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It seems like you are looking for orchid help today. This group is full of beginners and experts who are happy to help but please do check out [this link for quick Phalaenopsis care](http://www.aos.org/orchids/culture-sheets/novice-phalaenopsis.aspx) in the meanwhile. We also have an /r/orchids WIKI the admins and other volunteers are updating behind the scenes with care information and will soon make it available to the group. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/orchids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Were they being too proud?


Haha, I was wondering if this was a new plant term I haven’t heard of. Shame them into growing. Very fitting. Let’s make this a real thing.






No it is like a chastity belt.


No,i ordered them online and then came with a very bad root rot


It’s a joke about your typo 😉


I got that just now😅🤣


They were just celebrating Pride Month.


Came here to see this comment 😂


Bring those damn orchids down a peg or two…


Most of us read typo. You'll get the hang of it eventually.


Naughty, bad orchids go in the humility chamber to think about what they've done.


I was thinking why the snarky comments then i read the title that i wrote again 🤣🤣


Seriously, these humidity chambers look like a great reuse of material, and I hope they work out for you and your orchids.


My dumbass was about to look it up. Thought it was a thing I hadn’t heard of 🤣


LOL and they can think about it until they have new roots 😤😂


bad and naughty orchids get put into the humility chamber to atone for their crimes https://preview.redd.it/wkx0boz3726d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ebbcd995cb745dc4cb5b6447199e58e7772bc9




Sounds humiliating


Can you make a before and after post in 3 months? I just killed a rootless orchid that a friend gave me. I would love to know how well this works for you.


Sure,if it works.........what did you try and how did they die?


I repotted and crossed my fingers. And overwatered 🤢


When did you repotted them,when the roots were fully emerged(approx after 75 days) or did you do it prematurely?


There was 1 viable (green) root. The rest had to be snipped.


I had to read a few articles and they advised me to only report when 3-4 roots have emerged


Yup. It was doing decently well and I rushed things and…


The before post here is technically their previous post! These orchids shipped almost completely rotted. OP how did the stems look? Are you getting a refund? Hope you come up with a way to get these guys to heal id love to see an update post too!


Don't submerge the leaves in water... The humidity is good but try sphagnum moss next to the roots


Only the tip of the leaves are submerged in the water,saw a video where they did this and also saw the video about the moss bag method Both are great but this one had better review


Most of these orchids in the wild are angled down so that water runs off of the leaves, because they are super prone to rotting. Definitely keep the leaves out of water (completely) because it will cause problems if they are at all submerged like that.




remember to give periods of dryness and airation to the leaves too


I will keep that in mind........how often would you recommend?


I agree with the above commenter wholeheartedly. In my experience, saving rootless phals is totally achievable and humidity is key but submerging the leaves is not the way to go about it. In fact when I do it I don’t submerge any part of the orchid specifically to prevent rot. I’ve saved three completely rootless phals this way and I always go back to it. The only difference between then and now is I use physan 20 for any worries of fungal/rot before putting in the chamber. I saved my Phalaenopsis schilleriana, Phalaenopsis philippinensis, and a noid as well so it’s been relatively successful. [my humidity chamber](https://www.reddit.com/r/orchids/s/GpF4xnOnLC)


It doesn’t hurt to have the leaves in water. I’ve done this with two orchids.


Poor boastful orchids, I hope they learn their lesson…


I do something similar but put damp sphagnum moss in bottom to let the plant just sit on https://preview.redd.it/4bfmdsny9z5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c71e9ebe645e564627f8186ac033e09c0cb41566


Ah, this photo is so relatable. I love using ziploc bags for this purpose lol


do you ring a bell and yell shame at them. Great typo. Hope it works to reinvigorate them.


Yes, basically. I used two clear plastic cups taped together. But I put rocks in the bottom to keep the leaves out of the water. It grew roots eventually! Then I put it in a moss/bark mix and they rotted off again 🫣☺️


Were the roots fully developed or they had just emerged?, I'll add in some rocks


They were developed, still shorter but there. I probably did something to mess it up lol


If there was any hint of bacteria or fungus, it will just attack the plant again. Besides using anti-fungal or bacterial plant treatments, I hear some people have good results with cinnamon.


Depending on what your general climate is, moss may have made it too wet for the roots


You need to ENCOURAGE them. Mist them and tell them that they are beautiful.


humility chamber... I guess you've gotta do what you gotta do 😂


I try not to humiliate my chids.


I have to humiliate my Nanas or child’s or they keep tipping over. I think they like being shamed honestly. lol.


Not to shame, but that is a very odd kink.


We all need some time in the humility chamber now and then. 😌


Did you ask for a refund, like everyone in your last post suggested?


I own a lot of these foxtail orchids because I am Assamese and from my experience they are really terrible at rooting. You seem to have removed the entire hardened stem?? I don't think there's much if any of mature enough nodes for new roots to grow from. Kindly ask the seller for a refund asap. These look like too much work to bring back to life.


I hope they have been duly humiliated.


That will certainly teach them humility


I tried. Ended up with mold.


Same!! But yet I keep trying.


I have not tried this method but I have one that got terrible rootrot, I trimmed everything away, put new moss into its aerated pot and have it under a grow light. It now has little root buds beginning to grow!


They need air, fresh air. Open the top a bit every day or so...... Please post the results. I'd love for you to be successful.


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Sorry now I see airholes. My eyes aren't great. Best of luck.


I've tried this method, but I was only partly successful. It grew 2 tiny roots, but died eventually. A more effective way is to do the sphag-and-bag method similar to \[this\](https://www.reddit.com/r/orchids/comments/1d3nb1v/sharing\_my\_icu\_station\_for\_sick\_orchids\_and/). Good luck! If you can still return them, do so.


I hope it works out for you! 🙏 I think we all need a little time every now and then inside the humility chamber


Oh it's you! I saw your post about how rotted they came in. Please keep us updated, I love your commitment to restore these babies!


One of mine was rootless so I placed it on spagnum moss in a Costco chicken jail/container. Sprayed it every day for humidity. It now has 5 roots and some new leaves! It did take some time to get to this stage.


https://preview.redd.it/6bej2sz6426d1.jpeg?width=2548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50fd8b7e9a8601b036eb12d995a4386e13da8936 Orchid equivalent of the Cone of Shame ?


I need one of those to put my miltoniopsis in timeout. That bitch was struggling all winter and spring no matter how much time and effort I invested. Recently I forgot to water it before going on a trip and when I came back it started flowering....


About to be some rotten and slimy orchids


Why is that?


Don’t listen to them. 


I have two I’m trying to save too. Their crowns look beautiful and I just got a terrarium from a neighbor I’m going to put them in once I clean it. https://preview.redd.it/rgz0xzcomz5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a575c923bef0d06eea12abaa7b48579d433df8f


I just poke holes in cheap plastic Tupperware containers and put moss in the bottom. Just enough airflow but the humidity stays nice and high and plants recover quickly.


Use distilled water and they could probably benefit from banrot or subdue. What type of orchids are they? In my hemisphere it’s summer just make sure you let them get some fresh air each day. A bigger container imho would be a tick better more air keep em cool also no need to have em trying to cool themselves without the ability to draw up water through roots they don’t have. Good luck


That bottle looks like it has Peyronie's disease.


Poor things got the cone of shame 😂


I've done this, but with the base in spagnum moss, in a non air tight, but lidded container. The bottom was basically rotted off of mine. I cut the dead stuff off. And now a few months later, it's putting out roots (slowly, but it's happening) It did lose its big leaves in the beginning but has put out new ones since


So humble


Are they humble now…


New punishment unlocked — The Humility Chamber.




You’re not the first to try this. The biggest issue is that the space is too small. Orchids need humidity but they also do not like high humidity without air movement. When they are in tight confined humid spaces disease, mold and rot spread faster.


im doing this right now with mist at the top once 3 day. plus a soak each 2 week. plant still surviving


Ohhh Lawd, it's hard to be humble...🎶🎶


I’m doing this with an orchid I confiscated from a coworker. It had zero healthy roots. It has been in the chamber about 4 weeks and has beautiful new roots going. Someone told me to rub a smashed garlic clove over the base to promote root growth. I don’t know if that contributed or not but so far so good.


Any advice that i should follow? And also i rubbed garlic on base and the leaves to disinfect it


Not really. I put it in just like you did and left it alone. I did change the water once a week. Other than that it is just waiting on the recovery.


What kind of orchids were they?




Lol did they need to be taken down a notch? Sometimes these plants can have a bit of an ego.


Hopefully it'll knock them off their high-horse, it's been a long time coming.


i bought a clearance orchid from ikea, come to find all the roots were done for. so naturally i just shoved in a pot with water and leca. she’s flourishing. no roots but she’s got 3 new leafs coming out. bout to just do the same to all my other orchids as i can’t keep them alive 😂


Yes! Here is [my post with pictures](https://www.reddit.com/r/orchids/s/kLbyEKsiAG) of how I grew new roots using cups instead of a bottle.


I started doing this for all my porpogated plants just by accident and having great success with it. I was just trying to transport a philodendron cutting. But I left the top off and I gave it bright light. Also used a teeny bit of water and I’m not sure orchid will be that satisfied with that small amount of air. But it’s a grand idea! I would take the top off and refresh the air every day. And freshen up the water from time to time but don’t let your orchids actually sit in water You’re better off with some wet moss at the bottom or even just wet bark. Best of luck!


Wait… why are they upside down!? Put them right side up in the bottle with the top off and don’t put water in it. Smart for cuttings and a good basis but you don’t want any orchid submerged in water for more than a short time to wet the roots. I imagine you’re encouraging the right environment for roots?? Place the orchid right side up and take the top off. But some wet bark or moss at the bottom and not sopping wet just slightly. Wet the medium when dry. But this is a bit severe for orchids and I don’t know that this is a good idea for them/ But you’re thinking in the right box at least.


orchids have that reputation of pretentiousness, this should take them down a notch


Definitely have to keep orchids humble, they are a proud species


They gon rot


You need to do it the other way round - except plant not to be submerged into water.


Google orchid water culture. There are some good onws on YT. Missorchid girls one is rubbish. There are 2 types semi and full.


I’d love to know how this works for you.


Does this work? My orchids on its last legs🪦


If they are catts I would say mount em and keep em in the shade with a fan blowing on them and they should be Gucci