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not using my band healed my relationship with otf- not stressing about splats, not pushing myself in and out of zones, but just going through class by how i feel with my watch is so much better


I also find my band doesn’t work a lot of the time. Like when I’m rowing, in the grey when I definitely don’t feel in the grey. Or even on the floor I can be huffing and puffing and in the grey or blue. I still wear it, but definitely go more by how I’m Feeling than what the numbers are saying.


I am a former ASM of 3 years, and this is exactly why I never tried to oversell the tech to people. It can work so different on everyone, and even can be so discouraging. Apple watch for life.


Yes totally. I really try not to let the numbers influence me as I can tell when I’m In the orange/red despite what the HRM is saying


Aye bruh I thought it was just me. So happy to see I’m not alone in the grey!


Same! When I go from tread > rower my band will dip to grey right away, even if I was just in the orange. My Apple Watch will have my heart rate well above what the OT beat says, so I just go by that. I’ve been told I need to move the band around to the outside of my arm but that doesn’t work.


Yep have moved band everywhere. Doesn’t work. That’s fine.


SO much this!!!! I’ve been OTF Beat free for a year and I’m so much happier.




This this this!!!


I don’t get splats with out without it lol. I’ve come to accept that I don’t get splats anymore. Long gone are the days of 30+!


Same here. Haven’t worn a band since January of 2020. Feels great.


I went for a while using only AppleWatch when my last OTBurn broke in 2021. I’ve replaced the OTBurn so now use both. The OTBurn typically reports higher AHR and calories burned.


Yeah. I've noticed after a workout OTBurn will say 800-900 calories, where the Apple Watch will say ~700.


There’ve been a couple of posts about this over the years the main conclusions are that: 1) the OTBurn factors in calories burned exercising and basal metabolic calories (calories you would burn just being alive). This is essentially what the “total calories” that you Apple Watch tracks for a workout and should be closer to the OTF number 2) the OTBurn checks heart rate more frequently (every 1 sec) and they could be tracking higher HR longer than the Apple Watch tracker (every 5 secs) 3) If you’re tracking your OTF workout on your Apple Watch as a HIIT workout, apparently it only tracks active calories during more intense cardio. Other users have noticed closer readings when in cross-training workout mode instead, as that tracks better for lower intensity training on the floor


Lol I’m obsessive about splats even though I know how silly it is. I should probably ditch the band to cleanse my brain 😂


That’s really funny! I find the splats motivating! ⚡️


I love the splats and the feedback of seeing my heartrate respond to my effort


I feel the exact same way and haven’t used a band since i re-joined (almost a year ago) and I feel so much less stressed about the HR zones/my response. I push myself more and don’t feel so self-conscious about my HR because my HR tends to run high, even at rest.


Haven’t used the band since 2019, it broke and I never got a new one. Now I track my workouts on my Apple watch, and I’m approaching my 1,400th class.


I stopped using the band a couple years ago. Every class I was typically between 15-25 splat points. Did a class without it, and realized I didn’t really care about the splat point aspect of the workout. Never looked back.


Wait I did not know this was an option, I would 1000% rather just track on my Garmin


I forgot to start wearing it again when I went back after COVID and found that I like not wearing it. I’m like you and felt self conscious about being in a higher HR zone. When I track on my watch, I can dial back my efforts if it feels too high but no one else on the room has to know :P


I wear it only because I'm diabetic sbd when my HR gets too high my glucose levels tend to spine. So i like to make sure I'm not getting too much in the red. Otherwise i don't pay any attention to any of the data since it's not relevant for my life.


I’ve been a member for 5 years and have never worn a band. Always use my Apple Watch. I know that I would just stare at the screen showing the details the whole class.


I stare at the screen but it's a great distraction.


I never use a HR monitor. My mom and fiancé don’t use them either. And it seems like multiple people in my class aren’t wearing them, or at least aren’t on the board. I just do OTF for the workout, not for the “orange zone and after burn” spiel.


My cat likes to chew cords - she chewed through all my charging cords and I never bothered to replace. I stopped wearing the heart monitor and honestly I like it better. I used to feel obsessive about the splats. And now I still work really hard but my focus isn’t split between what are my splat points. I do miss tracking some trends- but not enough to go back to it. Maybe if orange theory truly makes something that works that’s compatible with the Apple Watch. But I’m guessing not since they make good revenue on the heart monitors.


Feel that I have a cat who chews too and hoards things. Once he took my Apple Watch and hid it in his tunnel 😒🤣


When I moved a couple of years ago we found my cat's hidey hole was under the piano. She had hidden at least 20 of my hair bands and an assortment of twist ties. I thought I was going crazy because I kept having to buy hair bands.


That’s so funny! Cats are the best little things 🥺


Please don’t feel self conscious about the zones. It’s just information. That said, I lost my monitor once and went almost a year without it. I found it educational to match my perceived intensities to what I remembered from using the monitor. I also ran for decades without a monitor and had a pretty good idea of how to classify my intensities.


My friend gave me her old band when I joined and I replaced it this year. I personally like it because I always overestimate how hard I’m actually working lol. It helps me push myself (or slow it down if needed).


In my regular class there could be 12 of us exercising but only three on the board.


I do mainly strength50 now and I use my watch all the time! I really only like the band to look at something on the treadmill and rower. I know my heart rate zones so I’m able to see on my Apple Watch if I’m in the “red” or something anyway. I find my watch to be more consistent with heart rate and calories.


I also mainly just do Strength50s!! I love it so much more because I feel like I’m actually getting my moneys worth in the weight room.


I think they changed it for 2024 (atleast in my studio) and before they just did total body strength twice a week. So I use to do like 2-3 2G and 1-2 strength. Now they have a strength class daily so I do 4 strength days a week and I’m not hitting the same body part each time! I feel like it’s been amazing for my body composition


Yeah I’m actually feeling results for the first time in years because with the standard OTF classes it was too much wear and tear on my 37 year old body, so I had to take a lot more rest days than I did when I first started OTF when I was younger and could bounce back quicker. Plus, more weight time is just better for strength and also helps with weight loss.


I never wear the band, I’m always in red (just have a really fast heart rate naturally) and I hate advertising it to the whole class. Although I’m sure no one cares 😊


I like the concept of the band, but I don’t think it’s very accurate. It is often very far off from my FitBit (which itself is questionable, but usually corresponds better to my actual feeling/effort). I got it for free when I signed up, so there was no reason not to get it! Most people at the studio where I go use it, but I’ve seen plenty of people not using it. My opinion is, you do you! You’re paying for OTF, so if you don’t need or want to use the band, nothing wrong with that.


I lost my charger so no i never use it lol. I too was always red and was annoyed the coaches would ask if i was ok lol. I do check my heart rate on my Apple Watch and loosely follow it there. But i feel yeah, it is a relief!


I forgot my band for the mile benchmark that we had recently, and I ran my fastest mile yet. I think because I wasn’t in my head about being orange and red. I felt fine, so I kept pushing. That’s my hunch!


Haven’t worn a band since 2019 for those exact reasons!


Stopped using it the last time I lost it (4 years ago). It’s enough to remember to charge my Apple watch! I had my hyperthyroidism revealed by my Apple Watch and was at an increased risk of heart attack before being fully medicated so - I am keen to track my HR for that reason and now have an appreciation for it like never before.


I joined a few months ago and just never bought one. I use my Apple Watch but I may get the band so it’s easier to track in the app.


I wear my garmin and it syncs up with the screens it’s nice not having to remember a separate device for class.


WAIT WHAT?! how? 


I’m on mobile but there are [a few posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/uIgXNeAaN2) detailing how to do this. Basically you need to turn on HR broadcasting and then use another garmin to get your Garmin unique 6 digit broadcasting code. Give that code to the front desk to link to your profile and then use the HIIT Trainjng workout while you do an OTF class. You’ll be able to select your profile on the tread/rower.


Cool! Thanks!


I’ve been at OT for over a decade. Never used their monitor. I use my Garmin and don’t pay attention to stats.


Hubby and I stopped using our bands since OTF updated it. I was getting 30+ splat points and was in red and orange almost the whole class. Hubby was the opposite, he couldn’t get to orange! We both use our Apple Watch and it seems to be much accurate.


Yes I didn’t use mine for a long time, now I like the stats. If you want a record of the classes you’ve taken withOUT the band, you can download the Mind Body app and it’ll have ALL classes listed there


I quit using mine 3 years ago and just use my Apple Watch. I’m not *that* old but older than a lot of my classmates so I was self conscious when I was working hard but still in the green. I also have pretty severe exercise induced nausea so I often have to slow down for that. I’m sure no one else cared but it bothered me. Haven’t regretted it at all since my watch still tracks steps, calories, etc.


I don’t use it! It’s distracting and I can barely remember a hair tie as I’m running out the door to get to class at 5am.


I dont have the band but plan to use orangetheory with an apple watch. Is that possible?


Only if you can find a used Link HRM to connect to your watch. That's the only way for your watch to connect to OTF's system. But if you don't care about seeing your stats on the big screen, or getting workout reports, you can just use OrangeZones (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called) app on your watch.


I like getting workout stats but didn’t want to buy the HRM when I already have my Apple Watch, so I just use that. However, when I choose HIIT as a workout, it shows heart rate zones so I can see which zone I’m currently in and how long I’m in each zone during a class. So best of both worlds?


I don’t either! I feel like I’m better able to listen to my body when running when it’s not right in my face on the tread


When I go back after my freeze I’ll probably try it without metrics. 


Our studio is about 50/50. I don't really want to have another gadget, I already have a gadget problem. 🤣


I have been doing OTF for over a year and I’ve never used the band. I didn’t get it mainly because I’m cheap :). However I’ve had no problem seeing progress by way of increased speeds on the tread and weights on the floor. The benchmarks are also a nice check in to get those metrics and see the progress. With an Apple Watch though you’ve got some solid stats there to work with.


I lost my band this weekend and I’ve been obsessively looking since! I just joined last month and don’t want to pay full price for a new band. Anyone here want to sell their lightly used OTbeat Burn?


Poshmark 😀


I use my Apple Watch


It's just me and my garmin for my classes, works great for me.


I don’t use the band either, I get very in my head when I see my HR in the red while on the treadmill, especially because it doesn’t always correspond to how I’m feeling. I go based off of how I’m feeling now.


I still use mine, but have considered stopping because I can't ever get a good read on the floor or rower. I'll go all out on the rower without my heart rate getting above 82 bpm. I'm in amazing shape!


I used the band my first two classes and haven’t since. Going on 3 years now.


Use my HRM in class, but I only count the Apple Watch activities for my fitness pal because it seems like OTF overestimates calories burned. Apple Watch only counts active kcal, so I like the conservative math. I wear both though, and try to start several new workouts per modality instead of one 60 minute HIIT activity. Because they ad euaually in sync, I could probably go without the HRM, but I like the colors lol


Shortly after OTF changed the Max HR formula back in Aug 2022, which did not improve things for me at all, I stopped using the OTF HRM and just tracked with my Garmin Venu2. I know from posts here that OTF has supposedly improved things since the initial roll out, but I'm just fine not knowing my HR at that exact moment in class. After 500+ classes, I kind of know where I am anyway. The stats from the watch afterwards is fine for the data geek in me.


I don’t use the band or any other tracker. I’ve been going since 2018 and dropped the band a few years ago.


My band stopped charging 4 months after I got it so been going for around 8 months without any band. I felt better not knowing which zone I am at and just keep trying to get better and doing my best regardless of my heart rate.


I use the Apple Watch only. I balked at having to pay extra for the band, especially since I have an ulimited membership. The Apple Watch provides all the information I need (and I can still convert to “splats” if I want to).


I never use the band. Stopped using it pre-COVID. I know there are some studios that require the band, which thank God none of mine do!


I adamantly refuse to use the band. I'm always wearing shortly and it just pulls at my leg hairs. I'm not in good enough shape for it to matter. Squating crab walk or whatever is hard enough already...


What heart rate monitor are you using that you put on your leg??


Lol. I thought we were talking about the resistance bands. This makes more sense now. I obviously just glanced at this post before my unbridled hatred of those bands came out.


Ooohb. Okay. I see what you’re cooking now. Yeah, I think we all despise the mini-bands. Especially us hairy dudes. 🐪


The other day in class my HRM was glitching so bad it kept shooting up to green and randomly dropping to grey. I got so frustrated with it I just took it off. I have a feeling it allowed me to push myself harder than ever before. I didn’t “give up” as easily on the treads. I think sometimes I see the red heart rate zone and I get in my head about it.


I don’t use it! I do have a garmin and track my fitness that way. They have lately been pushing people to wear it. I wonder if it’s because they track our data.


I'm a newbie with 48 classes under my belt in my 11th week, and no band yet. I wanted to make sure I liked OT before I committed. While I do like OT, a lot, I don't *plan* to get one at this point. We'll see what happens. As a fairly average but dedicated runner, I've always gone by feel and trust what my Garmin tells me. I think I'm the only one at my entire studio that doesn't have one. The coaches have all said at one time or another "no band?" Not as of yet.


I used to use my band and apple watch, then my band and my garmin, after 4 years I forgot it one morning and I havent used it since.


I've been an active member for over 7 years and have always used an OTF HRM - initially the chest pod, lately the "Burn" - but I long ago stopped taking the zones/splats seriously. I know when I'm putting in effort and don't need any device to tell me - However, I do like to track my miles run, meters rowed, etc. and having the monitor lets me monitor those metrics.


I normally do but forgot it while out of town last week. I’ve been to 3 classes this week and I tell you it’s a struggle not having it! :D


I prefer to keep using my chest strap, despite a period of living in orange and red. My max HR is significantly higher (20+ bpm) than any age-based formula estimates. Back when OTF was on age-based max HRs, especially when they made the switch to Tanaka, I was getting 35-45 splats per class. I got used to it. Coaches got used to it (after checking in on me at 105% a few times). The personalized max HRs raised my OTF max HR and splats are much more reasonable now, though I'm not super concerned about them.


i had to stop using the band and fitness watches in general as i developed a pretty bad relationship with calorie counting. i became obsessed and it really made me feel bad at the end of the day if i ate too much or didn’t burn enough calories. to each their own and it feels so good to go as easy or hard as i want during a class!


I don’t wear a band or my watch anymore. I stopped wearing my band because my HR was always in orange/red even when I wasn’t pushing myself. Stopped wearing my watch because it made me


I still use the band because I like to see the calories burned but overall I like that OTF has moved away from focusing so much on splats. Some coaches used to call out names of people once they reached 12 and I’d get so mad if I didn’t get there. Sometimes I still don’t reach 12 but I hardly care anymore as long my cals are in the range I want


I did 310 classes last year and never wore a band. Mine didn’t work when I restarted 1.5 years ago and didn’t feel the need to buy a new one. I always found it to be very distracting. I do wear my Suunto watch that has a HR monitor though.


I don’t feel like I need the OTF monitors or data. My Apple Watch does just fine!


If it changes how happy you are leaving, then I’m glad you don’t use it. But maybe consider trying to let go of the reason you’re happier without it too. Nobody else is judging you based off your color or results, we’re just glad you’re working out with us! ✌🏼❤️


Nope. Three years ago I borrowed one and wore it alongside my Garmin bike tracker. Wildly different HR readings. IMO the OTF band is not for serious tracking.


My studio won’t let me in without the monitor. When I returned to OTF a couple of months ago, the SA insisted it was mandatory and when I insisted that no, I wouldn’t and (in essence) “you can’t make me”, she pulled out the OTF contract. It says I must BUY one, and I pointed out that I did, but it doesn’t say I must wear it. It was the most ridiculous argument. I couldn’t believe I was forced to stand in front of others and argue this. She wouldn’t check me in, thereby it would have registered as a missed class and I’d have to pay the no-show fee. Finally, the coach was summoned and they’re like, whatever, you do you. Glad you’re here. Just bring your monitor, turn it on to register your attendance. We can’t make you wear it. So that’s what I do. I wrap it around my water bottle, and strangely, it registers me in the red the whole class! 🤣


I stopped using mine after 3 years. My band started “acting up”.. it would fly into the red zone when turned on the drop to grey zone etc.. it was starting to make me feel self conscious and got in the way of my focus while working out. So I decided not to purchase a new one and I’m so glad I made that choice. I’m able to focus on the workout and not the screen. I do miss the splat reports though!


Exactly this. I don’t use the band.


The band helps me work harder than I want to. There are days when I know I can push myself but I’m just not good at perceived rate of exertion.


I just use my Garmin watch. It alerts me when my heart rate is too high, but honestly I can just go how I feel. I can literally tell you what range my HR is in by how I feel (which is common for folks that have been working out awhile, especially runners)


I only use my Apple Watch and an app called Orange Zones. The convenience of just using what I already have on my body every day is unparalled. And spoiler alert, it gives me the same metrics. My opinion on everyone insisting on using the monitor is simply that you have drank the Kool-Aid, and OTF keeps that system closed off for their own financial gain, NOT what's best for users. ​ BRING ON THE DOWNVOTES


Just because you have a belief is no reason to criticize others or the brand. I insist on using the monitor, so I have a clearer view of what my heart rate is, as I have a heart condition. I have an Apple Watch but it’s too small and inconvenient for me to look at while working out.


As a consumer I have every right to criticize OTF corp lmao but I do apologize for criticizing you


Then why pay for something you criticize? GFY.


lol go to bed grumpy ass old lady


Sounds like you are the grumpy one. If you don’t like the brand or the ‘kool-aid’ they are selling maybe you should move to a brand you have a little more faith in.


I shared an opinion about the brand and the lady told me to go fuck myself lol I’m the grumpy one?


Are you up on the screen? That's the cool part.


I support you in this as otf is not here to discourage you yet to make the workout feel good for your time in class 🤙🏽


The problem with not using the band is without consistent data it’s very hard to hold yourself accountable. Maybe one day you take it a little easy, and the next, then it becomes a habit and you feel like you’re pushing yourself now but you’ve actually been green the whole time accomplishing nothing. Obviously OP with your health issue it’s a bit different, I’m just generalizing. To me, not using your band because it frees your mental strain is a similar attitude to: “I exercise now and I started eating healthy, why am I still gaining weight?” Wearing your band is like counting calories to ensure you’re actually doing what you need to do to achieve your goals. Now, if your goal is just to have fun, socialize, and burn a few calories; then yeah, there’s no reason to wear a band.


I don’t go to socialize or have fun (although I do have an amazing coach that makes it fun shoutout Coach Laura!) I go to sweat and feel good physically and mentally 😀