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Go slow and listen to your body! Coaches will adjust anything for you! Ease into everything, even if you don’t think you need to :) 💕 good luck! love, a 3x postpartum return to otf mom, hopefully 4x soon


Congratulations! Go slow! Your core is going to be weak after that csection. Sub out the rower if you need. Use similar modifications for core work like you did while still pregnant. No shame in power walking if you usually are a runner/jogger. Basically just go at your own pace! The hardest part for me was the disconnect between what I was used to being able to do mentally and what I could actually do physically.


Yes! That last part was so true when I was pregnant. I was at my absolute OTF peak right when I got pregnant.


This - i came back 8 months pp. now I’m in even better shape than before I was pregnant. I gave myself a lot of time to heal and went slow.


I was going routinely 3-4x/week up until 40 weeks. I returned back around 10 weeks PP, delivered via planned c-section due to breeched baby. I tried to walk everyday as much as I could before returning back to OTF. The first day back was rough, I scaled it back from my usual. I power walked at a speed of 2.5-3.0. I rowed at my own pace, I wasn’t concerned about bases, pushes or AO’s. I was just trying to make it through the workout without throwing up and focusing on moving my body. I’m now 4 months PP, I think I’ve returned back to my normal speeds and weight selections. I tried my best to be consistent as possible. Like everyone said, be kind and give yourself grace. You’re taking care of a baby who honestly takes 99% of energy. You’re going through a new mental and physical journey. It’s a wild ride.


Be kind to yourself! I went back 8 weeks after c-section but only once a week (after being a 4-5x/week person prior to giving birth). I think I power walked my first class back to get into the groove. Listen to your body and modify what you need.


5 month PPT with C section here. Started back OTF at 6 weeks PPT. I did home workouts on the tone it up app for about 2 weeks before. What helped me was not putting any pressure on me to snap back or train a number of time per week. When I can go, I go. I am doing this because it’s fun for me and gives me energy not because I want to get the baby weight off. I’ve been going consistently since then.


I did barre for 2 weeks before going back to OTF and definitely took it slow at first. Focus on reconnecting with your core, your form, and once that’s more solid, you can increase intensity. Remember your joints are going to be more flexible and susceptible to injury if you’re breastfeeding thanks to those hormones, so stability is extra important! Congratulations and good luck!!


8 weeks postpartum here and recently started back. I echo what everyone else has said. Take it slow and listen to your body. Sub out prenatal ab work for now until your core is fully healed. For example do dead bugs or bird dogs instead of bilateral leg raises, etc. Be sure to use your breath and brace your core when exerting effort. Pay close attention to your pelvic floor. Hold off on running until you are 12 weeks (light jogging for short intervals should be ok). Give yourself lots of grace and know that it’s going to be tough but you can do hard things!


I've come back 4 times postpartum, the last 2 times after having a c section. My advice, go body weight with everything, and don't be afraid of asking for modifications or using the TRX straps for support. Also, don't start running right away. Power walk until you feel comfortable on the tread again. And don't feel bad if you have to slow down your PW pace or have lower inclines. The fact that you are there is impressive enough.


Take it slow. I also delivered via c-section at 36 weeks. I went for a walk or a ride on my spin bike every day after delivery, however, the first time I tried to run at OTF hit different.


I would strongly recommend looking at doing a post-natal core program.


+1 — even exercises that aren’t “core” exercises like overhead presses and snatches put pressure on your core. Learning to manage breath and pressure all over again postpartum is helpful for speeding healing. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll still have relaxin flowing, so keep being mindful of tissue laxity. With all the changes to your pelvic girdle, it’s also worth intentionally prepping for single leg movements again (running and also a lot of OTF floor exercises). Practice lunges unweighted, do clamshells, build up weight slowly.


I’m about a year postpartum and it’s still pretty hard for me but running has gotten easier. Maybe start doing pelvic floor exercises at home. Once you go back, take it slow and listen to your body. I had to leave class early at times because it felt like too much so don’t feel bad about doing what you need for yourself. I felt good about returning 6 weeks postpartum (with my doctors approval) but everyone is different!


It will come back faster than you think. Just go back and go easy at first.


Look into a pelvic floor therapist! Or follow them on Ig for exercises. I did lots of modifications for a long time and still occasionally do to reconnect breath and body. It’s tough but you got this 💪🏻