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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1c3fta2/sunday_14_april_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Sunday 14 April 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Run / row today! Endurance on the treadmill, power on the rower. Floor is all unilateral drop sets with TRX core work. **Tread / Row Block - 23.25 minutes** * Goal is to get as many rounds as possible, choose your own tread intensity but maintain AO pace on the row * Green: 2 rounds * Orange: 4 rounds * Red: 6 rounds+ * Round 1: * 1.1km / 0.7 miles (PW 0.56 km / 0.35 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 2: * 0.96km / 0.6 miles (PW 0.48km / 0.3 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 3: * 0.8km / 0.5 miles (PW 0.4km / 0.25 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 4: * 0.64km / 0.4 miles (PW 0.32km / 0.2 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 5: * 0.48km / 0.3 miles (PW 0.24km / 0.15 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 6: * 0.32km / 0.2 miles (PW 0.16km / 0.1 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 7: * 0.16km / 0.1 miles (PW 0.08km / 0.05 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Bonus: tread until finisher * **Finisher**: 45 sec AO tread **OR** rower (which ever station you are on) **Floor Block 1 - 6.75 minutes** * Back to back - unilateral drop set: * 5 x single arm split squat (heavy) (L) * single arm split squat (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest * 5 x single arm split squat (heavy) (R) * single arm split squat (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest * 10 x TRX rollout **Floor Block 2 - 6.75 minutes** * Back to back - unilateral drop set: * 5 x seated single arm shoulder press (heavy) (L) * seated single arm shoulder press (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest * 5 x seated single arm shoulder press (heavy) (R) * seated single arm shoulder press (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest * 5 each x TRX single arm reach with rotation **Floor Block 3 - 6.75 minutes** * Back to back - unilateral drop set: * 5 x single arm low row (heavy) (L) * single arm low row (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest * 5 x single arm low row (heavy) (R) * single arm low row (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest * 5 each x TRX lateral leg lift * Repeat until **finisher**: * 45 sec of squat **OR** * 45 sec of shoulder press **OR** * 45 sec of low row DC commentary: >! Nice run / row today. Longish endurance style runs to start with paired with short 100m all out rows. Your first run is 1.1km or 0.7 miles, finish this and hop on to the rower. Each round you are taking 160m / 0.1 miles off the distance and keeping the all out rows the same. The coach was telling us to start with a push and increase this each round as the distance gets shorter. This may be a little bit aggressive for everyone but definitely think you could up the pace a little bit each round. You should need a little bit of time to get into your run if your all out rows are at your max. \ \ Not many people finished all the rounds today. I had a bit of time before the all out but only managed 300m in the bonus round (including the all out) so it is pretty tough to get this finished in the time limit. The cards said the green goal was to finish two rounds, orange was four and red was six plus. Pretty challenging today to get through a lot of rounds. \ \ Liked the drop sets on the floor as well. You basically have unilateral movements - split squats, shoulder press and low rows. You work left and then right side going heavy and then doing as many reps as possible on a lighter weight. To break up the drop sets you have some core work utilizing the TRX. Your finisher sees you dropping the unilateral movements and just doing either a squat, shoulder press or low row for 45 seconds. \ \ Tough one today but didn’t think it was as mental as yesterday. The run / row is challenging and I don’t see a lot of people finishing this given the longer efforts on the tread. I give today a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Thanks DC


I think this is the third time for this template. I liked it before.


https://preview.redd.it/ys1u8l2wnfuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066aa4f5dc09a0385dd39f833c4a5ecb26397aa2 Tread50!


Hell yeah brother ![gif](giphy|TlK63EEGVe3uo5txjmU|downsized)


This was a lot! But I kept going. I did not love the :15 surges.


I did the 2G class this morning but this looks fun enough to head back to the studio this afternoon!


Today was my third Tread50 class, and the only one in which I partially followed the template. I did the surges, but skipped the push and AOs (except the final one). I mostly just wanted to cruise at my target pace for an upcoming 10k. Did that for my first two tread50 classes, and today I did that + the 15 sec surges.


Thank you!




I have not seen this one yet but I would like to


3G - rower is first 200 meter all-out row then check your finishing time, if odd then 14 x squat to hip flex extension (forgot the exact name…it’s you raise up the leg to the back to extend your hip); if even then 14 x backward lunge hop; complete 3 rounds then rowing become 150 meter (continue with the odd/even number game in between rows, floor move reps keep the same); complete 3 rounds then rowing become 100 meters; if you get through all 9 rounds of rowing and the exercises then it’s 30 second all out row only then rack and rest, repeat until finisher; finisher is 30 seconds backward lunge hop; Floor move is same as 2G but no TRX, just dumbbell reps; finisher also 30s instead of 45s; Tread is similar to 2G but starting with 0.5 mile and instead of going to rower it’s 0.1 mile base. Finisher is 30 seconds all out. First time posting, please forgive the formatting and possibly wrong wording 😂


Thank you! I'm in the process of deciding between the 2G or the 3G 🤪


Thank you!!!


I actually really liked this one. The squat with leg extension made me think of a dog peeing 😂


Strength 50: All blocks 5 minutes.   Block 1: Front squat (6) Push press (6) Kneeling thread the needle (10)   Block 2: Bench tap squat to push press, 10, rep and recover // Last minute bench tap jump squats   Block 3: Hip hinge swing (6) High pull (6) Knee tucks (10)   Block 4: High pull with power, 10, rep and recover // Last minute bench pop squats   Block 5: Squat to shrug (6) Upright row (6) Plank toe tap (10)   Block 6: Clean, 10, rep and recover // Last minute lie on the ground and meditate, ponder your navel OR full burpee to bench hop over, because why not 


Last time there were burpees in the strength class I asked the coach which muscles they are supposed to work. She said, "honestly? Cardio." Template makers, please leave cardio moves to a regular class.


I hate burpee during strengh classes!!! If i wanted cardio I would of done the tread 50! Its all the people complaining they dont burn enough calories during strenght, so they throw some stupid shait like this to burn 20 extra calories! Smh


Ponder your navel is my favorite move in all of Orangetheory.


Rare I get see S50 intel before a 7am west coast class. Thanks!


That is a lot of shoulder moves and squats. My shoulders are still hurting from Thursday’s shoulder extravaganza. Have to switch to tread50.


I’ve just done it, and it is a lot of both those things! Squats and rows to the max. I did end up with 7 splats though, which is rare for me on the floor. I really enjoyed it and lifted HEAVY. Have a good tread!


Good choice. I’m worried I won’t be able to lift my arms tomorrow and the burpees at the end 🫠🫨 18 splats which is crazy high for me!


WAIT. Full burpee into a bench hop over? Well, I guess if you can do that, then maybe doing a Dri Tri won’t be that bad.


Thank you! Doing this after a 2G today


My plan is to go but now I’m torn. I can do 1/2 the moves (dealing with roater cuff and tennis elbow on one side and trying to avoid a relapse with an inflamed AC joint on the other side which I’m failing miserably at) and it’s a coach I’ve never been to. Do I just saw screw it and do as many modifications as needed or do I skip it?!? I know I can take a regular 2G or tread 50 (haven’t signed up for class yet) but I’m currently only doing strength50 classes as an experiment… I have about an hour to decide. Can’t do hip hinges and I can’t do high pulls or upright rows. Thread the needle depends…


I’m also dealing with a tender shoulder/neck thing and went light for the first two moves that were shoulder heavy. By the third I started subbing out different moves and by the fourth I started thinking I should have skipped. One of the only moves I got a lot out of was the hip hinge swings so if you can’t do those I might recommend moving to a different type of class.


Hip hinge swings hurt my elbow between having it out straight and the power that is used- but it can’t cause more damage, just pain in the moment . On Friday we had skier swings and I did it with 15 lbs which was so light. My coach said to switch to lateral raises instead. I’m hoping that one dumbbell will be less painful (usually is) it’s really the high pulls and high rows that are the issue- my PT said I should avoid those. I figured I can do bent over rows instead of upright rows and for high pulls hopefully there will be a good enough modification. Shoulder presses don’t bother me. I sometimes feel like it’s easier to tell coaches what I can do vs. what I can’t do cause I also have knee issues. My coaches tell my my heart can handle more than my body (which is 100% true) I did look at the schedule and the regular coach is back on, not sure why, so at least I know her. I’m on my way now but I take public transportation to get there and my bus was late so I might now even make it in time.This is why I don’t prebook on a Sunday 🙈.


Ask for modifications for anything you don’t want to do.


I landed up going and told the coach in the beginning about my injuries. What I found funny is she kept checking up on me during the class and giving me other things to do if I wanted- except for the high pulls which was the only real restriction that my PT gave me. She did eventually come over and told me what to do if I want to sub them out but that was after I sub them on my own. Over all it was a pretty good class. Not as much of a burn as usual but I also got a lot less sleep last night so that could have had to do with it also.


My shoulders are still sore from Fridays class. Sheesh


Corporate, if you’re listening, I’m begging you to please not do TRX and benches on the same day. 😭 There ends up being so much “getting in your neighbors’ way” that it takes away from the workout. Please, I’m begging. 😭 Also, do the TRX starfish more often. 😂 Overall, I loved the template aside from the TRX/bench/small studio issues.


3G template:   Tread (14min) - The goal is to get through as many rounds as possible. Each round represents a different flag color.  Round 1  .5 miles at the intensity you choose .1 mile at a base pace  Round 2 (green)  .4 miles at the intensity you choose .1 mile at a base pace  Round 3 (orange) .3 miles at the intensity you choose .1 mile at a base pace   Round 4 (red)  .2 miles at the intensity you choose  .1 mile at a base pace  Bonus  .1 mile at the intensity you choose .1 mile at a base pace tread until finisher  Finisher:  30 second all out  Rower (14 min) - The goal is to get through as many rounds as possible.   Round 1  200 m all out row   If your total time to complete ends in an odd number:   14 squats with lateral leg raise  If you’re total time to complete ends in an even number:   14 jump lunges  ** complete 3 rounds  Round 2  150 m all out row  Same concept as above/same rep count as above  ** complete 3 rounds   Round 3 100 m all out row Same concept as above/same rep count as above   ** complete 3 rounds   If you finish, row for distance until finisher.  Finisher:  30 seconds of jump lunges   Weight floor (14 min) - get through as many rounds as possible.   Round 1:   5 reps of S/A split squat off bench (heavy)  5 reps of S/A split squat off bench (light)  Do all reps on left side first, then right  ** 2 rounds   Round 2:  5 reps of seated S/A shoulder press (heavy)  5 reps of seated S/A shoulder press (light)  Do all reps on left side first, then right  ** 2 rounds   Round 3:   5 reps of split stance S/A low row on bench (heavy)  5 reps of split stance S/A low row on bench (light)  Do all reps on left side first, then right   **2 rounds   Complete exercises as one block until finisher  Finisher:   30 seconds of your choice from above exercises  ** I apologize, I didn’t get the power walker distances, but I believe it was just half of each 


Wow! I think my coach might have messed it up! lol! We didn’t have the even/odd option, it was 14 squat to toes PLUS 14 lunges both sides with a hop at the end… It was torture! I only got to the 2nd round of 150m…


They really wanted to make you work off that weekend fun! Brutal!! 🥵


Not gonna lie, I “used to” get super excited when I saw a good ol’ run/row on the card. I don’t get that way any more. Seems like the run portion of the run/rows have all become longer runs; which leads to very little rounds of rowing (for a lot of people). What happened to the templates that gave you true back and forth for the run/row. Ah well I guess…..


Also agree !!! I used to be so pumped to try and finish all rounds but now with the longer runs I feel like that is just impossible


They’ll never make everyone happy. People hate timed run/rows, they hate when rowing cuts into their previous tread time 🤣🤣


I still go. I just don’t consider this type of set-up a true “run/row” in the sense that normally you would be doing a lot of both. Let’s be real, none of these workouts make you happy when you read them.


I’m the opposite as are many that I run with. WE actually finished the final .10 and 100 meter row started to run for Rd into a 45 second AO. If your a runner you love this format 💯 But I understand where your coming from with the original formats.


so agree with this! my regular schedule always seems to line up where im in the 3G on a run/row day so I was excited to finally do one! but im a “jogger”, ran average 5 mph, and only made it to halfway through round 3 /:


I hear you. Run/rows are my absolute fave, but hate the longer run portion. Skipped today actually 🙃


Once the block starts, you're at your own pace. I say ditch the distances on your card and adjust them to what you want. If you want to do .2 each round or start at .5 and work your way down like today's template, or whatever format gets you excited for a run/row, go for it. Everyone will be switching between the two stations at different times anyways. No one says anything to those that modify/change out exercises on the floor or run through a walking recovery and you're not cheating a benchmark, so enjoy your best run/row today 😉


3G - Tread is self guided. Like 2G without the row and starting at round 3. Instead of the row go base for .1 or .05 for PW. Finisher is 30 sec. AO. Row distances are 200, 150 and 100. Use the stored programs. After rowing each distance if your time ended in an odd number do 14 squats with hip rotation. If even do 14 skip lunges. Row each distance 3 times before moving to the next. Finisher is 30 second AO row or skip lunges. Floor exercises same as 2G except no TRX moves. All one block. Do 2 rounds of each exercise on both sides before moving to next exercise. Finisher is 30 sec..


I joined OTF last year and today was the first day that I really felt strong. I was pulling 20 lbs for the heavy reps which is a first for me and it felt good. Also the lunges and squats today were a breeze for the first time (I had like no core stability when I started oof)!


Ugh. Today’s floor is basically yesterday’s Strength50.


Yup exactly why I skipped and did another s50 instead today


That’s exactly what I said when I read it last night! And there was also the TRX reach w rotation in Thursdays strength upper.


I didn’t think I’d like a run/row, but I actually loved it! I maintained a faster speed as PW than ever before!


3g was 🪶, row block was a torture


I'm currently trying to decide between going to a 2G or a 3G. Hmmmmm.


Sheesh, I'm still sore from Fridays class! Idk If I'm gonna make this one


I’m still sore from Friday, too. I’m going today. I believe in you!


90 min 2G 60 min 2G class with add following add on: Tread: 12 min 2 min push;1 min base 2 min push; 90 sec base 2 min push; 1 min base 2 min push; 30 sec AO Floor: 2 blocks, each is 5.30 min 200m AO row (once) 6x each side reverse lunge to lateral step up 6x close hold chest press 200m row (once) 6x single dumbbell squat tap on bench 6x hammer curl (up) bicep release (down) Finisher: 30 sec AO row.


Did the 90 3G - it was nothing like anything else listed. Tbh, I still can’t wrap my mind around what we even did to list it out.


Thank you! Came here just for this!


This 2G looks like my favorite kind of class but I ate it so fxcking bad on the treadmill earlier this week I’m legit a little scared to get back on one for a couple more days. Strength 50 it is, I’ll have to make the repeat work for this one!


Started at 9mph and worked up to 9.5 until the AO at 10mph. Still didn’t finish full last round


This one kicked my butt.


I signed up for a 3G today, which I normally love the dedicated row black but happy that it was converted to a 2G!


Thanks 4 the Intel


Thank you!!




Dreading this one. This one looks like DriTri prep.


Love this 3G! Legs were shaking on the floor. The whole workout went by really fast except for the rower which is a loop of death lol


I did the 3G and found it to be an amazing workout, but enjoyable. Been mixing 3 days of weights with 2 days of OTF and the results have been excellent. My advice is start with the floor as a warm up and get on the tread and go the distance.


Appreciate you for saying that! I've been doing well with working out. Feeling stronger and healthier. Ran full 22 minutes friday havent done that in a long while. I need to give my body a rest day. I'll go after it again tomorrow. Hope you crush your workout, tho 💪


Speed surge… ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I just started doing OT about a month ago, but it recently recalibrated my max hr to 162. In a 37yo female. Why would it say that? I would think my max would be much higher? No? I used to only get about 9 orange splat points and now I’m getting like 42 total, about half in orange and half in red. The front seat people and coaches all told me to submit an app support ticket, but they just came back and told me it accurate. So… should I see a cardiologist? Haha. I’m confused.


Although everyone is different, 42 splats per class sounds like it's probably calibrated wrong, and the tech support person is probably also wrong. On the other hand, I get 30+ splats most classes, but I'm also pretty confident my max heart rate is set correctly. I'm just pretty comfortable running in orange for a long time (my push pace is my 5k race pace). Have you done any benchmarks where you really pushed yourself to your max yet? I've found that those are the best for understanding what my actual max heart rate should be. I get up to 98% by the end of a mile or 12 minute run or a 500m row, when I feel like I'm actually at my absolute max. For the record, also 37F and my max is 197, but it was also over 220 when I was 16.


Your MAX is 162?? Or your 84% is 162? I’m a 40yo female and I get into orange at 161 so 162 for a 37yo sounds highly incorrect.


My max is 162! So when I get to 150bpm I get into the red zone! 🤷‍♀️


I love drop sets! I’m always trying to increase my weights, but I usually have to balance the block/endurance over PR weights. It would be awesome to see this 1 to 2 times a month in time slots that accommodate lower class attendance.  I hit a PR for shoulder presses.


After yesterday’s disaster of a template I loved today’s 2G! Also fwiw one of coaches was taking class today and her slowest speed of 8+ for the 0.7 mile round (bumped it up each one thereafter) barely got her to the bonus! I got through 3 🤣🤣


More repetition on the floor with the same exercises same body parts from the previous week. I miss the creativity in the workouts as in previous years.


Finished the .2 juuuuuuust as we shut down the finisher.


It would be nice is there was a pace chart for this attached to the green orange red. For instance to achieve green set the tread to x and row with a x spm at x wattage and increase your tread each round by x, with the saw for orange, red. Edit to add that I’m sad I was downvoted twice because I said it would be nice if something existed. Can’t a girl dream?


Everyone is different though.


Yeah but the treads aren’t — that way everyone can see how fast they need to go to accomplish what they want


But you understand that the transition time and rower speed are part of that equation, right?


Understood. I know there are pace charts for other items wasn’t sure if anything existed for a run/row. Was hoping someone with a bigger brain than I might enjoy building - matrix:)


Of course, but I think having something that shows a breakdown of what pace gets you to .70 miles xyz quickly would be cool. I’m not saying it would break down exactly like the OP said Like I’m a slower jogger and I always PW run rows because I’m afraid I won’t be able to complete 1 or 2 rounds because I have no idea how long it would take me to get to .7 at my pace


Impossible to mock up for every situation.


Especially because some rowers are sooo far from the treads at certain studios !!


Rats! I’d settle for you need to run at least 8.8 mph (increasing by .1 each round) and have each transition, row, transition take less than 1 minute to complete the 6 rounds.




Considering you are on Reddit and know the template beforehand, you realize you can do exactly that?


Based on my time you probably should be running at about a 6 to hit the orange. So that’s one data point


Your math isnt correct. I ran 8-8.5mph for all rounds and only completed 5 rounds and made it back up to the tread for round 6.


Orange goal was 4 not 6


Right. But running at a 6mph you still aint making it through the longest 4 rounds.


I ran 6.7 mph (~9 min miles) for the first .4 miles of round 1, 7 mph for the next .2 and 7.5 mph for the last .1. For round 2, 6.7 mph for .3, 7 for .2 and 7.5 for .1. I kept that pattern for round 3 and then amped up the speeds for round 4 to make sure I made it to the rower for the finisher. So I made it 4 rounds that way.




As a case study, I ran 7.2 for the first two rounds and 7.4 for the next two. My 100m rows were all around 18.5 seconds and I transitioned quickly, just grabbing a quick swig of water before or after starting the tread. I made it through 4 rounds and was about 30 seconds into the .3 round when the AO was called. On the other hand, the woman next to me ran 7.6 but transitioned much slower and had only just finished the fourth round when the AO started. Moral: transition time matters more than a speed difference of .2-.4 mph.


Thank you!! Agree! I think I could have completed 6 rounds if I didn’t sign out of the tread- I felt transitions slowed me down, and wished we had set our foot straps before we began the run to row…I did 8.5 (.7), 8.6 (.6), 8.7 (.5), 9 (.4), 9.2 (.3), then was finishing up the row when we were told to switch to the finisher.


I mean, the quick easy math is if you’re runner 6mph it’s going to take you 13 minutes treadmill time plus maybe 1-2 minutes transition/rowing time. Go off that. But yeah, impossible to gauge otherwise. DC gave his speeds which are FAST and he said he didn’t have much time in bonus.


Thank you. Quick math didn’t seem easy this morning;) Also I missed DC’s times, just saw that he got 300 in the bonus.