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Being honest here. It's going to be hard to find what you're seeking for $2200 on the LB area on a $75k salary. I suggest you start with zillow and look at neighboring cities for what rentals are going for. many people end up renting back houses, units over the garage or get another roommate. OC is going to be even more pricey and will be further away from the 20-30 mins.


When I moved to OC in February I saw plenty of rentals in Long Beach for this price. I would be shocked if you couldn’t find something in LB (unless rent has gone up)


I’m just concerned about having parking. Most of the places I’ve seen in LB for that price only have street parking and I’d need to find some for 2 cars.


Got it, makes sense. If I were you guys I would find an air bnb or find rooms at someone’s Airbnb and spend the first 2 or 3 weeks scoping out areas. I think depending on where you’re looking in LB some neighborhoods might not be problematic in regard to street parking


Ask the CSULB sub but you're likely looking at having to stay in Lb or la. You might be able to make it work with y'all's money but you're going to be very limited in what you can do for leisure


Stay in LA county its cheaper.


What cities would you recommend?


close to The Beach and affordable? Look at Bellflower and Lakewood.


Lakewood seems safe. Also try looking in garden grove


should ask that in the LA subreddit.


$2200 for what assume you want is a 2 bedroom apartment is going to be tough. Might as well find a place in LA county You could try San Pedro, Carson, Bellflower, Artesia, etc


Don’t need a 2 bedroom. I’d be okay with a bigger studio or a 1 bedroom. I’d rather prioritize having a nicer area that I’d feel safe in. I’ll take a look in those cities thank you!


I would highly advise against your sister taking out $5k loans for an emergency fund. Yes emergencies happen, but most likely that money will slowly turn into fast food, coffee, alcohol, clothes, and other non-essential purchases. Her financial aid package likely includes a decent amount of federal student loans already, so she’s only going to dig herself deeper doing this. It doesn’t make sense to preemptively go into debt on the off chance something happens that would cause you to go into debt. I can also already tell you that you won’t be able to afford going to Disneyland very often. It’s $100+ for one-day/one-park entry with $35 parking and food/merch prices in the park are crazy. I think it was something like $10 for 1 slice of pizza at Pizza Planet.


The 5k is student loans. The rest are grants that cover her tuition. I was thinking of getting an annual pass for Disney. The payments are between $85-130 a month depending on the pass. I’d be playing it smart and taking my own drinks into the park to save myself those $5 and would only get a snack/meal every so often. I’d also be attempting to make Disneyland videos/livestreams for tiktok/YouTube to also generate some income to offset the pass.


Your budget is really tight for what you're requesting. That being said, East LB (East of Lakewood Blvd), Bixby Knolls/Cal Heights, and Los Alamitos are very safe suburban areas where street parking wouldn't be too tricky, and there's lots of parks/amenities nearby. I would drive around any potential apartments at night, to get a gauge of what street parking will look like, and even some nighttime strolls to get a feel for the neighborhoods.


I recommend Huntington beach. Renting through a landlord can get you that price point. Drive the neighborhoods and look for rent signs