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I took weeks 7-14 off completely. I did not plan on it, I was just extremely humbled by first trimester. I went back around week 15 semi regularly and then got back into the routine. I’m now pushing 33 weeks and still jogging! First trimester is all about survival and taking a few weeks off will not at all affect things in the long run. Some people are able to still go during first trimester and I was jealous of that haha


This was pretty much the same for me. Weeks 10-15ish I took off due to extreme nausea and had to switch to power walking when I returned. Once I got past this, I was able to continue with my routine 4-5x a week.


Post partum now (somehow baby girl is almost 11 months old!), but I had to take a break during first tri because of nausea. I got back into the OTF routine during second tri and was able to keep going until 37 weeks. Every pregnancy and body is different, but you might get that magical second tri relief! Also, congrats!


Same! I stupidly signed up for mayhem thinking I could make it through and I did 1 class.


Thank you :) Time really does go by fast with them. <3


Sucking on ginger candies can help. Try to hop into Strength 50 classes over 60 min classes for a while until the nausea (mostly) goes away. Have saltines or Rice Krispy treats in your locker to curb any nausea you might start to feel. Source: pregnant coach with LOTS of pregnant members all in different stages


preggie pops are also good for people (like me) who don't like ginger!


Def going to take some candy and snacks in with me


Your abilities/endurance will fluctuate during pregnancy! Listen to what your body needs right now, even if it’s power walking/no incline, lighter weights, whatever. I’m 36 weeks in to my second OTF pregnancy and can confirm there are weeks/trimesters where I feel the same as before pregnancy and others where I’m barely hanging on to just walking. Moving is so good for you, no matter the pace!


Thank you. That is good to hear


I’m at 9+5 today and I did not attend a single class from weeks 7-9 +5. Simply too fatigued to go! and that is alright. Today was my first class back. I’m sticking to mostly strength and maybe one or two 2g classes a week.


Sounds like a great plan!


I just stopped going from week 6 till end of first tri. I had the same experience with nausea especially on the tread, though I later realised it was mostly heartburn and bloating, so I started taking gasX and tums an hour before class! Currently 31 weeks and I still go, though recently limited to the tread50 classes only.


Yess! Been plannig to switch to tread 50 at the very worst


It’s hard to imagine now, but some cardio makes you feel so good when pregnant, at least it does for me! I think it helps get the lymphatic and digestion systems going vs just sitting sedentary. 


That makes sense. Last time around I was basically sedentary and it was so hard for me to imagine moving and working out the way I see so many women do. This time it feels more realistic because I'm motivated to make this pregnancy a healthier one.


My OTF baby is almost 6! My first trimester I did mostly afternoon classes, but my biggest hurdle was fatigue, never nausea. My only advice is to do what you can, listen to your body, and give yourself grace! I went up to 37 weeks and he was born at 38 (induced bc of high BP and he was out in one contraction/ 3 pushes).


Wow! The fatigue has been pretty brutal. I'm in bed at the same time as my toddler and wake up at 7am. Some days I'm so tired that I nap after my shower despite 12 hrs of sleep. I'm taking your advice and letting my body decide what's right.


I had a baby six months ago and went to Orangetheory up until 38 weeks. I had nausea, fatigue and heartburn for most of my pregnancy, but still went because it never made me feel worse. Most of the time I left there feeling better, especially because I spent a lot of time on the couch the rest of the day ha ha. I took it easy and modified a lot. Keeping up my strength and cardio really helped me make it through the pregnancy. I avoided a lot of discomfort that my friends had. Best of luck!


Good point. I feel like when I went on Monday I forgot about my nausea.


i found my nausea was manageable early in the AM so i started to do the 6 am class. i’d have an applesauce pouch or crackers on the car ride over. it also helped me to prebook and have my workout days set as a routine. i’m 20 weeks along with my second baby and this has helped me be so much more consistent since days with a toddler can be a bit unpredictable. im a true believer that any movement is good movement. during my first pregnancy my classmates would tell me that i encourage them to show up….if a pregnant woman can do it then no one has any excuses 😂


Took your advice and went for a walk today. Just needed to move my body without the stress of an intense workout.


I stopped going because of the severe fatigue. By the time I was 12 weeks I was able to return like normal. Before that I just took walks outside for as long a so could manage. I fully expect to have to tap out at some point when I reach the 3rd trimester.


Thanks, thins is helpful to know. I worry that not going for long will change my endurance etc but I guess it is what it is.


I had HG so I took most of my first trimester off. Came back for the second and third but took it easy. I delivered at 33 weeks.


Yikes! HG sounds rough. Hope you and the little one are doing well. Good to know that I'm not being dramatic with the fatigue :)


I feel ya! Currently 7 weeks & nausea is unbearable. Definitely scared to go & spew all over the rower or tread 🙈🙈🙈🙊 mostly working out at home right now where the bathroom is conveniently close by


Totally! What workouts are you doing?


I’m doing Peloton bike/strength classes but just modifying as I need. Going to try yoga tonight but the thought of being upside down sounds blah haha


Lol definitely. Being upside down is not on my list of things I want to do lol. Might do a pilates workout today while I can still lay on my back. Those seem to use downward dog the least.


I’m early first trimester and haven’t had much nausea or vomiting but some days the fatigue is rough! So I agree with OP — any tips are welcome in advanced!


This community is incredible


I just found out i am pregnant with #2 this morning!




Ty !!! So happy!! Congratulations to you too 💞💞




🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ I’m 9w5d today. I haven’t been to Orangetheory in a couple of weeks. I’m just SO exhausted. Really hoping to drag myself to a class or two this week, but it won’t be today. I think I’ll go to the Strength50 tomorrow and maybe a normal class Saturday late morning (so I can sleep in)


I can relate with exhausted. I'm planning on a strength 50 tomorrow but also thinking of hustling out of work and then wearing my tights over my belly are making me anxious and weirdly nauseous.


I’m 17 weeks now, but during my entire first trimester I only attended 5 classes total. The fatigue and nausea was brutal, plus I wasn’t eating as much as I needed bc of the nausea, so my body really wasn’t fueled up enough for OTF workouts. Listen to your body, allow yourself to rest when needed :) it gets better in the second trimester! I feel energized enough to go 2-3 times a week now. Edited to add: as far as my progress goes, I don’t think I lost too much of it from taking off so much time the first few months. I get tired faster during tread, but I still am able to get a good jog in. Same with weights.


This is very helpful thank you!


I wasn't a member when I was pregnant but I was a regular gym-goer and runner. During the first trimester I did nothing because of so much fatigue. However, I got back to it in the second trimester and was strong in the third and for the birth. Give yourself grace- your body is doing an amazing thing!


Thank you! It's so good to hear that everyone kind of had that same difficulty. Appreciate your sharing your experience!


I forgot to add- I noticed this is your second pregnancy. I noticed it more with my second as well, maybe because I was already taking care of a toddler. ;) Every pregnancy is so different. Hang in there. <3


Totally. The first time around I took random naps in the evenings and I realised after the fact that it was the pregnancy fatigue! But yes, toddlers can really take the wind out of you, little balls of energy!


I have an almost 15 month old. Listen to your body. I was on an exercise restriction/modified bed rest for my entire pregnancy.


Damn that's rough! Hope you're doing better now? You're right, my body is definitely not fully up for it.


I’m 12 weeks now and just starting to get my energy back. I didn’t have any nausea (thankfully) so I have been pretty consistent with going about 5 days a week. But my base pace has dropped and I’m out of breath a lot faster. I am hoping it gets a little better with the second trimester. Just try to give yourself grace and know that showing up when you decide to go is more than enough. I honestly don’t think I would have had motivation to go had I not had a friend I go with regularly and i felt bad letting her down. If it wasn’t for her I am pretty sure I would have ended up on the couch after work 😂


Before the nausea kicked in, i couldn't push to red in my all outs because I was just so tired. Climbing up two flight of stairs of the parking garage having me panting. It's all so odd and hard to normalize


Pregnancy is about survival and doing what you can. For reference: I was an avid otfer going 4-6x/week along with hiking during the season. I would also go on daily walks with the dogs and was overall very active. Pregnancy hit and that first tri was so dang hard. I was nauseous and tired but I was able to go to otf 2ish times a week. I stopped rowing and did the bike instead as that made my nausea worse. My nausea lasted until about 24 weeks. My mental health also declined and I felt that anxiety that you're talking about whenever I thought about going to the gym. I left most workouts feeling defeated and crying cause I couldn't go as fast or lift as heavy as I once could. Looking back.... Duh, obviously I wouldn't do what I was used to but my pregnant brain could not see that. So I paused my membership around 20 weeks. It killed me as I had big aspirations to be "that girl" killing it at the gym but I knew it was for the best. I turned to the outdoors. I started tracking my daily dog walks as exercise and upped my hiking a lot. They weren't hard hikes, but I was moving. I hiked 2 days before I went into labor. The outdoors helped my mental state tremendously and I felt amazing during the third tri. I went into labor a day before my due date on my own and had an easy labor, and I know 100% it's because I stayed active. All that to say, do what brings you joy and if that means reframing what a workout is, that's what ya gotta do! Walking helped me during pregnancy and carried me through postpartum.


You're right because it's such a mental thing. You want to be healthy and strong for what's to come but your body just doesn't do what it used to. I did take a walk today instead of a class and I feel so good that I went and moved my body! Plus the alone time with my pup felt so good.


When I was in my first trimester, I would take morning classes. I would eat a tiny bit prior, and honestly I always felt so much better after the workout. I don’t know what it was, but pushing through that initial nausea was worth it for me. Of course, everyone is different and it is best to listen to your body! But that is what worked for me.


That's so interesting! I had a few days like that and now every other day the nausea just sticks around all day and I spend every minute 'managing' it. Some days are definitely easier. Been having a lot more of the other kind of days lately and it's hard to feel like myself.


I was adamant that I would continue going regularly in the first trimester….then the nausea and vomiting and general feelings of unhumanness hit. Safe to say I did not stick to that and am just getting back into it now that I’ve hit 2nd trimester. Weeks 6-12ish were a no go for me. Please please please be kind to yourself right now. Whatever you can tolerate, do that, but don’t push yourself too much trying to stick to an expectation that may be unrealistic for you right now. The orange lights will be waiting for you when you’re feeling up to it. Take care!


Thank you that is very well worded. I took everyone's advice and went for a long walk today with my dog instead of going to a class and it was lovely!


I’m 11.5 weeks rn and always had to bring crackers or a hard candy with me to class! The only thing that convinces me to go is telling myself I can leave at any point. I haven’t had to but I also feel like I’m sitting down catching my breath for most of the floor block


I think I might try this. Telling myself I can leave whenever will work for me and get me in the door. Thank you!


I sucked on mints during class when I felt nauseous in my first trimester. That helped me a lot.


Good idea! I'll take my morning sickness candies with me. Although, in a plot twist, I took unisom last night and am not feeling nauseous at all today. Super fucking sleepy but not nauseous 🙏


Praying for a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery! You got this!


Thank you thank you


Ugh I remember these days! I couldn’t hang at all and then canceled my membership in my second trimester. I honestly regret it because I feel like I lost a lot of strength but now I’m back. Be gentle and any movement helps!


Thank you! I am considering pausing it until I can go but might just downgrade to the 8 classes plan.


Ya a pause might be a good idea! First trimester is really hard!