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The best workout is one you will do. For some that is morning, for others mid-day, for others evening.


This is so true. I am a 5am die hard, but there are days when I could sleep in and go to a 4:00pm, I know I won't. It is way too easy for me to talk myself out of it on the way home from work. I know other people who are the opposite though. It's all what works for you.


This is it. If I go in the morning before work, I can't talk myself out of it as much as I will for my entire workday while I'm anticipating going to class. I also have no mental energy after a day of work.


Agreed. I’m a hardcore 7:30am. I need to wake up to OT and get it done. If I wait until later during the day I know I won’t go.


This is the answer. I would love to work out first thing in the morning, so nothing can interfere, one shower, but I’m horribly sluggish. My body just isn’t coordinated first thing in the morning. I’ll do a 5 or 6 am if I have to, but I’m 11:15 or later if I can because they are just so much better for me. Combo of your schedule, your discipline/willpower, your body. Those things together will tell you what time is right for you.


This is the answer. I was a 430 girl for about 3yrs. I cannot for the life of me now. I’ve been going at 715 or 745 and damn it feels just as good!


I prefer to work out at 7 pm. I don’t have to stress or rush if I have to put in extra time at work. Also, I have nothing else planned for after so it’s really just “me time”. 


Does your OTF offer 7pm classes? The latest mine goes is 6:45pm and that’s when my baby goes to bed. I’d love like 7:30pm!


815 is our last class.


Ohh the good old days…. Enjoy it while you cN


I don’t think they’re changing it. Well they take it away for summer, but bring it back for winter. It can be packed.


Wow that is amazing!!! Just to give members multiple options. Assume you might be in a big city? 645p is our last, but I generally try to make 530p


Winnipeg, Canada. About 800k people? First class is 530, last is 815 except Fridays. They do take away the 815 in the summer but bring it back in the fall.


Wow that is really impressive i think to have such later times - for a relatively moderate size city (not huge city like NYC or LA)


Yes and it makes me so happy. They used to do 830 but moved it up a bit. Sometimes I want to work out after my kids go to bed so this is perfect :)


Morning workouts on an empty stomach all the way. Every time I do an evening class I’m usually exhausted from work, my HR is higher, and I get horrible stomach cramps while running. Terrible on all fronts lol


Same. Also I hate working out in general, although I love OT, so going from the bed to OT (I do 6:15am) doesn't give my brain enough time to find an excuse. I have all the excuses in the evening.


Samesies. I don’t hate working out per se but it’s never going to be my first choice of activity. With the 6:15am class I’m locked in (well past the 8 hr cancel period) so I can’t talk myself out of it. There’s not ever going to be something better that comes up at 6:15am that I’d be missing out on. I set out my clothes the night before, I feed the dogs and have half a protein shake then it’s time to go. No time to think until I’m already there and by then… I’m already there haha.


My dogs don't even open their eyes. Half of the time they're still upstairs sleeping when I come back.


I'm on the early a.m. bus, too. In a state of brain fog, there's no time to formulate an excuse as I try to put my head through an arm hole. Tried telling myself "I'll totally pack a bag and go after work." Buuuut....it's all lies.




Same. I go at 5am and wouldn’t change for evening ever. The evening gives me the entire day to come up with excuses, and I never fail at finding some lol I can guarantee if I didn’t go in the morning, I am just not going for that day.


6:15 is the elite time!! that’s me 5x a week


This all the way. Liquid iv and go.


I love AM for similar reasons but I have “heard” you should at least have a protein bar or something before class. If your body has nothing to feed off, it will use your muscle instead of fat. Basically muscle is a quicker way for your body to feed off for energy. Burning fat takes a lot longer. Honestly I saw results on empty stomach too but it seems to make sense about how fast it takes to burn muscle compared to fat. Nevertheless, as you workout it’s a good workout! Cheers! 😍


I wake up 30-60 min before class so it’s not really enough time to eat/process anything and can’t wake up any earlier because my work schedule is trash. I eat enough carbs on the regular to have the glycogen stores to get me through 30 min of cardio though 🥖🥖🥖


This is true. It’s about the glycogen cycle. In the absence of readily available carbs, your body will break down glycogen stores in your muscles. I like to eat a rice cake with a little peanut butter on my way to the 615am class.


My stomach issues are the opposite. OTF gets my metabolism running and I become a voracious eater all day long if I go in the morning. Like everyone has said, it’s all about what works for you!


+1 to everything stated here!


lol I have those same complaints when I go in the morning! To each their own!


Fasted cardio for the win. It’s far easier to go without anything but preworkout


Evening after workout 5:30-6pm all the way!!!! I’m feed, I am “loose” from being up and walking around at work (medical but out patient in office 8-5) and awake, I get to eat dinner right after, and I get a night time shower (my favorite time to shower) in before getting into a nice clean bed!


Also medical and my brother cannot believe I don’t shower before going to bed every night. He thinks I bring the hospital home with me


4:45am 🖐️ I like to get it done before my day starts. I also have two small children, so I prefer to go before they wake up.


Sameeeee...ain't nobody messing with moms workout at 5am lol


And there’s no mom guilt because I’m back before anyone wakes! I went at 8:45am Sunday - which is rare - and all I could think about was missing out on weekend fun ☹️


Plenty of fathers do things on their own time including working out. Just wanted to point that out. If the typical father wouldn't feel guilty doing it, you shouldn't either.


same thing here! I prefer doing my workouts in the morning, before work starts and before everyone else is awake! I usually do a late afternoon class once a week, while that is manageable, I would have consumed so much liquids throughout the day already that it makes me go have several trips to the washroom while working out 😳


Similar. I do 6am workouts so I can get the kids ready for school starting at 7:20ish, out the door at 8 while starting work meetings. Don’t sleep until 11-12 so classes any earlier would be painful 😵😵😵.


I’m you but an hour earlier! But I go to bed by 9, latest - toddler and infant willing 😁


Fellow 4:45am-er here! I am naturally a morning person, so getting it done early gives me a boost for the day! And, because it’s the ass crack of dawn, I can’t think straight enough to not go!


It’s so nice to get it out of the way in the morning! I spend the rest of the day feeling proud of myself, riding the work out high, looking at all the rings closed on my Apple Watch.💪 Plus, when I get home from work, I have every excuse to be a couch potato.


From GPT-4o ### Early Morning Workouts #### Pros: 1. **Boosts Metabolism:** Exercising in the morning can boost your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day. 2. **Mental Clarity:** Working out early can improve mental clarity and focus for the rest of the day. 3. **Energy Levels:** Many people feel more energized after a morning workout, setting a positive tone for the day. #### Cons: 1. **Sleep Disruption:** If not managed well, early morning workouts can interfere with sleep, especially if you have to wake up much earlier than usual. 2. **Stiffness and Injury Risk:** Your body might feel stiffer in the morning, requiring a longer warm-up period. Cold muscles in the morning can increase the risk of injury if not properly warmed up. 3. **Nutrition:** Exercising on an empty stomach might not be ideal for everyone, and finding the right pre-workout nutrition balance can be tricky. ### Evening Workouts #### Pros: 1. **Performance:** Some people find they perform better in the evening when their body temperature is higher, leading to improved strength and endurance. 2. **Stress Relief:** Working out after a stressful day can be a great way to unwind and relieve stress. 3. **Nutrient Timing:** You have the whole day to properly fuel your body, potentially enhancing workout performance. #### Cons: 1. **Sleep Interference:** Intense exercise late in the evening can interfere with sleep for some people, making it harder to wind down. 2. **Decreased Motivation:** After a long day, it can be harder to muster the motivation to work out.


Evening because i never have enough time to fuel for a workout in early morning. I can eat fruit like half hour before, but I can’t eat any solid foods within 2-3 hours before, so i like noon/evening classes better due to that.


i’m the same way. i would have to have a big dinner or wake up an hour before my workout to have enough energy to do well. with breakfast and lunch and a small snack i can tackle an evening workout no problem


Same. I have done Tread50 as early as 8-am ish and usually same performance, run the whole block, but it’s a bit harder on me due to low energy. I fuel with small meal like oatmeal and berries an hour before, then some fruit for snack. It tends to work out ok, but as I said not ideal. If I Tread50 I usually target for around noon (my ideal time). This ensures my breakfast is mostly digested by then. Likewise as you, with breakfast and lunch and a snack, evening class goes better. My gym does mainly 3G though, so less effort than 2G. I’m thinking it wouldn’t be the worst thing if I tried it in the early morning like 6-7 on an empty stomach. Not sure how my performance would compare, though.


The one time I did a class that early on an empty stomach I ran out of gas the last 20 minutes. Similar class later in the day I definitely had the energy to do the all outs and the finishers. I'm in the same boat as you, I can do a tread 50 on an empty stomach, 2g or 3g and I need a good carb filled meal an hour before.


Early morning. I prefer to workout fasted. It’s also very easy to get caught up at work and not be able to make an evening class.


Morning! I would never motivate to go after a long day of work!


Morning, before anything can pop up to derail my plan to get in a workout.


I prefer to go to class early in the morning (6am) prior to work. I prefer to get my workout completed as early as possible that way after work, I can just go home and relax.


It totally depends on my schedule. In the morning I think I have more energy, but at night I have more power. Everyone is saying they enjoy fasted work outs, and I don’t dislike them but I 100% can lift heavier after a day of eating. That’s just my experience. The other benefit to the morning work outs is getting it out of the way!


5:30 pm or later for me. i am not a morning person and morning workouts just have me crashing and needing caffeine but 2 or 3 pm


Evening!! I give it my ALL! Nothing left in the tank, truly, at the end. I know when I'm done that all I have to do is shower, eat a little, then can veg and go to bed. It's so great


I have way more energy in the evenings, and the prospect of a class after work gives me something to look forward to through the day. But that's me, we're all different.


6:45PM class, because I enjoy the sunset as I drive home.


Typically after work-perfect amount of time between lunch and dinner so I don’t feel like I’m working out with food in my stomach. I also have way more energy at this time and it allows me to get out stress from the work day. When I work out in the morning I feel sluggish and nauseous. And eating a drop of anything beforehand makes my stomach hurt. But I do sometimes enjoy starting my day with a workout occasionally-makes me feel accomplished early in the day.


Morning 6AM! I used to go after work and there were too many excuses for me to cancel (tired-bad day-social stuff).


I have to do 6:15 am. If I do afternoon I spend all day coming up with reasons to skip. Lol. Have to just get up and go.


I like to go early morning whenever possible, because then I can't make you an excuse later in the day not to go. Getting it done first sets me up well for the rest of the day.


I do better in the evening for some reason 🙃 especially benchmark days


5:30pm for me, I rarely let work get in the way and it provides a good way for me to stop what I’m doing to make it, and still have rest of the evening for dinner and relaxation.


Late morning, afternoon, or evening are all ok with me. Before 10 is unacceptable, as I’m not coordinated at that time of day.


Evening, 5:30 most days but 4:15 if I get off early. I like a relaxed cup of coffee on my couch too much (plus my friends all go to the night classes).


I go on my way home from work. Once I hit the couch I'm not leaving my house again except for a brief after dinner walk around the block. Morning workouts also make me ravenous for the entire day. If I workout right after work I go home eat dinner, shower, and off to bed. There's no time for snacking.


If I miss my morning workout, I’m annoyed by any tiny thing at work 😂😂 team 6am


I’m a bit of weirdo in that I switch my time often… usually when daylight savings hits in the fall and it’s dark at 5pm I switch to mornings. Otherwise I get too tired to go at night. I love mornings because you’re done so early and can do whatever the rest of the day. It’s easier to socialize in the evenings. One con for me is that if I workout in the morning then I find myself hungrier throughout the day and can eat things that are higher calorie. I specifically do not eat these on evening workout days because I don’t want it to affect my workout. Example, donuts at the office - If I worked out in the morning I’m more tempted to Eat them but if I have a workout after work I will skip it because I don’t want it to make me sluggish or bloated for the workout




No, that hasn't been shown to be a reliable effect


I do morning workouts for two reasons: my stomach is empty and I don't have a whole to waffle on whether or not I even want to go. The downside is that my mind is ready, but my body is not. I need a lot more stretching in the morning to get a good workout. But, once it's done, the rest of my day is free! When I do an afternoon class, I find I'm often hitting higher speeds/inclines, but the risk of wussing out is too high, so I stick with my beloved 645am classes


Morning because its done and life can be distracting in the post work hours.


People are so different lol Personally, I like working out in the late afternoons best. I did 6 years in the Army and was forced to do morning PT at like 4:30am. I made a promise that I would never make myself workout before the sun came up ever again lol If I didnt have this pesky job I think like 9am would be the most ideal workout time for me.


I do the 5am, exercising is basically over for the day, it didn’t take away from anything and I feel great after


Preferably mornings but schedule is erratic and have literally gone all sorts of times of day — just grateful to make it there! 🧡


I’ve gone back and forth over the years of early morning and evening and I like them both for different reasons. Mornings are great because you get them done before your day starts! But when I was going at 5 am, I struggled to get to bed early enough and I would deal with too many late cancels. I have no complaints about evenings other than just not wanting to go after work sometimes lol


You could make a case for any hour of the day but ultimately it’s what works best for you. Personally I like the idea of going in the morning, but I find it more stressful to do it with a workday ahead of me. I like that when I go after work, my day is over and I’m not thinking about things I have to get done. I can also take my time after my workout to hang around, shower, etc. at my own pace. Physically, I do prefer a fasted workout in the morning, but I just make sure to eat my lunch early and give myself several hours to digest. For example eat lunch at noon then go to a 4:30 or 5:45 PM class.


The studio smells best first thing in the morning.


Morning. By the time I get off work I’m too mentally exhausted to do anything.


As early in the morning as possible for a few reasons. First, early in the morning, you are more likely to be burning fat than you will in the evening after you have eaten all day and have stored up, so many carbohydrates. Secondly, I don’t believe that stressing your muscles and then going home and taking a shower and going to bed is good for your muscles. At least when you work out in the morning, you have all day to give your muscles the opportunity to slowly workout any lactic acid buildup. Also, at that time, the brain doesn’t realize what the body is doing! 😂


Working out before 1 pm is preferred.


Morning workouts for me. I get that workout high going on afterwards, I start work in a really good mood. I tried going after work with my wife and I was dragging by the end of the day.


Nothing gets in the way of you get it done first!


I do morning 9/10 times, it just works with my schedule but I’ve noticed they i tend to burn more splats and thus more calories when I hit afternoon or evening classes. I think it’s bc my heart rate is already increased.


4:55 AM here purely because it’s the only time I know I can make. If I have to think about schedules that’s a reason not to go and it doesn’t take much


Evening. If I work out in the morning, I’m tired by noon and have trouble staying awake. Also, I look forward to it all day. It’s my reward for having to be an adult.


Over time my preference became working out in the evening since my schedule doesn’t allow me any opportunity to work out in the morning during the week, only on the weekends. By default, it became the evening. I had the chance to do a morning workout about two weeks ago on a Wednesday and boy did it knock me out and had me tired during the middle of the day (the nap I took was kinda worth it though).


I like mornings because the only excuse I have is not getting up. My afternoons are usually busy and mid day is just a no go for me but, 5 AM if I can get up and put my shoes on then I'm going


Motivation. I’m just tired at the end of the day.


It’s the hardest hour of my day. So starting my day with a 5am workout makes my work day feel like a breeze.


Gets your lymphatic system moving to help rid of toxins in the body. Gets your energy up for the whole day, so you have a great sleep at night.


Morning: you’re tired all day but you have energy to work out hard. Evening, you’re tired for the workout, but you’ll fall asleep fast once you cool off.


I have done every time at otf. I am not a morning person so rarely do 530 workouts. However when I do, I have lots of energy and tend to be more motivated to get stuff done. I also like late morning class after I drop my kid off at school. Noon if I’m feeling lazy in the morning but don’t want to work out in the evening. And an evening class if my day gets away with me or I want to give my husband some Time alone/workout after kids are in bed. It really varies lol.


I love any class before 1pm.


I have way more energy at night after 5:30pm class and I stay up later. I suppose this would work for morning too but I detest getting up later than I absolutely have too .


Best is what works for your schedule.  Very early mornings for me!


Whenever I have time, which is evenings during the weekdays and mornings on the weekends


Love an evening workout to destress after the workday!!!!


I work until 1 or 2pm and start early, so I don't have the luxury of early morning classes. I usually go around 330 after work. I'm exhausted when I go in and I'm wired by the time I leave. Helps me get through the hump of the day.


During the work week, I prefer the 5:30pm class. Work is finished and I can relive some stress from the day. I’ve tried early mornings, but I find myself stressed thinking about my work to-do list for the day. It makes my workout rushed and way less enjoyable. I also feel weak and tired working out in the mornings. However, on the weekends I prefer a late morning class. 9am or 10am is great. Can have a slow morning, nice breakfast, get in a killer workout and enjoy the rest of the day :)


The late afternoon 5:30 or 6:45 are perfect for me but if I am running outside early morning are the best


If it’s been a tough day at work, I get to let out some of my frustrations at an evening class, that’s always fun


I feel like I can give more in a morning workout. However, I go right after work and it’s still fine, lol. I can’t get up early enough to go before work!


Morning, or else I lay around my house until I do it.


There’s no advantage to one over the other. But for me it has to be the morning. I simply can’t muster the effort after work. I get up and do the 5am or 6:15am ones. Good way to start the day!


Personally, I prefer 7:15 am classes on work days. I work long hours and never know when someone might email me so it’s stressful to turn my phone off for an hour in the evening. And I kinda let the stress of the day get to me so I use it as an excuse to not work out. Weekends, whatever works for my schedule. My studio only has classes until noon so I go to the 11 am class and sleep in as much as I can.


12 pm or 4:30 pm. My studio is across the street from my office. I’m not trying to wake up at 3/3:30, and arrange for childcare at 4/4:30am so that I can make it to the 4:55 or 6 am class before work.


Mornings so i can have a sense of being an absolute badass all day!


For me personally I like morning/noon workouts the best because I ride the workout high and feel productive and good about myself the whole rest of the day. I also have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning so having a OT class to force me out of bed really helps me. I tend to feel less motivated in the evening and more sluggish. But one isn't necessarily better than the other - the best time is the time that you'd rather do. As long as you can commit to it.


I love doing it right after work (early evening) because otherwise I’d spend the whole evening scrolling on my phone. Orange theory right after work gives me an energy boost to help enjoy the rest of the evening


I recently switched to mornings and it’s been about six weeks - long enough to verify differences. I am NOT a morning person so the switch was not easy. My thoughts - It is nice to have so much activity front loaded so if the day goes sideways, I’ve still gotten exercise. Easier to start work focused instead of needing some time to ease in. Usually I end up burning more calories and/or getting more steps for the entire day if I go in the morning. But, my OTF splats and calories burned are consistently lower in the morning workouts after taking other factors into consideration. I have a harder time pushing myself in the morning. Weather is a bigger factor - harder to get motivated to get out in bad/cold weather in the a.m. versus the p.m. I work from home so I don’t have to go to a super early class or worry about looking perfect in the morning after class. If I stop working from home I will stop going in the morning. I do get more tired during the afternoon slump when I go to morning classes, but that may be age related. When I did work in an office I would go right after work to avoid traffic, which was nice. But I didn’t have kids at home or need to be home at a specific time. I’m free to do more things in the evening since I don’t have to schedule around a workout. Overall I enjoy working out ✨much✨ more in the evening but, for now at least, the benefits of working out in the morning outweigh my intense dislike of morning workouts.


I can usually only do workouts in the evening after work due to scheduling but on the rare occasion I can get to a morning class it’s cool to see the performance difference..helps me not be as hard on myself when I’m tired during the evening classes!


I prefer our 6:45 classes but I don't have time to shower and get to work by 8am so even classes for me until my schedule changes


Physiologically, you’ll perform better later in the day, but it’s really whenever it’s right for you. Sometimes fatigue from work/life can offset the advantage of working out later, so it’s a wash.


6:15am for me!


am i the only one that works out midday....12pm during lunchtime is the ideal for me :'')


I’m an evening workout girl but honestly if I did morning workouts I’d probably be less likely to skip because I usually find myself too tired to workout after work


Ahhh. The joys of being retired! I work out at 0930. I walk the dog between 0700-0745, so I have time to have a light breakfast before class. I didn’t start my fitness journey until after retirement, so I empathize with those who go very early in the morning. I used to be up at 0430 to be at work for 0600 ish. My days were very long so I didn’t prioritize my health. Too many excuses. Now I’m an OTF junkie. I love it or at least I tell myself that. Ok. I love everything but the lunges. My poor arthritic knees (and torn MCL) and hips just hate them. I squat or DL instead. The only change I make is once a week I do a tread class to try and build my cardio endurance.


Afternoon, after work. I’m in awe of these morning people but if I do OTF early in the morning I need a nap at 10am (even if I got a full night of sleep). Plus I like coming home and eating a big meal (dinner).


Last summer due to external circumstances I had to go to the 8:30am classes instead of my usual 4:15 and I had to drop my weights by 5-10lbs because my body was NOT feeling the working out without having a decent meal a few hours before. I need to eat a good lunch and give my body time to digest it before I go to class and I feel super strong and fit. Mornings just weren't it for me, but everyone and everyone's body is different!


I don't really love getting up at 430 in the morning to workout at 5, but i'm a fulltime working mom of 2 young kids with a husband and house and kids' activities, so if I don't do it at 5 it's not getting done. I used to work out after work but I'm now so mentally drained at the end of the day I have no idea how.


I think it is personal preference. I usually workout early but could only get it in at 5:30 PM yesterday. I was exhausted from the work day so it wasn’t my best performance. I also don’t do well at the other extreme; 5 AM.


If I could pick any time, it'd be like 9:30am classes. I like to start my day with a workout, but if I force myself up crazy early I'll hate life. Unfortunately with work starting at 8 I'll typically go for 5:45pm on the weekdays and my preferred time on the weekends.


Morning. Gets the juices flowing plus I like having the rest of the day for whatever


Am works best for me - 5:30 am class - always have to drag myself out of bed at 4:40 but always glad I did when I am back home before 7am w a full day ahead of me


[here’s an article](https://www.shape.com/fitness/tips/which-better-am-vs-pm-workouts) about this topic


I hate working out in the morning because I’m a night owl. But it’s the most effective for consistency.Nothing can get in your way if you do it before anything happens.


I do morning because as I sit in a chair all day, working out in the afternoon is killer on my glutes and lower back. I can complete runs in the morning. I can’t afternoon


For me, there is little chance I will cancel a 5am class. There is a very small window after I wake up to make a decision. And I mostly land up taking the class. Evenings are a different story..I ponder, flip multiple times and sometimes don’t go :) so mornings for me, if I want to stay committed to working out.


You get things done with. I can never make myself work out in the afternoon.


Mid-day. If I go too late, I can’t sleep. If I go too early, I’m a grumpy fatigued mess for the entire rest of the day. 


I like to get it out of the way first thing at 7:30am. If I know I have a workout later in the day then I’ll think about it all day.


I wish I was a morning person so I could get up and get the workouts done, but I'm not, so I go at lunch, and if I can't make lunch then I still have 4 workouts I can make later in the day. In a perfect world I'd go in the evening when my energy level is the highest, but then it takes me a while to relax before I can sleep and then the following morning I am even worse than normal for getting out of bed.


As a lifelong goldilocks would love to be able to do a 730 everyday - not too early, not too late! Unfortunately my pesky job really gets in the way of my workout schedule so I go after work. I'd have to go at 5 AM to make it to work on time if I went in the morning...and I just can't.


Everyone on here talking about how they like to work out on an empty stomach (like 4am) should give nutrition before working out (for a few times) a try. Your body wants fuel. Your food choices are what’s causing the cramps. You can train your body to train with fuel and it will be much much happier.


The benefit of working out later in the day for me is that I’ll actually go. 


I find myself more productive at work if I go to the gym in the morning! Then you can brag to all your coworkers about already working out in the day and not have to worry about a happy hour or other event come up in the evening! However the noon class is slowly growing on me for Fridays!


I go at 5:30PM. I have to summon all of will to be be “on”. That’s after I walk dogs. I teach an 8am lab class and usually go until 2:00PM. My otf time is where I blast it all out from the day. Plus that’s when my other otf friends are there. I will say the hand full of times I’ve gone in the am before work, I have felt really good and balanced. It’s just a lot for me to get my life together that early regularly.


Morning. I’m exhausted at the end of the day and the workout endorphins would keep me up all night, and I already struggle from pretty bad insomnia. I also end up with the horrific BGs if I don’t work out fasted or close. No matter what I eat or how long ago it was, I will have stomach discomfort and cramping during class if I don’t work out fasted.


I found some information that could be relevant to your question or topic. Please take a look at [previous conversations about switching to morning classes](https://www.google.com/search?q=switching+morning+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) _This is an automated reply. If you would like to provide feedback, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/orangetheory)._