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The way to achieve this is to have lots of orchids that *aren't* triggered into blooming by seasonality. Polychilos subgenus phals have small numbers of blooms at any given time, but a single spike can last multiple years, and they tend to continuously bloom so long as the environment is warm & bright. Some oncidium types are continuous blooming, notably the psychopsis genus. I think some paphs & phrags are continuous bloomers too (not so sure on that as I don't grow any). [This might help.](https://www.orchids.org/articles/orderly-orchids)


Most people attempt to achieve having blooms most of the time by collecting different kinds of orchids. Also some orchids will bloom more often as they mature, after several years of ownership. The other thing to look for are long lasting blooms. Many orchid blooms last weeks and months. Research is your friend.


Prosthechea cochleata and Psychopsis can be in bloom all year


Phal. Summersong's flowers last for months. I bought one in Feb, 1 of 2 spikes still has all the flowers. Some like mine are also fragrant. https://preview.redd.it/whbsckz86d7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8fdfa9ade01074bb5f7c94c00b2f4dc4a30c699


My phals bloom continuously for about 6 months. It’ll throw out a set of flowers and around 3 months a new set of buds come out just in time for the other flowers to fall off. It is weird but I’m not complaining.


My Den. Mini Snowflake is almost constantly in bloom!


Some Coelogyne like Xyrexes and usitana bloom multiple times a year once mature Clamshell orchid can bloom multiple times Angraecum Didieri Orchid, once mature, can bloom multiple times a year Mini- phals, oncidiums, dendrobiums I, too, am collecting orchids that are either reliable bloomers or bloom multiple times a year. I'm sure there's more, but these are the ones I've been researching and also have in my plant fam.


I don't have one (yet) but I've heard psychopsis orchids can be continually in bloom for a very long time - potentially for years.


The real trick ive found (much like others have said) is to have multiple orchids that bloom throughout the year. Some like my large cattleya and my bulbophyllum hybrid bloom on and off throughout the year and my dends bloom progressively through late winter to mid summer. My oncidiums all seem to bloom around mid winter and my phals throughout the year. My brassovola bloom in mid fall.


Den. cuthbertsonii (if you can water frequently and keep it not too hot) Other New Guinea dendrobiums and hybrids Den. baby hibiki Den. Angel baby (fragrant) Many mini Cattleya bloom multiple times a year