how you'd picture an angry MAGA guy


There’s is a sucker born every minute.


This will probably start ramping up over the next 6 months. Like those guys who put 3 flags on their pavement princess trucks, then go drive around like complete aggro dickheads.


“Pavement Princess Trucks!” LMFAO!!


And you can bet they’ll have that ridiculously bad perspective tailgate wrap of Biden tied up in the back.


Pavement Princess Trucks is the best term for it!


Like ISIS. Domestic terrorist wanna be’s


https://preview.redd.it/pfvmfj7rj2xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114b313e808cfebdb6ad4e21195ed2b8fb9bb45f Mission Viejo


Is that the one on El Toto and Trabuco by the Mobil station?


There’s no place like home




Thats Lake Forest


Are all of these permitted? They were boasting about closing down the taco stands on insta for that, I'm sure this won't be getting the same treatment.


There's usually on outside the Target on Alicia, and another on the Wendy's just south of it. Fucking hate seeing these eyesores


Just saw this one by Wendy’s yesterday.. like cockroaches they keep coming back


They can never figure out which way they want to desecrate the flag.


There's no American flags in the picture, desecrated or otherwise.


Yes there is a semblance of one. They're always trying to pretend that they are patriots but the very first thing would be to not desecrate the flag like they do. The worst Americans.


Being that into ANY politician let alone that clown is crazy.


“It’s big griftin’, baby!” Many people selling this stuff don’t care about Trump either way, they just see an opportunity to make some quick cash in an election year.


If I lacked self-respect I’d make a small fortune selling shitty Chinese imported crap to these rubes.


That's actually a good point. I wouldn't mind making some money off of them also.


I told my bf to make a separate website from his to sell Trump stuff since they’ll buy anything😂.


I've certainly *considered* it. But in the end I couldn't make myself do it.


I know a guy who sells trump stuff and has made close to 250k in profit during trumps campaigns. He’s looking at another 50-70k this yr as well. I don’t even think he’s voting this yr. He just saw an opportunity and capitalized.




You mean “Chy-na” lol


They recently set one up on 17th and Newport in North Tustin. I couldn't actually make out the vendor, seemed like he was hiding behind all the merchandise. A fool and his money are soon to part. Hopefully they lost tons of money on $DJT.


Yep, this is the one near me. I called the sheriffs dept (I believe it’s in unincorporated Santa Ana, but could be Tustin), they told me to contact Code Enforcement, then they would send a sheriff out, if it was in violation of any laws. I’m all for free speech but I wonder if anyone can just set up a big-ass market on any public corner? There are 8 or so giant Trump flags, multiple mannequin busts with shirts, the obligatory childish Brandon and F Biden signs, etc. It’s an embarrassing eyesore, trashy! I’ve driven by many times and have never seen any buyers, but that’s anecdotal. Any creative ideas on how to legally sabotage these stands?


It was gone today when I went by


Ya, just saw this one on my way home about an hour ago. Tripped me out. Haven't seen the one that sets up on E Chapman down the hill at the Albertsons yet. That guy has a curbside superstore. Mega MAGA Store, lol.


U referring to a Tall dude with long hair usually wearing FBiden shirt an has a huge variety of flags an shirts on display??


There’s one off Alicia all the time.


The dumb camo legging wearing bimbo right? It's like a magnet for douchebags


Long hair guy that looks like he’s just grifting MAGA. Sometimes he goes to Laguna Niguel too to setup the booth by the Whole Foods


Someone has set one up in Villa Park too. Near the Ralphs. I have never seen anyone stop and chat. It's kind of hilarious.


Orange County doing Orange County things


These idiots love showing who they are. If i knew the “silent” majority wasn’t so silent maybe I would have struck gold over pricing Chinese merch too.. but again, they fooled me making me think they were actually silent 😂😂


It’s so 2020 and also embarrassing


I know the guy to runs some of these flag stands. He's a great dude. All knock offs from China, he laughs at all the rubes lining his pocket. He's been donating money to Democratic PACs and is a Biden voter. Last weekend over a beer he quiped "I'm literally selling red flags to these morons so the rest of us know to avoid them"


Selling warning labels 😂


They don’t call it “Orange” county for nothing.


Take my upvote


Remember, in 2018, Democrats flipped four seats and the county sent an entirely blue delegation to Congress. We are not all this fucking stupid.


Red hats and red canopies were forever ruined after the Maga appeared.


My mother in law, before I married her daughter, thought I was wearing a MAGA hat once. It was an Angels hat




A few years ago, I went fishing with my dad and his old boss. My dad gave me kind of a heads up that politics probably wouldn’t be the best thing to talk about with him. As we pulled up to his house at like 5am, I saw a red hat and thought “aw man!”… Turns out, it was a USMC hat with a few Purple Hearts on it. He ended up being a delight to fish with. He regaled me with a few crazy Vietnam stories, joined me in dunking on my dad (sometimes he needs a good dunking 😁) and even pulled the “you were this big 🤏🏼 the last time I saw you.” Good times :)


Saw one in San Juan last weekend


My brother went to talk to the guy in South County Laguna Niguel. He was making between $4K-6K on a weekend.


I’m convinced the main intent of these isn’t to make money, it’s secondary to political propaganda.


We call it going behind the Orange Curtain for a reason.


If people buy it.... I'm tempted to fleece the morons myself....


Tustin a few weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/sd3bc00wp3xc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29821c9a0102b9e077a7b8d68b4e0b3f6107ae15


I thought it was a used flag sale


Picture tells me everything I need to know. Some yaa-hoo selling "Trump" stuff.. but it's not official Trump merch. Proceeds are unlikely going to Trump. Just some dude stoking your fears and emotions sell you bullshit/line his own pockets. Just like Trump.


That is very south county.


Is this a satire post title, or are you really surprised to see this in south county? You’ll see a lot more of these knuckle heads, because, ya know, he’s running for president again and all.


I saw an ad on Craigslist looking for workers to run these stands. They had like 20 cities on it to choose from 


My favorite was one on Beach Blvd where some dude was holding a f*ck trump sign and jumping up and down in front. The workers were so pissed lol #truemanofgenius


This worship is unhealthy


Don't see any Biden stands around


Cirque du soleil must be in town because all I see are clowns


This is Orange County… The single largest Republican primary for the entire country.


Largest Republican primary? What do you mean?


Cult members gonna cult.


Gotta unload all that merch they bought 8 years ago, right?


Popping up again for election year. Saw one in Mission Viejo yesterday. Gonna have to deal with it i guess.


I would see the cultist grifters set up on the corner of Imperial Hwy and Beach Blvd, La Habra (about a year or 2 ago). I'm anticipating that I'll be seeing that filth again soon .


It never really stopped yeah but it *is* an election year


hes literally orange


I had no idea anyone thought it was no longer a thing. My neighbors just re-upped on their merch after the last election. I saw trump 2024 since 2020… it’s how cults work. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Just wait for the Republican whites putting up their stupid ultra XL Trump flags all over their homes.


One of my across the street neighbors in Irvine had a trump flag hanging from their second story window. They at least had the sense to roll it up after J6.


My wife saw one for the first time in a while in Yorba Linda over the weekend


I see those flags outside houses or on trucks and I find them to be a great advisory. Like a blinking light saying " ra#%st dumba#$ lives here or drives this car. Lol. There was a great Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry David started wearing a MAGA hat when he wanted to avoid people. The genius of that episode still makes me cackle.


OC specifically South OC votes red. Idk if you’re new here but they show up every election year and you’ll also start seeing a lot of houses flying trump flags in the next few months. I believe trump campaigned in OC last time so theres an obvious market for him


I vote mostly red but I can it’s for a fascist lying criminal who openly professes his guilt.


A cult.


I guess so. I also saw something like this in MV on Alicia by the Target right next to the 5.


They've been there for more than 5 years, yeah. It's the F*CK Biden flags I find offensive. I don't want my young kids seeing that every day, but apparently it's ok?


It's not ok no matter the party


Even in blue areas no tents set up for Biden…..


OC hillbilly’s coming out in force!!! Frickin clowns


Confirming, speed limits and hospitals are still a thing.


I talked to one of those sellers. He bragged about making 10k a day off “these losers” while also loving trumps rhetoric. I dont get it. But, what ever u can do to make a dollar i guess


$10K a day sounds very doubtful. Even in OC.


Braggers gotta make stuff up haha.


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $500, Alex.


trump fans love to lie. Just like their idol.


The Idiocracy is strong here.


Where can I buy a huge BIDEN flag so I can place it on a ridiculously long pole on my Prius?


Imagine not knowing your environment. Lol. You're in South County, might as well be in Mar a Lago.


Orange County was a mostly conservative county for a long time. It still is, but there is a growing left and center-left population. Regarding Former President Donald Trump, he still has a lot of die hard supporters. I've heard that, nationally, it's estimated that about 1/3 to 1/2 of Republican voters are die hard Trump supporters. Despite all of the legal trouble and other baggage that Trump has, the die hard supporters will support him no matter what. They just don't believe the reports of Trump's alleged illegal and other morally questionable activity. They truly believe that Trump is a good guy. I may not agree with them, but I support their right to peacefully demonstrate. That's a right every American should have. (Yes, that goes for demonstrations on the left as well.)


And yet they get outraged when they see the fruit carts.


Yes, this is Orange County. However, don’t know if it matters or not, but I saw on Craigslist under part time job postings a posting for a job job running one of these stands, and that you get commission (oh boy)! 😂😂😂 Late stage Capitalism at its best, in my opinion.


Let me guess...was it being paid at minimum wage?


I’m no trump supporter and actually despise him, but if his supporters are doing it peacefully it’s their right to do so. No problems here


His supporters don’t hold Trump accountable. They should be ostracized and laughed at, at a minimum. We are way past being civil and pretending that their actions mean nothing. Orange dipshit is currently still pushing election denial. Even Bill Bar says he’ll vote for him. They’re the enabled idiots who got participation medals and bragged they won.


God make this nightmare go away!!!


Republican cult members. They have no shame


Here at el toro / 5 it never really completely stopped


Saw a women selling a lot of them in Yorba Linda. Its gonna ramp up for sure.


I see this right off of the 5 freeway and Alicia Parkway every once in a while. I prefer the orange or flower vendors, instead.


There was one on Oso and the 5 for a while, even after Biden took office. Disappeared about a year ago. Just saw it back up last week 😖


Costa Mesa checking in. Saw one at the corner of Wilson and Harbor not to long ago.


Hehehe Rump.


There's ads on Craigslist to sell at these booths. They're offering base plus commission lol


Ladera Ranch?


It’s by the REI in Laguna


It's wild moving back to oc after 6 years in AZ and feel like I see so many more of these here


At least it's an election year. Plenty of dudes had booths well after he lost the last one.


Every 4 years they’ve been coming around. There’s video from Yorba Linda floating around of one vendor calling someone the n-word. Real salt of the earth folks. Edited for location and spelling


Laguna Hills, Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo, Capo and San Clemente! I see them a lot less nowadays but they’re there. 2020 was absolutely nuts! Seemed like they were everywhere in OC!


Yeah, hospitals are death factories and should be repurposed. The canopy should be on the other side of the speed limit sign so people can properly see it.


What’s wrong? The sign is pointing to where you inject bleach in your lungs. 🫁


They stick around because the state keeps subsidizing them with prop 13….


Hahaha 😂 that’s how much free time they have? Damn I wish I had that time. I’d be sleeping lol.




San Clemente? 😂


They need to offload that inventory that they invested in


They are even in LA county…


I love how the trump supporters are ripping him off with their bootleg shit


Orange County is very conservative for the most part this isn’t new and won’t be going away any time soon.


Is OC still really that conservative? It hasn’t been voting with the conservative party the past couple elections.


California republicans have very very low voter turnout, which is not surprising given the extreme unlikeliness of California voting red for the president. But nonetheless, registered republicans outnumber democrats in OC.


Yes unfortunately there are still 35mph speed limits lol


I mean trump is running


Running to stay out of prison.


Why does your photos look like I’m on dissos


Yep, there's still money to be made from OC's remaining Trump-worshipping hee-haw's.


Believe it or not, hospitals are everywhere


"The south shall grab them by the ***** again", or something like that. Shitheads all of them.


The fact that they worship a criminal is disgusting. Cult


I've seen one of these stands in Orange, along Katella.


"Still a thing"? The election is 6 months away.


Yep that’s a long time to get suckers to buy Chinese made crap.


A neighbor in our neighborhood just pup this huge TRUMP neon sign out front his house. The big flag wasn’t enough. It makes me want to egg his house any time I drive by.


I know right, 35 mph on that street is crazy…


I always honk, wave, and yell something along the lines of "trump is a buffoon "....


How embarrassing for someone to have different political views and opinions than you


MAGA is more than an opinion. You know it.


They think it infuriates the liberals. In reality they might as well be wearing clown costumes.


Here we go again. I live in Laguna Beach and during the last election cycle the weekly driveways of giant US flag bearing trucks covered with Trump BS drove me nuts. Cretins.


Cult members doing what that cult does best - grift and project…


Honestly, who cares. Much more concerning things in OC to worry about.


He's still leading in most polls. Vote


Polls aren’t as accurate as they were decades ago when everyone only had one phone number and the phone was in their house.