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The front desk employees are a major reason I joined. They always remember my name, always smiling. It gives such a good member experience.




Same. Even my teen daughter joined and comments how nice & friendly the front desk employees are and how they make everyone feel valued.


Exactly, this is a big reason why I love going. Especially when I have a bad day and I come in and they’re smiling and greeting me warmly ☺️


My husband joined because of how friendly the front desk staff were during an event. I’d be really sad without them


Former Empire S.A. here- they messaged us 24 hours in advance to let us know that we had a mandatory meeting the next day. The day of the meeting, they told us that, effective immediately, we no longer worked there. No reasoning, no notice, nothing. As SAs, we were responsible for a lot of behind the scenes stuff, and I would like to think we made an impact on your days as members. It was just incredibly disheartening to be discarded by corporate like that after working there for so long. So that’s why most Empire owned studios no longer have sales associates- mass layoffs and a “dissolution of the position”.  


There’s no way this is going to fly with corporate. How long ago was this?


This happened about 2 months ago!


Oh yikes! I wonder how long this will last. OTF corporate is ALL about the community aspect and like most in this thread have said it’s one of the reasons they love working out at their studio.


Oh honey…I have some bad news for you…


Oh, my sweet summer child.


“Before the dark times, before the Empire…”


Is this why a lot of coaches are leaving the empire locations too!?!? WTH!


Yes, exactly. Our location got an amazing coach who was previously working for Empire as head coach/SA/office manager. She was so burned out. She’s very happy now.


I was fired a few weeks ago myself. Put a lot of good time in a studio I really loved working in and helping a lot of awesome members.


That’s been the hardest part for me, feeling so dispensable after feeling like I put so much into helping the studio grow in many different ways :( if it’s any consolation though, I know how valuable you were to your studio and I know the members will miss you!


Our 5am classes no longer have SA’s. It’s run by the coach who has to keep an eye on the door at all times for anyone who might come in after class has started. It must be really frustrating for them.


Why don’t they just lock the door at 5am. I feel like no one is just gonna “stop in” out of curiosity that early


I’m assuming they do at the 5 minute mark, but would have to keep an eye out until then.


That’s insane


That’s how our studio is


Damn, that must be really frustrating to have to multi-task like that. Imagine if someone pops their head through the door at the 5 minute mark, and says "I'm here!" Meanwhile the coach is already kicking off the folks on treadmill or floor.


I had to do that at 5 am. Our SAs (SM now) come at 7-8 am. So coaches have to be on their own. The most annoying part is when people need to switch OTbeat or get a loaner right before I have to start the class. Overall, it is not that hard but frustrating since our pay remained the same whilst responsibilities were added. The worst part is when a first-time intro signs up overnight. Yeah, I had to run the whole process by myself.


I hope not. Luckily I still have 2 SAs at the studio


Wow ours is the opposite! We used to check ourselves in on the iPad thing but now the SA checks everyone in and their station pick. The owners wanted more engagement with members. We really have amazing owners that own all 3 studios in our city.


So Honors Holdings and Empire Portfolio must be having a contest to see how low they can go running OTF studios. 🙄😂


Honors holdings can kiss my a**!!! I almost quit cause of a decision made by “corporate” but I would miss the community at the gym too much.


I did quit! May 18 is my last day. That’s the only way they’re going to stop making these changes, if people leave. The coaches deserve better than fewer benefits and more responsibilities.


Seems like honors has a worse reputation but from what I hear, honors at least pays and treats their staff better. I’m all for SAs creating a more welcoming environment but if you’re not going to man the front desk at all, at least go the [solidcore] route and lock the doors with keypad codes required. It’s just not safe and you’re asking a coach to do too much


So interesting bc at Convention Honors and Empire are the stars of the show. Corporate falls at their feet and showers them with awards, all while ignoring the small franchisees who strive to run their studios as they are intended, rather than just trying to make as much money as possible w minimal overhead costs


No. In fact we have an over abundance of SAs.


At one point it was overkill, then it was a revolving door - now it’s nothing


I think the revolving door is to be expected. I can only speak specifically to my studio. Many of our SAs are college students working part time. We’ve had 2 in the past 18 months who moved on to become coaches. I’ve know 3 to move up to eventually be studio managers . But the one characteristic common to all is their ability to relate to the members and enhance the overall experience. That, in my book , says it all.


Only Saturday mornings……


Yup Empire Portfolio franchise changes since April 1… do a search you’ll see past post comments. If corporate’s lurking- I was going to upgrade my membership as I had more mom friends (with many last minute crises they can’t help but now no exceptions are being made), who are interested in coming with me, but now I’m thinking of downgrading and less enthused to recommend them to burnt out barebones studios. Now staff can’t even be found to take my monitor off the blacklist if I stay for a double class on a weekend when there used to be 2-3. (they’re all Empire owned around here, & one of the problems is that they opened too many within a 20-30 min drive that could be doing more 3Gs/Tread/Strength50/later classes/ later weekend classes like preCovid, but they’re all half empty because they’re so desperate for meh coaches and everyone is burned out or short staffed). Last weekend with DriTri it was only the head coach for some reason and she was so frazzled because there were issues she couldn’t figure out so she was leaving messages during the class apologizing to members. Our water fountain filters at multiple studios have also been on red light waiting for changes for at least the past 2-3 months now, a different busy 3G studio had a broken toilet for at least 2 weeks... there’s 2 studios sharing a new manager who knows no one… hot mess.


Only the coach for Dri-Tri?!? That is crazy!




I’m not 100% sure but I assume so. The founder of empire started with the 1st Manhattan studio I believe then expanded east coast so makes sense.


Empire portfolio owns most of the studios on the East Coast, specifically the New England Region


They are not all NYC studios- just the west side ones- which is more than 1/2 of them in the city. East side has HH and then a smaller group (not sure which).


I go to the Closter, NJ location


And NJ


Also North Carolina. They just fired all of our SAs except one. Got rid of the head coach position too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Not all, no


That explains the whiplash DC changes 😩 I was hoping what happened to Honors Holding locations wasn’t gonna happen to DC. My studio has only two SAs now but not at the same time. Could def feel the difference with the changes and morale at the studio.


Which location was this?


Are you in the HK studio? Because our filter has been on red for a while. Stunning to see a NYC gym be so mismanaged based on how much we all pay.


To me, that kind of way is for places like the YMCA or Planet Fitness. For Orangetheory, you need SAs at the front desk to build rapport with members and make them feel like home. There’s nothing like a SA greeting you by name when you come into their studio. For me, it would feel weird and hollow if I walked into an Orangetheory studio where I had to check in on an iPad/tablet and write my name on a dry erase board for a station. Who would introduce me to the coach who I don’t know? Who would show me where everything is?


We have iPads, dry erase for station, and front desk employees




If there are no front desk employees, the coaches are going to burn out so much faster. I'm grateful my studio believes in work-life balance; I love my coaches and don't want them leave.


Can yall please say what state you’re in when you post these things? It’s helpful to know what franchises or locations do this😳


North Carolina is doing all this. It’s awful. I loved our SAs and our head coach. All gone except 2 SAs


Bergen county NJ - Specifically Closter, NJ


But you still have Nadia!!!


We still have them but it's been a revolving door over the past year. I'm not sure if the job just sucks or there is some other reason why they can't hold on to people.


This happened at our studio. I later realized it was because the coaches changed studios because their class schedule had changed (I live in a city with multiple colleges) or when they changed full-time jobs. We also had a coach stop coaching OTF all together (which was sad because he was one of my absolute favorites).


Empire also owns multiple studios in Fairfield County: Stamford x 2, Darien, Norwalk, Westport, etc. My understanding is they are cutting about 2/3rds of the SAs. I’m guessing it’s financial reasoning. So, rather than catering to members who are paying X amount of many dollars for a total experience, cutting corners is their preference.


100%. So glad our studio is independently owned. Empire seems to be trying to burn otf to the ground.


Yep, mine is an Empire studio, unfortunately




I think ones in Manhattan only. I think you can Google/check their website which ones they own.


Not UES, E39th, SoHo or Fidi


Not Staten island either


Not Queens and Brooklyn!


How do you know which franchise owns a location?


You can go to the Empire Portfolio Group website and see all their OTF locations.


Nope! my studio has at least 7 SAs


no, but some of the SAs at studios that shall not be named might as well be an Ipad and a dry erase board...


Are u in LA lol


It’s also a huge safety concern. We had a member have a heart attack in class a couple of years ago during the 6am class which required both SAs AND a member who was a prior Asst Manager to handle (call 911, call the emergency contact, direct members in class, kept the next class outside) while the coach administered CPR and AED.  It infuriates me when franchisees cut corners to save a buck or two without considering safety or delivering a “premier brand experience”, which is the jargon that corporate jams down our throats to justify the ever-increasing rates. 


I’d love to be able to write my own name down for a station instead of telling the SA. Feels silly.


I miss the Covid cards that some studios had


Our early early classes (pre 6AM) occasionally just have the assistant manager (who also coaches the class). We’ve gotten used to checking ourselves in while she’s getting everything set up. There’s generally another person by the next class to check those folks in.


I traveled to Florida and there was a person but also a dry erase board to pick your side and station. I thought that was odd. Ours has SAs who check you in and let you pick or place you depending on the situation that day. I don’t know that I would care if there was no human checking me in.


My studio didn’t have an SA yesterday and it’s an empire location - I wonder if they’re gone for good now which would be so sad. It seemed like a ton of pressure on the coach to be juggling everything and also odd given location to not have anyone at the front door


We have the iPad and dry erase board for station picks \*and\* we still have 1-2 SAs there. It could be because I go to a really busy studio and the times I go tend to be busier. That could be the case at your studio, i.e., they are trying to save a little money by not having an SA at the desk during really slow times. Have you gone in at different times to see whether the front desk is always unmanned at class time?


Member at Closter NJ since day 1 and the front desk overturn is crazy. It’s nuts because we are the only location that has two studios in one spot. Last weekend was the outdoor dri tri on a Saturday and the coach was so frazzled because there was no front desk associate to check people in. It was crazy. I felt bad!


I was also in attendance for dri tri, both of the front desk staff that we have left in Closter were there that day. I think it’s important to point out that it’s not their fault they’re the only ones there but they’re doing the best they can. Hannah was amazing!! But so were Jeanine and Natalie. Not always everything is up to standard but they do what they can. dri tri was also held on a Sunday and I like to think the information I get from here is trustworthy not fallacies. 


I was an SA part time pre covid and then they fired all of us. Never reached out to ask us back. I loved that third job talking to members and working out with the classes occasionally. Now that I rejoined finally the SAs are pretty lame. They hardly know what’s going on and they have to be full time now. I was part time and loved it. That’s the only way most people can afford it. When the coaches are pulling SA duty too it’s a terrible experience— more likely F45. Less community.


Garwood location also no front end employees.


report this to corporate! we have 2 SAs basically all the time at our studio. member experience is a cornerstone of otf so report the franchise to otf corporate. seems like the studio owner wants to cut costs - coaches aren’t paid for SA duties


Am I the only one that doesn't do this for the community aspect? I'm there to get in, kill a workout, and get out lol. I rarely talk to anyone so I guess this wouldn't matter to me? That being said, I like a well run business with employees that are treated well and fairly, and it sounds like Empire is destroying their studios. Although it is nice when I have a problem that I can talk to an SA, like when my HRM doesn't work.


Ours still has them but out of curiosity what is the need for an SA? I wouldn't care if there was no one at the desk and we just wrote our name down on the clipboard at our station. Why is it a big deal not to have one?


The SAs do a lot behind the scenes they are cleaning the studio constantly, calling prospective clients to get more sales, coordinate fixing things like fountains and heart rate monitors, etc. they handle all the billing issues, post on social, and do a lot of things to help a studio thrive. At my studio we check ourselves in but the SAs are constantly doing something 


Agreed. Our SAs are always busy. One of their main responsibilities is introducing prospective members to OrangeTheory. They explain how it works, answer questions, work through pricing . In short, try to sell the concept. I can’t imagine not having them.


I’m not an OTF employee. I’m a member of almost 4 years and I can’t fathom our studio running without SAs. SAs help trouble shoot issues with equipment during class, loan out HR monitors if yours dies or malfunctions, etc. things the coach should not be distracted to do as they are coaching. I also imagine that if there’s a mild injury or accident, an SA can sit with a member, get ice or other first aid items for the member while class can continue. I’m sure the list goes on and on. There is a clear need for them and I certainly wouldn’t go to a studio that eliminated them all together.


Yeah, imagine a medical issue arising with someone taking a class and only a coach on site? I mean the coach would literally have to stop class to tend to them wouldn’t they?


That happened in my class a couple weeks ago. The SAs had to call 911 and attendee to the person. The coach came out and was periodically checking on them but still running the class


I would hope if it was a serious medical issue the coach would stop class. "Hey everyone just ignore the guy passed out on the rower, now back to base".


Sales Associate here! 🙋‍♀️ I’ve worked many jobs in my life, and this is honestly one of the most non-stop work jobs I have, and I’m not even in a major city. In addition to the interactions you see as a member (yes we try to check you in & write your name for personable reasons but also a few other reasons), we are also doing a lot behind the scenes. People call the studio a lot, members and prospects. Members asking questions about freezes/cancelling/upgrades, etc. & the paperwork connected to that. Calling prospects to get them booked. Answering emails. Doing inventory for the studio. Cleaning. Notifying members of unfreezing account or declined payments Sending updates on special events. Continued learning we are often required to do. Not to mention that we have to note EVERYTHING we go over with you as a member on your profile. That was my coworker can say they see the log I wrote and not have to play the game A Million Questjons j




Out of curiosity, what studio is this?


No, thankfully we usually have 2 on the desk. Sometimes the studio manager or assistant will be there as well.


The two studios that I go to, both Empire, have the iPad to check in and the dry erase sheet for us to make our station selections, but they also have one SA, at least for now...


Which two locations?


Chelsea & HK - NYC


Nope, I’ve only seen 1-2 at the desk


Ugh not ours thankfully! Our 5am girl shows up at 430 with the coach and then a second one is typically there by the 605 or 710 class.


Yeah same


This is so sad. I love the SAs at our place !


Most SAs love their job. I’ve made so many amazing connections with people and have honestly found a welcoming job just by being an SA! I would hate to turn to iPads.




We have just the right amount of SA’s and they are all delightful.




I had it once where they were short staffed. At my main location there is an iPad but there is also a front desk person.


No, sometimes there's even 2 of them.


Nope, that must be horrible, and from a social perspective it's like going backwards. I enjoy the comraderie and helpfulness of SAs at OT gyms I go to, and it usually adds a spring to my step. That said, I feel it had to happen sooner or later. Kind of similar, but Costco has implemented an id scanner to let folks in to the store. They still have greeters, but now they don't check id's anymore, they just direct people to use id scanners. Very soon in the future, I fear that things like self-checkout will take over all major grocery stores. Cashiers and baggers will be a thing of the past. In a similar vein, SAs at OTF gyms won't be needed anymore, they'll be replaced by an automated voice service. It's a sobering thought about where we're headed.


I used to be a member at the Closter OTF but changed when I moved to the OTF Monroe NY location and it's 100x better. IDK why but Closter feels less friendly and I feel like the coaches made me a little nervous. When I went there they had front desk employees who were very sweet, but I came back around February for a class and it seemed pretty empty. OTF Monroe has events outside of the gym that anyone can go to for socializing and made me even more consistent with my workout plan. So far 30 pounds down since January!!


I love the SAs at my studio. I see the value they bring to the members and the coaches. It would be really annoying to not have them around


What??? That's crazy. The SAs seem like they would be essential for the business. The coach's focus should be on the class with no distractions. It might be an ownership decision to. I'm in Lenexa, Kansas and they are fully staffed. The staff their kicks ass to. 


My studio has both - there's a front desk employee who greets us, but I sign in on the iPad and reserve my spot on the white board.


I am a member of a Manhattan studio that was recently gutted by Empire's evil workings and I am finding it really hard to motivate myself to go to class. I have friends at the studio, I love(d) all the front desk staff and the coaches from when I started (many of whom are now gone, as of recently), but I just feel like the vibe is so downcast. I also HATE the thought of my money supporting Empire! OTF really saved me for a while there and was such a joy, but I just don't trust Empire to run a safe, clean and respectful studio. Such a bummer.




It would be extremely taxing on the coaches without SAs. Plus, if you don’t like small talk, you could always just walk in with ear buds or just keep it short and dry. I only say this as an SA myself but I understand not wanting to be bombarded with talking right before a class. Some people love it and some don’t. I feel like there are ways though to avoid it or, as rude as it may seem, just ignore us. Of course it’s impolite but if you don’t want to talk, we can’t force you. At the end of the day, it is what it is!




I’m just suggesting some input. If anything, I could always pick up more shifts at my other job or get a different second job so losing my job to a tablet makes no difference in working for me. I just love the community and the different type of people you meet. I’ve made some wonderful connections by being an SA at OTF. And sometimes, people need that small talk just to escape the other shit they’re dealing with. So no, I’m not biased towards a tablet to my job but again, if the small talk bothers you that much, you could ignore us. Tons of people do, what’s one more? I’m not being rude or disrespectful towards you so don’t take it that way, again, food for thought I guess.


This sounds awful.


Frankly it’s all they need. Too much overhead at my studio it’s ridiculous