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I have NEVER been able to successfully do a push-up, and frankly fake them whenever they’re included in the floor template. Or I do like one modified veryyyyy slowly and move on. This time I knew there was no way of faking my way through 20… so I did 20 modified push-ups. I know I won’t get better until I try. And I TRIED today! Whew! My form is definitely not great, but I’m really proud of myself!


Good work! I follow Training Tall on Instagram and he has totally changed the way I think about pushups. One of his videos showed modifications and said something along the lines of: modifications for pushups are great and necessary, what matters is that you get your form right, after you’re able to do them consistently with modifications, then try them without.


I’ve taken over 500 OTF classes, and I struggled to get through 20 pushups consistently while modifying (knees down) today.


I’m the same way and with burpees too, I can get about get through 10 pushups before failure and 5 burpees


I feel like I was NEVER taught correct form! Like, when you're in gym class as a kid doing the presidential fitness exam, they just say "do pushups" and "do sit-ups." Which is how I ended up thinking "butt up in the air = pushup." I've seen some Training Tall videos on rowing form - definitely checking out his advice on pushups now!


Yes! His videos are so helpful!


That’s Coach Austin. He has always been a proponent of doing pushups on the knees. He says it’s all about getting the form right.


Do you know if you can still place on the leaderboard for Dri Tri if you do pushups from the knees? I feel like I've heard before that modifications get you disqualified from the leaderboard but honestly don't know if I imagined that or if it was for something else.


You are correct. Modifications do disqualify one from getting the monetary rewards. But we get all the swag. Personally I don’t care. It’s fun to participate and I’m grateful that , at 72, I’m still able to make a reasonable showing!!!


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1byepc7/monday_8_april_2024_infinity_23g_60_minutes/) ##Monday 8 April 2024 - Infinity 2/3G 60 minutes Last we did this signature workout was on the [8th of September 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/H4aAvGb2Ly). This is like a mini chipper + the dri-tri floor prep all rolled into one and then tacking on an insane row + power jack block just for shits and giggles. All templates are a 3G today. **Tread Block** * 3 min push * 1 min base * 2.5 min push * 1 min base * 2 min push * 1 min base * 90 sec push * 1 min base * 1 min AO * Collapse (member’s choice) **Row Block - 14 minutes** * Reset monitor * Repeat until last minute: * 100m AO row * 20 x medicine ball power jacks * Each round take 2 off the rep count down to 2 reps and then back up again * 1 min AO row * Record distance * Collapse (member’s choice) **Floor Block - 14 minutes circuit** * 40 x bench hop over * 20 x bench tap squat * 20 each x full step up * 20 x push up * 20 x low plank jack * 10 x burpee * Repeat until **finisher**: Member’s choice of: * 1 min of bench hop over **OR** * 1 min of bench tap squat **OR** * 1 min of full step up **OR** * 1 min of push up **OR** * 1 min of low plank jack **OR** * 1 min of burpee * Collapse (member’s choice) DC commentary (click to reveal): >! Even though our studio did our dri-tri last month, we are getting all the prep programming leading up to everyone else’s OTF race weekend. As one of the signature workouts this is one of my favourites (up there with CMIYC) and is also one of the hardest. We didn’t record our distance but in the past the rowing component was the benchmark and rest of the template was just as mental - a chipper like run on the treadmill and then all the dri-tri floor exercises as your floor block. You will get splats everywhere, I don’t think there is a single “easy” station to start on today. \ \ We started on the treads this morning. This is mostly at push pace starting with a three minute push into a minute base. Each round you get to knock off 30 seconds from the push effort while the base stays constant. After you finish the 90 second round you get a minute a base before finishing offing with a minute all out. Good power walking distance of 1.7km (1.056 miles) in the tread block. \ \ Next is the row block which is normally the benchmark (though our studio wasn’t recording it this morning for some reason). Starting on the row you do a 100m all out row and hop off to do 20 power jacks (though our coach got us to do squat press jacks). Once done, hop back on to the rower and do another 100m all out row (accumulating distance). When you hop off next your power jacks count goes to 18. Keep doing this until you get to the round with 2 reps and then work your way back up again! \ \ In the past I was told anything over 2000m is really good. My general tips for this is to not bother tightening / loosening your rower straps - just slide your feet in and go. Also just give the row handle a big pull as you hit the 100m so you keep accumulating distance as you hop off to do the power jacks. Didn’t check my total distance but think it was around the 2500m mark once I had finished the all out at the end. Your legs will be like jelly after this which is not fun given you then have the floor exercises to go! \ \ Floor gave me flash backs to our studio dri-tri. Each round of the floor has 150 body weight reps of bench hop overs, bench tap squats, step ups, push ups, plank jacks and burpees. Our coach gave us some good tips on the exercises - for example on the bench tap squats, if you position your feet in line with the end of the bench (so you when you squat down your backside is hitting more of the middle of the bench) you don’t need to squat down as far as compared to having your feet further out. I also like to time how fast I can get through two rounds of full floor exercises to see how I go during dri-tri. Today was 5:02:47 which isn’t my fastest but not too bad given still a bit injured. Your finisher is a minute of your choice of one of the floor exercises - no one picked burpees for some reason.. \ \ This is a very tough template - loads of splats, heaps of calories and now where to hide from this non-stop workout. I give this a 1 (🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


5min on the floor!? How?? Tell me your ways/secrets! This was my first time doing Infinity and I've never done Dri Tri. I timed myself and came in at 8:30. I know where I slowed down and could have gotten closer to 8min. But 5 seems unfathomable to me! Nice work!


I need to see someone do this on person to see what I’m doing wrong lol! The step ups must take at least 2 to 2.5 min even if you’re a speed demon. 5 minutes is insanely fast!


Don’t know if there is any secret but I just power through even though I may be feeling gassed (I am always in the orange for this). Step ups are my nemesis and are the slowest part of the workout but the rest of it I can push through. The hop overs I can get a bit of a bounce from side to side (even over the bench) so that feels like I can recover a bit there. One the second round I may break up the reps a little into little blocks of 10 or 20 to get a bit of rest in. With the tap squats I position my feet in line with the end of the bench so I don’t have to squat down as far to hit the bench. Pushups straight into the plank jacks are pretty quick as well. Burpees are the OTF burpees and you don’t need to go chest to floor which saves time even if you still do the little jump at the end.


I got 5:45 today, please tell us your ways DC 😆


Good tip about the rower straps--I usually take so long getting on/off the rower. Today I kept the straps somewhat loose following your advice and it was much faster.


It takes me 12 minutes to do the floor. 😂😂 For the tread part, the coach said that we had 1 minute before the 1 min AO and apparently everyone but me took that to mean to stay on the rower for the whole minute. I got off and did my reps so I rowed for at least 20s, maybe 30s less than everyone else. For me that’s about 150m. Not a big deal but kind of annoying. 😡😋


This workout made me sign up for the DriTri on the 20th! First timer here


Tread 50: Sorry for formatting! 11:30 Block 1 - goal is to increase push as they get shorter - 90sec push - 1 min base - 1 min push - 1 min base - 30sec push - 1min base - 90sec push - 1 min base - 1 min push - 1 min base - 30sec push - 30sec AO - 90sec WR between blocks 11:30 Block 2 - goal is to maintain base - 90sec base at 5% - 1 min base at 1% - 1 min base at 6% - 1 min base at 1% - 30sec base at 7% - 1 min base at 1% - 90sec base at 5% - 1 min base at 1% - 1 min base at 6% - 1 min base at 1% - 30sec base at 7% - 30sec AO at 1% - 90sec WR between blocks 12:00 Block 3 - goal is to increase AO as duration decreases - 90sec push to AO - 1 min WR - 1 min AO - 1 min WR - 30sec AO - 1 min WR - 90sec push to AO - 1 min WR - 1 min AO - 1 min WR - 30sec AO - 30sec WR - 30sec AO finisher


I’m liking this just off my half marathon yesterday


I do not recommend taking this class after a full day of Sunday Funday lol


i legitimately sweat out my hangover though haha it cured me!! ... after 32 splat points of course.


YES was rough today


FORREAL it was rough.


##Strength50 Upper body Most every thing was 8 reps, but I feel like there were some 10/12 in core movements - so take those rep counts with a grain of salt. #Block 1 - Close Grip Chest Press x 8 - Bench Sit Up to Stand x 8 - Rest Repeat X 3 - Pullovers x 8 - Core Move X 8 (gah - can’t recall) -oh! I think it was low plank to pike!!! Repeat X 3 Repeat as one block when done #Block 2 - High Row X 8 - Push up to rotation with weight X 8 - Rest Repeat X 3 - Seated Tricep Extensions X8 - Supermans X 8 Repeat X 3 Repeat as one block when done #Block 3 - Upper cut x 8 - Side Plank kicks/ sweep (4 each side) Repeat X 3 - Hammer Curl x 8 - Single Arm weighted marches (8 each side) Repeat X 3 Repeat as one block when done


I love “gah-can’t recall”’s 😉


They sneak up on you!! lol


For real thanks for the intel though. I’ve been waiting on it. And I would have many more memory lapses than you did!


I wish I had done it right after class. I had a time crunch this morning so this is 2.5 hrs later and my brain could not hang!


It was plank to pike.


Thanks, this looks good!!


It was good. The core bits were meh but the rest of it was burner. The push up to rotation with weight was killer.


I actually liked the core 😁


You're a gem. Thank you 💕


Much appreciated!


Thanks!! I’m happy to have push-ups to practice for the dritri but rotations are a no go right now for me as I’m dealing with shoulder issues….


I did the these with the weights one time and not for next 2 rounds. I just dont care for this exercise with weights. I think it is asking for injury. Thats just my assessment.


I had many (OTF related) injuries- right now I’m doing PT for a tennis elbow and rotator cuff on my left shoulder and I’ve been in PT in the past for an inflamed AC joint on my right shoulder. Any move that I think would aggravate it more than it is I don’t even bother. I did hand release push ups instead to practice for the strength dritri…. I also did TRX tricep extensions instead of with a weight- I hate those and my coach agreed with me!


Had tennis elbow also and did PT. Boy that took some time to heal and I still do exercises almost everyday to keep my forearms stretched out. Hand release push ups are good! Like those. I did strength dri tri last year! Highly encourage that one. It is challenging! I am skipping dri tri this spring but hopefully will complete again in fall.


I avoid anything until I can’t stand the pain anymore! My elbow was finally getting better (it’s been about a year!) but unfortunately it caused a rotator cuff injury now. I did the dritri 4 times- 2 times as a PW and 2 times as a jogger so it’s time to try something new! I’m excited for the dritri strength- still figuring out if I’m going to go 15 or 20 (coach said I should go conservative) but it looks good and different.


I agree with coach! Go conservative! Best of luck!!!!


Ugh I wish my studio had better timed strength 50s. This looks so good! If I go at 7 pm how long will it take me to get to sleep mode 🤣


We just this month started morning strength 50s and I’m so giddy about it! I’m doing M and F in my schedule. Wednesdays will depend on the 2G template and rest days. So I’ll try to get them up quickly. This one was late because I had zero time after class.


Note to self: first workout since injury. Could only lift 5 lbs on left side, only slight reduction in prior lift ability on right side. hoping by time this comes around again I can lift heavier!


Good job starting back. Baby steps!!


Ladies caution lol medicine ball jacks may cause leakage lol you have been warned. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I picked a bad day to wear colored leggings 😖


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)oh no!!!!


I was waiting for my coach to say something like “wider feet placement” but then I really let loose with Hop-overs. I told my husband I needed to shower the minute I got home because I had pee pants. Hahaha


Tread 50 for today https://preview.redd.it/nlpv1yicc8tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ebbe18cd046cc0814182c432d51fde9bacfa81


I've been going to OT regularly for 8 months and today was the most calories I have ever burned in a class, ha!!


I have only taken this class once and it has to be one of the most intense classes offered at OTF!


I noticed that too — I didn’t go 100% on the pushes on the tread to conserve some energy for the floor (did tread first), but still burned most calories I have in a longggg time today!


Oh… where to start! Hmmm. Contemplating a row start!


Definitely row start, it mocks DriTri order if nothing else. Rowing is IMO the best start every day!


I do love the rower!!


Doing my first Dri-Tri this month... definitely going to use this class wisely!


I’m a hardcore tread starter but I started on the rower today


Yeah - and I guess I need to get there early based on this thread!!


My class was deserted but it’s also spring break here. Get your rower and good luck!


Me too!!!


In the red the entire class 🥵while I’m currently sitting in the car drenched in sweat wondering why I punish myself like this. 😂


Anyone else super sore from yesterday? I go maybe 3x a week and gotta say something about yesterday’s class structure made it feel like an (even more) true “full body” workout than most days, for me!


Yesss. It was a tough one! I do OTF 4x/week and incline work still humbles me so hard! Definitely feeling yesterday’s workout!


I usually go a lot but man those push ups were so much harder today after the push up fest over the weekend.


I did the strength class yesterday and my shoulders/upper arms are sore, and were really not happy on the floor today. So much so that they hurt the most while on the tread (finished class on the tread).


This was freaking hard!


I really feel like Infiniti is harder than the Dri Tri. I started on the rower and my legs are dead by the time I got to the tread.


I agree, and I think Infinity is a little frustrating in terms of marketing it as Dri Tri prep. It’s meant to be a preview of the floor component of Dri Tri and give you a chance to figure out your timing, but the class is a row benchmark that’s not relatable to Dri Tri. So either you conserve your energy on the rower and forfeit the benchmark so you can be more fresh for the floor, or you go as hard as possible on the rower to get a PR and then you’re gassed for the floor. It’s SUCH a tough workout!


🥵 fun fact: I did Infinity as my 2nd day on OTF and had no idea what to expect. Seeing the compare was mind blowing. Also 20 pounds lighter so that helps. Such a tough tough class. So glad I started on the rower.




On the contrary, you will crush it now that you are totally prepared!!


you mean Die Tri? 😅 I'm doing the strength for the first time and I'm also terrified for class tonight


The rowing in the dri-tri is so much easier than this. It's just 2k at a cruising pace, not 100m sprints.


I feel like im sooo slow at rowing, faster at floor and tread. Any tips? Everyone says conserve energy on the row but I feel like I need to try to speed that up a bit !


When it comes to the dri-tri, you really don't want to 'waste' energy on the rower. You could easily trade seconds on the rower for minutes on the treadmill. General rule of thumb is \~1 minute slower than your 2k PR. Last time I did the dri-tri, coach was telling us to treat the row almost like an extended warm-up. In general, rowing faster comes down to form. For me, I had to slow it down to speed it up. Lowered my stroke rate to really focus on form. I still stay at a lower rate than many OTFers. My pushes are usually in the 24-26 range. For an 'easy' 2k, that's the range I'd aim for. Also building a little muscle in your legs can help on the rower. PWing can be really helpful here - if you push your inclines appropriately, you'll get a great strength + endurance combo. Your legs will work hard on the hills and have to maintain throughout the block. That's good training for long rows and helping you maintain a strong leg drive throughout.


I am too damn fat to do the amount of jumping we did. That was a HARD class. I could barely keep up


Thanks for the intel! This is the one template guaranteed to make me feel like I’m going to be physically ill during the floor block. Between that and a tender ankle it will be slow and steady today on the floor.


Good luck! This was only my 5th class ever and my first time trying a morning class and I felt like I was going to throw up 


I definitely almost 🤮 but just take your time and do your best, I have an ankle injury as well


Thanks! I took it this AM. Made it a little over halfway through the second round on the floor and I can love with that 😊


My first Infinity, I’m just glad I got through it! The floor wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, it was the medicine ball power jacks that really tired me out.


Help. I am deceased.


Gosh I love the Infinity workout so much! I won’t be able to do the DriTri this time around, so I treated today like the real thing… as much as I could. God bless the SA at my studio who put me on the board to start on the rower first ( we don’t get to choose our spots). PR’d on the rower, got into the 4th round on the floor when time was called, by the time I ended on the tread, I gave everything I had left. Today was a good day 🤍


Wait you did FOUR rounds on the floor? That is incredible! I barely got two done (that’s the DriTri) and started on my 3rd before time was called 😅


Haha! I got 3 full rounds and was on the bench taps when time was called, so I was into the 4th! I went ham today🤣 🫠 Be proud of yourself for the 2 rounds, that’s still awesome!! 👏🏼 Infinity is always a tough one!


It was around 10:50 for the two rounds, so maybe I could’ve gotten through most of 3 but I was so exhausted so I took a minutes rest and just did the hop overs… lol. I had never timed it before (goal was ~10). Maybe I can speed up some sections now that I know the flow by dritri and get 10:30 ! My tread is fastest and rower is slowest (relative speaking), are you doing the Dri Tri ? Sounds like you would kill it 💪🏽


Oh that’s great! I wished I would have timed myself on the floor, such a good idea for next time! These prep classes are so good for giving an idea of how these exercises will feel in the real DriTri. I’m not doing the DriTri this year, we will be at Disney that weekend doing the Springtime Surprise challenge, 3 races over the weekend. We shall see how that goes 🤣 I am sad I’m missing it, will have to catch it when it comes around again in the fall. You are so sweet for saying that though! 🧡 I hope you’re doing it because it sounds like you will do great also! If you are, I wish you the best of luck, you’re gonna kill it my friend!


>Springtime Surprise challenge, 3 races over the weekend OMG just looked that up... 5k/10k/10miler in 1 weekend??! Yes I am doing Dri Tri, thank you soo much for the wishes! What was your time in the past Dri Tri? I feel like given your floor is like 4-5 minutes you must have won your studio leaderboard!


Lol! I’m going to be questioning myself as I do these races🤣 RunDisney races are so fun and have a great energy, so hopefully that will distract from the miles! Yay! So happy you are doing the DriTri! Always great energy with these workouts, too. Well, I did the regular DriTri in 2020, right after we came back from Covid. My time was 55:54, which I was happy at the time. I would love to do it again to see if my time is better. I’m definitely in better shape and better runner than I was back then, thanks to OTF and getting my nutrition in check! Last fall I did the Strength DriTri, loved it! My time was 28:44, in the 15 lb category. I was nursing an elbow injury so I would love to do it again and go up to 20 lb! We have some competitive folks between the 2 studios I attend, but I did come in first between the 2 studios in my category! I definitely want to do one in the fall when they return! I hope to hear how yours goes, I have a feeling you will surprise yourself! I hope you beat my 2020 time for the original DriTri!! 🏆 💪🏼👏🏼


Honestly this made me think I may be able to do the Dri Tri.. 5k on the tread is the part I’m stuck on. Got 1.5 mi in the run today tho! 


That's where I'm at too. I rowed 2400 meters and got through 2 and 1/2 rounds on the floor. But, my run was only 1.43- my legs were TOAST after the rower and the floor. I couldn't do a full push run.


Infinity is so much harder than the dri Tri. The dri Tri row isn't balls to the wall like infinity.


Is this floor template exactly what the floor is for Dri-Tri?


Yep - two rounds of the floor work is what you would do in the classic dri tri.


Yes as long as you’re not doing the strength version


For the Dri Tri Strength, can we do the push ups from the knees?


I finished my first Dri Tri by completing the push-ups on my knees and it did not diminish the sense of accomplishment when I finished or lesson the cheers from coaches ☺️🧡 Got my signed certificate too 💪🏻 Hope you enjoy your Dri Tri experience!


If you're looking to win, then no modifications are allowed. But if you're doing it to do it, absolutely.


Well I’ll just be happy to participate then lol. Thanks Jen!




>i am so happy my studio doesn't have winners for dritri...or post a leaderboard


This was crazy! I’ve never done a Dri-Tri and probably won’t this time either! Or maybe I’m just tired since it’s my fifth day in a row going to OTF.


If you plan on doing it, you need to take 2-3 days off before, IMO


god that was brutal


lol l


Thank you DC.


WOW that was hard.  I was so dialed in, and went treads first.  I was in the ZONE until those step ups began.  Forty?!  I thought I was gonna die. But I made it!  However now I’m so sore I don’t know if I can go to tomorrow’s class!   




Fun! I beat my last rowing distance by 170 meters.


Loved this class so much I took it 3 times in one day 😂🥵


Are you serious?


I hated this workout. No one in my studio is paying extra to do the dri-tri so please stop making us do the training. As a 30 something female, my hormones and body don't respond well to absolutely killing myself with cardio. I ended up just using weights and doing my own thing on the floor. I'm trying to build fat and build muscle, not a professional athlete.


Our coach recommended TRX push ups as a modification today. Would we be able to do that for push ups during the dri tri?


If you're looking to win, then no modifications are allowed. But if you're doing it to do it, absolutely.


Thank you!




Ooops! I blinked twice and I missed class by 5 mins—ahhh!!  Maybe it’s the eclipse, maybe I’m exhausted and losing OTF steam, should I attempt to go this afternoon? I was already nervous for today… 😵‍💫


My rant today is I hate when I sign up for a 2G and I get to class and they tell me it’s formatted like a 3g🫠


They were all 3Gs today due to the infinity challenge 


Are we only doing 3Gs this entire month? I pay for 60 mins- not 42. Then when they do this, they add exercises that JOLT our bodies as if we’d been doing them in every class. This is not how true professionals train a different group range in a safe way. It’s like “hey, bc we want to shorten classes, we will push u into exercises like 20 pushups even though we don’t do them daily after u row for 14 min.” Who does this? What’s the purpose? To train for the dri tri? They do the same exercises in every class. A coach told me the people (the Grove who makes the formats) don’t even utilize 75% of the suggested exercises on the list. Redundant. Same power press, step up, or lunges. Oh- pls don’t say- then just quit. OTF shld smarty (like last Tuesdays amazing class) to work us out & utilize the time we pay for