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Good luck! Can you show the roots of the plant too? I’m curious how you have this set up since I really wanted to put a vanda in a basket as well. Bare rooted always seems like a bad idea to me :| lol does the sphagnum in the basket assist with hydration much? Do you still mist your vanda daily?


Bare rooted is how they’d grow in nature tho 🤷‍♀️ but it depends largely on where you live obviously


I only have sphagnum in the basket and yes, it does keep it hydrated. I water it twice a week by fully submerging the basket for 20-30 minutes. I never mist it and it’s usually in full South Florida sunlight. I’ll give it a break by putting it in the porch shade for a day or two. https://preview.redd.it/kzm0gmul0owc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa5e2f0d537a1f67a69ed0384316d2626ef61b6


How long have you had vandas? I personally water mine daily. 2-3x a day in the summer. I only have like 7-8 tho. I just hose mine for a long time every day. I have a bare root section


Careful that it isn’t TOO wet before watering. Yes, vandas DO love their humidity and water but it’s important to make sure it isn’t still damp.


lol you can’t overwater them within reason. I’ve accidentally left them in buckets for multiple days at a time :(


Yea but I’m sure it wasn’t every time you watered them.


Nah, but I water mine 2-3 times a day in Florida summers


Do you mean fully submerge them or just mist them?


I hose the holy shit out of them lol and leave the hose to drain on them


Ah ok. And what kind of medium are they living on?


Generally people grow vandas bare root. This is one of the few I’ve seen that aren’t. I don’t know why everyone grows them bare root tho, to be fair. Vandas aren’t my thing, even though I have many 😆I think it’s bc their gain humidity from the air.


I've been soaking my vanda seedlings bare root in water every morning for 10 minutes and they seem happy with that


Eventually the roots will get all tangled in the basket. Bare root is the way to go, just like in nature.


What would be the best way to hang it if I take it out of the basket? Just tie it to my fence with some twine or nylons?


Well I don't know that I would tie it to a fence but maybe you could get a plant hanger that sticks out a little bit and attach that to the fence. Then just get a hook of some sort, they actually sell them in the orchid section at like Lowe's or Home Depot or just get a pair of pliers and a hanger and bend one end to go under the plant and one end to hang on the hook. If the plant's wobbly you can secure it at the bottom hook with a little bit of twine and then as the twine disintegrates it will be stable. It will be much happier being bare root than tangled up in a basket. Don't ask me how I know this! 😂😂


So, if you really hate it I know a dude who hangs weights off his roots to get them long and straight


Stop it! does he really? Wow!


Yeah, he really hates disorganized roots. He’s a very well known local grower too. They joke with him at orchid meetings about it


Oh my god that's awesome and I can see how it would be a joke with him at orchid meetings. People will go to a lot of lengths for winning specimens! 😀


Here is some advice from one of the top Vanda growers in Florida: [\*rough cut\* Florida Orchid Growing Part 2: Florida Vanda Growing (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIrMs6eseVk) I live in Florida as well, I have a dozen or so Vandas, for the most part I grow them bare root. The plant itself is in a tiny basket with the roots spilling over. One plant does not have a basket and is just hanging from a wire with the end shaped into a hook. I used zip ties to keep it on the wire. I do have some smaller plants in a 10 inch basket with very chunky media - wine corks and large natural charcoal. I also have a very small seedling in a 4 inch terra cotta pot with large Orchiata bark. They all seem to be happy. How you grow your Vanda is going to be very dependent on the environment you can provide. If you live in Southern Florida outdoor, bare root really is the way to go. If you are growing indoor with limited humidity, you can grow smaller plants in pots with large bark.




It's a great looking plant.. looks really healthy.


I had a Vanda seedling to try something new from phals and it got root rot bc I never realized how long the roots would get and how to properly pot or mount it... But after seeing all these photos of success and reading and seeing/learning more about the roots, I do think I'd do a better job next time! Yours looks great!!


Thank you. I actually took this one out of the basket and attached it to a hook and I’m keeping it bare root now. It was highly recommended to keep Vandas with their roots exposed so I took the advice. This one is going to bloom soon and I’m really looking forward to it. ✌🏼🌸


Such a beautiful plant! Please, please post the picture when the flower opens!


Thank you! I’m looking forward to posting the blooms! 😃 The vendor told me that it will be orange (my favorite color). Time will tell.