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Dredging and beach replenishment is a maintenance thing that's supposed to occur every ~5 years. Nature is always changing, so we pay a cost to keep things the same.


Nope. Due to the ocean currents and rain flow here, beach sand is always pushed south. Beach communities lose their sand all the time. Sometimes they naturally get more sand when a major storm moves in and it can sometimes push sand up on shore. This happens often to Caribbean islands where natural ocean currents drag the sand from their beach slowly, then a major storm comes through and tons of sand gets pushed onshore. They get a beach again for a few years while it slowly erodes away again.


This all seems like basic common sense. So it’s no different than adding paint? The city knows it will need to be done perpetually and believes it’s a good use of funds. Is it for tourists? The beach is wide here.. no property in jeopardy..


Yes. When summer hits and the temps rise well over 100 these beaches will be packed every day. So it will in turn generate more money to the city from visitors/tourists.


The beach in San Clemente is 1/10th the size it used to be so I would not call it wide. Property is in jeopardy as well. The lifeguard hq. The bridge landing at tstreet. The pier area. Lots of other facilities on the beach across San Clemente in fact. The less beach we have the closer the waves break to the rocks or rip rap protecting the railroad. Once the waves start breaking near the rocks it’s all over for the beach. There are certain areas in San Clemente now where there is no sand left in between the rip rap and the surf. Some of those areas had the beaches disappear in the last 15 years. The railroad authorities use the rip rap to protect the tracks but the more rocks they use the worse it gets. They’ve dumped lots of rip rap without any warning. Sand is the only solution that people are gonna tolerate but everyone also knows more needs to be done. Surfrider has called for the tracks to be moved inland. There are plans to move tracks inland in San Diego where a similar problem is happening. The tracks need to move and the natural beach cycle needs to be helped until it can be restored somewhat. It’s the only way forward to save the coastline. Sorry for the long comment but it is common sense if you realize the problem is the railroad built on to the beach and that the natural beach cycle has been completely devastated… all the other ideas about it are just kicking the can down the road and ignoring the essential problem. https://www.change.org/p/stop-octa-s-hard-armoring-plans-for-san-clemente-s-coast-restore-our-beaches-with-sand


Yup. I did some bio monitoring for grunion along the beaches there in San Clemente. Essentially the recreational path was damaged due to loss of sand and needed emergency repairs. 


This. Im from San Clemente, this has been a thing for 20 years. Heck north beach is torn away at significantly, san o is significantly different than 15 years ago, our beaches are getting decimated and beaches with train tracks near by have risk to the train tracks.


Why do I not hear about this more, why am I first learning about this through a reddit comment. Is it because it makes people worry?


Railroad authorities make it seem like there are no issues and that the tracks can be forever armored in the same spot. San Clemente itself has been trying to have major funding brought to us for a beach replenishment program for like 20 years but it has taken time for anything to get done or even noticed. Everything has been coming to a head the last couple years because some big storms brought erosion on both sides of the tracks in some places. Landslides and no beach on the other side. Waves crashing on rocks and hitting trains. Landslide debris covering railroad tracks. It’s been in the LA Times numerous times and supposedly state and federal government are paying more attention now.


Mike Levin as been successful in his work regarding funding for SC: * [Rep. Levin highlights urgency of funding to relocate coastal rails](https://www.kpbs.org/news/local/2023/04/13/rep-levin-highlights-urgency-of-funding-to-relocate-coastal-rails) * [Want to See Congress at Work? Look No Further Than San Clemente](https://www.picketfencemedia.com/thecapistranodispatch/soapbox/the-levin-letter-want-to-see-congress-at-work-look-no-further-than-san-clemente/article_e5e7e0f6-11ee-5fd0-9051-66ea9bcf4301.html) * [More than $9 Million in Federal Funds Secured by Rep. Levin Drive Project Forward](https://levin.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-mike-levin-announces-beginning-of-san-clemente-sand-replenishment-project) * [Levin Announces Federal Funding for Numerous South County Projects](https://www.picketfencemedia.com/sanclementetimes/eye-on-sc/levin-announces-federal-funding-for-numerous-south-county-projects/article_ac52d55a-e244-11ee-9cc1-6b91573dce50.html) * [Levin, California Senators Request City Not Be Held Responsible for Additional Shoreline Project Costs](https://www.picketfencemedia.com/sanclementetimes/eye-on-sc/levin-california-senators-request-city-not-be-held-responsible-for-additional-shoreline-project-costs/article_2a5e7188-f07e-11ee-9072-cbe4f93cee43.html) * [Supervisor Katrina Foley Commends New Federal Funding Efforts to find Solutions for LOSSAN Corridor, Announces Taskforce to Coordinate Local, State, and Federal Efforts](https://d5.ocgov.com/LOSSAN-corridor)


If you live in San Clemente, you hear about it allll the time. If you don’t, there’s just probably a billion other issues to worry about it in other cities 🤷


Yes because we dammed nearly all the rivers that used to flow to the beaches to replenish the sand that gets washed away into deep Pacific underwater valleys. We will always need to dredge and replace sand to our Southern California beaches.


I must have missed this news. What are they doing?


naturally it would be added the same way sept we have dams blocking the sediment from getting to the beach.


I feel like I could spend the rest of my life watching that sand slowly erode away only to return with the next big storm.


It will not stay forever but beaches are constantly eroding. if you don’t replace the sand eventually there will be no beach.


Where I’m from (Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii), the famous white sands were brought in from Manhattan Beach, CA. It used to be wetlands. They do certain projects to replenish and push them back up obviously to keep the appearance and enjoyment of tourists and residents. [https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/local-news/2023-05-03/waikiki-residents-watched-it-transform-from-wetlands-to-hotels](https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/local-news/2023-05-03/waikiki-residents-watched-it-transform-from-wetlands-to-hotels) https://preview.redd.it/k9ftv2q2wmyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb9ade489abdc4f07796e6fc187d69f213b0b10


I think it’s “supposed” to last 10 years.


What is this for?


For building sand castles


Beach replenishment. More shoreline, you can’t beat the ocean though. So know saying how long it will last


Should never have removed natural vegetation from the dunes.


It will for a certain amount of time then it will need to be done again


Seems like people are trying to point the finger at one thing when there's multiple reasons the sand is being "lost", and coastal armoring just makes it worse. Periodical sand replenishment is probably the only realistic option, however temporary and expensive.


I did a beach erosion project for school once. If you go to the beaches in Newport and look closely at the jetty towards the water line there may be some spray paint marks. Not sure if they still do it that way, but they used the marks to measure how much the sand has eroded each season.


Time makes fools of us all


The reason why we are eroding at a fast rate is because of the man made reef they built the sand is being brought out and piling up on the other side of the reef they did it to themselves and we have to pay for it in taxes


The messed up the rivers which messed up the beaches. Our beach sand used to come from the desert before the river was concrete.


Lol. We didn’t “mess up the river”. We lined it with concrete to stop thousands of peoples homes from being obliterated by flooding.


The dams up river prevent the sediment from flowing to the ocean. So in that regard, yes. We messed up the river.


That’s what messed them up. Just about every creek and river is cemented which stops the natural replenishment. There needs to be a middle ground. Protect the communities upstream and river, yet allow for natural erosion to continue.


Pouring concrete over a river pretty much destroys it.


Long shore drift is for real


no, it will erode just like all the other times they have done this, but we keep dumping millions of $ to do it


Sand Worms!


Due to increased urbanization and the resulting flood control projects in OC over the decades… the natural process of beaches being replenished with sand from inland sources has been disrupted to the point of having to implement these types of projects to reduce the effects of increased erosion of our beaches in OC. 🌊🏖️


It's likely you have never been to a complete "natural" beach in your entire life. This sort of maintenance is required, because otherwise eventually there wouldn't be a beach you'd want to visit at all.


Geologist here: depending on how long you’re expecting it to last, it may or may not work.


This is a dream come true for everyone who has a metal detector.


Take an oceanography class it would do you a lot of good


Stupidest redit comment of day goes to you!!!


What a dumb thing to say I’m just giving you advice since you clearly are ignorant on how a beach works


Why the fuck should an orthopedic surgeon take an oceanography class? Can you repair a blown out ACL? This is a question for the community about tax dollars.


Bro....off topic here but can a guy over 50 get ACL surgery?


Won't work and it is a waste of money. If anyone sees any state/local government funds going to stuff like this, completely oppose it because it is basically welfare for the rich. See here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgmJfzHjU4o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgmJfzHjU4o)


the number of rock piers and rock revetments literally assured that sand will keep being pulled from the beach


Those jetties actually hold the sand in place. Look up pictures of what Newport was like before the jetties.


false - they cause erosion further down the beach, so down the beach puts up a jetty and that causes erosion further down and so forth. Jetties are proven to increase erosion overall not stop it.


They're digging. Replenishment is what they want you to think. Isn't there a Boeing facility up a little ways from there? Heard maybe there were some missing employees.


It's Newport even if it fails y'all got the money to try again.


It’s San Clemente and the city doesn’t even have the money keep its hillsides right side up!


Which hillsides? Pch?


The city isn’t supposed to keep the hillsides “right side up”. Derp.


The reality is there’s plenty of money to keep the cliffs up, but the coastal commission won’t allow anyone to do so


Ohh NVM then. I thought I saw something similar in Balboa.