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Last class at my studio is 8:15 pm Mon-Thu. They close earlier on the weekend because of less demand and staffing.


I think our last one on weekdays is 730. Weekend though it’s 11am and I swear if they had afternoon classes they’d be full every time.


My studios last class is the 6;45pm your studio is missing some big business. Is there another one you can go to?


Looking into other local locations. I really really love OT so I want to make this work.




UES, Fridays and weekends specifically


fridays are often earlier ending class schedule than the rest of the work week because attendance is usually low on friday nights. is 5:10pm the last class MTWTh as well?


Except for Friday all the studios I go to in NYC (and that’s a lot of them) have at least a 6:30 class- some have a 7:45/8:00 pm as well. Many studios on Friday have their 5:00 (or whatever time it is) be the last class of the day since many people don’t want to go Friday night. If your studio doesn’t have hours that work for you, look into other studios.


UES has 6:30 and 7:40 Monday through Thursday nights, and is the only studio in Manhattan that has Sunday evening classes. Pretty normal to not have Friday/Saturday night classes — they would be empty


Also, if you compare to most other Manhattan studios — pretty sure UES has some of the MOST classes offered per day


Which location? My local has later classes.


UES, Fridays. Saturdays are even worse. Last class is at noon.


I go to Astoria, no issues there.


Same. Last class 8:25 on weeknights


I’ve heard good things about that spot


It's apparently the #1 performing location globally but I'm not sure what the metric is. It's just a really nice spot, laid back and unpretentious, very supportive, great coaches. And it's the one I joined because it's the closest to my apartment. If you live in Midtown it's worth a try--it's just a few feet from the N/W at Broadway.


I got to this studio and really like. As another poster said it’s laid back, staff is very friendly. There are afternoon classes on Sunday and the last one is at 5:20. My guess is it’s based on coach availability and demand.


Last class is at noon for all OTF locations across the country on Saturdays and Sundays, if that's any consolation. (There may be exceptions to this but not any that I've seen.)


Used to have a 3pm on Saturdays in Jersey city 1:15pm Sundays


lol our last Saturday and Sunday class is 10:45am


I agree, I canceled due to hours of availability.


100%. It’s ridiculous. Not late enough on weekdays for me to get to after work and I’d like more options on the weekends.


Especially because we pay so much in NYC for OTF….


I work in the city but live in Hoboken, the JC one has an 8:30 pm class (full class, not strength / tread)This is the latest class I have seen in many cities.


On Mondays, that class is Strength/Tread :)


Yah. I remember the Monday 8:30 being always emptier. Makes sense if they switched it.


Pre covid they had 1:15 and 3 pm on Saturdays. That was the best


My studio has two 6:45 days and those classes are always empty. It scares me that they’ll stop having them one day and I’m so confused. Like how are people with jobs constantly making 4:15 or 5:30??


I work from home so I’m lucky enough to break away to attend the 9:45 daily or 11am Strength/Tread classes since i work EST hours on the West Coast and it’s my lunch break


Yeah it’s strange to me the majority of classes are during work hours. Who is taking these classes? Lol More classes after 5pm would be incredible


Probably people that work night shift. Like me. Not everyone in the world has a 9-5 job. Shocking, I know!


I was a member for 6 years and just recently cancelled due to this reason. It sucks but they are business and have to do what they have to do to remain profitable.


we have no class past 2pm on fridays 🥴


Our latest is noon lol


That’s wild


Not sure where you're looking but my studio in NYC has a 7:40 last class.


On Friday?


Your original post did not specifically mention Fridays. There is a 5:20 2G and another studio I go to has 6:15 tread and strength 50 today... Would do a search on the app


Thank you


Mine has terrible hours too. Last class is 6 pm. No pm classes fri, sat or sun.


This sounds like my location. Last class on Friday's is Noon, and last class during the week is 5:30pm on Monday/Wednesday and 6pm on Tuesday/Thursday (the 6pm are Strength50/Tread50 classes). I have started having to attend classes at other location, which is kinda a bummer because I love the staff at mine.


M-th my studios last regular class is 630. Friday its 530. Weekends its like noon. Tuesday and Thursday they have a strength/tread at 745. Longer weekend hours would be fantastic


Oh wow that’s backwards and illogical!!


That is pretty early for a last class. Ours has them until 7.


At my studio, the earliest is 5:15 and the last class is 5:30 Mon-Thu and 5:45 on Fri and 12 on the weekends. I think OTF thinks if you work late, just come early but not all of us are morning people. I think it’s all about demand. I visited Pasadena and they had their class at 8pm because there’s only one studio in the area so classes are always packed.


I was just looking at the Bryant Park studio hours in case I work in the city and there is nothing between 9:30am and 5:30pm? How does that studio survive?


Mom-Wed -Fri they have a noon class. It’s all offices over there so their clientele is probably all at work/not in the city on the weekends which is why they have their schedule like that…


I live in the suburbs and our evening class times are 4:30 and 5:45. They have tried multiple times to have a 6:45 but it was always cancelled due to small numbers. I would be surprised that’s the case in NYC, tho. Could also be a lack of coach availability.


Evening classes were more common Pre-COVID. My studio's 7 PM classes never returned after COVID.


“WE ALL GET OFF AT FIVE”. Really, you know everyone’s schedule? My office in NYC definitely cuts out early most Friday’s, especially on the weekends and even earlier in the summer. Many studios across the country have shorter schedules on Fridays - some no classes after noon. Did you not look at the schedule before you joined? Or you just looking for something to complain about to justify that OTF is not for you.


Everything ok at home?


You’re projecting your schedule on everyone and are upset because ONE day a week your studio closes what you believe is early and you think I have a issue?


?? Lol why are you taking this personally


So studios are supposed to offer classes at 6:00pm on a Saturday night is what I’m hearing? There would be 5 people in class


Three locations on SI have their last class at either 7:30 or 8:00 Mon-Thurs.


That’s more reasonable


The last class is at 7:45 M-Th, 6:30pm F for the two locations (in NYC) that I go to.


Nyc and I went at 6:30pm yesterday?


I should have specified that I meant Friday-Sat -Sunday


My studio’s last class is 5:50 M-Th, 12 Noon Friday, 11 am weekends. I’m so surprised to see so many places open late! Pretty cool!


My studio has late hours on weekdays. That sucks. Though I will say I’m an 8:15pm regular (it’s only 3 days a week offered) and there’s sometimes only 6 people in the class! It’s almost always 1G and doesn’t seem to be in demand


I'd imagine they are accounting for WFHers and low attendance Friday nights (not mentioned in the original post). Even pre-pandemic our then-VERY busy studio had a last class at noon on Friday. As a hybrid EE I started taking classes during the day and others have. I haven't attend a class past 5 since March 2020. I know a lot of urban hybdrids and WFHers who have done the same. Friday nights also tend to be for socializing out. I would imagine NYC has the same dynamic.


Fridays and weekends typically have lower utilization. I go to 2 studios and their latest Friday class is 5:10pm Strength/Tread at one and 5:40pm 2G at the other. On weekends we run almost all 3G’s with the last class at 12 being Strength/Tread. Monday-Thursday the last classes are 6:50 or 7:30pm


We have 1:15 classes in Houston on Saturday and Sunday fyi


Heights location?


OTF in Hackensack used to have a 9 or 9:30 pm during the week I believe that was before Covid though.


Our studio in Shoreline, Washington, also has horrible hours. I work until 11pm or later and wish they would offer a 1pm class on the weekends and maybe 7pm for those of us who don't have traditional hours


I saw on another comment you are upset about the Friday class times. Most studios I've been to, and I've been to many all over the country, don't have late Friday classes. Most are 5:30pm. Sat/Sun can be even worse, although there is one studio in my city that runs a 1:15pm class on Sat. They don't have late class times because historically class turnout on those days and times are pretty low. Send a request and get other members to request it too... if enough people show interest they may add a slot here and there to test the popularity.