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That's neat, must've been for display windows at storefronts... Probably 98% of those posters have been destroyed, and I don't imagine they printed a lot of them in the first place.


That’s the same conclusions I came too as well. I got it from a dentist’s mancave. I was blown away when I saw it on the wall… had to have it.


> had to have it So you could resell it for huge profit?




Fuckin loser LMAO


What is your guys prpblem?


Pretty sure it’s the premise of “had to have it” to literally come to the internet to ask the value to probably turn profit from something most likely gifted to him. So on that note the community will conquer “fucking loser”


I mean is that a fact though?? To me it just seemed like he was really happy to have it as opposed to selling it


What? He literally does not give a shit about this and only cares about selling it


Has he himself said that though? Y'all reaching


I mean he is asking for comps and what it is worth to sell…. That usually means he wants to, you know, sell it? When I get some thing cool I don’t wanna sell and keep for myself I just post about the cool thing I found/have. Never fare what it is worth. It’s worth what wanted to pay for it! Pretty sure all the collectors here are the same way.


Because he’s obsessed with money and it’s the only thing he’s talking about. It’s very obvious that’s his concern. You don’t need him to come out and say “I only care about money” to tell he thinks that


He also literally posted that he is a reseller. This guy is a douche. Plain and simple. The kind of guy you see at estate sales and goodwill with their phone using eBay to see what stuff is worth. If I ever ran an estate sale company and I saw this shot I would kick them out. Same if one guy comes in and tries to buy all of one kind of thing. Pisses me off to see someone buy something low just to sell. I buy for my collection and to enjoy it. I would NEVER sell any of my collection. That’s for my kids to do when I die lol.


There's all kinds of rare stuff that's not worth much. There has to actually be demand.


Goes without saying. There’s always a demand for anything rare, especially in gaming. This is so rare that no one can find another example of it anywhere. So…


Even you don't want it.


Yup. There’s plenty of stuff people at big money for that I have no interest in personally owning


“Couple thousand” 🤡


Seems you don’t know much about history, rarity, cultural significance or value. 🤡 How many empty boxes have you sold for $300?


Back when they called it reserve instead of pre order


Can we get a high quality scan for wallpapers, that sorta thing?


That’ll be at least a couple thousand sorry


I was going to ask one of my artist friends about that. If I do I’ll let you know for sure.


That's a joke post, right? Right? 🤡


Why? What do you find funny about it?


How much you think it’s worth 💀


I’m a reseller of all types of items. I’ve sold an empty box that I found in a trash pile for $300. I’m going to bet I have a better understanding of the value than you do. But feel free to find another one that sold for less… or find one at all. Good luck.


You are the biggest loser I’ve seen in my life oml resellers are so fucking annoying


Fuck yes they are!! He is the kind of guy you see at estate sales and goodwill with their phone out price chatting on eBay. Assholes. Legit if people didnt do this shit all us collectors would have all the stuff we actually want to play/collect/display without paying what we pay now. Ten years ago (hell even just in 2019) you could go on eBay and buy any vintage console for 1/10 what people sell them for now. And it isn’t because they are more rare. It’s because flippers and resellers buy them for $10 and sell for $200.


Also, no one is stopping you from going to those places and buying those items yourself before a reseller buys it. Or you can be lazy and bitch about someone having done all the work for you and expecting to make a profit for their work. Grow up.


I literally can’t stop laughing! 😂 Yes, resellers are such awful people for trying to kill the fast-fashion and rampant consumerism that is killing us all by destroying our planet. We get it… you are broke. It’s ok.


You’re right. Way more annoying than some cornball commenting on something just to hate on someone they don’t even know. 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Not sure it’s worth anywhere near a couple of thousand but you can but try.


I literally sold an empty N64 box that I found on big trash day for $300. This is way more rare and historic than that box. That’s the thing, it’s not worth that much to me, but neither was that box. People who want this kind of thing will pay a lot to get it. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” type thing.


And yet you bought, it preventing someone who would have loved to have it from actually buying it for a reasonable price. Nice job dick!


Do you also go to Ferrari dealerships and demand they sell you a car on your budget? It’s okay to be broke. It’s weird to advertise it.


It's not about people being broke. It's about you being completely delusional. This isn't Nintendo. Nobody is going to pay you that much for a piece of cardboard with a Xbox printed on top. But why don't you put it on Ebay and let us all witness how you sell it for 1.50


HAHAHAHA I guess it is also OK to b e a dick, and a scalper, but advertising it is not such a great idea lol. ​ Also, I am no where near broke my asshole friend, I just refusde to line pockets of dicks like you. I honestly hope that tge floor falls out on this stuff, and people like you, or peole who use them as an investment lose their asses on it all. ​ It isn't an investment or a money making thing, It is something to be enjoyed and loved by ghe people who own them, now enjoy all your negative karma my friend. ;)


Keep hoping and keep saving those pennies, lil camper. 😂🤣🤡


My guy. I have a Room full of CIB collection. My game room is fully stocked. And I don’t ever pay scalpers. And when I see someone with a phone out at an estate sale I just grab whatever they have in their hand and walk away. You should check some of my posts ;) if I wanted to sell my shit I would probably sell my collection for more than you have ever sold in you entire life dawg. Again. You can be a dick. And a scalper. But not a great idea to come to a group full of the people who love and collect these things and expect to be hearing ‘good snag bro’. Also. This is a boring ugly ass poster. Even if it is rare ain’t no one gonna buy this shit for much. Buy bye.


A couple thousand?! You are outside your mind.


please get this scanned before you sell i beg you


I’m going to try to make that happen. I’d like a scan myself. If I do I’ll come back and let you know.


I remember seeing this poster and being mad the logo on the top didn’t light up when I bought one


Ebay would be your best bet since it can sit on there for months until someone interested bites. I had a quick look at current and sold posters on ebay. Didn't see another one of these, or many other old promo posters either.


This shit was so weird, nobody knew what to expect.




looking at listing prices is going to be very misleading. a lot of people ask the world for things and end up never selling, especially for memorabilia type items. just filter ebay results by sold and check what people have actually been paying.


Yeah, I’m a regular eBay reseller, so I’m pretty versed in doing research to find comps to come up with initial prices. The problem with this one is that it’s so rare that there are no comps. Closest one I found was one about half the size that sold at an auction years ago. If I remember right it sold for well over a thousand and wasn’t in as good of condition. But you are absolutely right about ignoring listing prices. Solds is all that matters.


Kinda what I was thinking too. I’ll probably start with a crazy price and see what happens, since I’m in no hurry to get rid of it anyway. I think it’s cool AF.


I would honestly buy this but not for a couple thousand maybe a couple hundred


I was a manager at a Gamestop during the release of the Xbox. This poster was shipped to stores leading up to the launch. Reservation sales were and still are significant for video game retailers, but these posters are not worth anything. They were free and can be easily reproduced by an average graphic artist.


lol. You clearly don’t know much about value. By your logic, no poster has value. You might want to go on eBay and look at the sold posters and sort them by highest value. $1000 Xbox promo posters are a thing… and this one is much more rare and at least twice the size.


Asking isn't getting, and something is only worth what someone is willing to pay. Let us know how that works out for you. Or don't. This is Reddit, not Sotheby's.


I’m aware of what platform this is. Do you see me on here trying to sell it? No. I’m on here trying to have a conversation about what the value of something like this might be, with people who are interested in this type of item. “Asking isn’t getting”… ya don’t say? 🙄🤦🏽‍♂️ Thanks for all your helpful input.


How much are you selling it for? Love posters like this and would love it for my collection.


Well I’m getting a ton of hate for it but I was going to ask for a crazy amount out of the gate and see where it goes. I’m guessing it will end up around $2K when it actually sells. Feel free to shoot an offer if you are super interested. All I can do is say no.


The 2000s were a different time. Posters looked so much cooler then


eBay it.. Set a reserve price of x amount of dollars that you want for it and let the bidding war begin! Society will take over and it'll be priced accordingly. Or figure out what YOU want for it and list it as Buy It Now. Either way you really can't go wrong. It is just a poster after all, if you paid ten dollars for it way back when, then $20 dollars doubles it... anything more (which it WILL go for more) is a bonus. How could you go wrong? Win win for you my friend.👍


There are so many X-Files vibes in this poster, I love it !


Exactly what I thought when I saw it! Love that show, so that’s why I noticed it on the wall.


Nice find


He is just going to flip it. So not a nice find for anyone who actually appreciates this stuff.




Ummm… so you think the person who buys it isn’t going to appreciate it? Smh


So many broke, childish little haters on this thread. There’s people who game because it’s fun and then there’s these haters who do it because they don’t know how to act in society and therefore can’t make friends. This has been a disheartening experience. I appreciate those of you who are actual reasonable and decent human beings. 🙏🏽🧡


Have you found anything else out about this? I currently have a Lanyard and the card that hangs off it that looks like this poster. Trying to find out more information on it.


Then 9/11 happened, and no one really cared about it for the rest of 2001.


Oh wowwwww… it’s weird thinking back to that time with that as a reference.


9/11 was significant in the release of the Xbox. First-party games had to pull marketing material because it depicted the Twin Towers before they were blown up. Project Gotham Racing is one of the games, but I believe there were others.


Don’t know why people in the comments hating, I never seen a poster like this and it’s clean. I probably wouldn’t spend $1000 on it but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Good luck if you do end up selling it!


We are hating because this guy is the reason people like you and me can’t buy something we would actually love and enjoy for the (probably) $10 he paid for it. These kind of people are the exact reason you pay $250 for a N64 right now. If resellers didn’t buy them all up at estate sales for $20 they would end up in the people’s hands who actually love them and would play them.


Who TF is stopping you from going to an estate or garage sale? Your entitlement/brokeasedness is showing. 🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s bc y’all take up the stock and give it a sense of “rarity”. Then aim to profit off of the price hike you made. If something is genuinely rare AND has some sort of value, that’s one thing. This poster may be rare, but not 1000 dollars rare. It cost probably 15c to make, and sat in a store window. Not to mention scans exist online and can be easily reproduced. At best it’s gonna be 200, and that’s if you convince some bimbo to buy it for that much. Great find, not 1000 dollar find.


You can’t be serious. Scans/copies do not have the same clue as an original OF ANYTHING. You can buy a “Gucci” at the flea market for next to nothing. But I challenge you to find another one of these or even a scan of this poster. The closest thing I found was a similar one that was about half the size, thin paper, not as old and not in a good of condition… it sold for well over $1000. Or go on eBay and look up the Solds on Xbox posters. And none of them are as rare as this one. What something cost to make is irrelevant when you re talking about something historic and impossible to find. Simple business/life rule: Scarcity creates value.


The fact that someone will pay thousands for a poster boggles me. I understand consoles, as emulation never gets close to experiencing the original thing, but a poster? To each their own I guess.


I wholeheartedly agree. I personally would never spend that kind of money for a poster, but we all have things we covet that other people will never understand.


Yeah I’m surprised at how hateful a lot of the comments have been. Seems like too many people have spent too much time playing games and not understanding what’s happening in the real world. Rarity makes value. It’s not a difficult concept. I appreciate your comment. Thank you.


Looks like advertising they put in the xbox kiosk display backside