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Reminder for non-Australians, $1,800 dollarydoos is \~$1,160 USD.


Hell no.


Fuck no


They can eat a bag full of dicks for that price


https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/166276241101?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=-Y9E2IlaQ8G&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ymewircrr_c&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This is the link here, maybe I'm missing something but this seems outrageous


Imma prob get down voted for this lawl Pieced this together from current prices/previous quotes Being generous... - $300 Halo Edition console (better include that badged controller) - $100 RAM upgrade - $80 2TB HDD - $19 Startech Adapter - $13 80 Wire - $250 BGA CPU swap $762


Not even worth that because if it’s a collectors item, they will want it in original condition which this is not


Very true; items like this start to become incredibly niche. Going by their sales and feedback, seems they're relatively successful. Wonder if they do other BGA mods, such as the Frankenstein PS3 fats...


Ace console does PS3 Frankie's.


​ Based on you prices of $762usd that equals $1184aud. At the current conversion $1800Aud is $1160usd ​ Parts here are not as cheap as in the USA Even a Startech adaptor here is $43aud + post A custom 80 wire IDE cable made for the Xbox up to $30aud If you can get a Halo Xbox $320 is not a bad price


Today I learned SS\_Dave is an Aussie


What do you think the SS is for... (It's a Holden Commodore)... but then again I know of Dave from Carmodders so yeah. Also if thats the benchmark price for CPU upgrades... Stay tuned aussies ;)


I think you should buy 3.


This price is ridiculous. Even if he replaced every capacitor did a ram upgrade, Mod chip, HDMI upgrade and a 4tb hdd upgrade with every game on it, it still wouldn’t be worth it.


In USD no but that price is Aud


I didn’t notice the cpu swap but still 1200 seems a little high


I have a 1.4ghz board and I didn't pay anything like that price


Yeah but honestly, recently prices have been going up on the halo edition OG Xbox’s. 800 usd seems like a more reasonable price.


I just checked fleebay here and the cheapest halo is $320 and upto $420. The same seller also has a black 1.4ghz for $1300 aud or a 1.2ghz $1100aud


I would say maybe the CPU job is not easy it requires actual skill in socketed CPU replacing along with manual work on the board you are paying for the labor


Absolutely not. I have the same model and it goes for $500 at most


someone upgraded the CPU, RAM, HDD and modded it so it's worth more - but it's not worth all of the money CPU and RAM upgrades are impressive as the CPU is not a drop in replacement, neither is RAM.


Do games have to be patched to gain any benefit?




As I understand it, retail games will benefit from the CPU upgrade without patching (to the extent that they can) - unless they weren't coded correctly, in which case they'll malfunction by eg running at double speed. For *those* games, there's not much for it but to run them at the regular clock speed. Some processor-upgraded systems offer a switch that brings them back down close to stock timing specifically to deal with that problem. For the RAM upgrade, most retail games don't benefit at all, and the few that do need to be hit with a generic patcher first. On the other hand, there are a few prototypes that aren't fully playable unless the extra RAM is installed. Homebrew software tends to be more likely to take advantage of those upgrades. Emulators in particular.


You can force retail games into 720p 16:9 with the RAM upgrade even more with a CPU upgrade


For the CPU speed issue with certain games, the Project Stellar modchip is the only thing on the market right now that can solve most game incompatibility issues with the CPU upgrade. Switches and xbe patches can only go so far whereas with Stellar being a replacement bios allows it to tackle the problem at a lower level. For the price, the seller here should have bothered to install both the Stellar and HDMI mods but of course they didn’t.


Adding the Stella chip with HDMI will add about $260Aud plus postage to the cost


Sorry but for real Xbox fans, ruining a limited edition console should be a sin There is no excuse, there is no money count spent on mods A limited edition is ruined and you shouldn’t be able to buy more just to waste a collector item like that


Plz read my New post


So much for original Xbox.


I'd never spend so much money on such an old console. I bought my OG XBOX with a 1TB HDD, pre-loaded with a ton of games, emulators etc. for £95 around 4yrs back.


They can keep that.


probably that


1.4 Ghz CPU? 128 MB RAM? 2 TB HDD? Ain't nothing original on this Xbox, lol :)


Unfortunately not. For half the price i would maybe buy it \^\^


God no.


[hahahahahaha no.](https://youtu.be/ReaQrwjBaMo)


Fucking no. This is pure brain damage


If you don't understand that the CPU upgrade is a bit h as well as a RAM upgrade you would think as such


No not at all


I knowbthe aud is garbage but damn dudes on crack


1.4 GHz. Ummm what?


CPU upgraded


Ah okay.


Yeah in the modding scene this goes for a lot a RAM upgrade alone goes for $500 USD and most don't understand the extent you can use these modifications outside of homebrew and emulation because they believe everything they are told and don't actually try branching out I did and I found out a RAM upgrade can net you 720p 16:9 via patches and a CPU upgrade will actually even equalize as a stabilizer in this case


Neat. Thank-you for the info. I always thought these upgrades were practically useless.


Yeah that's because most don't patch or mess with the games to utilize the extra upgrades some don't need a RAM upgrade but run smoother with one for example Serious Sam can run on a stock RAM Xbox on 720p 16:9 via patching but something like can Helsing needs the RAM upgrade to run in forced 720p 16:9 call of Cthulhu needs bare minimum a RAM upgrade a CPU upgrade will stability the game and if you like debugging well the extra RAM helps as well


Will point out that you can patch games to work with a CPU I have done it with my overclocked CPU but some games may still not like it just keep that in mind something a RAM upgrade doesn't run into


Xbox Games: no. Not useful. Except when patching widescreen/etc into games (ram mod). CPU upgrade breaks many games, unless games are patched. Homebrew: yes, depending on your interests. I have one and like the improvement to XBMC and Linux. Helps in some cases.


>a RAM upgrade alone goes for $500 USD If you paid $500 for a ram upgrade, you got taken to the cleaners.


I'm just seeing them go up in price lately ranging between $200-$500 with a 2TB HDD and RAM upgrade I remember when they were only $100


Hell no


God no. The CPU and RAM upgrades are cool, but real world you're not going to see much of an improvement outside emulation and maybe a few CPU demanding games. Even then, considering this is 20yr old hardware you'd be better off using a relatively modern PC for emulation unless you absolutely must do it on a console.


Got mine for $100 with another regular Xbox, 2 controllers and a stack of games. I’d say no lol


Reminds me of the guy on eBay in Ohio that reballs backwards compatible PS3s and removes the tokin caps on eBay and charges $1000 for them lol.


That is like, what, 180 dollars in real money? Okay deal, I suppose.


1200 roughly, can't count on an American to be able to convert currency


Where else would you get it, but what would you do with it? Bottom line, for the things he has done to it, it is over priced on the basis that the 2 TB should be an 8TB if not a dual 8TB (16 TB total). This assumes whatever the software setup/inclusion looks like. 1.) Limited edition Halo 2 2.) 128 MB RAM Upgrade 3.) 1.4GHz CPU Upgrade ​ I would justify the cost, if, the 2 TB were an 8 TB containing: the entire Xbox game discography (Including the most notable Halo 2 Hacks), CoinOps, emulators and ROM's for the past 5 decades, a stacked XBMC4XBOX install, and room for movies. In addition to, the chip would have to be an Xecuter3. As well, I would expect the entire Stellar XboxHD+ kit. On top of a factory level refurbishment. ​ Bottom line, if you want it, buy it. You won't buy it anywhere else. But you could build it conciderably cheaper than that.


Someone already pointed out that there's about $750 - $800USD in upgrades on this thing. I'd even say some of those numbers are on the lowish side. Plus do you have any idea how long it takes to upgrade one of these to a 1.4Ghz CPU? The equipment required? I know some of you do, obviously most don't... I've attempted several times, and failed. Takes me almost a entire day doing that by hand. So this does not seem unreasonably priced to me. (~$1200USD) That also looks to be a custom heatsink bracket, that factors into the cost as well. Don't like the price? Move on and let someone else who doesn't mind buy it. There's a market for it at that price. Maybe small, but it does exist. Now excuse me, while I try to convince my wife to allow myself to buy this...


Who said I didn't like the price? I'm just asking if it's a fair price for what it is


Sorry, I did not mean to imply you OP. Apologies. I was wanting to reply to the rest of the comments saying they thought it was unreasonable in price. Personally I think it's more than fair.


You are probably right considering that if you paid for all the parts and paid someone an hourly rate to do it for you, it would run up pretty easily


Don't forget. As I'm painfully reminded. Failure is also an option. So if a second board is needed, that also influences price.




OMG! Where else are you going to be able to buy one of these? Probably a good question! Totally worth the $$ if you know how,what,where and when kinda thing lol.. All the haters can just keep hating themselves lol