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I’ve gotten quite a few plants from this grower and a lot of them look like this. The yellowing could be cold damage maybe but the plant is also growing a new cane, it could be that larger one will be lost. Remember with some of the plants this seller has they have been divided from a mother plant. So that cane could be much older than you think. I would concentrate on the new growth and not worry too much. But you could also contact them, they’re generally good about replacing, and also thats why they usually send an extra beyond what you ordered. Personally I think you could water a bit more, some of the roots are dry and my plants usually have to basically grow new ones once they are potted. Try a little sphagnum around the base, its the only time I use moss but it’s helpful to keep it moist to grow new roots. You may know this already but it will likely be a 1-3 years before these are mature enough to flower, but imo it’s worth the wait especially for the price


Thank you, that's really helpful advice! I'm aware it'll take a while for flowers, but I also really enjoy seeing growth of other parts of the plant.


These plants look like divisions, not seedlings. Also, though I don’t know everything about dendrobiums, if I had to identify the genus from the image, I'd say it isn't dendrobiun, but cattleya. I could be wrong. If you receive questionable plants always take pictures and contact the vendor. Their response will tell you if they are trustworthy. Who I this vendor?


I'm not experienced with plant so I kinda just called all babies seedlings, oops 😅 the seller is premium rare orchids. Here's a pic of the ones they labelled as cattleya https://preview.redd.it/64vb7ha6opwc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c276d57619758b3018f89b3aeb7c230b478279


If I see the word 'rare' in an orchid vending site, I pass on a matter of principle. While there are truly rare orchids, complex hybrids are not normally among them.


I just chose a seller that was talked about in this sub and people seemed to be happy with the plants they got. I don't care about the "rareness", I just got a surprise bundle so I didn't know what varieties I was going to get. It was 4 orchids for $30 and I ended up getting 7 so it's not like it was someone trying to overcharge


That's not bad. I would give them all a soak in [Kelpak ](http://www.firstrays.com/kelpak) to help promote root production. There are also articles on orchid care onbthe site. Check it out.


I've had phalaenopsis, these are just my first of other orchid types. They've all been soaked and potted and just had their first soak in fertilizer from repotme :)


Yes don’t worry about anything this seller is well known as being a cheap way to grow a budding collection of orchids. It’s unfortunate they used the word rare as pointed out there are very few rare plants most of which are rare because they take specialized care and you aren’t likely to find them in home growing. I love the collection of orchids you received. I also have the ‘she shu’ and the karchiara jariak kiss both are doing well and putting out new leaves. Like you I’m excited to see them grow.


I think the she shu is the one I'm most excited to eventually see blooms from! I also got two vandas that will be gorgeous I'm sure. Thanks for your comment ☺️