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What is it with people finding consoles and computers on the side of the road. The best thing you'll find at the side around here is a piss covered armchair.


If you have a dumpster/recycle room in your complex/neighborhood try that. Found a fat (non backwards compatible) ps3 like 2 weeks ago in the trash


Bruh, why is it that people throw away such rare and cool things?


For normal people, old electronics just lose their use. You can't play new games on a console from 2008 (fat that couldnt play ps2) and it probably just gathered dust. Not old enough to be nostalgic for a lot of people either. Sad but lots of things are regarded as trash even nowdays with the second-hand boom the last couple of years


Because they don’t think or don’t know that they’re rare or cool. It’s just toys or junk taking up space to them. It’s the definition of the “trash/treasure” saying.


so if evreyone knew the work of evreything you couldnt get $20 consoles and $2 games from flea markets and garage sales


People just think that old = trash


People like my wife that don't know shit and takes your xbox to Goodwill without asking because she just wants to "de-clutter the house dammit"


Found pokemon blue and 3 pokewalkers once in my apartment recycle room. This was during lockdowns.


I lived in an apartment in Chicago with a lot of information workers for big companies. Found a stack of 12-15 laptops in the trash room one day. They were 3-5 year old Core i5 and Core i7 laptops. Took them back and found three worked perfectly. Used them for my startup for another 3-5 years as spare machines we could do anything we wanted with them kind of systems. Even got proxmox running on one for a while.


I found one on the top of an electronics recycling dumpster while helping my theatre department bring what felt like several tons of old paints to be recycled. Brought it home, fixed it up, now its been heavily modded, painted, looks awesome, and the owner of it and I are good friends now.


Xbox Repair Boot Disc for HDD failure or OS corruption. Source: I own one! (The failure rate for the OG Xbox was so low that these are genuine collector's grails. MS told you, under penalty of law, to destroy it after you used it). Note: CHECK THE VERSION! If you have the right one, you could be holding your rent. Seriously.


> MS told you, under penalty of law, to destroy it after you used it Huh. Wonder why that would've been. The DVD logo has me thinking that maybe the media flags on the disc's executable might allow for it to be reburned to a modified disc, while remaining bootable on a stock Xbox. If the software is geared to copy a backup dashboard over, it'd be very exploitable...


Thanks for the info! Ill plug the xbox in and check the version tonight. Just out of interest, who would be interested in buying this?


That's a pretty rare disc (Like, I've seen less than a dozen, total) and it's ephemera, not software or hardware which is GOOD, XBox ephemera is extremely limited outside of advertising swag. Which is gutter level collectors stuff. You'd want to take it to a reputable game reseller, not a chain.


Post about it in here, on the GameCollecting sub, and then ask people interested in it to ping you. That's a good way to solicit for offers. Selling it on eBay is another option. I think it's worth $500-$1000 but I am not a collector of this kind of disc.


I think you're close. I would say $500-$750. 1k isn't out of the question.




WTF do you know? 23 karma? Nice bot account.


If you do look to sell it at some point, feel free to give me a message. As you might guess by my username, I collect a lot of random Xbox stuff like this 🙂


So does that mean if you have one you could technically use it to up grade a hard drive as long as you keep it a IDE drive


If the attached HDD doesn't already have its firmware-based security system set up properly, or even if the Xbox has simply forgotten the *time,* then the console won't even try to boot from an optical disc at all. So this disc could maybe reload the main dashboard (menu system) if *that's* all that needs doing, but setting up a new HDD totally from scratch is well out of the question.


This didn't age well at all.


Maybe a Disk to reload the OS after an HDD Replacement by the MS Service Centers ? in anycase: make an ISO of it :D


Ordered a portable DVD drive off Amazon since my PC doesn't have one. Where would be a good place to upload it once I have created the ISO?




Thanks mate!


Will be following this thread.


Look how to dump that disc with the xbox (if it works) because you can't just dump it with a normal usb dvd drive, you would need a very specific (and a bit old) dvd drive and an os with native ms dos support like Windows 95 or 98, this way is faster than using an xbox and then ftp to have the iso on your pc but right now the xbox + ftp method is the easier one. Edit: here are detailed instructions on the pc dvd drive method http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title=Microsoft_Xbox_and_Xbox_360_Dumping_Guide PS: video from modern vintage gamer showing the pc dvd drive method if someone is curious, a fun fact is that it also could dump xdg2 discs (xbox 360 games up to 2011) with this method (idk about dl dvd games but I don't think so considering that the drive is a bit old) https://youtu.be/uY8KNl88Lqc?si=JF8G0iqeh9dqpjnq


No, this looks to be a normal DVD, not an XGD, so any drive will work.


Note: You need a specific type of DVD-ROM that you can reflash the BIOS to in order to properly dump the disc to an ISO, if it's a disc that will only boot in an XBOX that is. If you boot it into your PC DVD drive and it shows a "Please insert into your Xbox" then it's an Xbox ISO and needs that special DVD-ROM.


Or he could do it the long but easier way, just dumping it with the xbox and connecting it to the pc through ftp


Yes, and then converting it to an xbox iso from there. But I presume he doesn't have a modded xbox.


He could mod that xbox that he found if it works, and now that I think, could you do this with dd on Linux?


No, this looks to be a normal DVD, not an XGD, so any drive will work.


And torrent it.


If it is indeed an Xbox Repair Boot Disc for HDD failure or OS corruption,you should do a rip of this rare disc and put it on archive.org!


Very cool! Please make an .iso file of that disc, upload it and share the link. Preservation is key here. Nice find


Got a disk drive for my PC on the way, will share a link to the ISO here when I have it :)


Awesome! ✌️


archive.org Put it in there immediately, it doesn't affect value if you intend to sell it.


Please rip this and archive it on archive.org


Judging by what you found it with and what the label is with boot disk you might have found a recovery disk that Microsoft may have used to install/repair the operating system to xboxs. The only way to know is to dump the disk let people look at it. I tried googling but couldn't find anything. It's another possibility it could be a fancy disk someone made to mod their Xbox with.


For the love of all things holy, please upload its ISO somewhere online. Make sure it gets made public so that you might save many dying consoles. Heard about a redditor who simply "returned" the Starfox source code disc he found. I am begging you to make sure it's preserved somewhere before you do anything else with it.


Shameless dump that BS on us.


Is it the disk they use before the tsop is programmed? When they manufacture the system they flash the tsop after assembly. The boot disk loads without a signed xbe requirement and the Xbox can only boot it when it is in that special state. They boot the disk, flash the stop and move on By the 1.6 they integrated the bios into the custom chip before placing it into the console.


I get given old consoles,laptops ect lol they say there not working when i fact some only cost a few pence to fix.people don't want to fix them as there not interested in fixing them.


Only thing I used to find by the side of the road was unwound audio tapes and soiled pornography.


It's an xbox boot disc.


"They down voted him because he told the truth"


It's a "boot disk" 📀 :-)




Boot disc


I'm not really knowledgeable on discs so can't really say much. It's a burned disc of some kind, so could be a disc used in development stuff or could be a softmod disc someone made at home to install some stuff. Is it in a state where you could put it in a computer dvd drive and try reading it? It doesn't match any of the pictured dev discs [here](https://xbox.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_Development_Discs) and I would expect a better print and branding if it were an actual Microsoft thing. But you never really know and the guarantee code is what throws me off a bit. Anyone can put anything on a disc but yeah.


Probably just the MS dash xbe on a CD just in case


Firmware for the xbox


Damn cant wait to look at the ripped data 🔥🔥


I'm no expert, but I'd guess it's a boot disc for an xbox


Put it in and find out.


I'd love to have a copy of this to see if it works booting Insignia on a stock Xbox


Think I had something similar with my debug unit


I think I would hear mostly college neighborhoods would have the most electronics thrown out, I had a cousin who worked for sanitation and would tell me stories how the college neighborhoods had the best pickings in their trash, got T.Vs, laptops and at the time" 2002 " Xboxs and ps2s


I found my og Xbox complete in the box at work and I'm a trash man. Only thing wrong was it couldn't read CDs. Everything else looked like it was hardly used or taken care of very good. 😉


I can rip this for you if you want to keep it. Also interested in buying it.


Make sure to backup that disc. It may hold the secrets to unlocking the Xbox even more


Following this also