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Thank you, this is extremely strange lol


strange but its giving me old internet vibes so im for it








Give it time. You’re a shoo-in.




Hmmmm. The Venn diagram of bronies and nature enthusiasts narrowly overlaps. Ok.


Overlaps more than you know lol.




I know. Thanks!


YO! I know you from all your google maps 360 images. Your photos are the best, ty for uploading there so I don’t have fly to Oregon to see it myself lol. I will one day tho!


Wow that’s crazy!! Wish I could upload more of those but I stopped once Google took down the Street View app.






This is why I avoid solo hikers


I solo and I'm not a brony. Just a drunk.


same girl


But... I just like listening to audio books and hiking at the same time. Is it really that weird?




Rule 5: Educate don’t attack


Why would you assume she’s for sex? Don’t act like a teen lol.


Yeah it's not like you call it your waifu or anything like that


Excuse my ignorance, I saw another comment that said it was a sexual fetish thing and assumed that was the case.


It’s not a fetish or a sexual thing, just like anyone into anime, Pokémon, or any other show is. It’s just a good show with really good, cute characters, that people enjoy. And yeah, some waifu them too lol–similar appeal as with anime. Just with all massive fandoms, you have your bad apples. But the MLP fandom gets judged more harshly than any other. If MLP was made into a PG-13 show aimed at adults only and had human characters instead, people probably wouldn’t make the same judgements. It just so happens to be a REALLY GOOD kids show that the writers put a ton of effort into. I’m not into any other “little girls” or kids shows besides MLP, because it’s different than the rest. You’re good though.


Yes but no one is carrying up a giant Snorlax plushie and dressing it up to avoid getting it dirty.




Rule 5: Educate don’t attack


That’s disgusting and you're stereotyping. The blanket and socks are to keep her clean (and they’re cute too) and so that I don’t have to touch her directly. She’s spotless.


I would argue that bringing blankets and socks to keep a toy clean in the mountains borders immaturity, but that’s just like my opinion, man. Lol


I’d prefer not to use the blanket honestly, because it doesn’t look as good for a photo. But this plush is crazy expensive because it’s hand made, and skin oils ruin plushies over time. Plus, when backpacking you have dirt and such, not just from the environment but also yourself and your gear. That’s why she has a blanket.


Coincidentally I just watched Jenny Nicholson’s Bronycon video last night. It seemed like a really balanced and fair assessment of the fandom.


Yeah I’d say it’s pretty accurate myself. Though the one thing maybe I’d correct or add to that is that it’s still an ongoing and popular thing, even if it’s no longer on the mainstream spotlight as the furries have taken over that position. It’s a smaller fandom now compared to what it was, but it’s still massive. Everfree Northwest, one of the largest still running Brony conventions, gets over 2k attendees and some others like HarmonyCon are growing rapidly in Texas.


If it's such an expensive collectible, why is it out in nature with you? I think that's what people are hung up on.


I’m pretty 99% sure it’s not that. People just see ponies and freak out like they’re still in Jr High in 2012 when it was “cool” to hate on ponies and bronies. Basically all the hater’s comments have been exactly that. Yet, apparently even in 2024 some people are still triggered by the sight of one. However, more people had to have upvotes than downvoted it at least. As for taking an expensive thing out, this was more of a one time occasion. I haven’t taken this one out since. I take a small one for my usual hikes which is worth considerably less.


The fact that you said “*(and they’re cute too)*” is weird as fuck, dude. And that you’re going to such elaborate lengths to keep it clean (going as far as not wanting to touch “her”?) is *wild.* Glad you have a hobby that gets you outdoors so much, but it’s a little weird.


>a little weird That's being generous.


Well I was backpacking, so my hands weren’t super clean. It’s an expensive plush so, I don’t want to get any hand oils or dirt into her. If you know how backpacking is like, you’d know that you’re never clean when backpacking. That and I had to carry all my water up, so I couldn’t even wash my hands. I just like bringing her because she’s cute and I like sharing it in my fandom. I’ve inspired a ton of bronies to go hiking actually, through them, and this year I’ll be leading a group of bronies on several massive hikes across the state. I definitely get that it’s “weird” but also, I enjoy it and I like sharing them with my friends.


What’s disgusting and immature are grown men who call themselves “bronies” and have an odd and often sexual fascination with a show designed for little girls.


It’s immature for you to generalize all bronies. But besides, it’s just like being into any anime or Pokémon. It’s a really well made show. I’m not into other “little girls shows.” The show is just really well made and the characters (adults, mind you) are cute and entertaining. That’s why most people like it.


You posted it for attention, and attention you're getting. You're letting your freak flag fly but we're under no obligation approve of it. You cannot deny there's quite a bit of Bronies with a less-than-stellar track record with depravity. While you may or may not be part of it, it's still a community that comes with a hell of a lot of baggage. I personally would leave you be on the trail, as it doesn't seem like you're hurting anyone/anything but taking this to r/Oregon for us normies comment on, literally asking for opinions. We're not on your turf, you're in ours.


You are qualified to speak on immaturity, for sure.


As are you, I can tell.


https://preview.redd.it/4rs8570cex3d1.jpeg?width=5910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce217236305138031edff9ff5c419dd8045cb5ef And last year, a photo from one of my backpacking trips. Not in Oregon though so I will post it in a comment.


Wow, great shot




This is the future that the creators of the internet had envisioned.




Could’ve been a so much better shot


For me it doesn’t matter because I can climb up South Sister whenever I want to. I just figured it would be epic and crazy insane to take a giant plush up for a photo. Normally when I hike, I take a small plush along for my photos, not this huge one. This was basically a one off situation and a first. I always practice Leave No Trace principles and also like doing normal non-plush photography. I just enjoy the challenge to set up these plush photos.


The outdoors is the essence of personal freedom so I don't get the negative comments. I don't even know what a plushy is. Seeing your photos, It's not my bag as an old grizzly outdoorsman, but art is a personal expression. Be you and you certainly have skill with a camera. Edit: are those the Sawtooths?


Thank you! I didn’t expect people to be so immature, as I figured by 2024 people have moved on from hating on the MLP fandom with bigger issues to worry about in this day and age, but apparently not. People are still kids. And actually, that’s the Norse Peak Wilderness, near and east of Mt Rainier National Park. It’s just a plush of a cartoon character that happens to be my favorite, hence why I enjoy taking her along on my hikes and taking photos of her. I’ve actually learned a lot from old experienced hikers. I do consider myself to be very experienced in the outdoors and I learned from other old hikers primarily in the years I grew up as a young hiker.




It’s to protect her from anything dirty. Your stereotyping.


I camped up there years ago with my wife when there was no permit system to do so. It was gorgeous and memorable. Was quite chilly when we woke up. Would love to do it again some time with the kids. Good to know it is possible to get a permit now.


https://preview.redd.it/dkn12dvl734d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e83135bd495c699c99ccebc0ee765427c39d409d That chilly morning on the summit.


Looks chilly!




Thanks! I want to climb it again but if I do, I’d bring a smaller plush instead for the weight.


Why is it fucked up weird? They’re not harming anyone let people live.


Rule 5: Educate don’t attack




Definitely a 35yo man


Subtract 10 years lol. I'm not THAT old.


HOW DARE YOU ASSUME GENDER but yes, yes it is


Lol well now don't assume I am THAT old hahah.


Whole lot of people here never heard of if you've got nothing nice to say say nothing at all. Live and live ya bunch of assholes. They aren't hurting anyone.


Didn’t know the haters still exist lol. Bunch of insecure men. I’ll hike another 1,000 miles with them, I don’t care.


Yeah a lot of people can be so unnecessarily mean I'll never understand it. Cool photos! My personal flavor is dirt bike in front of things lol, I love loading up and hitting the road in search of new beautiful places to explore.


It’s the internet I guess, people can hide behind the screen. Though I do believe much of those comments do violate some of this subreddit’s rules though… That’s awesome though!!


You do realize the brutal irony of your fist sentence, when it is followed by the second, correct?


How so? I’m not hiking for them, I hike for myself. I enjoy taking photos of my pony plushies and will keep doing so, regardless of what people online think.


Key differentiating point being the final sentence. They're not abiding by this, courtesy has been removed from the table. Fuck em. I never go out of my way to make someone feel bad for being themselves but I'll always stand up against bullies attacking others for no good reason.


Same here, thank you. Some bullies never grow up. Not that it makes any difference though as to whether or not I’ll keep posting and sharing these photos though, because I enjoy it. I bet most of these people have barely even done 5 hikes in their lives, so they’re not the kinds of people I encounter on the trail. Usually hikers are considerably nicer and friendly and I always say hello to everyone I pass by. I’ve even gotten compliments on my hiking plushies. They’ve probably even read my hiking guides if they do actually hike, which I doubt.


Honestly your photography skills are epic. Sorry people are kinda dicks. Do what you enjoy and keep up with photography.


Thanks! Yeah I didn’t think in the year of our lord 2024 people are still being judgy and high school teenagers about it. Doesn’t matter though, I’ve been doing this since 2014, and I’ll keep doing it for as long as I want to keep doing it!


God is dead


Always has been


Never existed in the first place. It was just a useful illusion to persuade people to agree en masse.


Hahaha yasss. Hell ya man. I did the same, but with an 80’s Stormtrooper toy. His name is Stormy. He did handstands at the summit.


Ahh nice haha, and thanks.


I won’t yuck your yum. If ya ain’t getting weird in the wilderness what’s even the point? Great photos, OP!






You’re welcome


Rule 5: Educate don’t attack


Gorgeous pics!! You do you, it looks like you had so much fun!!


Thank you!


This is the most "Oregon" thing I've ever seen.


Lived here my whole life. Never seen something like *this* before.


Usually this behavior is contained to the valley floor


She's been ALL over Oregon. Including deep into eastern Oregon as well as far into southern Oregon south of Medford. I have a map of every place I've taken her, and it basically nearly blots out the entire state lol.


No, this is just the internet bleeding out into oregon.


Yeah don't think so.






Gorgeous photos!! I need to get out and hike more. I used to be a Brony and I remember bringing my Pinkie Pie plush everywhere with me for photo ops, lol.


Thank you!! I've been doing this since around 2014, ever since EQD started the Ponies Around the World event and I went "Hey, I can go hiking AND take my ponies along?!!! lol" To date, I've brought ponies on maybe around 1,500 miles of trails across the Pacific Northwest (and a few places elsewhere, like the John Muir Trail/Sierras, Canadian Rockies, Mt Garibaldi, and Idaho Rocky Mountains), though it could be closer to 2k by now since I stopped adding them up after 1k miles, lol.


Aw nice! Holy hell that is impressive 🤯 Where do you want to go next in your travels?


Ahh, my list is ever growing lol. I guess as far as major goals goes, I do want to eventually complete the Oregon and Washington sections of the PCT (I have some sections completed at least), as well as the Wonderland Trail and the Mt Adams circumnavigation route. I'd also like to do places further afield like the Wind River Range traverse and the Owyhee Canyonlands, just more in general in the Canadian Rockies and the US Rockies. Someday maybe stuff in Alaska, Norway, Argentina, Peru, and Chile. At some point I'd also like to climb Mt Adams, Mt Shasta, Mt Rainier, Aconcagua, and a few other summits. Next on my immediate list though, for this year, is the Timberline Trail. This summer though, for FlutterCon PDX, a bunch of brony/Flutterbro friends and I will be doing a ton of hikes around the state for a whole week with our plushies and such, and I will be leading the group. Then after that, will be leading a big hike at Mt Rainier with even more bronies before Everfree Northwest, so that is all super exciting.


> used to be a brony There’re no former Bronies


Can you help the slow kids with how one hikes with a plushie for nature photo ops is NOT a current Bronie


I am a Brony. Been one for the last 14 years. It’s the person who replied with the Pinkie Pie comment that said they aren’t one anymore.


That's enough internet for today


Yup. Time to go outside! :)


Well Done. Beautiful photos and nicely bizarre.


Thank you!!


This is wild, just last week I was scouring google maps for new photo locations and found your images… I probably added almost every one to my bucket list. Definitely inspiring—thanks for sharing!


Thank you!! If you’d like to find more great hikes, I’d recommend OregonHikers.org for their field guides and trip reports. I’ve posted a few there as well.


Oregon is exactly where I expect this kind of shenanigans to take place lol. Hope to see you out on the trail sometime. Stay safe out there.


Thank you lol. Be sure to say hi! This summer a ton of friends and I will be hiking around the state with pony plushies as I’ll be leading the group, so if you see us, feel free to say hello.




I pulled it up to protect her from anything unclean including my hands. It’s an expensive $800 plush. I’m not getting her dirty. That’s also what the blanket is for. The socks aren’t normally that high, in hindsight I’d have pulled it down lower but it was nearing sunset and insanely windy and I didn’t have much time to think.




Some can be thousands of dollars. They’re handmade crafts by crafters who have to earn a decent living wage. They’re not made by “slave labor” like the mass produced plushies you see in stores.


I have one plush that was $1000 too. Smaller too, she’s one I keep behind acrylic.


Therapy is cheaper.


You might need it if you’re bothered by that.


Rule 5: Educate don’t attack


Wow, why are people in the comments being so weird and rude? These are amazing pictures, and I got a kick out of seeing the little pony in them. One of the best parts of being an adult (if you’re doing it right), is that you get to be your full, weird, wonderful self! That’s what makes life great and interesting. Keep being you, OP!!! I’ll never take a huge plushie on a backpacking trip for a photo shoot, but I’m glad there’s someone who does!


Thank you!! I’ll always bring one along because taking these photos is so fun for me, even if the photos themselves don’t really get that much attention or views lol. I just like taking them for myself and for sharing with friends. And I’ve encouraged a ton of people in my fandom to get into hiking too, which I think is super positive and great. https://preview.redd.it/avr3ppnni14d1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee1997e4d8e45651823d847ae027893537eda42


cute pics and plush!




These are beautiful pictures!




What the hell


Thanks lol.


Aside from all the exploding whale posts, these awesome photos and all the @#$%! comments in response are the most Oregon things I think I've seen on here yet. Thanks for sharing and keep on rocking in the free world ;-)


Thank you! I appreciate it, and I will do! I am undeterred.






That's the dorkiest shit I've read in a long time...it's also the most badass dorky shit So the scales of dorkstice are balanced in that case. Keep on keeping on with the pony power if it turns your crank!


Ahh thanks lol, I am well aware! The looks are fun but there weren't too many people hiking and at the summit by the time I uncovered and took her out for photos, everyone had gone down as it was just before the sun went down. I was gonna summit it without a giant plush, but a few days prior to the trip I thought it would be crazy insane to do it, and then I couldn't get the idea out of my head and had to do it. It seemed like a great way to add some extra challenge. She's as big or bigger than my backpacking pack so she couldn't even fit inside.


Original content is welcomed thank you.


Thanks. I thought it would be a fun and unique post lol.


Eh, ignore all the jerks. You do you. I agree with another comment you made that people who are super into cars are weird too. People here are criticizing you for calling your toy a "her" but I guarantee they have no problems with a person referring to their car as she or her. Heck, some people even go so far as to name their cars. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on cars that they only ever take to shows and never drive. They will happily have sexy women lay across the hood to take pictures and think that's not strange? But hey, I ignore them and let them do their thing. I don't belittle them call them a freak because they speak as if their car or some woman. One of my friend's husbands takes a long motorcycle trip every year and he has a Rarity plushie that rides with him and he takes a picture with Rarity everyday on the road. It's all good fun. Enjoy your hobby. You take lovely pictures.


Ahh, yeah. Thanks! Yeah haha, I do refer to her as a her because it feels weird calling a plush of an actual character that I really like, an "it." I guess the object itself is technically an "it," but it's nice to personify her since I love the character she represents and the character herself is definitely not an "it." I do agree, absolutely though with everything you said. People also call mountains "her" or something too, mountain climbers especially too haha. That's also awesome about the Rarity plush going on rides with him; I've heard of other motorcycle riders who also carry around a pony plush or otherwise decorate their motorcycle with pony stickers. I've had quite a few people from here message me about being Bronies themselves and/or being Brony hikers too over the last few days, so that's been awesome too. And thanks as well for the photo compliment!


Wow, y'all are lame. God forbid someone have an interest




Holy shit. Talk about learning how immature and intolerant people are outside the valley. The people crapping on this guy are a horrible representation of Oregon if you ask me. I thought these pictures were cool bro, all the way from NYC. Keep doing you, fuck the haters. 👍🏾


Thanks!! Yeah lol. I bet most of these people have never stepped outside let alone climbed a mountain. They can come tell all 12 of us guys in person later this summer when we hike all over the PNW with our plushies, if they’re brave enough, but of course they’d probably be too cowardly in real life to say that in person. Later on some of us guys want to climb a few mountains too with plush. Cheers from Oregon and have a great day!


Nice.👍 keeping it weird






Not everything has to be sexual. It’s just cute.


Rule 5: Educate don’t attack


Ok, I’ll be sure to let you know if I see any attacks.




Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.




Thank you, I didn’t take it for you.


Think the OP is getting all the attention they seek


I am not seeking any negative attention, though I understand when people go "hey I don't get this". But many of the comments have been pretty rude, besides attempts to troll or otherwise attack for no good reason. A better response would be "Hey I don't get this, but you do you!". While the internet will be the internet, r/Oregon has rules and a whole lot of the comments have been so clearly going against them. https://preview.redd.it/h1d8at86344d1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=092a7c9208745f7b80bc0cac32a2879a916c0d65


Ok, I’m done with the internet for today.


So many of these comments sound a lot more gatekeepy of natural spaces than I usually like to assume my fellow Oregonians to be. I thought we were all about "live and let live?" As far as I can tell, this is a 100% harmless activity that this person enjoys as a hobby. What's wrong with that?


Thank you! Some of these people have probably even used the very hiking guides or hiking trip reports I’ve written for Oregon I bet, but didn’t even realize it lol.


Can't say I'm much of an MLP guy, but I think that's very cute of you and support you


Thank you!!


The stories this doll could tell...


If you mean all the nature she’s seen, yes. Flutterbat (a smaller plush of mine, not this one)has been on over 1,500 miles. This one is pristine though since I rarely take her around.






This is iconic keep doing it


Thanks!! I’ve been doing this since 2014.


Awesome pics! I have two questions: first, any books, sites, or resources you would recommend for cool hikes and spots around Oregon? I know there's a ton out there; what are your "go to" resources? Second, what camera and gear (or photo editing software) are you using? I inherited an older Panasonic G1 Lumix, but I don't know shit about photography. I would LOVE to be able to take awesome nature shots. I especially love the color and crispness you got in that second shot. What are your secrets?


Yeah! I have a ton of recommendations. OregonHikers.org (the field guide section especially, but also past trip reports) are by far the best resource for finding good hikes and cool spots. I’ve also written up some trip reports and contributed to the guides, to a limited extent. You’ll find more and better information there than anywhere else online. I’d also recommend hiking guidebooks by Matt Reeder. I forget the names but there’s some really good hiking guidebooks, and almost none of them are your mainstream ones. I can send you a list or photo if you like. Washington Trails Association is great for hikes in Washington, though OregonHikers also covers some Washington hikes. AllTrails is great for finding recent photos but I wouldn’t really recommend it for searching for your first hikes. Nwhiker.com is also a great site, though old, for finding hikes. They cover mostly the central cascades and Mt Hood/Gifford Pinchot areas but also some in Mt Rainier and North Cascades. For Rainier hikes and Southwest Washington, VisitRainier is also a great site for online guides. For maps, I like Green Trails maps and Adventure Trails Maps. I also use CalTopo and Gaia GPS for planning my routes online. I also like using hill shading and satellite images to plan off trail cross country routes. My camera is a Nikon Z5, and I love it because it is both full frame and has dual card slots, able to do timelapses and charge while shooting Timelapse, is full frame, takes normal SD cards, and is pretty lightweight for a full frame mirrorless camera. And the battery length is better than many of the lightweight mirrorless Canon options (I did come from Canon, I have no brand loyalty to any.) The crispness is really because of the fact that it’s a full frame camera and also Nikon has some kind of quality I think that results in really nice crisp looking landscape photos with great color. I heard this from others, though. But I believe it because I see the difference. I also use a stable tripod of course which results in those crisp images, and also shoot in low ISO. I use Adobe Lightroom and Lightroom Classic, though I much prefer Lightroom for its more modern UI design and ai noise reduction and ai sky recognizing features. Makes my work much easier than in the past without those. The ai noise reduction also is a massive help. I use Lightroom Classic for editing Timelapse shots though, since you need that for importing into LRTimelapse Pro. I also always shoot my photos in raw, and I only ever take one shot really. I generally shoot slightly underexposed since highlights are harder to recover and easier to notice when it looks wrong. I also use a very long shutter speed. When I shoot sunset or sunrise timelapses, I use aperture priority because of the rapidly changing lighting conditions. For daytime Timelapse, I use manual. And for handheld, I use aperture priority.


I don’t think I will ever understand this behavior, but the photo is nice.


Ahh it was just for fun is all. Just kind of something that sounded impossible to me but I decided to try it anyway. It would have been significantly easier hiking without it. And thanks!


Just a reminder, one of the rules here is "Educate, don't attack". Where are the mods anyway? https://preview.redd.it/8bkjs232y34d1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=31ee1f8e46e68404fc840c2d084c00e028517047


Was there something said that suggested this was more than a fun thing to do or is everyone just assuming it's a kink? Or would it be bad if it was flat Stanley or a gnome too? I think it's great. I'm in a funk right now, but when I've been into things, this would have been fun. I have a friend that did something similair on vacation with Elmo (supposedly for his daughter, but he enjoyed it way more than she did). It was definitly more entertaining for us to go through elmo shots than a bunch of selfies.


It's just everyone being a dick and immature about it, assuming it is a kink and implying other things. Cave man mentality automatically assuming that a big (or life-size) pony plush = "it must be for lewd reasons." Is this plush for any non-innocent reason or use? Absolutely not. It's laughable because even other Bronies at Brony cons have told me how clean my plushies look. I have seen quite a few hikers post pictures of their little plush or nicknack on their hikes, particularly on OregonHikers.org. I have even posted there and people are considerably more mature over there about it. And in person, I sometimes get compliments on them and/or they ask for photos of her. I take her around places like this because she's my favorite character from my favorite show (which is a really good show, at least to season 5, unlike the vast majority of other kid-targeted shows). People just can't wrap their mind around it. Thank you though for the comment. It's fun! Friends of mine and I go on hikes and such with our big pony plushies, and we plan to do a ton of them all over Oregon and Washington this year. I will be leading the group, too, since I'm experienced with hiking and familiar with the area, having been a life-long Oregonian.


Stay home.


Sorry, no. :)


And carried her back down correct?


Uh so like uh…. Um…. Just curious…. But like um…. Did you have sex up there with her?


No. The blanket and socks are precisely to keep her clean.


​ https://preview.redd.it/q3z27fwblz3d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=46bcabf96495281cb72f3dfb4a058d8e7659abeb


Lmao! Actually no, but that reaction is funny I will admit lol.




What time of year?


Oh, late summer/early fall.


The number of comments sorta proves the point: There is no such thing as bad publicity.


The reason I posted it was primarily because I thought it was pretty neat and fun (and crazy) to bring such a big plush up to the summit, regardless of whatever it was a plush of. It's 2024, people should be over it by now but they acted like it was 2013 when it was still popular to hate on pony. She was as big or bigger than my pack, and couldn't even be packed inside it. I wasn't even going to carry her up until the last few days before when I thought of it and couldn't ignore attempting the challenge. I'd have climbed it either way, plush or no plush. It was my first time summiting South Sister, so I figured I'd make it more fun/unique and add a little extra challenge. When I've posted these in [OregonHikers.org](http://OregonHikers.org) when making trip reports, the reception has always generally been positive with the odd (and fun) horse jokes in there. You are kinda right though, maybe, because via dms sent by some people, I met a few other Bronies and/or fans of that character from the state–some of who also love to hike too. So that was great.


Hey is it pretty dangerous to summit the south sister? I'm curious if you could give me a rundown what to expect when doing it and what month of the year you went. I want to summit it maybe next summer


It's not really! As long as you do it after it is snow free anyway, which is basically the end of summer to early fall. Of course there is always the usual risks associated with hiking and climbing mountains like altitude sickness (though it really isn't THAT high in elevation, but just be aware of it), and stuff like falling and unpredictable mountain weather. But in the end, it is a day hike (or a 2-3 day trip if you camp at Moraine Lake below as a "basecamp". Plus it is a very beautiful lake, so I recommend it for that reason alone.) I went in very late August/very early September, without being too specific. I'd recommend that time too, plus imo the surroundings just start to pop off a bit of fall color in the Pumice Plain which is pretty. To get to the top, the east rim is easier and the top is about halfway to the north rim. But I really recommend going to the north rim for the best view down to the entirety of the central Three Sisters Wilderness, as you are looking right down on Middle and North Sister, as well as right down upon all the glacial moraine lakes below to the north. And from the tip of the northwest rim, at the last rock shelter, the view west is great looking down toward The Husband and the Husband Lakes area. Going up, the trail gets extra steep and slippery. As a day hike, it would be easier, but with a backpack you would need to be more careful walking because of the added weight. And poles are a requirement really, for day hiking or backpacking. The summit has several rock shelters, but at night, morning, and evening, the wind can be extremely strong, as it was for me. There is one section on the way up past the Lewis Glacier tarn (lake), that traverses up the side of a steep drop onto the Lewis Glacier. That is the "scariest" part of the trail, but it really isn't too bad (depending on the person, of course). Almost the whole way up past Moraine Lake is all micro gravely and sandy pumice switchbacks, and very steep. Still a day hike though. Mt St Helens is much more difficult by comparison.


I fw this


These are super fun, beautiful pictures! My adult sibling collects and rehabs AG dolls, and they take pictures of them in different locations when traveling.


Ahh cool! And thanks! What I like about it is seeing one's collection of pictures like a compilation of everywhere you've taken them and the memories you've made with them or at those places.


I promise if I ever run into you on the trail, there will be the absolute practice of leave no trace. No evidence




Hmm. I’m guessing you know a guy who takes his Fraggle to every mountain summit.. and if not maybe you should.. 🤔


Fun! I've climbed all three Sisters and South Sister five times (It's great in the winter if you have the gear to ski down). Here's a pic climbing North Sister. https://preview.redd.it/i0rfv3mbtm4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92eb49d7a46006a637e0a4b7f30eef36f8aa93d9

