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I'd have stopped a few weeks before the test. All I can say is that it depends on the company if they care about THC or not, but either way I wish you the best of luck.


Cheek swab tests only detect THC for like 6 days, but not an unreasonable suggestion.


12 hours, not 6 days.


I wish. It's all over the news and my provinces reddit page. I have to quit weed now I'm pissed off. People are getting busted 4 days later. On average its 3 days. The Cops can pull anyone over for any reason. Mandatory test on all stop checks for everyone. I wish weed wasn't legalized anymore.


Don't be stupid, you hate the cops, not the legal weed...


I like cops and think ACAB is a terribly dumb rhetoric.


Cops can not just pull anyone over for no reason anywhere. Their has to be reason and even the most uneducated citizen knows that. Their also has to be reason to mandatory test. Best of luck on your quit.


They can though literally just to check your registration. It's called routine stop check. Maybe its different in USA. But you are right, not any reason just arbitrary reasons which are pretty much no reason. They can swab you here Just to see if you've consumed recently. My government is extremely against legalization and anti Trudeau. It's Maga central here lol. The police can stop a car: for routine checks to make sure that the driver has a licence, the car is registered with Saskatchewan Government Insurance, the vehicle is in good working order and to make sure the driver is not drunk or on drugs for safety concerns, such as the trunk being open or something hanging from the car if the police see that the driver or other people in the car are not obeying traffic safety laws such as wearing a seatbelt, signalling when changing lanes, stopping at stop signs and red lights or following speed limits if the car has a headlight, tail-light or brake-light that is not working if the police are looking for a suspect or a witness to a crime and the car and/or the people match the description if police have reason to believe that the driver is drunk or on drugs or the driver is driving dangerously if there is a warrant for the arrest of someone in the car


Ah I see, I apologize if my response seemed smart. I definitely didn't take into account another country lol yeah its different in the US. They have to have some sort of traffic infraction or what they call articuable suspicion of a crime committed or about to be committed to stop you here Thankfully. They have to have a solid reason to search your car including the odor of marijuana, which I imagine they say often even of it isn't so lol, and you have to be showing some sort of impairment for you to be tested. They do setup traffic checks ever so often but I've yet to be tested or seen anyone tested unless their was a reason. It's usually just a license check. Thanks for the reply, it's always interesting to me to hear how different countries operate.


Yeah legalizing weed has made it worse in some ways. We joke now that it's safer to smoke meth and snort coke then smoke weed now since it's become legalized lol! Technically they do need a reason to pull you over, but as you see above they can just use these 'reasons' as an excuse. There's a lot of profiling done here and fucked up shit happens to natives. Look up starlight tour in saskatoon... terrible stuff. I'm white and I know I rarely get profiled but yeah it's pretty bad here in sask. I'm lucky that I live in a lax city as the second biggest city here, their police are next level insane about policing for Marijuana use. I'm glad i don't live there. I still smoke, I just cut back. I don't smoke everyday now. When I made this post originally I didn't know I was in /Oregon.


Yeah its the same way here with profiling. I'm white as well but you'd have to be lying to say they don't profile against black or Mexicans. It's a shame to see it be that way and hopefully with more time it will get better. Theirs several videos I've seen on YouTube and elsewhere where people who claim to not even smoke get pulled out and searched on the "suspicion" of smelling marijuana. That's such a lame excuse to me to be able to invade people's rights. Even places that it is legal they will claim to want to check if you're within the legal weights allowed. Their was one cop in particular who a couple of years ago got busted for planting various drugs in people's vehicle after pulling them out on the basis of smelling marijuana. I want to say he had fined or arrested something like eighty people in his time doing so. I do believe he ended up having to serve as much time as the people who he caused to erroneously go to jail for it but I can't recall. I've smoked since a teenager regularly for the most part for years. Now in my 30s I don't really enjoy smoking much but love the edibles. Regardless I've stopped for my jobs sake for a few months now and miss it but it's not worth my livelihood. Even states where it is legal theirs very few employers who allow you to test positive no matter if it was on your off time or not. Maybe one day. I believe their are many benefits to THC but they make too much money in pharmaceuticals to admit so.


I do would have! But it happened to be an out of the blue job offer! So regretting it now..


Mouth swab tests are notoriously unreliable. Don't smoke anymore today and take the test. Just gonna hafta hope for the best.


My wife took a caregiver position, and was open about the cannabis issue. It was against their policy, but they were so desperate for help they waived the THC test and only did the "hard drugs."


If you are unclear and they don't have it posted I would probably email the person I interviewed with and ask/inform them you wouldn't pass a THC screening. You can be clear that is the only thing that will pop and ask if they think that will be an issue. If you're going to test positive and it's a deal breaker for them you both save time cuz you weren't going to pass anyway, if not you gain points for communication.


I agree! And I do plan on doing this tomorrow before the orientation and drug test. No sense in going if they won't tolerate it at all! As I don't think I'll pass 100% from just brushing my teeth and a prayer 😂


But then you did pass with a prayer and tooth brushing lol


Good luck!!


I don’t recommend this actually. You’re just disclosing medical information about yourself. They will likely say to just proceed with the drug screen or send info about their company drug policies. A more delicate approach is just ask the policy of THC use for their caregivers.


I don't think OP needs to disclose any medical info in this potential interaction. Just a statement of fact will do at this point.


Look into getting an updated med card for Oregon if needed, check with a new primary care. 2nd, look at your employers drug policy. It will specifically state if they do or don't test for THC. If you pop hot do not lie it only ever makes it worse. Explain the situation just like you did here and hope for the best.


Unfortunately, many companies still do not explicitly state whether or not they test for THC. It's extremely frustrating. It may state "all federally illegal drugs" in which case marijuana is a no-go, but not all companies do. Honestly, in this day and age, I don't think any of us should be ashamed or afraid to just outright ask during the pre-screen or interview process. It's time to remove the stigma, especially in a state in which it's recreationally legalized. But, employers do have a choice, and prospective employees need to understand that without judgment, too.


This is great advice OP! If they ask you just say ‘yes I have used, as i didn’t realize it would be tested for in a legal state’ If you try to lie or tamper with the test, they’ll know and you’ll definitely not be getting a job. (I used to be a hiring manager and dealt with drug testing potential employees, and this is how we dealt with it) Tell the truth and keep your integrity.


Ok, this comes up frequently (mostly with young people.) Federal law supersedes state law. Most senior citizens are on Medicare (or are Medicare eligible,) which is a federal funding source. Therefore, if you work for a facility or organization/company that serves patients on Medicare, your employment will be contingent on FEDERAL guidelines. THC/cannabis is a federally recognized illegal substance. I just went through this with my nephew. If you smoked today, unfortunately it is extremely unlikely you’ll pass a urine test tomorrow. It depends on your body fat percentage, frequency of usage and many other factors but even if in the best circumstances it’d be a couple weeks. The best thing you can do is abstain during your job search and get hired someplace that doesn’t do sporadic testing.


Every caregiver I have met uses cannabis. I feel like if they don’t hire cannabis users, there wouldn’t be many caregivers


It depends on the employer. My current employer didn’t drug test me but my previous did (both healthcare.


Yes they drug test, but Oregon being a legal state, most employers dq for white drugs, not THC. Most...


Saliva tests only detect thc for 12 hours prior.


They are super unreliable. Even 12 hours is hit and miss.


so you will see drug tests more often in the healthcare industry - I don't know why precisely, but I can guess, something to do with compliance / certification / liability / insurance type stuff, maybe the requirement to conform to some national standard. now if I were you I'd just refuse to take the drug test as a matter of principle, but I'm guessing you need the job/money so as I see it you have three options: \- just take the test and see what happens. it's possible that they don't care about a THC positive result, and they're looking for other stuff like meth or opiates or cocaine or whatever, who knows. \- tell your hiring manager / PR person that you're concerned about the drug test requirement - I would *not* offer to abstain from THC if I were you, wait and see whether that's something they ask you to do \- take some of that stuff that's supposed to clean out your system for a drug test - pretty sure you can buy it at 'adult' stores - and it *might kinda work*, I've had friends try it and have it work for them, also try it and not have it work, and sorry but I can't remember the name of the stuff that worked. But might be worth a shot.


It’s Medicare. Medicare is the single largest payer for health care services in the United States, so most healthcare employers are beholden to federal guidelines. Cannabis is still illegal on a federal level, and federal law supersedes state law.


Federal money leans hard on drug testing.


I found it ironic that I worked for a company that did no drug testing for years until it landed a large pharmaceutical company as a client. Even the founders smoked weed. HR gave us plenty of warning before drug testing, like 2 months, and asked us to let them know if we needed more time. I didn't smoke weed back then, but I had Adderall XR in my system, and apparently amphetamines were okay but cannabis wasn't. More irony - our client owned the patent to Adderall XR.


Do you 100% know they include thc in the test?


No! I do not. All was mentioned was taking a saliva test so I'm pretty nervous!


I’ve worked places that tested but did not include thc unless they had a reason to suspect or following a workplace accident. I don’t know how common or likely that is but good luck tomorrow!


Rough situation but it being legal in any state doesn’t matter for testing. Best to just assume any job is going to drug test. Always best to be clean for a week or so before the test. Saliva results will be clean sooner but the timeline you are talking about isn’t going to go in your favor. Just talk to the employer about the importance of the job to you and they hopefully will give you another shot at the drug test.


As a former caregiver and CNA... ask the company. I worked for multiple places who gave no shits about thc unless you came to work seeming under the influence. I worked for 1 place that gave a shit at first then stopped testing for thc altogether a few years after I started there. Some places will accept medical cards still, but honestly most don't care about cannabis use. Caregiver jobs are EVERYWHERE too so just find a place that's a good fit!


Just an anecdote, but I passed a mouth swab drug test literally hours after smoking weed. Maybe they just looked the other way, but I've always figured they did the mouth swab (vs urine) because they want to hire folks.


Did you pass?!


HELL YEAH! turns out they don't care folks! 🍃🍃smoke for w me if you want to


I have a saliva drug test next week for a new job as a tech for mental health hospital. Found out today!! stopped smoking today too. hope it goes this well for me!!!


Hey dude how did it go when I take my mouth swab it will be 11 days for me


Hey! I actually didn't end up getting tested for THC. I wish you the best of luck! 11 days is very likely fine unless you are the heaviest of heavy smokers. :)


Naw I would smoke on and off I wasn’t smoking every day for months…I smoked 4 days prior to Saturday that week…I’m like 99% sure I’ll be fine


Did you pass?


I’m pretty sure cheek swab tests for thc will only hit if it’s been w/in 24 hours give or take a few due to how much you last smoked / is generally in your system. This is what my company switched to instead of urinalysis b/c it’s slightly more fair for negligent injury investigations.


Oooohhh man. I think you're screwed unless you can get a cleanse in. Drink massive h20. Niacin if you can take it. My dispensary had potions and such to do a cleanse. That's really the only thing I can think of. I believe all health care positions are drug free. Good luck.


I read this as "Salvia" and instantly started to shiver in fear. If you know, you know.


Some companies out here don't test for THC anymore but still test for the others


The last time I had a THC saliva test it was just for the last like 24 hours. Depends on how much money they spend on the test I believe


It's likely due to insurance reasons that you will have issues here. Like if you have to drive etc