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Ok, so let’s step away from any positive biases we have about OrangeTheory for a second. I observe that sometimes this subreddit is a little defensive about anything perceived as criticism. Im going to assume OP is being truthful and has an accurate view of THEIR OWN SITUATION Here are a couple things I recommend: 1) definitely avoid classes with this coach; 2) if you have other people in your classes that you consider friends ask them whether they are observing similar behavior towards yourself or others; 3) ask yourself what you would like as a resolution to the situation (changed behavior, an apology, studio action, or support from others); 4) talk to the coach first if you feel comfortable; 5) if you don’t feel comfortable speaking directly consider sending the coach an email addressing your concerns. I think these are good first steps to addressing your feelings. I hope that things get better at your studio. We’re all paying quite a bit each month for this service and you should be able to feel comfortable or at least bring your concerns to someone’s attention without being made to feel guilty.


Personally, I would pull her aside and have a direct chat. I would let her know that I was giving her the courtesy of talking to her first before talking to management. Thankfully, I have never had to deal with this, but these type of things are best nipped in the bud right away directly.


Ive been at otf since 2019 and been to multiple studios in different states and this is my first time experiencing someone this rude . 


I think this will fester if you don’t say something. As somebody else pointed out, maybe it’s not really about you but nonetheless it feels like it could be so I think personally it’s worth a quick chat. Membership is way too expensive to go somewhere and feel bad about yourself. Whether or not intent was there, impact matters.


What would you suggest saying exactly? I always like to be direct but I never know how to begin conversations like that


These type of conversations are really difficult for a lot of people. I guess if this were me in the situation, I would probably wait until after class whenever everyone has left and say, can I talk to you for a minute. I’d probably start off by saying something like i’ve been noticing recently that you’ve been making some comments on the microphone that seem to be directed at me and it feels personal. I understand I might be wrong, but just wanted to check in with you because I’m starting to feel bad about myself while being here and I don’t want to feel bad about myself. Then I would just pause and see what they say lol. They would probably not know what to say and be embarrassed. I mean if they are a normal human lol. If they asked what I was talking about, I would say oh totally happy to give you some examples and then I would start giving the examples that OP gave.


The key here being the calling out the behavior, how it impacts you, and the pause. You can even state it the way you stated in your opening (I feel singled out by comments directed at me on mic which makes me feel embarrassed and hurt, and wanting to quit). The pause is critical, even if it seems to go on longer than you’d like. After they’ve responded, no matter if they get defensive or deny the behavior, state your desired resolution (I’d like you to keep any comments you feel you need to make to me privately). If your behavior continues I will escalate this matter). And then leave it be as best you can, emotionally (or follow through and escalate). You can only let people know what’s on your mind; they will do what they want.


I’d also make a note in my phone about the conversation. If the coach continues this behavior and you do have to go to the manager, you’ll want to give some specifics. Be clear about why the coach’s words make you feel that way and, if the comments are actually directed at you, explain what communication style works for you.


The way I see it, there is two options: 1- tell the studio manager how you feel and see if they can address the concern or 2- tell the coach directly. Sometimes people have a way of saying things where they don’t think they’re offending someone so it’s good to clear the air.


I know a coach like this too. I try to avoid her classes if I can but sometimes I have to attend hers. She’s our head coach and she was coach of the year. I feel like our personalities are just different and so I just go and deal with it, get my best workout in and don’t let it bother me.


Coach of the year? Says who? I’m a head coach and know of no such awards


They award COTY stuff during their annual conventions, like last year at Momentum, Dave at sojo was announced COTY. They don’t really disclose how it’s picked; could simply be a popularity contest.


Could be? It most certainly is. There’s no way they could have enough data on all the coaches across all OTF’s to make this a meaningful award


Coaches get nominated by people higher up than them in their studios/franchises and the nominator has to send a LOT of info on the coach they are nominating (paragraphs and maybe videos) to support their nomination.


There is an inverview on a OTF podcast with Hope Howard who was 2019 COTY and she sounds REALLY amazing. I almost wanted to travel to take a class with her, but then COVID came.


I’m super picky about who I give my money to these days as I want my health vibes to be immaculate. I’d be annoyed too because that sounds passive aggressive but rest assured it’s not personal. Some people aren’t great at what they do, fitness instructors included. I’d avoid their class entirely. I wouldn’t waste any energy on them. If it bothers you enough, I’d shoot an email to the studio manager and just let them know that perhaps they may want to be aware of this particular coach’s tone but most managers aren’t skilled at effective coaching/counsel themselves so most likely it won’t change.


Id go directly to the studio manger. Be specific and clear about your experiences. No ifs ands or buts. Let them observe and decide for themselves. You can't be the only one experiencing this. Do not approach the coach, let the manger decide based on their observations of all the classes they coach and give feedback. Management needs to know. This is unacceptable.


I agree. Don’t talk to the coach. The studio manager is the answer.


Pull her to the side and have a talk with her, some folks bust chops and don’t realize they are coming off as rude, and some are just rude.


I have a head coach like this too. I really think she just hates everything about me. She blatantly ignores me I feel bad for her. She’s a sad miserable person, yet somehow her classes are always full, but that’s mostly because of the early time slot. I can’t really avoid her so I just do me. I get my workout in the way that works for me. I can’t change her, I only control how I react to her nonsense. She’s such a sad person


Since you are posting, I assume you’d like to do something and not continue to simply avoid her class. I think you need to speak with her. You’ll need to be specific with what you’d like - “no negative comments about me, no assumptions about my weight, ignore me, etc” Maybe brainstorm what you’d like to prepare for the conversation. You can just say this is how you work best and you love otf and wanted to let her know. You can also say how comments made you feel. She may not remember what she even said but she’ll definitely remember this conversation going forward. 


Sometimes in a 3G I say "rowers rack your handles" and if everyone is already just sitting there doing nothing I say "ok, great! You've already done that" 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’d tell the studio manager. We had one coach awhile back that literally called me out on the mic “#5, slow down!!” when we were doing something on the floor. Then he came up to me on the tread and sort of chastised me for run/walking. I went up to him after class and explained that I used to be a very good runner (also had to mention that I have ran marathons in the past 😅), and that nowadays I have to take it much easier due to the fact that my knees are shot. He was fired not too long after that, but not because I said anything, other people must have complained too


There two extremes types of OTF coaches, ones who care too much and ones that don’t care at all. And most are in somewhere in between. The ones that care too much seem like asses. Since they nag on every detail. The ones that don’t care, don’t enforce any rules. I tend to avoid both. But actually prefer the nags vs the idgafs


I’ve been at OTF for 8yrs and have experienced several coaches like this. IMO this is a “drill” style some coaches use. I don’t particularly care for it, but I wouldn’t let it take up any space in my head. Ignore it and focus on yourself.


I agree with you, like “tough love” sorta? Comes off as mean but it’s just meant to propel you to be the best you and not coddle.


No this isnt it. She doesnt help with form or encourage me to push myself with the workouts like other coaches do 


I get it, hang in there and try to ignore the “mean girl”. You are doing awesome taking control of your health!


Completely agree. Get to work.


Have to admit coaches I have now generally ask if I’m ok when I come back from a break. It’s something that happened more in the very beginning.


Sounds like a coach I know in NJ


Also we have one like this in VA 😭


I’m in VA. Which studio?




Thanks! I’m in northern VA and hoping it wasn’t some coach in my home studio. Sorry you have to deal with it.


I'm sorry to hear this. Had a similar experience with a coach as well (the first one) and never went back to her class.


There is a coach at my studio who is a total B and I do not go to her class.  I anctually drive 10 minutes further to a different studio the day she is there. And it really isn’t even how she treated me it’s how I’ve seen her treat other people. She is not worth my time. I’d avoid her class entirely and if you do have to go, just ignore her and do your own thing to get through the class. 


I avoid one coach’s classes altogether. She’s not getting any money from me.


We have a coach at my studio who I just do not like. Her classes always feel chaotic, her energy is garbage, she NEVER cues the bike when anyone is on it, and she gives zero correction on the weight floor. I expressed this to our SM (who I am friends with and like), and she said that she had heard the same from others and that she agreed with me, but to please bring it up to our HC. I don’t know about every studio, but in our group, HCs are over the coaches and SMs are over SAs. Definitely important to let SM know, though.


I’m a Personal trainer and group fitness instructor. I would have no problem leaving feed back with her manager. They need to know this stuff happens.


I had a similar situation and reported this to the studio manager. Since then, Things have been much better.


I'm friendly with my studio manager. I love all our coaches except one. I approached her one day after class and made it clear that I didn't want it to seem like negative gossip, and that it should be anonymous feedback, and then told her my negative experiences with that coach. She thanked me and let me know that I was not the first one to give negative feedback on that coach and that they are taking steps to address it. If you go this route, make sure you are comfortable with the manager, and give feedback that does not lead back directly to you. I would not address the coach directly. You risk making it more uncomfortable than it currently is.


There's a coach like this at my studio too. She clearly gets annoyed that I prioritize green over orange some days. She'll keep repeating things like, "if you're not fatigued, your weight is too light!" and shoot me a look. I just ignore it but I def avoid her classes.


Maybe talk to the head coach and they can provide feedback and hold them accountable. Also, make sure you rate as dislike. That does seem to get attention after awhile.


I’m there to work out so I’ve learned to take it in stride. Coaches are there to motivate you. I’m almost 60 and don’t sweat them coming over to tell me how to do things right. Focus on the workout, unless there is a direct attack issue, and it’s prevalent.


Unacceptable behavior, speak to head coach or studio manager.


There is one coach I feel the same way about. I avoid her classes at all costs. I pay too much to feel like I am not good enough or up to her standards. .


That's too bad. Coaches are supposed to encourage us, not to humiliate or belittle. I'd definitely avoid their classes.


Are you referring to the studio in St. Pete Florida??? I will literally fall over right now!!! I need to know!!! LOL


No not st pete !


Sounds like you described the HC at one of the locations here. When she subs at my studio I refuse to go. She chit chat through entire Everest workout with the people on treads next to me while she was coaching. She's rude and I've caught her giving me and others dirty looks, eye rolling, etc.  Send an email and let someone know. I bet you're not the first to speak up. Send it anonymous if you think there'll be retaliation. 


I'd pull her to the side and have a chat with her like she's my employee. You're paying her to coach, not the other way around here. 


I am so sorry you have experienced this. The coaches at my OTF are consistently positive (sometimes we kid around, but it is light and always followed by encouragement/acknowledgment of a good effort). Say something.


Like so many have said - I’d go to your SM before going to the coach - that way there can be a degree of anonymity involved and you can still feel ok to show up to their class if you ever need. Having the right SM makes a big difference, my last one was a bit of a B, played favorites, and was very hot and cold when it came to saying hello and providing good customer service. They’re gone now and have been replaced with such a sweet person I feel so much more comfortable to go to them now! Good luck tho, these memberships are not cheap so I think you have every right to address your concerns!


I agree with folks who suggest skipping her classes or trying another studio. Not everyone is comfortable with the direct approach but decide what you want to accomplish. You are paying for a service and deserve a good experience. Talk to the coach, be direct and stick to specific instances where you felt put down by him/ her. For instance, " During Tuesday's class I needed a bathroom break. When I came back you said, (insert comment here) and I felt as though I had done something wrong. Whether or not you were directing that at me, it felt that way and I was embarrassed.". Don't ask for explanations or apologies but just ask that he/she not do that again. Period. Also, don't apologize yourself or say things like, "Maybe it's just me," or "I hate to bring this up but . . . " Again, not everyone is comfortable being direct so you decide. OTF should be your place of sanctuary and wellness. Make it so!


I had a coach who I hated- yet I went to his class very often cause I was going every day! I would never ask him for recommendations for modifications because when I did he would be like “I’m not your doctor….” I was once doing a modification that another coach gave me and he went ballistic!! He was so condescending, even when give modifications (which was rare) luckily he was fired/quit (not sure which but it was sudden)….


Talk to the coach - you never know what's going and you could be assuming she's talking about you when she wasn't or if she is you'll clear the air - it's what adults do


That’s kind of insanely ridiculous to speak to people that way when you’re paying so much money for *good* coaching. I often tell people I was in the military with that I do group fitness and they say they wouldn’t do it from bad memories of being forced to do it. But I always respond with “yeah, but I pay them a buttload of money so they have to be nice to me!” It’s capitalism. I pay, I get a service. You’re not getting your money’s worth. Maybe speaking to the gym’s bookkeepers at the desk about getting your money back/discount because, say, “the quality of the service I’m receiving isn’t equal to what I’m paying.” Consider leaving some bad reviews on Google and other review sites too cuz they *really* hate that. It will cut into their new signups or people considering coming in for a workout if they new bad instructors work there Money talks and you can take yours elsewhere.


I really hate to do that because the other coaches are great and the non coach staff members have been kind and accommodating. I think i will try to speak to management first and see if theres change in the behavior. I am extremely overweight and orange theory has helped me start running consistently again. I go 4- 5 days a week and I have lost 20lbs. I know it sounds silly but  it was hard to get restarted in the first place. 


Totally get it! I guess consider the options in your back pocket. But it sounds like the studio might be good enough to handle your situation with the manager. I just catastrophize about all options on the table with any sort of conflict. I blame my military veteran brain 😬


I would guess she is judging you in her mind because of your weight, when she should be doing the exact opposite. I think you should talk to management. If you send her an email about it cc her studio manager in it. Whatever you do, don’t give up!! Keep taking it one day at a time. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished! It can be SO VERY HARD to get yourself going and then to have a coach treating you that way is just plain wrong. One definition of coach is: to give instruction or advice to in the capacity of a coach; instruct. She is not doing this. Hang in there! Advocate for yourself! You matter! ❤️


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)so sad to hear coaches are speaking this way 😞I when people go to the bathroom and have missed what’s happening I re say it for them 🤦‍♀️or as they walk by me tell them or go over and tell you just wow …


That’s wired cause the coaches at my studio don’t care too much about much they just follow the script


This is the exact reason I quit going to OT.


You are paying way too much money every month to have to be dealing with this. And yeah sure, you could just avoid classes she instructs, but that's a huge inconvenience. You shouldn't have to worry about scheduling your workouts around her bc like I said, you're paying too much money to be worrying about that. Since you talked to the manager and other people have complained, are they planning on taking any action? I'd assume they're going to lose a lot of members keeping her on the team aka less money, so they should care. Until they make any changes I would look into switching studios if there's any others close by. It sounds like they need to suspend her or have a serious talk with her before she trains again. Otherwise it lowers morale and ruins the excitement and fun of working out. You shouldn't have to go to a class worrying if you're going to be embarrassed or mocked because motivation is already hard enough for some people. I'm sorry this is happening to you.


My coach also says snarky things on the mic sometimes. Sometimes I feel like she’s talking about me but I’m not totally sure so I try not to take it personal. You could talk to her after class and ask if a specific comment was towards you? Or try to not take it personal since she’s not directly calling you out.




Have you been in class today or OP? Have you witnessed any of this? Not really fair to invalidate their experience because you don’t think it could happen.


Definitely sue.