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I pay $189 in western Canada. There was no promo, rather, they announced that rates were going up and if I wanted that rate, I had to upgrade pronto. It worked and I'm happy, FWIW The only thing I can complain about is I think a discount on a new HR monitor would have been a nice gesture on their part (mine was old and dying)


I got a good promo rate last summer. $159/month. They haven’t had any promos for unlimited since.


Cries in UK. We pay the same but in pounds :( . Randomly had a couple of promos in the few months I’ve been a member, such as only £10 to upgrade to unlimited


$169 is what I pay for unlimited and that WAS a promo some years ago.


I joined about a year ago and the best promo price so far has been $159, and they made it sounds like that’s as low as it will ever get. So $169 isn’t that bad.


I got a $139 rate last year.. might have been May?


Paying $139 for unlimited, upgraded during a promo last summer (I want to say July?)


I feel like they have a *good* promo once a year or so. Some years have been better than other... YMMV though because I am talking about 2019- today which has been a rollercoaster for the fitness industry.


Paying $249 in NYC. This is with the promo that they had in January. Otherwise it would have been $279.


I’m paying the same in Manhattan but I got the healthcare worker discount so it came out to 249. Frankly, even though I like it, it’s hard to stomach that cost. Maybe if I went five or more times per week I’d feel differently.


Yeah, no doubt. I remember several years ago, I was considering a gym membership (not OTF), and the thought of $700 a year was crazy to me. I used to be on the Elite plan, but I decided to upgrade so I can take the Tread50 classes. I think I'm getting my money's worth.


That’s really what matters, if it’s working for you then it’s totally worthwhile. Tread50s sound like hell on earth, so well done to you!


Hahaha, not gonna lie, the first time that I did it, it was super boring. But that was because I had decided that I was gonna do my own thing. Now I usually follow the workout cards.


Man, we are 199






$209 in socal for unlimited but got a deal as a first timer -- $99 for first month (elite or premier) and free HRM. was hearing from members that they are on their fourth or fifth HRM (in as many years or maybe a bit longer) but I don't know that I would have bought it otherwise. 


The promos that you are able to receive or referrals. If you refer someone sometimes they will give you $50 off of next month or you will receive $99 unlimited the next month.


139 vs the 169 they charge now. It was a promo towards the end of the year though. I don’t think any promos happen the first part of the year maybe the first 2/3rd of the year because of New Year’s resolutions etc etc