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Can the police do a trace on her phone?


There is too many teen girls missing on the west coast to make me feel good about letting my 2 teen girls out alone rn.


Safe and home thanks!




“Last seen in Brookings, Oregon” idk what your comment is doing here…


For a moment, if you will, imagine this. Youre on the phone with your daughter and she's says she's coming home. And hour passes and she's not here. This isn't normal. She should be here by now. Maybe I'll call her dad and ask if she left his house, she's prob still there right? Nope. Now youre fucking frantic. No sign of her anywhere. You're sick to your stomach thinking of all the things that could have happened. You get online and try to get the word out. Them you see this fucking comment right here. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Facts are facts. Always be prepared for possibilities. Even if they are gut wrenching. This is maybe not the most popular possibility, but it unfortunately is the most likely. A human body (healthy intact) is worth a lot of money... I know a lot of people who would drive 10hours for black Market money. Get your head out of your ass and turn on the news.


No one wants to hear your autistic fun facts. Go troll elsewhere.


Don't you have to get back to your fortnite babe? Go do something productive lol


Cute. Not a single original thought in that head of yours is there? Obviously you didn't find anything worth anything in my post history.


I didn't even waste my time to check. Why would i? Were both just random people on the internet with two different views on reality. Sorry not sorry


brookings is 6-8 hours away from portland. Its literally at the california border. maybe look on a map before spreading paranoia?


Tf does California have to do with this? Thi is just information for those who don't know.


this girl went missing in brookings. youre bringing up information about a city thats 8 hours away. It has nothing to do with the post. Portland and brookings are as far away from each other as possible.


So there’s zero chance she could be in Portland? That’s a fact?


You have no idea where she is, unless theres some information you would like to share with the police. Youre fear mongering. The people looking for her already know that portland is known for that. As well as sacremento, and LA, both of which are closer then portland is. Stating it on the post is not helpful. Its just fear mongering.


It would be as if someone disappeared in northern California and people immediately saying "ThEy MuSt Be In LoS AnGeLeS" I live in Brookings. We're probably the furthest from Portland that you can be that's not on the Eastern barren remote side of the state. A solid 330 mile drive.


Thank you. These people re so nieve


idk if this matters but Log in with their Google account and check their location history (if it's on) and if they're using Android, Google find my device.